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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Or they could have simply left it as that could be a portence or sign of things to come with that being just CGC's preliminary testing of their new label that got out by mistake. You just never know, especially when it comes to their ongoing shall we say "improvements" to their restoration and conservation definitions and their more than happy willingness to reholder your book for you with their new label, for an appropriate fee of course. All kidding aside, it was good to see that all parties involved was able to correct this error before the end of the auction tomorrow.
  2. Yes, after giving it some thought following @skypinkblu post yesterday, I figured it must have been a quality control issue with CGC in terms of putting the incorrect label on it. Good to see that CC was able to correct this labelling error and update their online scan before the auction gets into its final stage tomorrow.
  3. Yeah, that's the one that I always get mixed up on and as you know, I would own the non-battle issue that's worth a lot less. Can't really complain that much though since I picked it up in a small grouping of early GA books that averaged out to about $1K a pop and the issue of Human Torch was the only Timely in the bunch and was actually in pretty HG condition.
  4. And the old lady along with the rest of the Church family probably thought they had pulled a fast one on Chuckles by finding some know nothing stooge hippie kid to pay full cover price for some old smelly books which they thought they might otherwise have to pay some trash guy to pick up and haul away.
  5. Although prices can certainly be much more volatile with the CGC 1.0 and 0.5 graded entry level copies of these types of books as evident by previous rather spectacular results in previous CC Event Auctions, this is certainly why it's hard to do a straight line PPP projection when it involves entry level prices and other factors such as Slightly Brittle pages. Especially when the best comparison would be to its previous sale back about 6 years ago in a CC Event Auction on June 3 of 2015 when it sold for $42K: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/613404 Looks like that sale was when it was still residing in its original holder and the book must have simply been reholdered as it still retained the exact same CGC serial number for when the book was graded way back in 2003. So, a return of something like 33% before fees and commissions for having the honor and privilege of being the caretaker of this wonderful book for the past 6 years.
  6. Absolutely no surprise that I am never ever this lucky or anywhere even close to it, especially since I used to fantasize about this exact same scenario happening to me back in the day, but clearly no such luck.
  7. I guess old Bats himself must still be burning red hot if even a dare we say PGX 2.0 graded copy of Batman 3 (which we sadly cannot post a picture of here or else we'll get spanked like Robin ) can sell for $2,800 or at more than double condition guide: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/746432 Okay, my bad here as it's probably Robin's bottom and Bat's hand that might actually be burning red hot here.
  8. Most definitely an absolute and big NO NO if he decides to pull down the rest of the blanket in the Pt 3 sequel in order to show off the rest of his bodily hairs in this screen shot of himself below:
  9. Since it's always good to be politically correct and I am an equal opportunity poster here as opposed to being a GA elistist here, it will be interesting to see where this copy of DD 1 finishes up at in only a few short hours from now as it has just crossed the $100K mark: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/898203 Although it might not have much problem passing their own $125K mark which they themselves managed to hit on March 31st for the CGC 9.6 Northland Copy of DD 1, I am not sure if it will be able to match the $150K record set by the Heritage CGC 9.6 graded copy just a couple weeks ago on April 1st?
  10. On a much more serious note though, I am sure if it was a photo cover with Andy Garcia running out there holding the gun and flashlight while dressed only with his naked chest hairs and a scantily shorty but very tight pair of shorts, it would have been slabbed as a CGC 9.8 graded copy.
  11. As I had pointed out previously in another thread somewhere on the GA boards here awhile ago, grading in terms of the noted defects can seem pretty random at times as their undisclosed grading standards might have changed or they might be going through a particularly tough grading time period. The example which I pointed out at the time back then was this Dell File Copy of Crackajack Funnies #9 which was initially graded as being only a CGC 9.0 copy: https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/crackajack-funnies-9-file-copy-dell-1939-cgc-vf-nm-90-off-white-pages/a/830-91039.s?ic4=ListView-ShortDescription-071515# Curious enough for me to get the Graders' Notes which flagged the book for "Front Cover Writing" and "Top Back Cover Lite Shadow" with no interior defects noted at all. Can't understand why the book would be hit for having a tell tale signature pedigree type marking on its cover, and couldn't understand why it was subequently graded as a CGC 9.6 copy when it visibly still had these exact same 2 noted defects on it as per the HA scan. I am also quite sure they are both still on the book now that it's safely and comfortably residing in a CGC 9.8 holder.
