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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Not to today's generation of big money crazed crypto minded FOMO buyers who have no interest in old smelly dingy books from 80+ years ago. What these new deep pocketed buyers are looking for nowadays as their holy grails are 10.0 graded copies of books like Transformers 1, Shogun Warriors 1, Micronaunts 1, etc.
  2. Yes. #Bidders.on.Crack. Lesson learned and you certainly won't catch me napping on the next big huge breakout book here. Especially since I've already scarfed up every single copy of Shogun Warriors 1 and Micronauts 1 that I could find from the loonie bin box and now got them all stacked to the rafters in my room and all ready to go.
  3. WTF...............now you tell me!!! Now, if you had told me sooner, I simply could have slotted $409 into Bid box right from the get go and saved us both a lot of time and unnecessary stress. Then again, I would probably have a bad case of buyer's remorse every time I looked at the book knowing that I never buy dups unless it's going to lower my breakeven cost, and in this case here, it would have been a humongous increase since the original copy in my collection had cost me only 35 cents. Seriously though, I guess that's why my Spidey sense started to tingle once the bidding cracked the $300 price point and I am glad you won it since I am sure you will appreciate the book much more than me, especially once it's in the company of what sounds like an absolutely stunning and top notch MOKF run. Even more special is the fact that since MOKF 64 is curremtly the highest graded with a total of only 7 copies and your copy is the only Signature Copy there is, I guess you have the best of the best in the world when it comes to MOKF 64. As for me actually, the other thing that crossed my mind at the time during one of those 3-minute extended bidding sessions was that the money would be much better spent towards paying for books like this one here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908192 A highest graded copy out of a total of 7 slabbed copies to date for something like 20% over condition guide. Kind of a rip-off now that I give it some more thought since it is supposedly one of these rare 35 cent variants which most likely means it is probably one of those cheapo versions printed up for the Canadian marketplace.
  4. That's life as sometimes it just tends to throw a hard curve ball your way and you simply have to MANNUP and make the tough and challenging hair raising choice. Perfect example being this case right here. Now, do you choose what must be an obvious no-demand book like Jungle 160 with already a whopping total of 4 copies slabbed to date and fork over your hard earned $105 for it? Or do you save up all of your nickels and dimes until you gather $44,000 worth for what must be a HTF in-demand book like Transformers 1 that has only 3,300 plus copies slabbed to date so far and clearly not enough to satisfy the FOMO driven demand for this book if the marketplace is willing to pay this kind of money for the book?
  5. For sure. I think part of the problem with some tough GA books is the supply is so low, it keeps demand in check simply because people are unaware they even exist. Yeah, tell me about Ace Comics and especially in terms of Ace Comics 11 with the first comic book appearance of the Phantom and a book that hardly never ever shows up in the marketplace. Just as tough at the other end is the last few extremely HTF issues of the Ace run with those rather simple, but beautiful Phantom covers that also simply doesn't seem to show up in the marketplace. You can definitely throw away the guide when it comes to these later Ace issues with the Phantom covers as I believe they have only shown up once in the marketplace so far with each of them selling for several hundred dollars and then only in mid-grade condition.
  6. So, are you basically telling me that absolutely gorgeous CGC 9.8 graded copy of MOKF with the killer drop dead Gulacy cover would have been mine's at what I initially thought would be my drop dead max price of only $138 or hopefully less, if I had only not alerted you to the MOKF run that was available in this CC Event Auction here?
