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Fantastic Four Collecting Thread!
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On 7/24/2024 at 10:00 AM, trmoore54 said:

Based on your recommendation (and I haven't read it in a LONNNG time) Jack, I just bought a new/sealed Marvel Masterworks Vol 8 so will be reading soon.  Then will read with my 4 year old grandson and pass the book onto him. :headbang:


So on a prompt from Jack/KirbyJack I wanted to re-read Annual No. 6…a quick search of the obvious websites proved that obtaining a reader copy anytime soon might be elusive…so I quickly opted for the Marvel Masterworks strategy and was able to pick up Vol. 8 in new hard cover condition (not into the paperback editions…plus I can hand down to my grandkids).  For the uninitiated, MM Vol 8 reprises Issues 72-81 with Annual 6 providing the connective tissue between issues 80 and 81 (both issues 80 and Annual 6 with NOV 1968 date issues).

Just binge-read the whole 11 issues this morning so thought I’d write a recap.  Of course this is a very special story arc to the whole FF Saga and Universe…with a viewpoint and observations of reading these books almost 50 years after their publish dates…and of course when I first read them.  I am incorporating things such as cover grades (0-10, 10 being stellar), specific comments for specific panels/pages, and cultural comments as well.  Oh and BTW this publication has 5 original art/pencils from the King (issues 75 and 76) at the end of the book which only further exemplifies Kirby’s awesomeness…so here goes…

(Side note.  The incorporation of Crystal Amequelin (Johnny’s/Torch’s girlfriend), an Elemental into the mix is a brilliant move…she will play a large part in the coming episodes…or should I say books.  Also, the thread of Sue Richards/Invisible Girl’s pregnancy and upcoming birth of Reed/Sue’s first kid runs through all 11 issues.)

Aside.  Always thought it was cool how the cover logo rotated one of the 4 FF members as the primary figure.

Splash page discussions are focused on internal splash pages after the typical page 1 splash.

INTRODUCTION BY STAN LEE (2005).  I know there’s been a lot of talk about Stan screwing Jack over and/or taking more credit than Jack…perhaps a lot of that talk is equally split between creation credit and/or monetary compensation…I don’t follow it all…but if you read this introduction it’s pretty awesome and reads heartfelt.  Stan spends more than a page of the two pages discussing Annual 6 and extolling Jack’s greatness and virtue.  ‘Nuff said (perhaps).


Cover. 10.  Surfer/Watcher cover with the galaxy background.  Gonna give this one a 10 just to set the standard.

Plot.  General plot line is the Surfer is pissed that humanity can’t get along and figure out how to love one another so he will be the common enemy to all…kind of counter-intuitive but I get it…epic battle ensues pp. 7-11…Watcher shows up again p.12…(always thought it was a bit funny that Watcher always proclaimed he is forbidden from entering the “human fray” in terms of decision-making or involvement but offers advise to the FF…LOL)…Army gets involved and sends the Sonic Shark missile to dismiss the Surfer…leads to another confrontation and general reconciliation all parties final p. 20.

Splash.  Cool Surfer splash page 6


(Note.  Title does not appear on the cover…only p. 1 splash page.  Cover, given the 3 guest Super Heros states GIANT GUEST STAR BONANZA! (no quotations)

Cover.  Maybe many consider this cover iconic…certainly Kirby has rendered DD, Thor and Spidey in inimitable fashion…I’m a bit non-plus-ed with the all white background…lazy?/ran out of time? Or intentionally intended to showcase the 6 characters…I’ll stop thinking too hard on it and give it an 8.

Plot.  General plot line is Doctor Doom replicated Daredevil and attacked the FF in some previous issue and DD shows up and they think he is still Doctor Doom (interesting both have same initials).  Kind of a silly story just to put the other Super Heros into the mix…maybe even sillier that the reveal is made by Sue Storm that Daredevil is legit per the 6pm news broadcast (top panel final p. 20).  Final evaluation filler story in the overall connective arc of these issues.

Interesting  pp. 7/8 the FF’s own Demolo-Gun accidentally destroys much of the upper level of the Baxter Building…hey, the FF destroy a lot of stuff whether by accident or circumstance… happens…

Splash.  Epic Thing Thor smash-up splash page 11.


Cover.  Not as good as 72 but pretty epic so I’ll give it a 9.

Plot.   Ben/The Thing is butt-hurt Alicia is allaying the Surfer (opening splash page)…soon the Punisher (no not that Punisher), sent by Galactus to find the Surfer, shows up and creates mayhem.

Cultural/History note.  Contractor worker bottom right panel, p. 4, lights up a cigarette.

Oops dept.  P. 4, bottom right panel and p. 5 upper left panel Thing is missing his white scarf.  Scarf back on in next panels.