  12. Well, since it's one of these superlative Dell File copies from the late 30's/early 40's, I am sure the interior pages are pretty much immaculate and all of the defects are from the covers only. With respect to the Don Winslow, I suspect it would most ikely be due to the bit of color fading that you see towards the bottom left of the front cover and possibly also the main reason why it didn't managed to get a QES sticker, similar to the other Dell File copies for some of the Crackajacks. You definitely can't complain about the colors on the back cover though since the blues seems to be strong and consistent throughout the entire cover here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/820386
  13. Yeah, I have one of these early Human Torch issues and for the life of me, can never figure out or remember which one of them I have. I always have to go back to the Overstreet guide and look for the one with the lower valuation and sadly, that's the one which I would own.
  14. Speaking of pricing action, can't wait until this evening's session to watch the extending bidding activity on this copy of Detective 31 here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/905969 Since it seems to be the key classic cover and the favorite for the pre-Robin Detective crowd, it will be interesting to see where this copy ends up at since it is still sitting at only $28,500 with very little activity during the past week and still well under condition guide valuation for now. Considering that CGC 1.0 graded copies have sold multiple times into the mid-$40's at CC Event auctions here before in the past, I imagine there is still a lot of runway left for this copy here, even with that rather toasty looking spine edge and the Slightly Brittle pages is always a bit of a killer.
  15. If you are referring to that gorgeous red copy of Crackajack 26 here, you are 110% correct as I am always a sucker for books with strong bold colors of the red, blue, and green persuasion, and there are definitely some pretty strong colors with a few of the covers in this Crackerajack Funnies run in this auction here. Like you said, a definite stunner for being only a CGC 9.0 graded copy and probably would have graded a lot higher without that fugly looking chest hair distracting the attention of the grader. Seriously though, as some submittors with lots of submitting experience have told me, if you don't know know how to play the grading game and submit your books according to their rules, you probably stand a pretty good chance of being taken behind the wood shed and have some punishment grading applied to your bottom where your wallet is. Although you can never accurately grade a book without actually having it in hand, all I will say is that I have seen many books in a higher graded slab that doesn't seem to present quite as nicely as this nice beautiful blue cover copy does relative to its CGC 7.5 assigned grade: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/820386 Although you can certainly argue about the grade, you definitely can't argue about its current price point of only #36 for a stunning OW File Copy from almost 80 long long years ago. Somehow though, I think it might just finish up a bit higher than this by the time it's all said and done tomorrow afternoon.
  16. Although the extended bidding sessions didn't go on as long for this Church copy of All-Star Comics 2, it was also nice to see the strong finish here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908287 Then again, maybe this price of $25,500 is par for the course and to be expected, considering that it is a QES stickered Edgar Church Mile High copy and a highest graded CGC 9.6 with White Pages to boot.
  17. Besides all of thre action on the All-Select 1 which I was watching, I also happened to surprisingly also see a lot of action during the extended bidding sessions on the HG copies of both All-Star 1 and All-Star 2: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908286 Must have been a record price for this condition grade since it hammered down at $39K, so not sure if this will then be bumped up to $44,850 once you add in the 15% BP that for some strange reason was attached to this non-Kentucky Collection book here. If so, maybe they need to reflect the higher dollar price point for this auction result here then, similar to what HA does for all of their auction lots when they have the 20% BP. Especially good to see these rather strong prices at long last for some of these pre-hero DC books.
  18. Makes me wonder where this so-called Conserved CGC 5.0 graded copy from the Kentucky Collection will settle in at in a couple days from now: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/900482 Considering it's supposed to be Conserved copy here according to the CGC label here, not sure why the label would state "Restoration includes......", although I will admit there does seem to be a lot of different activities that have been performed on the book as noted on the label. Or has CGC changed their definitions of what constitutes Restoration and Conservation once again in order to attract more resubs?