  7. Yeah, sorry about that as it was definitely my BAD since it must have been a case of temporary insanity with me losing my senses for awhile there, as I had alluded to in my post the other night on the CC thread in the GA Forum: Yeah, although I was lost there for a moment and was seriously thinking of turbo charging it up to either $368 or possibly even $388, I snapped out of that crazed mindset when I looked at that fugly scrawl over the front cover log and just couldn't synch it up with a CGC 9.8 grade in my own mind. What really brought me back to the world of the living was during one of the 3-minute extended bidding sessions, I took a look at the GoCollect website which indicated FMV of only $100 for this book in CGC 9.8 and the one that really did it was the Overstreet with his top of guide valuation for this book set at only $6 whihc is definitely rather loonie bin to me. Knowing full well that I would have buyer's remorse if I ended up with the book at such a high price, my personal copy at a big 35 cents would just have to suffice for me while I scamper away from the seemingly crazed FOMO BA and CA marketplace and crawl back into my safe and comfortable GA hovel. Definitely a case of to each their own, but yet it's hard to argue with a GA book like this very late and extremely HTF Jungle issue here with a total of only 4 copies slabbed to date and still for only a tad over condition guide at $105 plus the 15% BP: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/901414 Like I said earlier, it's really a case of to each their own, and big big congrats to you for picking up what is clearly the best Gulacy cover by far in the MOKF run and possibly even the best cover in the entire MOKF run.
  8. Looks like the final issue in the Jungle run sold for a bit more money at $268 plus the 15% BP, although this White Page copy here is the 2nd highest graded copy out of a total of only 8 copies slabbed to date so far and was also given a higher scarcity rating by Gerber in his Scarcity Index which he seems to have done with all of the final last issue in the various Fiction House titles: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/901411
  9. Fantastic pickup of an absolutely gorgeous classic action pack jungle cover with close up shots of the 2 main characters along with the majestic lion attacking in all its glory. Not sure if it's because it's a Friday night, but I would have expected some of these final Jungle Comics at the end of their long run to have gone for a lot more like what seems to the case with the final issues when it comes ot the other Fiction House runs like Planet and Jumbo. Especially in light of the fact that these last few issues of Jungle generally have only a small handful of copies slabbed to date, with the perfect example being this copy here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/901414 Although this cover is clearly not as classic as the Jungle 159, it's still a beauty with its array of bright colors and it's definitely hard to beat an action pack jungle bondage cover, especially one with only 4 unrestored copies slabbed to date and yet sold for what seems to be a relative bargain price of only $105 plus the 15% BP.
  10. Thanks Most of my books are 9.6 or 9.8 I know it is early but I guess when I see books getting lots of bids, it is hard seeing mine with none. Can totally understand how you feel her, but as you yourself noted, the auction just started on Thursday which is still very early. With respect to both CC and CL auctions, a lot of the real action is done right at the end in terms of the 3-minuted extended biddings sessions when it comes to CC and with respect to CL, just pray that you have 2 crazed bidders out there with both of them willing to throw out blind Hail Mary bids in the last couple of seconds in the hopes of winning your book. With these comic book auctions, no need to stress out too early as I was watching a Flash Gordon book on the CC auction site a few days ago where it was sitting at only $155 with a few hours to go, and yet it ended up at something like $2,725 by the time all of the extended bidding was done.
  11. To be expected for a CL Focused Auction which is what this one in April is, as opposed to a CL Featured Auction which is the one starting in May. In general, the CL Focus Auctions are populated with mostly (but not necessarily all) lower value books and hence that is why you see over 200 pages of items in there making it kind of unwieldy for potential bidders to sift through at times. Doesn't help since CL usually spends far less time hyping these books as clearly evident by the fact that most auction listings have just the standard one-line description. The CL Featured Auctions are completely different in that they are generally for the higher dollar value books and as such, there are far fewer pages of them (I believe only 38 for the last one in February) which makes it a whole lot easier for potential bidders to wade through. Given the potential higher dollar values for these books, CL clearly spends more time on them as evident by full detailed write-ups on each book seemingly hyping them as best as they can which makes you almost hit the bid button when you don't even have any interest in that book to start. Of course there are exceptions like the recent hot books which are readily available like GSXM 1, Hulk 181, Spidey 129, etc. where they have so many copies available in various grades that they end up putting 5 to 10 copies of each in both their Featured and Focused Auction. If I remember correctly, the last Focused Auction in Marcg had a GSXM 1 in CGC 9.8 which sold for $67,900 while the equivalent graded copy in the March Featured Auction in February sold for just $44K because the market on these HG readily available books are just moving so fast and so volatile in this rather crazed crupto like FOMO marketplace right now.
