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Wizard World Chicago - August 3-6 - Signature Series Opportunities

15 posts in this topic


Wizard World Chicago is next week! Have you got your books ready yet?


Get them to a Signature Series Dealer asap if you aren't going!


On-site modern grading means get the books in as soon as possible - books submitted on THURSDAY & FRIDAY will likely be done by Sunday afternoon! Signature Series takes time!


ALSO! BE WARNED: With Michael Turner's recent health problems there is no guarantee that he will be able to do large numbers of books! Check in with us as soon as you can and we'll tell you whether or not we can accept Turner books for you - otherwise you will have to line up and we will arrange for a witness to come to you.


Paul Azaceta

(Captain Marvel; Grounded artist)


New! Ivan Brandon

(NYC Mech writer)


Mark Brooks

(New X-Men Artist)


Bob Burden

(Flaming Carrot creator)



(Vampirella artist)


Jim Califiore

(Exiles Artist)


Talent Caldwell

(Gen 13; Sire cover artist)


J. Scott Campbell

(Upcoming Spider-Man Artist)


Tommy Castillo

(Batman Artist)


Michael Choi

(Witchblade Artist)


Jinky Coronado

(Banzai Girl artist)


Dave Crosland

(Puffed artist)


Peter David

(X-Factor; FN Spider-Man writer)


Tony Daniel

(Teen Titans artist)


Jesse Delperdang

(Batman inker)


Ale Garza

(Wildstorm artist)


Kieth Giffen

(52 artist)


Raven Gregory

(The Gift writer)


Jeremy Haun

(Battle Hymn artist)


Clayton Henry

(Battle Hymn writer)


Phil Hester

(Ant-Man artist)


Tom Hodges

(Starwars.com artist)


Paul Jenkins

(Civil War: Frontline writer)


Geoff Johns

(Infinite Crisis writer)


Christopher Jones

(Batman Strikes artist)


Dan Jurgens

(Battle of Bludhaven artist)


Don Kramer

(Detective Comics artist)


Jim Krueger

(Earth X writer)


Adam Kubert

(Action Comics artist)


Andy Kubert

(Batman artist)


Greg Land

(Ultimate FF artist)


Andy Lee

(FindAndy.com artist)


Daniel Leister

(SIRE artist)


Chris Lie

(Eye of the Wolf artist)


Rob Liefeld

(Onslaught reborn; Youngblood creator)


Joseph Michael Linsner

(Dawn artist)


Jeph Loeb

(Guest of Honor)


Andy MacDonald

(NYC Mech writer)


David Mack

(Kabuki artist)


Jim Mahfood

(Grrl Scouts artist)


Francis Manipul

(Witchblade artist)


Mike Mayhew

(Black Panther cover artist)


Angel Medina

(Sensational Spider-man artist)


Mark Morales

(New Avengers Annual inker)


Josh Middleton

(Superman/Shazam artist)


Tony Moore

(Battle Pope artist)


Tom Nguyen

(JLA Classified artist)


Dustin Nguyen

(DC Comics artist)


Mike Norton

(Runaways artist)


Andy Owens

(Green Arrow artist)


Mike Perkins

(Captain America artist)


Joe Quesada

(Marvel Editor in Chief)


Khary Randolph

(Spider Clan artist)


John Romita Jr.

(The Eternals)


Stuart Sayger

(Shiver in the Dark artist)


Marc Silvestri

(Top Cow Founder; Hunter-Killer)


Kevin Smith

(Clerks II director and star)


Jim Starlin

(Mystery In Space artist)


Greg Titus

(The Omni Group artist)


Mike Turner

(Fathom creator)


Tim Vigil

(Faust creator)


David Wohl

(City of Heroes writer)


Skottie Young

(New Warriors artist)


Patrick Zircher

(Thunderbolts artist)





