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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Thought this book had been cooling off during the past year or so with copies appearing in quite a few auctions: But this copy here seems to have sold at a pretty strong price of $8,400 relative to some of the recent auction results.
  2. I believe he posted here in one of his many previous posts that he already sold that copy of Action 1 and did a possible upgrade on it or something like that. I am quite sure that he does have some of the mega keys, but best to leave him to answer that if he wants. Definitely not necessary though due to personal privacy preferences as everybody's thinking is different.
  3. That seem to be a lower than expected price for a CGC 2.5 graded copy of Action 13. That is until you read the auction description and you kind of wonder how it was even able to acheive a grade of CGC 2.5 in the first place? Although it does sound like an upgrade with a different color label is possible if you ever do decide to attach all of the detached pages using vintage staples.
  4. All I can say is that the first auctioneer was definitely a whole lot better than this woman here, especially in terms of the pacing. She seems to know all about the numbers, but probably not very much at all with respect to any of the books.
  5. Did @Mark Zaid ever comment on this? I know he had a law suit against DD for child support. I doubt Mark was even involved at this point in time since it was way back in the very early 90's. My thinking is that Danny Boy would have settled something with the Senator's Aide and hence they didn't bother to proceed with anything after that. But it was certainly a nice enjoyable feeling to be twisting the knife into Danny (what a big crybaby ) and giving him a taste of his own medicine though.
  6. I signed on just in time to hear their auction intro here. Is it true that you had a complimentary lobster feast for just you and John's kids for attending then.
  7. I guess I missed that part. The auction is just up the way for me and I thought I’d go. maybe not? It's a bit too bad the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions weren't being lifted one day earlier in time for the Platinum live portion of this Heritage Auction. Especially since with the low number of attendees that usually tend to show up for these things, it should really be relatively easy to maintain physical distancing without too much problem at all.
  8. 135 pages! Chrisco37 and Brian Foolkiller did an excellent summation of the 135 pages in that "Redux" thread you reposted Too lazy to go through all of the pages here, but I believe it might have been even earlier than this one here. It's the thread where Borock came onto the boards and retroactively disclosed officially that pressing was not considered to be restoration as it was deemed only to be "maximization of potential" for a book. Definitely a shocker to everybody at the time as pressing had always been considered to be an attempt only to improve the condition of a book, and hence to be restoration, which was clearly noted as such in the Overstreet guide to that point in time. It was unfortunate that CGC had forgotten to proactively inform the hobby and the marketplace as to this significant change in their definition when they first opened their doors, and instead waited until this was caught by some astute board members here a few years later through before and after scans of the same book going up in grade. This then led to the infamous Church copy of Boy Comics 17 which was outed as it had gone from a CGC 4.0 graded copy up to a CGC 7.5 graded copy and then finally into a CGC 9.0 graded copy, all whilst residing in a blue label slab. After several more days of angst, Borock finally came back onto the boards to then once again retroactively declared that "disassembly and reassembly of comic book, in and of itself, does not consitute restoration" and hence the reason how a 4.0 graded copy of a book can become a 9.0 graded copy of the exact same book. that was definitely CYA and positive spin to the nth degree which unfortunately, then became the new normal going forward after that. I must say those were definitely the good old fun days and very unlike the snoozefest now when you can go for hours and even a full day waiting for a new post to show up on some of these boards here.
  9. This was fairly easy to find using names from the prior posts.. Google + CGC forum + Mastechief: Are we allowed to post this link? The thread still exists but its language is concerning expunged forum info. There's a lot more, I haven't had chance to read it yet but seems related to what Lou was looking for. Not the ones which I was referring to as these are all from the past several years ago. The one I was referring to was from sometime around 2005 and also when Jason first got outed on these boards for his micro-trim jobs.
  10. Unfortunately, it looks like we shouldn't because JJJ in the post just above yours said that it was .
  11. I am not aware of any increase in the 20% BP juice for Heritage which has been in place for quite awhile now?
  12. Well, since all of you guys seem to be so infatuated with Danny Boy here, how about the thread from way back where he and a few of our very own board members here like Masterchief, Red Hook, etc. opened the kimono and everybody here saw for the first time what was actually going on behind the scenes with CGC and "certain people in the know" with respect to the "maximization of potential" on books. That thread certainly took on a life of its own and not surprisingly, seem to on for something like well over 150 pages of shock, anger, and total disbelief at the shenanigans that had been taking place for years. Especially when everybody had been under the impression that 3rd party independent grading was supposed to be preventing these exact types of situations, as opposed to surrepititiously facilitating them through the laundering of manipulated books into an unsuspecting marketplace.