Chuckle moment (happens often).  Thing flags down a taxi to the waterfront.  (He should take stomp/flying lessons from the Hulk.)

Splash.  Impressive Galactus splash page 15.


Cover.  As is often the case, Marvel would try and make the issues 25/50/75/100 a more momentous cover.  Success here…have always loved this cover thus I rank it a 10.

Plot.  Continuation story, Galactus still looking for the Surfer.  Galactus had pledged (and had banished the Surfer to Earth) never to suck the planet dry…but hey, he’s hangry and in need of sustenance so promises can prove ephemeral.  Surfer’s discovery has proved elusive as he has entered the microverse through a slide stain on Reed’s microscope.  Galactus creates FF “replicas” to do battle with the group.  The FF banishes the replicas and gain a temporary reprieve with Galactus on the Earth’s destruction.

Splash.  Imposing Galactus splash page 4.


Cover.  A common cover issue, how to show the front of all the characters (admittedly not always easily solved).  For me, seeing only the back of Psycho-Man’s android is not very satisfying.  So generally don’t much care for this cover…5.

Plot.  The FF (minus Sue), with Reed’s latest invention the Reducta-Craft, head to the micro world which is dubbed Sub-Atomica (referenced back to FF Annual 5/1967 in upper LH panel, page 5).  Surfer comes to the aid of the FF versus Psycho-Man’s android and determines to head back to Earth to stave off Galactus.

Splash.  Cool Surfer splash page 6.


(For some reason the titles have lost their quotation marks)

Cover.  A lot going on but Kirby pulls off the composition in my mind…I’ll give it a 9.

Plot.  More Psycho-Man (or his encepho-projector created version) in Sub-Atomica while the Surfer connects with Galactus in looking for an alternative planet/energy source.  Surfer finds Galactus his world lunch only to be denied the cosmos once again and banished to Earth.  The FF work a deal with Psycho-Man to return to and save the Earth lest his micro world also be destroyed.

Splash.  Sub-Atomica futurama street scene bird’s eye view page 14.  Stan gives Jack kudos.


(but not their exclamation points)

Cover.  Not really feeling this one…not a big fan of floating heads.  I’ll give it a 6.

Plot.  FF returns to Earth and the Baxter Building with still a lot of wreckage to clean up…one thing you have to admit the FF (mostly the Thing and Johnny) wreck a lot of stuff.  Nice Fantasti-Car half-page panel p. 6.  The Wiz fashions himself newer improved Wonder Gloves and is quickly back to his quest to defeat the FF.  (It’s pretty interesting when you look back, since most Marvel super heroes never really kill anyone, that a victory is just getting the villain to run away for a while…unless they go to prison or some other form of banishment.)

Reed ever seeking a “cure” to make Ben Grimm/The Thing human again, administers what appears to be a permanent transformation…but with the caveat that it’s a one-shot, and that should he ever return to The Thing he will never be able to go back…I think we all know how that’s going to end.  Meanwhile, the doctors discover cosmic aberration in Sue’s blood that could harm both Sue and the baby.  Ben tries to fight the Wiz without his powers with not a lot of luck.

Cultural/History note.  Fresh out of prison, the Wiz lights up a cigarette (middle left panel, p. 3).

Splash.  Only one of the 11 books that doesn't have an additional internal splash page to page 1.

FANTASTIC FOUR 79 OCT 1968 A MONSTER FOREVER? (TITLED THIS MONSTER FOREVER! on the cover…happens more often than you would think…always seems a little weird to me…)  (SUBTITLE) INTRODUCING THE ANDROID MAN!

Cover.  Not sure I’m sold on the mint green cover…it’s OK, not great…8.

Plot.  Ben sets up a date with Alicia and is nervous that she’ll still love him as Ben Grimm.  Reed gets involved with studying Sue’s blood.  While cleaning up the Mad Thinker’s lair the cops stumble upon, and activate, a powerful android.  For some reason that I still haven’t figured out Ben takes the Wizard’s Wonder Gloves (in a white box) to dinner with Alicia, which the Android Man interprets as his summoning signal.  Wait for it…Ben turns back into the Thing to battle Android Man and save Alicia.

Cultural/History note.  Cabbie (now Ben’s taking a taxi) smoking a cigarette upper left panel page 5.

Splash.  Not your typical splash featuring worried love-birds Reed and Sue…p. 8.  

Story End change.  As far as I know, this is the first issue that didn’t preview the coming issue in the last panel p. 20.

FANTASTIC FOUR 80 NOV 1968 WHERE TREADS THE LIVING TOTEM! (No title on the cover, just GUEST STARRING: WYATT WING-FOOT! (and the annoying “RETAILERS:  See page 32 for special display allowance plan.” caption)

Cover.  Not a big fan of this cover, but that’s probably because I’m not a big fan of TOMAZOOMA…one of Kirby’s lesser-inspired monsters IMO.  I’ll give this one a 6.