“Ping” 3109 A

A Darrow 3026

Aaron Endres 3138 A

Aaron Lang 3081

Aaron Linne 3046

Aaron Shaps 3154

Aaron Van Lieu 3186 B

Adam Cravens 3046

Adam Talley 3201

Adam Withers 3171

Adele Beauchamp 3056

Adrianna Ferguson 3174

Al Caliendo 3149

Alan Dyson 3120

Alan Evans 3198

Alana Machnicki 3128

Alberto Ruis 3037/3038

Ale’ Garza 3042

Alero 3226 A

Alex Drinan 3180 A/3181

Alex Rivera 3165 B

Alex Ruiz 3228 B

Alex Wald 3027

Ali Granito 3153

Alice Turner 3089

Alisa Kober 3022 B

Allen Chan 3236 A

Allison Hall 3187 B

Alpha Woods 3176

Amado Rodriquez 3037/3038

Amano Jyaku 3150

Amber Lovett 3225 B

Amy Delperdang 3190 A

Amy Nieves 3085

Anastasia Chatzka 3145

Ande Parks 3002

Andrew Banidamann 3260

Andrew Joseph 3159

Andrew Pepoy 3126 B

Andrew Ritchie 3173

Andy Belanger 3053

Andy Bennett 3113 B

Andy Brase 3146

Andy Lee 3087

Andy MacDonald 3015

Andy Owens 3243

Andy Price 3089

Angel Medina 3000

Angela Valverde 3177

Anita Dyson 3120

Anna Jackson 3130

Anne Waala 3221 A

Annie Prochnow 3084

Anny Stayanovich 3133 B

Anthony Hightower 3197

Antonio Cuneo 3075 B

Antonio Maldonado 3117

Antonio Maldonado 3085

Ariel Obtinalla 3094

Art Baltazar 3049

Ashley Woods 3258

Autumn Sims 3174

B. Clay Moore 3033

Barry Freiman 3147

Bart A. Thompson 3261

Becky Newman 3074 B

Benita Story 3169

Bernie Gonzalez 3037/3038

Bil Gallagher 3180 A/3181

Bill Mitchell 3236 B

Bill Reinhold 3028

Bill Segroves 3046

Bill Wilkison 3104

Billy Tucci 3030

Blair Breitreiter 3205

Bob Burden 3006

Bob Lipski 3225 A

Brad Bowers 3078 B

Bram Cayne 3076 B

Brandon McGath 3193 A

Brendan Herrick 3222 A

Brendon Fraim 3048

Brent Wachter 3972 B

Bret Lyons 3239 B

Bret Wiesler 3135 B

Brett R. Pinson 3234 B

Brian “Bluebeard” Miskelley 3109 A

Brian Babendererde 3022 B

Brian Defferding 3220 B

Brian Fraim 3048

Brian Hurtt 3093

Brian Ritson 3185 B

Brian Roll 3214 A

Brian Vander 3208 A

Brooke Hennen 3257

Brooke Schroeder 3163

Bruce Levine 3110 A

Bryan Tillman 3131 B

Buzz 3057

Caelyn Nagle 3130

Caleb Prochnow 3084

Carla Speed McNeil 3230

Carsten Bradley 3077

Carter Allen 3170

Casey Heying 3136

Catherine Hannah 3187 A

Catherine Nguyen 3059

Cathy Dyson 3120

Cerene Peters 3195

Chad Halcom 3208 B

Chad Spilker 3082 A/3083

Charles Chester 3116

Charles Klein 3143

Charles Moisant 3092

Charlie Athanas 3027

Charlie Brown 3197

Chase Black 3200

Chasen 3094

Cherri Ray 3130

Chris Dreier 3216 B

Chris Hooper 3222 A

Chris Kirby 3160

Chris Lie 3013

Chris Page 3106

Chris Rich-McKelvey 3082 A/3083

Chris Smith 3192

Chris Soto Mayor 3149

Chriss Moss 3223 B

Christian St. Pierre 3142

Christopher Jones 3178

Christopher March 3168

Christopher Psaila

Christopher Shy 3071

Cindy Walkun 3185 B

Clark Castillo 3006

Clayton Brown 3080

Clayton Henry 3022 A

Comfort Love 3171

Comic Geek Speak 3063

Connie Persampieri 3129

Corbin Jones 3203

Corey Maria Parkhill 3062

Corrine Wood 3163