  12. Based upon what I believe the 2 of you are saying here, it sounds as though you are referring to only the Seller's Premium of either 10% or 15% here. Did either of you asked them if they would be giving the 20% Buyer's Premium back to you or will they be keeping it for themselves, because this is usally the norm unless you have either a large quantity of book or some nice quality books which would amount to a high dollar value and hence give you some negotiating leverage with them?
  13. Was watching parts of the last night of the CC Event Auction and noticed they had a near complete run of Jungle Comics with the majority of the later issues having less than 10 slabbed copies to date, with this one here being a perfect example: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/901414 Stunning array of eye-popping colors on this action packed jungle bondage cover and looks like a steal of a deal with only a measly 4 unrestored copies graded to date after two whole decades of slabbing.
  14. Well, looks like Metro/CC is slowly starting to move down the comic book food chain with their almost weekly announcements now. First, it was the record breaking sale of the Action 1 for $3.25M which was then followed by the 2 sales of DD 1 at $250K and another for $125K. And now for this week, we get the announcement for the sale of a CGC 8.5 graded copy of Venus 19 for $52,500, and from the attached photo, with Vinnie seemingly drunkily ecstatic about it and ready for another special bottle of wine to celebrate the sale with: https://scoop.previewsworld.com/Home/4/1/73/1014?ArticleID=251030 Looks like they really do need to update their auction archives for all of these brokered deals whereby they are the ones putting the buyers and sellers together, or are these not considered to be official transactions from a regular sales point of view?
  15. Truer words were never spoken That and also as my better half would say, if you are the consignor, yet never quite long enough if the clock is ticking down to zero and all you want is just that one more hit.
  16. Or the same copies being flipped for a loss of over $1,500 (despite CConnect's blinding color saturation): https://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/item.asp?back=%2FComicTrack%2FAuctions%2Fauctions_first.asp&id=1415033 Well, that's what tends to happen and is totally not surprising at all when you try to buy on an auction site like CL which is based upon last second blind snipe bidding if you really want to win a book. If you take a look at the CL auction history, it would appear that the winning bidder at a price point of $16,250 for this book here was actually willing to go even higher. As clearly evident by the fact they actually went and placed an even higher last second Hail Mary bid which luckily for them, did not get activated. Being a buyer of books, I would definitely prefer the 3-minute extended bidding format which CC uses because it actually allows you to take a breath, relax, and then decide if you really want to bid that one incrmental step higher for the book or not. Believe me, 3 minutes is a long long time if you are waiting and hoping that somebody else doesn't hit that bid button on you before the clock winds down to zero.
  17. That's excellent detective work on your part and it should be noted that King Comics #1 was tied in the #6 position in Overstreet's most valuable books in Good condition in that YouTube.video which I just posted in my previous post up above. Now, let me think about this a bit as I really really need to concentrate hard here to try to figure out which book did better in the end..........this King Comics 1 or that other book which you might not have heard of which was tied with it in the #6th spot, namely Batman 1. It just gets so darned frustrating and you just feel like pulling your hair right out when you can't figure out the answers to these complicated questions like this one here. , the other book that is, NOT King Comics 1 although that'll also do.
  18. No, not Four Color 173 as you would have missed it by a few years since the Overstreet guide indicates Feature Books 25 to be Flash Gordon's first all-inclusive FULL FEATURE appearance in 1941 and then followed by the stunning red colored FC 10 in 1942, which can be seen here: Interesting to note that both Feature Books 25 and Four Color 10 were once ranked very very high in terms of Overstreet's most valuable books when the first price guide came out. If you have any problems sleeping at night, you can watch this YouTube video and at the 1:16 mark (if you haven't already fallen asleep by then, that is ), you'll notice that both of these books are tied in the #9 position as being the most valuable books in Good condition in the entire world at that time. Not only that, it is tied with a bunch of other books that you might have also equally never heard of like All-Star 3, Flash 1, and just a big $5 behind Cap 1 all alone in 8th position, or a much bigger $15 behind Batman 1. Now, just imagine if you was actually astute and lucky enough to have brought that Good condition Four Color 10 at guide in 1970 for only $85, you would now be able to live out your retirement in luxury by cashing out and reselling it 50 long years later at today's current Good condition guide price of a huge and highly profitable $88.
