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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Well, not just the Kentucky Collection consignor though, as they also had this same 15% BP in place for the Quick Draw Western Auction which they just did earlier this year. I expect we will be seeing more of this going forward because if you take a look at some of the lots during the first 3 days of the auction, a very small sampling of them (probably from a couple consignors) also had the 15% BP in there. The one which I noticed because I was bidding on them for awhile were both of the New Book of Comics and by just flipping through their auction catalogue, also a couple copies of Doctor Strange 169, a few copies of trange Tales 110, a Showcase 30, and the handful of movie props that they did have in this auction here. So, my guess is that this is definitely not going to be the last that we will be seeing of this.
  2. Sounds perfect then and so much for the rumour that CC doesn't share ALL of their data with you guys. Now, if you can somehow just convince Josh to share all of his CL auction results with you guys. Looks like you don't actually have to even click onto the auction listing as the 15% BP notation is right there on the first line and you can see it in their archive right under the name of the book and the name of the publisher along with the CGC grade.
  3. It’s added on top of what the final sale is. They don’t always charge that though. I believe it’s something special about books from this auction. Yeah, not sure how collectors and companies like GPA and GoCollect will be handling this little wrinkle since unlike Heritage which doesn't even show the irrelevant hammer price once the auction is over, it would appear that CC is still showing only the hammer price when you go into their auction archives. So, unlike Heritage which automatically grosses everything up by the 20% BP in order to reflect the higher actual price paid by the winner, it looks like we are all going to have to read the auction listing in orer to see if we should be topping up their so-called "non-final" number in order to get the actual price paid for the book. What an unnecessary pain and hassle unless this gets fixed by CC because what's the point of giving potential bidders in future auctions that a book has sold for less money than it actually did sell for. For example, if you go into their auction archives, it shows that the CGC 9.6 graded copy of TMNT 1 sold for $88,000 which is actually correct because there was no addition BP on top of that. With the CGC 8.0 graded copy of Batman 1 though, their auction archive clearly states that it sold for only $1,050,000 which is NOT actually correct because if you read the auction description, the first line clearly states that an additional 15% BP is to be added in which means the final price paid was actually $1,207,500 which unfortunately doesn't show up anywhere. Certainly hope they fix this because if they don't, that means going forward, we are now going to have to actually read the details of every single auction listing in order to determine the actual price paid for the book.
  4. Well, definitely a hit for the consignor when CC was able to get $88K for the CGC 9.6 graded copy of TMNT 1 when HA was able to get only $66K for their CGC 9.6 graded copy about 2 short weeks ago. Or is 2 weeks considered to be more than a lifetime in this seemingly crypto like FOMO marketplace of ours when it comes to these readily available books and that $88K was actually a steal for the buyer and a miss by the seller. And to think, that's NOT even for a CGC 9.8 graded copy of the book. , the money, that is!!!
  5. This is an absolutely stunning and gorgeous detailed underwater cover and I am sure it must have cost you a pretty penny to get one in this condition.
  6. And yet at the same time, if you read the first line of the auction listing description above, it would appear that it is also no longer a $67,900 book where it was just a couple of short weeks ago.
  7. I also love the early Archie art style, and you certainly can't argue when you have one of these squarbound 120-pagers like your Archie Annual #6. Speaking of these Archie 120-pagers, it looks like the lucky winner of this book here either got himself an absolute steal of a deal or some of the Archie books have really cooled off as compared to where they were several years ago: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908195 I made the mistake of not paying any attention and hence missing this book as I assumed that it would be out of my price range, and yet very surprisingly for a highest graded Northford pedigree copy of a #1 Archie issue, it managed to come in under the radar for some lucky bidder at a bargain basement price of only $1,551 or well under the top of guide price of $1,950. Not sure if it's my eyes or is that hopefully just a lot of wear on the outside of the slab, because all of that scuffing certainly does not make that copy look that appealing at all relative to its assigned CGC 9.2 grade. It might have helped the final price if the consignor had sent it back into CGC to get it reholdered into one of those new glossy mylar back slabs with the new pedigree label to boot, as I am sure the book would have presented much nicer if that had been done. Not sure if the interest or demand for the Archie books have dropped to this extent since I remember bidding on the other CGC 9.2 graded copy back about 15 to 20 years ago when top of guide was approaching $1K at the time. If I remember correctly, it was the single highest graded copy at the time and I guess before this Northford copy got graded and slabbed. I guess it must have been in my younger and more foolish days when I was willing to open my wallet a bit wider because I remember being the underbidder for that copy when it sold for something like $1,250 or $1,300 on eBay. I also remember being willing to bid that loonie bin high for the book only because it was just an absolutely stunning copy (from the scan of course) with those solid and strong deep blue and red colors that just popped and dripping right off the cover. It's too bad the copy here didn't do so well in this go round because I certainly feel for the consignor, especially since it sold for $2,999 the first time in a prior CC Event Auction back in December of 2015, even with that same fugly looking scuffed holder.