Craig Maloof 3074 A

Craig Taillefer 3106

Crystal Irvine 3131 B

Cullen Bunn 3093

Curtis Rhodes 3114

D. Ito 3023

Dan Dougherty 3216 A

Dan Morton 3082 B

Dan Schoening 3140

Dan Sehn 3064 A

Dan Warschkow 3073 B

Dana Smith 3208 A

Daniel Leister 3019

Danilen Kean 3125

Danny Kimanyen 3245

Daphne Lage 3138

Darla Ecklund 3129

Darrell O’Riley 3035

Darren J. Gendron 3247 B

Darren Sanchez 3014/3015

Dash Martin 3237 B

Dasha Shy 3071

Dave Aikins 3113 A

Dave Campiti 3045

Dave Colombo 3082 B

Dave Thornbury 3096

Dave Wachter 3972 B

David Carpenter 3170

David Isqriq 3138 A

David K. Wong 3079

David Mack 3099

David Petersen 3227 B

David Wohl 3111

Dawn Allan 3122

Debbie Collins 3184 B

Derek Dion 3190 B

Derrell Spicy 3156/3157

Derwin Alexander 3156/3157

Desiree Rincon 3232

Devin Dion 3190 B

Direk Jackson 3210 B

Donnie Tracy 3188 A

Douglas Klauba 3024

Drew Craig 3206 B

Drew Jones 3203

Dustin Nguyen 3041

Earl Newton 3094

Edmund C. Nowiszewski 3234 A

Edward Endres 3138 A

Edward Winkler 3229

Eiman 3092

Eliza Stockfish 3222 B

Ellis Clark 3151

Elvin Hernandez 3143

Eric Adams 3098

Eric Jimenez 3177

Eric Johnson 3131 A

Eric Mullins 3259 A

Eric Nor 3247 A

Eric Zeragoza 3187 B

Erica Vale 3113 A

Erich Buttstadt 3068

Erik Gross 3222 A

Erik Hodson 3105

Erika Richardson 3240 B

Erin Malysa 3148

Ernest Posey 3210 B

Ethan Culleton 3238 A

Ethan Wenberg 3164

Franchesco 3020

Francis Manapul 3039

Franco Aureliani 3049

G.W. Fisher 3017

Gabriel Bautista 3090

Gail Celio 3018

Garrett Anderson 3216 A

Gary Moreland 3214 A

Geoff Darrow 3026

Glenn Tippett 3110 B

Gordon McAlpin 3135 A

Gordon Smuder 3259 B

Grant Chastain 3076 B

Grant Gould 3065

Greg Adams 3188 B

Greg Jeanort 3229

Greg Skopis 3243

Greg Titus 3244

Gregg Paulsen 3242

Gretchen Hasse 3187 B

Hailan Gong 3092

Hanna Bennett 3170

Harry Johnson 3058 A

Heather Davis 3061

Heather Dreier 3216 B

Hector Gallo 3094

Ian Bennett 3170

Ian Carrao 3231 B

Ileah Olsen 3179/3180 B

Irv Fabor 3134 B

Ivan Brandon 3015

J. Kevin Carrier 3231 A

J.J. Sherwood 3233

Jack Knitley 3212 B

Jaimie Filer 3214 A

James Abrams 3059

James Clukey 3109 B

James Dracoules 3168

James H. Holzrichter Jr. 3199

James Watson 3162

Jamie Hood 3137

Jan Wright 3124

Jane Irwin 3196

Jasmine Culp 3233

Jasmyn Dubois 3079

Jason Groshopf 3152

Jason Howard 3209 A

Jason Knippel 3073 B

Jason Latour 3056

Jason Millet 3106

Jason Negen 3114

Jason Park 3069

Jason Robard 3204

Jason Shields 3119

Jason Sinning 3189 A

Jason Sobol 3188 A

Jason Yungbluth 3192

Javier Avila 3231 B

Jay Keeler 3139

Jay Leisten 3224 A

Jay Longmeier 3050

Jeff Amano 3100

Jeff Lilienthal 3191

Jeffrey Bridges 3147

Jennie Breeden 3194 A

Jennifer Menken 3259 B

Jennifer Pell 3200

Jennifer Ziolko 3228 A

Jenny Hill 3189 A

Jeremie Tisby 3226 B

Jeremy Dale 3091

Jeremy Haun 3054

Jeremy Shafton 3190 B

Jeremy Smith 3170

Jeremy Sorrell 3203

Jeremy Travis 3156/3157