  13. Is it just me or is the quality of their books starting to trend downwards with the increased frequency of their Signature Auctions?
  14. I guess it's definitely not tough if you have very deep pockets.
  15. Hey! Since you are a lawyer by reputation, I think you should know what do about copyright infringement.
  16. Only "partially" smart as I believe you are not even allowed to show the competitor's label, or let alone even to state their official corporate name.
  17. Actually, all of the links which october posted looked to be pretty strong from my point of view.
  18. Such a reach. IMO the book stands on it's own as a beautiful copy. Don't need no effin Dutch help All I can say is that I strongly believe the two of you are going to be in deep doo doo land once the Mods see this in the morning when they wake up. At least I was smart enough to edit out the sacrilegious scan of the item that we cannot name here, but which the 2 of you dare to post.
  19. Mitch; Based upon current events, I believe phrases such as "light at the end of the tunnel" might no longer be allowed on the boards here as it's just too P O L I T I C A L. Seriously though, 3 to 5 years is not a problem at all as I am definitely not a flipper looking to play the CPR game since I've had all of my GA books for multi decades now. In fact, all of those BA and CA books which I used to cherry picked off the shelves of the LCS way back in the day are still sitting there block style "rotting away" in those old smelly poly bags. So, holding onto any purchases for a 3 to 5 year time period is definitely not a problem at all. Although I probably really need to check with HA since they had to hold my most recent orders for more than a 3-year time period since I never got around to sending them my shipping instructions. Then I never got around to opening it for another 2+ years after I received it since the big box made a perfect side table in my basement living room. Surprisingly, all of the books (none with any real value of course, unlike the Berk books) were in there with none missing at all.
  20. Well, you certainly did well with this one here since it went for $720 or something like just over 15X condition guide: Even though it was the LOWEST graded copy according to the CGC census population report. Well, okay........also the highest graded copy since it's the only copy that's been graded to date so far.
  21. Hey Mitch; Well done and it looks like you edited out my post just in time too: Lou Let me respond to you and your interesting comments. Actually, maybe my post here was okay in the end, although I did get another warning this morning on another post I had made this past weekend. Looks like I was in a thread talking about receiving items in the mail and I made the sacrilegious error of mentioning a product to disinfect them before opening, which apparently cannot be mentioned on these boards here anymore (sounds a bit like Lie Sol or something like that) and how its now apparently all the rage since a certain day last week which I apparently also cannot mention here anymore (but I believe might fall between Mercredi and Vendredi ). So Mitch, be warned that it's always best not to quote me since it's to attempt any type of humor on these boards here.
  22. Well, you can have it all in a funny book kind of way if you can nab a book like this one then: Well, this "zoom" image of theirs now is definitely a lot better than their magify glass.
  23. There is a reason for that. When you get hit with a tidal wave such as this Virus which shuts down everything in its path, you, me and whole rest of the world are in shock. Until that shock wears off and reality sets in, GA/SA prices today do not reflect the full impact of this financial crisis. Just maybe the shock is already over since the CL Auction that closed last month apparently had some softer than usal prices, but the one for this month is running along as per pretty much normal. At least that seems to be the sentiment of the board members here based upon what I have been reading here. Based upon another thread which I was reading on the boards here, it sounds as though most people do indeed have extra non-essential funds to spend right now with the stimulus checks that the government is issuing to ALL of its citizens, whether they need it or NOT as long as you are making less than $75K a year. I guess that would exclude you then, Mitch. Sounds as though some of these people that are receiving these unexpected bonus cheques for thousands of dollars are throwing some of it back into the funny books since they don't need the money and they really can't take it out to spend anywhere else during a lockdown. So, I would assume there is a lot of free money available for people to throw at things which they enjoy, and the collapse will come later when they run out of this money. Unless there's a second and third round of stimulus money which just might not be out of the question? Boy, sounds pretty much like a socialist giveaway benefit for all lucky citizens living in a so-call capitalistic free market world. Now, that's definitely what I would call having the best of both worlds.
  24. +1 I think there will be a lot of people watching and looking for stuff with the unexpected bonus stimulus checks that they are receiving which many done actually need, and with nowhere to physically go that they can spend it on.
  25. Well, the big CC Event Auction justed went live yesterday and is scheduled to close in a few weeks from now during the week of May 18th - 22nd.