  8. If that was the case, then shouldn't we be seeing multiple copies for some of these issues, as opposed to just single copies for each of them?
  9. John Verzyl owned practically all the Church Timely's I was just teasing as I believe almost everybody that's been collecting GA books for awhile already knows this.
  10. Rose, John jr or Nan. How in this huge global diverse world of ours would you even know this? Do all of you guys in the grading biz place hidden invisible trackers inside the books and slabs after you grade them?
  11. Hmmmm............no response at all which makes me wonder if all of the Mask collectors have left and moved onto more trendy things like NFT's? Anyways for those who might be interested, looks like we got the answer here with Mask 2 being the clear and decisive winner as the CGC 3.0 graded copy of Mask 1 finished up at only $9,600; while the CGC 4.0 graded copy of Mask 2 finished well ahead at $14,754 as posted below: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908050
  12. Well, looks like we got a clear and decisive winner here and the expected answer to my question in my previous post up above as the CGC 3.0 graded copy of Mask 1 finished up at only $9,600 while the CGC 4.0 graded copy of Mask 2 below finished well in front at $14,754: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908050
  13. Well, so much for my well laid out plan to pick up a copy of the stunning Flash Gordon Four Color 190 with the beautiful and sexy Dale Arden on the cover for a steal whenever a nice copy comes along: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/820394 Definitely disappointing and bad news for potential buyers going forward as the above copy here sold for a rather astounding $2,725 or more than 15X top of guide and it's not even the highest graded copy, with the other 2 Flash Gordon's in this auction nipping right behind at its heels.
  14. Yeah, looks like they had no problem beating the record setting price point of $66K for a CGC 9.6 graded copy of this book set just 2 weeks ago at the recent Heritage Signature Auction. Appeared like they had 2 rather aggressive crypto like bidders who dragged it from something like $56,200 all the way up to the $88K mark by the time it was all said and done. I guess those so-called "investors" who had brought into the Rally Road CGC 9.8 graded copy of this book near the end of last year are now probably having the last laugh on the boardies who were deriding them for their piece meal purchase of this book here.
  15. I was a little surprised by this as well. The label said all the interior wraps were split--I'm surprised that's allowed in 2.5. (A detached cover with the spine fully split gets you a 1.8 at best) Well, I guess this might simply be nothing more than just another case of CGC's consistency when it comes to the inconsistent application of their undisclosed, but constantly shifting grading standards.
  16. Wow, looks like they had pretty much the entire run of the Master of Kung-Fu series available in their Event Auction earlier this evening, with virtually all of them in uber HG CGC 9.8 graded condition. It's a bit too bad that Gulacy who did the beautiful interiors for most of the early issues didn't do more than a few of the later cover artwork, because it's definitely hard to beat an absolutely stunning cover like this one here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/897932 Since I have always loved this cover because it appears very Bruce Lee like to me, I figured that I would give this one a shot as it probably wouldn't look too bad in one of the rooms in my house. Was in on the bidding until it got too high for my taste and was rather surprised that it actually went as high as the $338 realized price. Even more surprising was the fact that CGC didn't do their usual and knocked the grade way way down for that large fugly written scrawl across the front cover. I probably would have been willing to bid in that rarified air space if it had been a truly clean book without that scrawled signature and anyways, figured that the minty fresh copy that I had cherry picked off the shelves of the LCS for only 35 cents way back in the day and which I still have will just have to do for now.
  17. Well okay, I guess there's still always the CGC 9.8 Giant-Size X-Men 1 that we can now all go after.
  18. Sorry Peter; It looks like you came pretty close here, but no cigar as you just miss it by a tad here. If you was only willing to dig a little deeper into your jeans to pull out a few more Benjamin's, it could have been all yours to take home.
