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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. So, are you really trying to tell us that the Church copy of Wonderworld Comics 3 is probably going to have a tough time beating this book here: Even if I was blind as a bat, I would know which one of these books I would take in a heartbeat without any wasted thinking at all.
  2. I bet you're tickled pink! Probably more like tickled blue in this case here.
  3. Do you have a link handy for this $8K sale that you are referencing?
  4. Wasn't the GS X-Men 1 part of some huge warehouse find back in the day and as such, shouldn't really be that difficult to find in grade?
  5. It's really kind of sad that Jon does not spend any more time on the boards here with us now that he has disposed of his entire collection save for a few of his more favorite books here and there. I imagine he must find this to be the easiest way to step away since the comic book hobby was such a big passion for him throughout his entire collecting life, as clearly evident by so many of the articles which he authored throughout the decades.
  6. Not at all surprised that the counterfeits would be worth something in the marketplace, especially considering that there seems to be more authentic #1 than there are counterfeit #1, as far as I can tell at least. Just not sure if they should be worth $1K though. Does anybody here have any idea as to how many counterfeits are out there or what the print run was?
  7. This top copy here is relatively sharp for a Cerebus 1 in that it exhibits far fewer of those tell tale spine ticks that this book is notorious for.
  8. Yes indeed, a little bit surprised thst it's coming back to market so soon after selling for something like $64K+ in a CC Event Auction just last summer in 2020. Sad to see that so many of today's buyers are really more like flippers in that they can't seem to hold onto their books for very long at all.
  9. Yes, as I have stated before on these boards here, in today's red hot marketplace, it is so much faster and easier to sell one $10,000 comic book as opposed to the slow and tedious task of trying to sell a thousand $10 comic books.
  10. Well, it's finally about time for these early Marvel squarebound annuals, as the one that really stood out here for me was this one here: https://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fdefault.asp%3F_SORT%3DYES%26Focused%3D1%26f1%3Da.MaxBid%26ODire1%3DDESC%26f2%3Di.Title%2C%2Bi.IssueNumber%26ODire2%3DASC%26f3%3Da.Noofbids%26ODire3%3DDESC%23Item_1452313&id=1452313&itemType=0 I still remember reading this one here when I was just a kid and absolutely loved all of the early Marvel Annuals as they just had so much more in there when compared to the regular monthly series. Nothing could really beat those first 2 Thor Annuals along with the second FF Annual featuring the origin of Doctor Doom. And yet I could never quite figure out why these annuals seemingly never quite caught on with the collecting base as their valuations certainly went up at a much much slower pace in the Overstreet guide as compared to the monthly issues. Although I kept some of the later issues, I don't believe I have the really early ones and definitely would never be able to afford this copy that sold for something like $73K. I did end up getting a real nice HG copy of the FF Annual #2 as a courtesy gift from a comic broker back in the day after picking up a couple of GA books in deal with him. Besides the other later issues, the only ther one which I really like and did end up keeping was the first Hulk one because I just could not pass on that simply stunning and goergeous Steranko cover image of the Hulk.
  11. Sharing with your comic book buddies is what comic book collecting used to be all about and as per another post, a picture is worth a thousand words:
  12. Do tell... Maybe he's going for a double and plan to pick up this Church copy of Wonderworld 3 in the next CL Featured Auction so that he'll have a set of matching bookends for his Wonderworld run: https://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dwonderworld%2Bcomics%2B3%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1467075&id=1467075&itemType=0
  13. Not a great looking 9.8. What's with all that rubbing. And a bad wrap. And off white. So not a bad result, imo. Yeah, if that scuffing running down the left hand side is actually on the book and not on the holder, then it most certainly should not be sitting in a CGC 9.8 slab. If it's on the holder, that's the fault of the consignor for not getting it reholdered and also CC if they did not bother to inform the consignor.
  14. Well, I believe your plan here will work only if you have a time machine and can transport me back to 1977 so that I can get to the Church house just ahead of Chuckles with my $2,000 in cold hard cash.
  15. Are you really trying to tell us that you got something better than the Allentown copy of Wonderworld Comics 3 that you picked up last summer?
  16. The rumor was that he was heavily invested in real estate when prices collapsed during the Financial Crisis in 2008/09. Yes, I clearly remembered reading about that, as I believe he lost a whole ton of money on that development as it was definitely a case of bad timing with the whole sub-prime mortgage fiasco just about to take place back then. Not sure if this is right or not, but did he try to pay everything off for himself and his partners, as best as he could before it just became to much to handle? I guess the marina area in Baltimore was not the best place for real estate property investment in that particular situation, and certainly not like Hong Kong where @tth2 lives which is by far the most unaffordable city in the entire world. Unfortunately, the median income levels in my city here is so low, that we are now the most unaffordable city in the entire Western hemisphere and now in the #2 spot as we have leapfrogged past Sydney, with Melbourne just missing the podium once again.
  17. If Mephisto shows up in WandaVision, #3 will really pop. If he shows then carries over to the MCU movie-verse, it’ll go nuclear. Do these increases in values only come into play for Marvel related TV series and movies? You certainly don't seem to see the same kind of impact on prices (if even any at all) on the DC related TV shows and movies like Black Lightning and all of the guest appearances on Stargirl and the Arrowverse related TV shows.
  18. Small businesses and over 500K dead in the US alone. Been brutal all around! Like they say in business, the tone from the top along with consistent messaging is very important and deathly critical in these types of situations. Although it does indeed seem to be brutual all around, yet so many of the neighbouring countries around China still miraculously have total death counts down only in the single or double digits to this point in time.
  19. Yes, with the Slightly Brittle PQ designation, there's absolutely no way it will get anywhere close to what they are asking for the book.
  20. Oh, wow.......................................what's the current going rate for a CGC 9.9 graded copy with White pages then for comparison purposes?
  21. So, are you trying to tell me that Avengers 93 Adams squarebound issue is finally going up in value again after all these long decades. I remember when I first started collecting these BA books, Avengers 93 was head and shoulders above ALL of the other BA keys and was the de facto book to chase after back then. Sadly, not so much now and seems to have been long forgotten by today's new generation of collectors.
  22. Which means both of them won't be on GPA since they don't report on any of the CL auction sales results.
  23. WTTB and be sure to report back to let us know if CGC catches the color touch (if any at all??) and what their grade on the book is?
  24. Any idea what the most recent copy sold for on CL back in May of 2020 as that would most definitely be a big fall from grace when it first sold for $15K in a CC Event Auction back in December of 2016.
  25. Wow! make it so... Beautiful copies. Let us know how it goes! Yes, indeed. Hard to tell without a close up pic of the books, but do both of those copies have the tell tale spine ticks that seems to be the common defect going through all of the Cerebus 1 books?