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Yikes. What Galactus will look like in FF2...

113 posts in this topic

I dunno...


Am I the only one who thinks the tall demi-god works?


IMO, what made the Galactus/Surfer story work was the contrast between the Surfer's tortured humanity and Galactus' regal emotional detachment. He is a force of nature -- or the cosmos -- but a supremely intelligent force.


An Atlas style monster would have been terrible IMO. There's nothing new or frightening about ugly monster style # one trillion attacking the world. Why not just trot out the Mole Man's monster again?


As far as the hive type swarm, this does nothing for me either. You have a force of nature, but it is an unthinking force and no different than the giant ant movies of the 50s. And even Terrax wouldn't want to be the herald for a swarm of insects. grin.gif

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I'm with you in thinking the original tall demi-god works. Just look at how intimidating and scary Galactus looks in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance game.


Any of the people on the net shouting about how a guy dressed in purple wouldn't work on the screen need to think about this... if he was 200 feet tall, indestructible, and began draining the lifeforce of the planet, it would work as an alien menace. People would accept it. Heck, they would love it. Maybe get rid of the big "G" on his chestplate and make the purple darker, but this could have been one of the highlights of the summer movies... Instead, a world-wide tornado/cloud/lightning storm that seems more suitable in "An Inconvenient Truth" than an FF movie is going to turn off a lot of fans and get people shouting how the comic book movie trend is over.


It's too bad, since the Surfer looks great.

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My guess is the decision had less to do with what looked better and more to do with cost. Clouds are cheap. Big huge purple dudes with disco boots and planet sucking powers are more expensive.

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I'm with you in thinking the original tall demi-god works. Just look at how intimidating and scary Galactus looks in the Marvel Ultimate Alliance game.


Any of the people on the net shouting about how a guy dressed in purple wouldn't work on the screen need to think about this... if he was 200 feet tall, indestructible, and began draining the lifeforce of the planet, it would work as an alien menace. People would accept it. Heck, they would love it. Maybe get rid of the big "G" on his chestplate and make the purple darker, but this could have been one of the highlights of the summer movies... Instead, a world-wide tornado/cloud/lightning storm that seems more suitable in "An Inconvenient Truth" than an FF movie is going to turn off a lot of fans and get people shouting how the comic book movie trend is over.


It's too bad, since the Surfer looks great.

I agree.
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How is making Galactus a cloud respectful of the source material? Cause that's the question I'm asking and the point I'm trying to make.


Maybe because a huge human looking alien in a skirt with horns on his helmet is just a little too "comic-booky" for the mainstream to find menacing.


And if the core story is there...a force who destroys planets for sustenance with a herald to lead the way then I'd argue that it's not being disrespectful to the source material at all. Just presenting it in a way for all people to relate to...




I think that Galactus' form and shape (certainly not his wacky Kirbeyesque costume) is "core". You do not.


That's the sticking point for this discussion, it seems.


Galactus is a floow through of the earlier SA monster books Marvel was so fond of. He's this presence. He is humanoid, but very inhuman. He's godlike, and in a scary, Old Testament vengeful sort of way (human fears against god and authority and giants in the land). He taps into the human psyche in a different way than a "swarm" does (human fears against numbers and insects).


Heck, if the director wants "swarms", just do the Brood.


Or do FF against a bunch of killer bees


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He doesnt have to be purple, since Hollywood takes liberties in color and style of costumes they can feel free to make him darker. I actually think this picture attached looks rather cool. And when you need to do a close up just focus on the face and the souless dark but glowing eyes.

I seriously think this could have been done making Galactus as a humanoid figure.




The idea is to create something large, monstrously unfeeling an entity/ godlike figure much like the alien ships from War of the Worlds in either version. Scenes of army machines being syphoned of any sustaining energy by the wave of a massive hand, a blast of energy from a dark face with glowing eyes that just simply removes many humans.

They could have done it in the same fashion as the first alien movie: you never really saw the whole creature, but the thought and glimpses you did see made you believe.




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Artboy99, that picture says it all. You don't need to spend tons of money on Galactus. You can set the premise of the character to still have the classic Galactus features, but to always be shown in non descriptive (essentially non costly) ways. Such as the picture posted by Artboy--all Galactus shots could have a similar look and tone. If you get close ups, then have him as a shadowy figure or sillhoette (spelling?). The graphics don't have to be expensive to convey an A+ message.


The cloud just doesn't work. It's just plain dumb.

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Unlike some, I liked the Ultimate Galactus idea: a swarm of giant mecho/insects with a hive mentality, moving through the cosmos eating up worlds. thumbsup2.gif


I've got all the Ultimate FFs, but haven't read them in about two years. I'll have to read them now, that does sound more interesting than a cloud and more credible than a giant human.


Ultimate Galactus and Silver Surfer sucked so bad.

That story line convinced to sell all my Ultimate Universe trades.

I had them all...


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He doesnt have to be purple, since Hollywood takes liberties in color and style of costumes they can feel free to make him darker. I actually think this picture attached looks rather cool. And when you need to do a close up just focus on the face and the souless dark but glowing eyes.

I seriously think this could have been done making Galactus as a humanoid figure.




The idea is to create something large, monstrously unfeeling an entity/ godlike figure much like the alien ships from War of the Worlds in either version. Scenes of army machines being syphoned of any sustaining energy by the wave of a massive hand, a blast of energy from a dark face with glowing eyes that just simply removes many humans.

They could have done it in the same fashion as the first alien movie: you never really saw the whole creature, but the thought and glimpses you did see made you believe.






Fanboy's dreams.... cloud9.gif

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The idea is to create something large, monstrously unfeeling an entity/ godlike figure much like the alien ships from War of the Worlds in either version.


That is really great. cloud9.gif


As I was getting ready for work this morning, my daughter was tugging on my pants leg and it struck me that -- at her height of about 28 inches -- I must look like Galactus scale giant to her.


To take the analogy a step further, if Galactus is a demi-god, we would be children to him from an evolutionary perspective. So, a 12 or 15 foot "god" from space "works." And, in terms of suspension of disbelief, it is relatively small compared to other things we are expected to believe in a superhero movie.

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