  19. Yeah, tell me about it as I thought the LCS owner was offering me $300 to take that fugly looking price of toxic doggie poo poo out to the trash bin to tossit for him when he handed it to me to take a look at. He must have thought I was a real loonie bin sucker to actually pay him $300 so that he could order me a copy direct right from Mirage for my personal collection. Being the astute collector that I was back in the day, I decided to order one of those now surely worthless signed and limited hardcover edition of the Dark Knight book from him for a bargain basement price of only $40 instead.
  20. From the looks of things for today, I imagine the highlight for the bidders with money is going to be where this book finishes up at tonight: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/901543 Looks like it has finally moved up from the high $30K's where it had been resting for awhile and for now at least, has taken another pit stop at $53K.
  21. Yes they did, but they sadly lost the case as they apparently never asked Chuckles for his estimated "expert" value of the collection. Supposedly, they just looked at all of the "garbage" taking up all of that space and assumed there were 20,000 books in ther multiplied by the 10 cents cover price per copy and came up with their $2,000 offer and Chuckles gladly accepted their offer. Of course, it took him a couple of weeks to come up with the money by going to Burrell Rowe in the end, since Chuck probably didn't have a single dime to his name at the time.
  22. Was just starting to go through the CC Event aution listings for today and although they have 3 rather stunning HG Flash Gordon's right on the first page, it's a bit too bad they dont't have a copy of this beauty here in this go round of the auction this time: Absolutely love the bright colors on this cover here and you certainly can't miss a bondage cover like this one here with Flash's beautiful girlfriend in her short short miniskirt. Kind of reminds me of the equally bright and stunning cover for Famous Funnies 191 which I missed out on last year as it sold for huge multiples to condition guide that time:
  23. Well, it looks like this copy of Daredevil 1 that they had in their auction finished up at the same $125K price point that the Northland pedigree copy had sold for at the end of March. Not sure if it would have helped if they had gotten this Twin Cities copy reholdered into one of those new pedigree labels, especially since CC didn't even bothered to mentioned the pedigree status of the book in their entire 1-page catalog write-up. Wasn't quite able to match that White Page CGC 9.6 graded copy that Heritage sold for $150K right at the start of this month as that copy there looked absolutely blindingly white in comparison. Of course, since that is a Heritage scan, as we all know, they would be able to turn even a dark black cover book into a blinding snow white cover book.
  24. And QES approved?? Ummmm.....................sounds to me as though the two of you are confusing the CGC technical grade with the entire premise of the QES labels. Both of the factors which you indicated in terms of the interior wraps and the Brittle Pages are technical defects which goes into the determination of the grade and PQ designations, as assigned by CGC. As far as I know, the QES sticker looks at the visual quality of the book assigns the sticker to it if it feels that its visual appearance is superior to how a standard or average copy of that book would look like in that same grade. From this point of view, they take into account things like color strike, edge quality, etc. which are some of the visual factors that CGC does not take that much into account when assigning their grades. The advantage of the QES sticker over the CVA sticker from my own personal point of view is that the QES sticker at least comes with the specific individual criteria that qualifies it for the sticker, while the CVA sticker is just a generic sticker for any book that meets their visual quality rating relative to the assigned CGC grade. I always find that individual detailed reasons are better than just generic reasons in this case here. As an outlandish example here, if you actually read the reasons for the QES sticker on the Sensation 1, it actually makes sense when compared to this CGC 2.5 technically graded book here: Now, which CGC 2.5 graded book looks visually superior to you, although I will admit that Borock apparently came on later to state that this book had been inadvertently overgraded, after all of the complaints from boardies here. But you do get the idea that copy of Sensation Comics 1 does seem to present much nicer visually than most other CGC 2.5 graded books out there.
  25. It would appear that some of the other board members here would seem to differ with your conclusion here as they thought this copy here would hit north of $60k even with the Slight Brittle pages. Especially in light of the fact that in some of the previous CC Event Auctions, they have been able to fetch $21,500 for a CGC 0.5 graded copy and then into the mid-$40k's for the same CGC 1.0 graded copy on two different occasions. Plus the fact that this exact same CGC 2.5 graded copy had sold in a CC Event Auction about 5 years ago for $42K when still residing in it's original holder: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/613404