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Everything posted by Foolkiller

  1. In comic related news, I think this perspective means there's not going to be any shows in CA for some time to come. Not SDCC, not Wonder Con, not Dolmayan's show. None of them. Now in other states -- maybe it will be different, but given that a number of the governors have decided to form a coalition about formulating a plan to reopen, I think this is a good indication about what's going to happen. This is not gloom and doom. This is learning how to plan in reality. No more shows this year. Now -- things like the VCC seem like a great idea and could be done on a dedicated platform. "The prospect of mass gatherings is negligible at best until we get to herd immunity, and we get to a vaccine. So large-scale events that bring in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of strangers all together across every conceivable difference, health and otherwise, is not in the cards based upon our current guidelines and current expectations," Newsom said.
  2. Title says it all, I'm actively looking for any pages, covers or splashes from this series. Very motivated buyer.
  3. Pretty sure I was the under bidder here. the 9.0 though that sold feb 2020 was $3k (because I think that per GPA, the $3k included the juice) -- so $6k it's about double a 9.0 -- that buyer must have wanted it awful lot, because I wanted it but was not sorry afterwards that I had lost it.
  4. I'm not sure why SDCC is persisting with this farce that there's any chance that the SDCC will happen this year. Here's what the Governor in CA said when asked about the possibility of sports in August or September: California Gov. Gavin Newsom was asked about the possibility of sports hosting events and fans by August or September. “Look, I’m not here to second guess anybody, but I am here to say this, our decision on that basis, at least here in the state of California, will be determined by the facts, will be determined by the health experts, will be determined by our capacity to meet this moment, bend the curve and have the appropriate community surveillance and testing to confidently determine whether or not that’s appropriate and right now I’m just focused on the immediate, but that’s not something I anticipate happening in the next few months.”
  5. It's not doom and gloom. It's preparing for how to react to the market and what to do in order to function in it. Rainbows and unicorns aren't really the way to go. that doesn't mean there aren't positive things or hope. Telling yourself it's all going to be back to normal in may or June to me is foolish. It's part of the problem we've been having which is that the manner in which we've been living may not be sustainable across the board. I think the positive is that this can bring about changes that will make life take a more positive path even if it's more painful short term. Telling everyone there's not going to be significant changes and the need for tough times in the short term doesn't mean there's not reason for optimism. The fallacy is believing things are going back to way they were in weeks. I think in a lot of places the curve is going to flatten and reduce, but people aren't going to be running back out and reopening things for mass gatherings. Will you be locked down still? Maybe not. But as things begin to return to normal, the things people are going to worry about getting back to having functioning aren't large group gatherings. So my point is, the hope is that things will start to improve virus wise in the short term, not business as usual for a long, long time. That is the hopefulness. That is real positives.
  6. There's no doubt people are spending money -- but for how long is the question, because as unemployment climbs and reality starts to set in, the need to be more conservative is going to scare people. Also, when things don't exactly return to normal right away, it's going to spook people too. John(NWO) and I have gone back and forth about what will happen. I agree with him in so far as a lot of folks are going to be upset with how long it will go, but there's probably (and this isn't a political statement) nobody more frustrated than Trump now with the economic closures. But even he's recognizing that it's going to go quite some time and be rough. Individual governors are going to control how long a lot of places stay in lock down, so as indicated above, some are saying definitely through May. I disagree with things really reopening in May at any significant level -- I do think corporate America will go back to work first and then slowly restaurants and then sports at a level where there may be no fans or something along those lines. But even then it's going to be slow and gradual and several business will flat out not survive this so there won't be things reopening because they will have ceased to exist. The trickle down effect will be people simply spending less -- not just on comics and legos -- but a lot of less essential consumer goods -- in part because of the psychology and in part because they won't have the money. I don't think the reality has set in for a lot of Americans -- nor do they understand how dramatic the long term impact is going to be -- and they're telling themselves that things will be back to normal. I think we will get through this, but the recovery time is closer to years than weeks. This is why when people say the cure can't be worse than the disease, I'm sympathetic. People haven't adjusted yet to the fallout. For the comic folks, I'd say simply hold and wait. If you own high end books, don't be anxious to sell into this market. I think there's still going to be an appetite for slightly lower end items and there's still money in the market -- premium items will still sell. But I think that some of the folks holding high end items will not be able to afford to hold onto them -- and the folks spending unemployment checks on collectibles are going to find it may not be so easy to just go back to work right away in many industries. That will then turn into some sales as well.
  7. Roy -- I agree that there are reasons to be positive, but that doesn't translate to what will happen and how long certain aspects of the comic book market will react to it. Larger money is stepping up but it's again not pumping money into comics. Right now, I think things are generally stable. I don't see a high percentage of panic selling. But there are folks unloading things. I'm resistant to buy at too close to market right now because enough is being offered below if you are patient enough and there are fewer buyers at top levels. When there's a slow down for many, more books come onto the market -- will the big buyers eat all of it? probably not, and all I'm suggesting is that as things drag on there'll be more books coming on so folks can bridge financial gaps. It's already begun.
  8. For books under $1000, maybe even $5k the market seems generally stable but maybe a little slower than normal. But there are enough cracks that are starting to show. I've been offered a number of books from people 'having' to cash raise and that's going to get worse over the next six months with more cancellation of shows and unemployment rising. I think it's interesting that a lot of folks are moving shows to august and September assuming shows are moving forward. I will be shocked if any shows happen in 2020 of significant size . I think small regional shows will start to reopen the quickest, so there will be some show market. But a lot of the larger ones are going to take far longer. I don't think we are going to have a 'return to normalcy' in a lot of areas of life. The longer things go and the more long term disruption is felt, the more impact the comic market will feel. there are people right now spending their unemployment checks as if they are in a normal situation and bidding -- that will change. You already have some dealers discounting where they normally wouldn't to raise cash with the absence of show season. I think you have to be selective but march was a very good month for buying and I expect that it will continue as things drag on. I've been having a running dialog with a friend who thinks things will start to reopen by May 1st, but even if by some miracle that starts to happen, I don't think it will signal reopening group gatherings because states like New York, California etc. are a long way away from even considering reopening and the governors in those states aren't going to allow large groups. A lot of folks either can't or won't wait for auctions for raising money because the advances aren't enough and they are afraid the auctions could tank which has turned into opportunity. There are a limited number of people to pay in large chunks for better books. Long term, the keys are great plays as always and I have complete confidence.
  9. Tim is being facetious -- he loves DC -- so do I, but the market is the market right now.
  10. I actually don't think it's a top 10 key, maybe for DCs it would be but overall, I think there are others ahead of it. most of the team books never crack the top 10 with the exception of the FF -- but I've always loved BB 28. the problem is that it's very common in 6.0 and below. even 7.0 it's pretty common. 8.0 and better is where most DCs get scarce and then it becomes much more competitive. Showcase 4 also had an unnatural run up and now is falling back to earth. I don't see DCs turning back and heading up any time soon, especially given the current state of the market. Again, Showcase 22 and maybe a few others are exempt. But like Action 252 and many other key DCs that had huge run ups, things are now starting to come back to earth. As the economic impact starts to be felt, I think we're really going to see some cuts in prices.
  11. I would say it's a great time to be buying DCs as you can acquire some high end copies of certain DCs cheap. I've always been a huge DC fan but one thing that's been proven is that Marvels are so far and away king it's not even close. BB 28 has hit the skids pretty bad these days. if you're a collector holding for long term, it's a great buy.
  12. Florida issued a shelter in place order today that went state wide -- does this mean CGC will be shutting down for awhile?