Plot.  This one’s a one-off maybe to buy some time for the 48-page Annual.  The FF get a letter from Wyatt Wingfoot intimating “evil spirits” and some potential trouble…so with Reed announcing that the baby’s still not due for a week, they head out west to the Rez for a “vacation”.  Along with Wyatt, we meet his grandfather Silent Fox and Tomazooma, hell-bent on destroying oil refineries and usurping the native lands.  Turns out Tomazooma’s a robot unleashed by the Soviet Red Star Oil Company in a coup attempt.  The robot is vanquished while the spirt of the real Tomazooma looks on approvingly.

Splash.  Somewhat mundane splash of Thing, Johnny, Reed and Crystal page 3.


Cover.  Annihilus, the FF in peril in the Negative Zone…’Nuff said!  A solid 10!

This epic 48-page saga (like 2-1/2 comics for 2 bits) has it all.  Reed determines they must risk their lives and return to the Negative Zone (Stan will reference Issue 51…another classic…on p. 35) to get the necessary anti-matter to counteract or neutralize Sue and the baby’s blood…they will be able to return from the Negative Zone with the use of the harnesses Reed has devised (p. 3), but we don’t really learn that they are repellor units until page 41.  We get an introduction to Annihilus…he who annihilates (get it?) on pp. 3 and 4.  Let’s face it, Anni is pretty badass…I’d put him in the league with Galactus.  PP. 6 and 7 are one of those black-and-white photo background layouts, in this case a 2-page spread (always found these pretty hokey).  We learn of Anni’s power source, the cosmic control rod (p. 12) while general battles and mayhem ensue…until the 3 FF are captured and deposited into Anni’s Arena of Execution.  He attempts to execute the FF but his weapons are no match for the Fantastic Three.  With the control rod now in the FF’s possession they steal Anni’s rail-plane and proceed to make a lam back to Earth only to encounter the Borers.  Reed is able to dust off the Borers with the cosmic control rod but Anni still has one remaining weapon in his flying gunship.  Alas, the FF are seemingly doomed as they career toward the anti-matter core.  But Anni wants his control rod back really bad so he continues the chase…Reed is able to steal his Negato-Gun and negotiate the return of their repellor units in exchange for the control rod.  (I’m still a little unclear as to why the Torch didn’t bring a harness/repellor unit but in the end the Think holds his hand until they are free of the anti-matter effects and Johnny can flame on (pp. 42 and 43).

Cultural/History note.  Expectant dad in baby waiting room gets a surprise light for his cigarette from the Torch…dude smoking away in the waiting room…whaaat?  PP. 44 and 45.  Also bottom right panel p. 45 Reed “there’s nothing more we can do” and Thing “There’s some things ya gotta let the little lady do ALONE!” Ha!  A healthy son is born with a fitting solemn final panel (p. 48).

Splashes.  Other than page 1, our first splash page is Anni overseeing the FF with some cool Kirby control station artwork. The Borers in another epic splash on page 26.  FF getting zapped by Anni’s gunship on page 32.  F3 escaping the Negative Zone splash on p. 43.  


(Interior title back in quotes but not the cover title…but they do match)

Cover.  Always loved this cover pale reds and yellow on a brown background.  10!

Plot.  Great story and great culmination to this 11 issue arc.  Page 1 splash finds Crystal sporting her own new FF costume…can you say Fantastic Fox!?  Crystal volunteers to join the FF while Sue nurtures the newborn, at least as her temporary replacement.  Johnny expresses some reluctance so Crystal shows off some Elemental powers and wrecks some more furniture.  Another new Wiz battle with his NEWER BETTERER WONDER GLOVES!  Crystal gets to show how badass her powers are and Reed and company gladly welcome her into the FF fold (final panel p. 20).

Splash.  Fantisti-Car back in business with a spectacular splash page 11.


Original Art pages

Fantastic Four 75 pp. 2 and 3

Fantastic Four 76 pp. 2, 3 and 4

In many ways the Kirby pencils-only are better than the final inked/colored version IMO.  Really brings out the detail and the sheer brilliance of King Kirby.  

His mastery of perspective, proportion and scale…not to mention the ideas brought to fruition.  Dude could draw!!


‘Nuff said.

Tom Moore  7.31.2024



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On 7/31/2024 at 5:56 PM, KirbyJack said:

In general, these issues don’t hit the heights earlier issues do, but the art is my absolute favorite: definitive era Kirby FF. 
Annual 6 is my favorite comic ever, and I am thrilled to own a page of art that makes the first reference to the impetus of its plot. 

ISSUE 78!! :cloud9: :headbang:

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