Jeremy Wilson 3200

Jerry Beck 3016

Jerry Cocholio 3153

Jesse Delperdang 3190 A

Jessica Carwile 3194 B

Jessica Fisher 3017

Jim Califiore 3001

Jim Craig 3228 A

Jim Droese 3102

Jim Krueger 3111

Jim Mahfood 3148

Jim McKern 3154

Jim Starlin 3004

Jim Su 3141

Jim Wright 3025

Jimbing Antonio 3072 A

Jimmy Proctor 3240 B

Jinky Coronado 3045

J-M DeFoggi 3091

JoAnn Sargeant 3160

Joe Corroney 3206 A

Joe Dunn 3134 B

Joe Fauvel 3144

Joe Pekar 3150

Joe Pivirotto 3081

Joe Rivera 3064 B

Joe Robinson Currie 3156/3157

Joe Spicer 3073 B

Joe St. Pierre 3188 B

Joe Walerko 3133 A

John Bennett 3050

John Biemeret 3096

John Bigelow 3193 A

John Bourlett 3262 A/3263

John Griffin 3116

John Ira Thomas 3170

John M. Styrk Jr. 3234 B

John Park 3226 B

John Schlim Jr. 3105 A

John Stockfish 3222 B

John Terendy 3024

John W. Davis 3114

John Ward 3261

Jon Knipping 3117

Jon Kullzar 3137

Jon Riggle 3239 A

Jonnie Allan 3122

Jordan Hart 3257

Jose Calderon 3138

Jose’ Mesarina 3236 A

Joseph Morris 3235 B

Josh Horn 3199

Josh Johnson 3223 B

Josh Middleton 3012

Joshua Garity 3166

Joshua Robertson 3077

Joshua Warner 3185 A

Juan C. Baez 3165 B

Juno Blair R. 3205

Justin 3206 A

Justin Bleep 3121

Justin Dupont 3231 B

Kara Fairfield 3032

Karen Gianni 3025

Kari Larimer 3075 A

Kathryn Valliant 3095

Kathy Meagher 3185 A

Kathy Mitchell 3236 B

Keith Kamikawa 3101

Kelly Dale 3091

Kelly Heying 3136

Kelly Howlett 3127

Kelly Talley 3201

Kelsey Bigelow 3193 A

Ken Ray 3130

Ken Wolak 3123

Kendra Sekera 3247 B

Kensuke Okabayashi 3047

Kevin “Toast” Birtcher 3090

Kevin Gleason 3133 B

Kevin Smith 3163

Khary Randolph 3245

Kijin Jung 3141

Koti Warner 3115

Kristin Allen 3165 A

Kurt Dinse 3118

Kurt Mitchell 3023

Kurt Schulenberg 3120

Kurt Wood 3163

Lance Boucher 3210 A

Lance Stahlberg 3125

Laura Roszak 3220 B

Lauren Kapolnek 3223 B

Layne Toth 3217

Leanne Buckley 3072 A

Leanne Sunderman 3260

Leconte Tucker 3156/3157

Leo Leibelman 3213 B

Leonard Carwile 3194 B

Lewis Helfand 3221 B

Linda Reinhold 3028

Lindsay Hyland 3187 A

Lisa M. Donnini 3142

Liz Dudek 3212 A

Lorenzo Ross 3124

Luke Smarto 3189 B

Madison Luedke 3167

Maegan McNealy 3261

Maggie Antone 3237 A

Manijeh Caldwell 3244

Marc Koprinarov 3238 A

Marc Wolfe 3052

Marcia Kurrus 3060

Marcus Muller 3037/3038

Marcus Schulenburg 3086

Mark A. Robinson 3239 B

Mark Brooks 3043

Mark Heike 3126 A

Mark Innes 3210 A

Mark McHaley 3118

Mark Morales 3051 A

Mark Ricketts 3151

Mark Runyan 3214 B

Mark Sable 3031

Mark Sparacio 3029

Martheus Wade 3114

Mary Fales 3223 B

Mathew D. Walden 3046

Matt Chicorel 3175

Matt Franklin 3115

Matt Kubinski 3143

Matt Wilson 3186 A

Matthew Mohammed 3053

Matthew Peters 3195

Matthew Swanson 3240 B

Matthew Tomao 3166

Mava Aum Gil 3095

Meg Bieniek 3218

Mel Smith 3006

Melanie Espinola 3239 A

Melby Girl 3105

Melissa Jones 3174

Melissa Kaercher 3178

Melissa Piscione 3130