  19. Well, from a pricing action point of view, it was defintely nice to see this Timely with its classic WWII cover image which had seemingly plateau after several long years of gangbuster price increases get a well deserved jolt and reawakening here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/907803 Not sure if this is a record price for this condition grade, but it was definitely fun to watch the extended bidding sessions of this book here and rather nice that it was able to past the $10K price point for a CGC 3.5 graded copy of this key book here.
  20. Yes, I was watching this one here and it definitely did get a bit more action than some of the other issues in that rather extended Archie run. Maybe it has all to do about the legs for this cover in terms of Betty's shorty short microskirt and Veronica's pair of hot pants shorts. Definitely Betty for me then as it's really no contest from my point of view here. From a pricing point of view though, although it did sell for $1,200 on this go round here, this still only represented a rather small increase from the $1,126.17 that it managed to fetched in a CC Event Auction way back in 2016: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/676160 Especially in comparison to some of the massive increases that other GA and SA books, and even more so, that some selected BA and CA books have enjoyed during this 5 year time period in between. Heck, since even I was able to win a few of these Archie books in yesterday's auction last night, then they definitely are relatively reasonable right now from a pricing point of view. As for boycotting this auction here, I think that's definitely a fantastic idea, but ONLY for the books which I am planning to bid on please.
  21. I think I dated a few, but that was a long time ago, lol. Do tell as we are all ears here and we can just keep this between you and me since absolutely nobody else ever reads these boards here. Are you REALLY trying to have us believe that you only THINK because you never got far enough to tell for sure?
  22. Well, from her reaction in your post, I somehow don't think Sharon is really into the Charles Bronson type of man there.
  23. I was joking;) I almost hung up on them, I thought it was one of those "your warrantee is in danger" spam calls. I did suggest they post here. Well, maybe they need to make a few more phone calls as this is definitely a Buyer's auction when it comes to some of the prices on these books. Being a long time cheapo collector from the old days, it's definitely good to see some of these lower prices, especially after some of the crazed and seemingly out of this world FOMO prices that we have been seeing the past few months. Definitely a good sign for the old time buyers when you can see highest graded copies of seldom seen in the marketplace GA books still sitting in or near single digit fractions to condition guide because they'll most likely still be a bargain even after the extended bidding sessions (if any) kicks in. I guess the current furor and mania for the deep pocketed buyers of today is much more for paying outrageous and insane multiples to guide for relatively easy to find books that already have hundreds if not thousands slabbed to date, and also with tens if not hundreds already in equivalent highest graded condition. As for an old fogey like me who likes to buy books when they are out of favor and relatively cheap as opposed to when they are in a furor and at a market peak, I clearly know which books I would prefer to buy at this current point in time.
  24. Speaking about Archie books, does anybody here know much about these supposedly rarer 35 cent price variants like this one here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/908192 Not sure if this is simply a print run meant for the Canadian market or what, but also surprised that CGC didn't bothered to break it out in the Census Population Report or to indicate it on the label. Looks like this white page beauty here is the highest graded copy out of a total of 7 copies slabbed to date and sold for pretty much close to condition guide.
  25. You definitely can't go wrong with these humongous early 120-pager squarebound Archie books and another one with the classic Archie love triangle, especially when they are extremely tough to find in grade as everybody loves to read them. It's always good to buy up these books when the market furor is focused somewhere else and you can pick these up at relative bargain prices, as the market demand will eventually cycle back to them since the Archie franchise is still strong and growing in various media forms even today. The only Archie book that seem to generate some extended bidding in this go round here was the CGC 8.0 highest graded copy of Archie 3 here: https://www.comicconnect.com/item/904096 I believe this book moved up from somewhere around $5,600 up to the final $9K price point during the extended bidding session. I was thinking that it might even move a bit higher into the $10K point, especially considering that it is the highest graded copy and supposedly scarce, but then I guess the clearly visible rusty staple and the presence of another lower graded copy in the same auction probably didn't help it.