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Everything posted by Foolkiller

  1. haven't checked in on this thread in awhile, and as an early defender of John's all I can say is that it's disappointing to see it for sale now. I believe him when he said he didn't get the check until a much later date but.... offering the book up for sale at a higher price, not sure what I could even say here. Disappointing.
  2. I'm looking forward to seeing what will be available to buy, but not sure on the dealer list yet.
  3. I mentioned this to Hari the other evening, and as someone who's been buying up a bunch of stuff over the past year, I think placing these values makes it difficult of value v. what you'd have to pay to get it. Although A level panel pages do come up in auction, it's certainly not consistent for many of these examples, and I'd wager that privately to get really good examples in the current market you'd have to be willing to over pay these values, at least a little. If there were people selling at these numbers listed here for many of these pieces, I'd happily spend away.
  4. I'm going to be somewhat intentionally vague about answering. I've paid very aggressively to get into art and buy pieces that I thought were very nice and high end, to some degree regardless of what others have thought of the relative value. Sometimes I'm right, some times I'm wrong. I have and would not hesitate to put all cash new money into certain six figure pieces. The ones that I have paid high on, I have zero regrets. Having access to material is one of the keys in comics or in art or in any collectible, and by spending aggressively, I've found it has certainly shaken top end things loose that would not otherwise be offered.
  5. I've received on 10 and three 9.9s over the years. Wasn't trying for those grades, just lucky. As others have said, rare, but they do exist.
  6. This section is for books exclusively available only here on the boards. there's another section for books you have listed on ebay.
  7. I'm not saying you guys are in the wrong or anything else, but it's over. He'll be added, and won't sell here, and it doesn't matter. That's the ultimate thing. His choice (or consequence is) he won't sell here anymore -- or at least for a long while. But that doesn't mean he won't still be interacting. I agree that the self policing is valuable but more importantly this community gets to decide how it wants to deal with things. That's your choice and it's been made -- apparently -- by the majority. The rest about whether he should respond, or make things right or whatever, without getting into my personal views on it, is irrelevant. The majority has made its decision, let's just get on with it.
  8. This is a lot of posts about something that I think really isn't worth it at this point. Adding him based on the letter of the law is hard to argue with, even though I personally wouldn't do it nor do I think appropriate. But there seems to be a majority who would add him and if that's the case, that's the community's decision. The probation list isn't the be all end all and there'll be plenty of people who will deal with John regardless of this issue. I say just end the discussion add him, and everyone move on at this point. the philosophical argument isn't going to really change anyone's mind and the reality is, it's going to have almost no impact on him at all, as I think he's soured on ever selling here again anyway, so what difference does it make to add him. Probably none, so let's just do it and be done with it.
  9. Just to disclaim my clear bias, I am a friend of John's and know him very well, and I know what kind of person he is as a seller and as a human being. In addition, I've been on the receiving end many, many times where someone backed out on a book or a deal for a whole host of reasons, by several board members, many of them who are long standing, well regarded board members (several of whom I've seen others who are commenting here praise for their 'ethics' and 'values') and I've given them a pass because it really isn't that big of a deal. Was I happy, no, but it also wasn't the end of the world either. In almost every situation, being understanding and relaxed worked out in my favor in the long run in doing deals with them and being offered material. Perhaps I'm just desensitized to all the shenanigans that go into comics and collectibles dealings in general and I've learned to just ride the waves and go to the next deal. I'll give a real life example here. A friend of mine here on the boards bought a book -- the seller, similar to John, had seller's regret -- and then reneged on the deal. At first, my friend reacted the same way. What should he do? Should he pressure the seller (which wasn't going to result in him selling the book). Instead, he said listen, I get it. not happy but I get it. Could you please let me know when you do sell the book as I'd like to buy it then. A year passed. the book skyrocketed in value. The seller decided it was time to sell and honored the OLD PRICE that he had listed and my friend got his book. Different situations and different people call for different resolutions. I'm not saying this was handled perfectly nor am I saying the OP doesn't have a right to be upset. I don't feel it's probation worthy and I don't think this is all that uncommon to have happen here on the boards. I also don't think it's a gigantic issue. I also don't feel it's the end of the world if you add him to the probation list either. Look, he will continue to sell, it may or may not be here on the boards, and I and many others would have zero problems with dealing with him. But if the community feels a 'warning' ought to be given, then sure, I think by the letter of the guidelines established yes. Do I personally think John should be placed on this list? Absolutely not. And, exceptions are made all the time, because they're made by the individuals involved in the transactions -- they decide there's other ways to handle not getting a book.
  10. I find it odd that he didn't post his own responses in the thread. if in fact he didn't receive payment timely, I don't think he has to state in the thread this is the time at which it expires or you have until (x) to pay. Would a month be long enough to wait? How long should John be expected to wait? I think if it had been someone John had done deals with in the past, he may not have been skeptical that this was going to be a 'non payer'. When the buyer contacts him and he says he changed his mind -- I will agree it's dicey but... at the end of the day, for me, it's just not probation list worthy with all the circumstances taken into account.
  11. I would not put John on the probation list. couple of things: 1) if he had not received the check (and I do think he deserves the benefit of the doubt that it didn't especially if it wasn't cashed) in a timely fashion, he'd have the right to cancel the sale for whatever reason. According to this, it was two weeks at which time he basically said, I didn't get it etc. and now I've decided I don't want to sell it. 2) I do agree with the sentiment that this is not so egregious that a probation list nomination is worthy and I do think some consideration should go to those who've had many, many, many successful transactions and the infraction is very minor. 3) All that said, I have no reason to doubt the buyer either in that he sent the check and this is disappointing and frustrating. Some other accommodation or perhaps something else offered might have been a way to smooth it over. Regardless, I wouldn't put him on the probation list.
  12. John -- I'll take all the LB Cole covers in this thread.
  13. saddened to hear this news, but like some others, I knew that Bob had been sick for some time. A genuine comics enthusiast, I usually saw Bob at the chicago shows and always enjoyed chatting with him. He was one of the guys who loved the DC 'Oregon' books and we both used to still rave about how awesome they were even years after they had been sold. I think Pete from Comics4Less may be handling the sale of his collection so he may know more about the position of the family. Lost a great guy and a really long time, knowledgeable collector.
  14. I'm not sure if he will have it, but if anyone can help you with that it's Bob Stevenson. He's not a huge board presence but you can find him on FB in different comic groups. PM me and I can reach out to him for you.
  15. I agree with folks that this was a blatant attempt to game the system and the responses were over the top and misguided. But Dylan is also a college kid. It doesn't excuse the response or the behavior, and all you can do to send a message is discontinue doing business with him, but eventually he did make the appropriate response. I think we've all reacted or done something we wish we hadn't especially at a young age. I don't know that continuing this thread and beating this over and over again is the right approach either. He made a mistake, he's correcting it.