Melissa Rogalla 3209 B

Meredith Host 3187 A

Michael Dolce 3019

Michael L. Peters 3227 A

Michael Leibelman 3213 B

Michael Lynch 3218

Michael Morales 3229

Michael Renzine

Michelle Kruse 3061

Mike Beazley 3154

Mike Huddleston 3148

Mike Indovina 3209 B

Mike Jenkins 3114

Mike Kennedy 3212 A

Mike Mayhew 3003

Mike McMahon 3073 A

Mike Norton 3055

Minnie Watkins 3210 B

Mitch Clem 3132

Mitch Hyman 3110 A

Molly White 3193 B

Monika Fuston 3118

Nate Birr 3197

Nate Lovett 3225 B

Neal Bailey 3147

Neil Cohn 3184 A

Nicholas Ivan Ladendorf 3238 B

Nick Beery 3107

Nick Muntean 3117

Nick Openlander 3139

Nick Westermeyer 3223 B

Nicole Daines 3189 B

Nicole Linder 3145

Nigel Sade 3110 B

Nik Havert 3104

Nil Gravity 3238 B

Noah Runzo 3147

Noble Larimer 3075 A

Nyk Tate 3224 A

P. Daley 3023

Pam Bliss 3193 B

Paolo Rivera 3064 B

Paquito Lebron 3228 B

Pascal Saint-Clair 3105 A

Pat Carlucci 3036

Pat Loika 3075 B

Pat Persampieri 3129

Patric Lewandowski 3078 A

Patrick Zircher 3243

Paul Azaceta 3031

Paul Schroeder 3186 B

Paul Sizer 3196

Perry Parsons 3113 B

Peter David 3007

Peter Gross 3097

Peter J. Kamikawa 3101

Peter Kelly 3138 B

Peter Kostka 3069

Peter Palmiotti 3047

Phil Dutcher 3214 B

Phil Hester 3002

Phil Longmeier 3050

Phil Machi 3237 A

Philipp Stanton 3246

Philippe Van Lieu 3186 B

Phillip Chan 3133 A

R.C. Harvey 3050

Radames Malave Jr. 3198

Rae Brinkman 3165 A

Rafael Nieves 3085

Rafal Wayne 3053

Rainier Flores 3241 B

Rak Graphics 3219

Randy Taylor 3144

Randy Yarger 3233

Raven Gregory 3112

Ray Ray 3200

Rebecca Rhodes 3179/3180 B

Rebecca Schlim 3105 A

Reinhold KID! 3028

Reinhold KID! 3028

Rennie Setyadharma 3013

Rhett Whittington 3212 B

Rich Dinan 3133 A

Rich Koslowski 3102

Rich Maier 3130

Richard A. Molinelli 3155

Risteen Gates 3179/3180 B

Ritchie Flores 3241 B

Rob Granito 3153

Rob Hassan 3246

Rob Hicks 3197

Rob Hunter 3232

Rob Larsen 3213 A

Rob Luedke 3167

Rob M. Davis 3220 A

Rob Mattson 3173

Robert A. Kraus 3219

Robert Atkins 3080

Robert Garrett 3247 A

Robert Wawrzyniak 3058 B

Rochelle Phister 3067

Ron Smith 3180 A/3181

Rosario Fabiano 3184 A

Roxanne Barlow 3199

Ryan Brandt 3076 B

Ryan Flaherty 3154

Ryan Kelly 3097

Ryan Mojica 3061

Ryan Morris 3235 B

Ryan Ottley 3037/3038

Ryan Ruffatti 3155

Ryan Sandy 3052

Ryan Sargeant 3160

S. Byrd 3145

Saira Drubin 3105 A

Sam Ramos 3165 B

Samal McNealy 3261

Samantha Schwartz 3155

Sarah Becan 3204

Sarah Logan 3201

Scott Beem 3107

Scott Ethan Ambruson 3103

Scott Johnson 3149

Scott Kester 3119

Scott Lanson 3126 B

Scott Licina 3123

Scott Rosema 3018

Scott Shoemaker 3058 B

Scott Story 3169

Scott Ziolko 3228 A

Sean Collins 3184 B

Sean Forney 3202

Sean McDevitt 3074 B

Sean Shaw 3262 A/3263

Sean Tenhoff 3224 B

Seth Peck 3033

Shane Logan 3201

Shannon Howard 3209 A

Shannon Jayne 3172

Shariff Musallam 3226 A

Sharon Coleman 3161

Shaun Caput 3230

Shawn Bryan 3039

