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Everything posted by BB-Gun

  1. The origin pages I posted are from Supersnipe #6. Yep, I have both of the issues that featured Hitler on the cover. Here's one of them. (thumbs u Supersnipe #9 (June 1943) I saw that cover in All in Color for a Dime or the Comic Book Book and wanted a copy for my collection. Since then, I have bought a hand full of Supersnipes but didn't get the early issues that I wanted. Oh well, may next year. Your copy looks pretty good. I like the cross over in SS 9 and the origin story. Do you have the first appearance? bb bb
  2. These were missing from the last check list that I could find. Sometimes the back covers are interesting too. bb
  3. BZ, I found another animated cover and I thought you might want to post a few Bugs Bunny covers. Which issue is your avatar? bb
  4. BZ, Was that the Supersnipe origin from Shadow comics? Do you have the Hitler covers with Supersnipe? bb
  5. Early Famous Funnies issues were great. Buck Rogers, Scorchy Smith, Dickie Dare, Cap Easy and etc. This may also have my earliest BB-Gun ad. I am sure there were earlier but I just haven't found it yet. Oops, I didn't notice that the scan was incomplete. bb Note the code penciled on the back.
  6. Here is a couple from the F box. I posted the Farmer's daughter on the good girl thread. bb Edit: I posted the Farner's daughter cover on the Romance thread. I couldn't find the good girl thread.
  7. Nice examples of Lou Fine's artwork. Thanks, BB. You've inspired me to check out more of his work at goldenagecomics.co.uk Quality comics are great and there are a lot of scanned editions available, espectially Crack and Smash. Don't forget National and Uncle Sam. Eisner signed his name to everything but I thought some people identified the art as by Fine. I have a few copies of National. This cover was a little beat up. Please forgive the sloppy photoshop. bb
  8. Nice cover even though GL was left out. I liked the Harlequin character. bb Both scans were found on line.
  9. I noticed that by issue 5, Voodah turned white on the covers. Was this a printers error or an editorial request? bb The scan is from ebay. I think the comic belongs to Lewis and is priced around $100-200. I always think that the Fox covers look like they were made by Baker and someone else. The women look like Baker's work but the rest of the cover looks like it was filled in or inked by a less inspired artist. The Crown 5 cover on the other hand looks like a combination of Baker and Wolverton. I like it a lot. I am sure that the two of them didn't combine talents on anything but I could imagine a Martian setting for that inking style. Did Voodah change gender as well as skin color in later issues? Voodah was clearly the male in the Crown 3 story. bb
  10. And this one looks like Baker but probably is just pencils or an assist. Story is from Crown 3. This scan and the two above are from Goldenagecomics.UK. bb
  11. These covers are attributed to Baker according to Alberto's article in A-E #47.
  12. Perhaps this issue is related (from the Reading-Allentown area). Not for sale tho. bb
  13. While I am in the "G" box, I thought I would scan a few more Green Lanterns. Nodell art is in the early issue and Toth in the later. Nodell's style may be more cartoonish but it adds a charm to the series. bb
  14. I noticed that by issue 5, Voodah turned white on the covers. Was this a printers error or an editorial request? bb The scan is from ebay. I think the comic belongs to Lewis and is priced around $100-200.
  15. I've started, stopped, and sold about three attempted runs at Green Hornet. I love the character, but just can't seem to stick to completing the run. I have the same problem with the Blue Beetle. I like a lot of the issues but the quality varies. The end of the run is better than the middle. Some of the early Green Hornet issues look a little strange. I kind of like this green eyeball cover but some may not. bb From the Wally flea market collection.
  16. The Green Hornet was a popular radio show and the comic looked pretty good when it had a cover by Schomburg. The back up features, Zebra and Spirit of 76, had some nice art by Cazeneuve and Powell. The other comics in this Harvey ad look pretty good too.
  17. Speaking of the Shadow, he was also very popular with Supersnipe. If Koppy was the boy with the most comics in America, he must have collected some DC or Timely but he usually was reading Street and Smith comics. bb
  18. I think we discussed before that Baker wasn't allowed to draw a heroic black male for the comics. Someone may have already mentioned Voodah as the exception but since I found this scan I thought I would post it. I don't think there are a lot of Baker stories in Crown but they worth finding. The black hero was choking the white villian in one panel which is a reversal of the usual JoJo plot. The cover unfortunately is a little racist I think. There is also a Coney Island story in that issue which looks like Baker did some of the art bb
  19. Bangzoom, Thanks for the link. I think there were several different Bat Man references in pulps before the Bob Kane creation. I only have a couple of Spider pulps and a few Shadow pulps but the Shadow radio programs are available in mp3 format for very little money. I have one disk that has a couple hours on the history of the show and the pulp. It interviews several of the actors and announcers and the organist. If I understand correctly, the Shadow was a voice that was used for a detective mystery story show. Street and Smith created the Lamont Cranston character to take advantage of the radio shows popularity. Eventually (1937) the radio show used the S and S character (voice by Orson Welles originally). The show became very popular and lasted until the mid fifties. I guess this show is available in a lot of formats. I found it very interesting and it makes for good entertainment while driving. bb I own that Spider issue but not this Shadow. I probably picked it up from another thread.
  20. Stuntman had an origin similar to Robin but S and K put a different spin on it. I liked the Blue Beetle and this Boy Commandos Sci Fi cover. bb Blue Beetle 12 from Jake in Baltimore. Boy Commandos from Wally at the outdoor flea market.
  21. I'm confused !?! Well, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and this may be purely coincedental, but given Baker's history with such things, this was probably intentional. You have way to much time on your hands, Dr. Wertham. I am amazed that you guys can imagine so much in the Wild Boy cover, make suggestive remarks about the figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and ignore the relation between Baker's and Michelangelo's art, but have no comments about Camilla's backside which is so prominent in his stories. Hands from "The Creation of Adam" Jungle 102 I think. Edit: Nope, it was from issue 100. bb
  22. Darn nice looking giant! Ever notice how on virtually every hand that Baker drew, the two middle fingers are together and the other two fingers are spread out. Ken Frank Miller was famous for that. I loved that he did that...it makes the character seem more elegant...more fluid. An artist that draws hands well needs to be taken with serious appreciation...that is a tough part of the body to master. R. Also very common at Archie, I think usually attributed to Harry Lucey. Here's the first Archie cover I spotted on a quick search where both characters are makin' the hand jive. Someone correct me if that's not Lucey. (A good Archie art spotter -- here? -- told me that Lucey's characters are always tilted or leaning, never straight vertical.) Jack master of my hands I notice that Mike also liked to use the hand jive. Good company. bb
  23. BZ, Sorry you didn't like the circus Spirit issue. I enjoy most of the Spirits that I have found. I sold half of my collection to Dave Reynolds but I still have the earlier issues which were in better condition. By the way, has anyone heard much about the new Spirit movie? Casting? Eisner's work was featured at the Jewish Museum a few years ago and the tabloid size issues made an excellant display along with the original art.
  24. You can see Baker's hand jive in the Camilla strip. Overstreet says he did Camilla in Jungle 100-113, 115 and 116. I would agree with that based on the examples below and other issues that I have. Scans from goldenagecomics.uk bb
  25. These Baker covers may be new to the thread. Thanks to Ebay and Goldenagecomics.UK for the scans. bb