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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. WTF !!?? 174K already for that thing. Well, if you though that $174K was already looney bin time, then how about $420K with still another 20 days to go!!! Any bets that the gamer collectors are also saying exactly the same thing when it comes to copies of Detective Comics 31.
  2. mostly drek Well, it's pretty obvious to me then that you haven't done your homework assignment by going through every single one of these 1,765 items. From what I heard, there's quite a few nice unrestored pre-Robin 'Tec books scattered randomly somewhere throughout the auction listing.
  3. Hey Sharon; Looks like they now have a total of 1,765 items listed in hap hazard random order for their next Event Auction. Have you checked to see if any of your books are in here or is this their test auction with non-consignment books?
  4. Now with a total count of 1,765 items for the next Event Auction. Only problem is that all of the books seems to be tossed in there in random order with no easy way to find anything since nothing is in alphabetical order. Or is it just me not being able to figure out their new and "improved" website since I am still not getting a more positive experience everytime I go there?
  5. I would assume that you must be referring to John's so-called "lemonade" copy which he was finally able to squeeze to fit into a CGC 9.8 slab: As one board member had noted at the time, when it comes to the top copies of Cap 1, it seems to be all about "relative" grading, as opposed to objective grading.
  6. Mitch; @Mmehdy Is this you here? Are you finally coming out of the closet and officially making a run at the Cap 1 which you have acclaimed from your previous posts as being the top GA book to buy? If so, there's no shame in using your real board name instead of coming up with a brand new one in your pursuit of this book here.
  7. I was not given a date. I asked to have my books held, I was told that would not be a problem...so I figured I'd watch and see what was going on and then decide. Yes, probably the simplest and best option to take at this point in time if you are not in a hurry for your funds. Looks like there is absolutely no way that they will have their Event Auction up and running in time for it to end in mid-March. Especially since I just noticed that Heritage have now taken over that March auction end date slot that had historically been used by CC during the past several years.
  8. +4 In full agreement with the rest of you here in terms of their magnify glass enlargement idea.
  9. This has been discussed on these boards before. They've been making changes in the way they report past sales figures for years now, but early last year they removed a lot of the background code in the page source which people used to use to find those figures. This resulted in some third-party tools no longer working, and not all listings will show the figure even with the workaround. If you don't know better, you'd think that's what the item sold for, but in actual fact, there's a best offer amount being hidden from view. Yes, didn't we have some discussion recently on the boards here as to the possibility that GPA might be picking up the incorrect higher sales figure when it comes to these "hidden" offers being accepted?
  10. Wow, just testing this Quote feature across multiple pages and it actually works. Anyways, I also received a PM from a Michael Brill the other morning informing me that my concerns which I had posted here were addressed and for me to give their new redesigned website another try. Without doing a lot of detailed testing, it does appear to be functioning a whole lot better although it might need just a bit more fine tuning here and there. Not sure when they will be running this supposedly test auction of theirs or when their next big Event Auction will be pushed off to? Have you heard anything back from them and have you made up your mind on what you are going to do with your consigned books?
  11. +1 Especially when they have multiple copies of relatively common in-demand and hot books like Hulk 181, ASM 129, AF 15's, etc. popping up in every single auction through the various auction houses.
  12. A certain prominent dealer recently mentioned to me that he can't keep his Katy Keene or early Wilbur books in stock. I mentioned there was a TV show and he replied, "A-ha!". Personally, I believe the recent popularity in the Katy Keene books is more related to her riding the Archie wave of popularity, along with the increased interest in GGA related titles like Millie the Model, Tessie the Typist, Nellie the Nurse, Hedy of Hollywood, etc.; much more so than due to this upsoming TV series.
  13. Since this TV series looks like it's really geared towards the younger audience, I seriously doubt it's going to have much of an impact (if any at all) on the GA Katy Keene books.
  14. Most definitely, and I guess the real answer was already alluded to in a previous post: Not just Superman 1, but in today's ultra red hot marketplace, it would seem that entry level copies of virtaully all GA keys or HTF classic cover books are easily selling for huge premiums and even multiples to bottom of guide. I guess it's all about being able to acquire any copy of a key or classic cover book at an affordable price point.
  15. Ummmm............shouldn't the real question be WHY NOT? After all, it is a Superman 1 comic book which really doesn't grow on trees or come around every single day. Not like it's a Hulk 181 CGC label that sells for $150K, a Tomb of Dracula 10 CGC label that sells for $85K, a Marvel Super-Heroes 13 CGC label that sells for over $31K, or a Eternals 13 CGC label that sells for $4,150, etc. Now, those are much more puzzling questions to find an answer to..........but when it comes to collecting, I would guess it's really a case of to each, their own.
  16. Yes, No, and Yes in almost all cases, except when it's No, Yes, and No, or any other combination of the aforementioned.
  17. What town? If you are thinking of selling a home in the Boston area (which goes for over asking price) to buy a home in New Hampshire (which goes for under asking price), is this then not akin to selling a Hulk 181 to buy copes of Spawn 1 and the likes?
  18. As I have stated on these boards in the past, in today's key-centric and classic cover focused red hot marketplace, it is a whole lot easier to sell one $10K comic book, as opposed to trying to sell one thousand $10 comic books.
  19. Exactly what I was thinking since I got a PM yesterday morning from Michael Brill stating that they had resolved all of the issues with the CC website redesign and asked me to go to their site to give it a try. So when the CGC boards went down, I just assumed the IT "programmers who really knocked it out of the park" for Vinnie and the gang at CC, was now in the process of redesigning the board here so that board members could also share in the wealth by "getting the best experience possible." Based upon CC's experience, I assume we wouldn't be fully back up and running until next month, given the 2 weeks down time and then followed by 2 weeks of not a fully functioning website.
  20. He was definitely right with his last statement: "And $10 for all 5 days......................my, how times at changed at Comic-Con!!!"
  21. Sadly, I assume that most of the people that were involved with putting these books together are no longer around to answer these types of questions for us. It definitely would have been interesting to hear from people like Harry Wildenberg who is often credited as the father of the modern day comic book since he was the Sales Manager at Eastern Color at the time who came up with the concept and format for Funnies on Parade: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funnies_on_Parade This was also documented for several years in the late 80's and early 90's in the Overstreet Guide in the form of an article entitled "A Chronology of the Development of the American Comic Book".
  22. Actually, it probably had a lot more to do with a sign of the times back then and how the marketplace was at the start of the 90's. Especially since the entire comic book market including the soon to be red hot SA Marvels basically slumbered through almost the entire decade of the 80's moving pretty much nowhere in terms of their valuations. This definitely changed big time with the SA Marvels starting to catch fire at the turn of the 90's before eventually cycling through to the vintage GA back issue comic book market which became so red hot a few short years later and also like how it is nowadays. By the mid-90's when the GA books were on fire, I still remember the same good ole dealers offering me multiples of guide for a pedigree book sight unseen which I had at the time, on the sole basis that they already had ready buyers available for it even a couple of multiples higher than that.
  23. Well, I guess you must mean this copy here then: All I will say is that you can never argue with the PQ and depth of color sharpness when it comes to the Church pedigree books.
  24. +1 Yes, probably one of the best boardies (i.e. @Gotham Kid) to ask when it comes to current market valuation for the pre-Robin 'Tec books.