Shawn Surface 3058 A

Shelly Walker 3242

Skottie Young 3011

Skyler 3194 A

Stan Yan 3164

Stephanie Forney 3202

Stephanie Sanderson Heike 3126 A

Stephanie Schlim 3105 A

Steve Esslinger 3172

Steve Esslinger 3172

Steve Guzelis 3159

Steve Piscione 3130

Steve Scott 3161

Steve Sullivan 3050

Steven Perkins 3068

Steven Proose 3197

Steven Tomer 3076 B

Stuart Sayger 3088

Susan Craig 3228 A

Suzanne Rosema 3018

Takeshi Miyazawa 3235 A

Taki Soma 3135 B

Talent Caldwell 3040

Tami Carey 3179/3180 B

Ted Gregory 3086

Ted Kane 3016

Ted Wing 3037/3038

Terri Teschler 3259 A

Thom Miecznikowski 3070

Thomas Gianni 3025

Thomas Negovan 3024

Tim Demeter 3152

Tim Irwin 3037/3038

Tim Kelly 3140

Tim Tyler 3064 A

Tim Vigil 3034

Timothy Barr 3127

Todd C. Parkhill 3062

Todd Coss 3018

Todd D. Gnacinski 3221 A

Todd Daugherty 3105

Tom Brazleton 3134 A

Tom Hicke 3060

Tom Hodges 3066

Tom Kelly 3138 B

Tom Nguyen 3262 A/3263

Tom Ryan 3191

Tom Stillwell 3078 B

Tom Wachowski 3159

Tommy Castillo 3021

Tony Daniel 3044

Tony Moore 3032

Tornado Toth 3217

Tracy Stoops 3186 A

Travis Earls 3176

Trisha Lara 3224 A

Turtel Onli 3258

Tyler Chicorel 3175

Tyler Meola 3172

Tyler Walpole 3146

Tyrone McCarthy 3128

Uko Smith 3259 A

Virginia Zuniga 3229

Walt Davis 3182

Walter Piper 3234 A

Wes Craig 3206 B

Whitney Barber 3156/3157

Will Grant 3170

Zac Atkinson 3107

Zach Miller 3132

Zach Taylor-Gay 3177




going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?

I think I can squeeze yours in since we are rooming together.
It may only be 1 or 2. I know I want the Civil War #1 variant done.
going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?

going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?


trade secret, I never tell until after its done, potentially keeps my collection a little more unique.

going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?


trade secret


Alright KK.

going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?


trade secret


Alright KK.


i adjusted my post quick fingers, I never said i would never tell, just don't until after the book is done. Since your staying with Kris, you will know.

going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?


trade secret


Alright KK.


i adjusted my post quick fingers, I never said i would never tell, just don't until after the book is done. Since your staying with Kris, you will know.


Unique like your Nightwing 113?

going to send you a couple more books tomorrow Kris, no turner tho smile.gif Did somebody say Kubert?


What are you sending for Kubert?


trade secret


Alright KK.


i adjusted my post quick fingers, I never said i would never tell, just don't until after the book is done. Since your staying with Kris, you will know.


Unique like your Nightwing 113?


why are you being such an [embarrassing lack of self control]? I didn't say every book was the only one on the market, sheesh.