  19. Hmmmmm........................... So, are you trying to tell me it's not too late and I just might be able to pick up a HG copy of Four Color with the beautiful Dale Arden bondage cover for a steal of a deal February prices!!! Then again, only if I am extremely lucky (which I am usually am NOT ) and remember to check on eBay on a regular and constant basis hoping against hope.
  20. On a more serious note though, did that highest graded copy even sell for $799.99 since that appears to be the initial BIN price and it is then crossed out which means a even slightly lower Best Offer price might actually have been accepted on the book. I have never understoodthe rationale for a seller to offer a high quality book like this one here on what is basically nothing more than a global flea marketplace where all of the bottom feeders go to do their shopping. Especially when most people with the deeper pockets are probably not willing to go onto a site like eBay every single day to search through millions upon millions of worthless drek to find that one piece of treasure that they might just be looking for to add into their collection. Makes even less sense from a pure numbers point of view since the eBay and PayPal fees to sell the item is actually more than the fees for either CC or CL, and on top of that, you have to do all of the work yourself in terms of listing, shipping, and dealing with all customer related issues. From a pure customer targeting point of view, wouldn't a high profile comic book auction site also be much more suitable since it would be filled with quality eyeballs willing to dig deep deep into their pockets for quality books exactly like this, as opposed to bottom feeders looking for the lowest prices possible who would never ever think of spending anywhere close to 4-figures for a book like this in the first place.
  21. I was watching the book in the CC auction. Stayed below $100 until the last few hours. I think I put in a small bid at one time just because I love the cover. Have you guys even bothered to check your calendar lately because we are now well into April and no longer back in the Stone Ages of February. Or are you thinking back to your childhood memories of those long ago and sadly now bygone days of yore way way back in February when you was sitting on your Grandpappy's big legs while he would ruminate you with those cherished and much treasured stories about buying XM 94 for only $15K, GSXM 1 and CGC 9.6 graded copies of TMNT 1 for only into the $20K's, or dare we even dream of, but the holy grail of all being able to pick up a copy of Transformers 1 in the loonie bin box for only a buck?
  22. Ummmm...............as I had just posted on another thread in the General Comics Forum, you simply have to go into their auction archives as follows: If you do this you'll find that the Bat 44 hammered at $4,300 which really means a final auction price of $4,945 once you add in the 15% BP. Same approach shows the Bat 49 hammering at $8,955 or sold for actually $10,298.25 once you add in the 15% BP. Now, you can go do the one for Bat 73 yourself. From these rather stratospheric prices, it would appear that the market for Joker Batman covers are still buring red hot. One thing I don't like is the fact that the Selection Box keeps resetting back to the default Comics option instead of remaining on the Sold option after every search, which can be a bit of pain at times.
  23. Yes, pretty much the same way you would do a search on the HA archives. You simply have to type in the name of the book that you are looking for, hit the drop down box and change it from Comics to their historical archives by selecting Sold, then hit the Submit button. All of their previous auction results and non-auction sales for that particular book will then show up sorted in order of condition grade, whereas the HA archives is sorted by dollar value. Only thing to note is that the title of the book has to be exactly as per their database which can sometimes be frustrating. For example, you have to type in “Master of Kung-Fu 64” with the hyphen and not just simply “Master of Kung Fu 64” without the hyphen. The one good thing about their new website is that their auction archives are updated pretty much “real time” even as their auctions are running live. Much better than their old website which seeming appeared to be done manually as they were often a few Event Auctions behind or just missing a whole ton of books. As for the CL auction, they are telling you to go f*** yourselves.
  24. I can just imagine if this collection were to ever hit the marketplace and of course, the big fight by the various auction houses to secure the rights to sell this collection for either Bang Zoom himself or sadly, for his estate in the hopeful long and distant future.
  25. I believe @G.A.tor already answered this question for us on Christmas Day as per his post below which can be found back on Page 117 of this thread here: The only thing I don't like is that it can get quite messy and possibly confusing if some of the consignors wants to have the BP added on top while others do not. You'll then end up with an auction running live where some lots have them while others do not.