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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. These are the CGC boards which you are posting on here right now, and as a matter of simple courtesy, you should try to refrain from posting anything that might be detrimental to their financial well-being as what you are referring to is actually the bread and butter of their entire business model here. That is, garbage in and garbage out, with CGC literally "squeezing" you and banking all the money they can from you in between.
  2. No, you read it right...............anything from $400 to $1,000 is considered to be "High Value" and anything above $1,000 is "Unlimited Value". So, that means if you've got a book valued at $1,001 although you may think that it's going to cost you only 4% of FMV to have it graded, it's really actually 15% with their minimum fee of $150 built into their equation. Clearly more than what the auction houses are charging to sell the darned thing for you and if you need to have the book pressed which they clearly targeted you for with their undisclosed grading standards, then you are really looking at 30% of the value of the book by the time you get it through the CGC facilities which certainly must make them happy. In their fight against inflation, I wouldn't be surprised to see them lower these threshold levels even further with their price increases next year.
  3. In terms of a true DC Overlord, nowhere close to the power and influemce that Jack Liebowitz must have wielded during his multi-decades reign over the company, as he grew DC from the fledging newbie publishing company that it was back then into the eventual mega empire it would become with its various multi-media links of today.
  4. The movie is years out and the book is overpriced. Once actual news starts coming out it should get a bump. For now the COVID bump needs to come back to reality. Well, hasn't history shown us time and time again that any movie hyped related book is something for collectors to avoid like the plague unless you were either already in there long before the hype or a trader and lucky enough to be able to time the market just perfectly before the eventual collaspe comes.
  5. Oh, what the frig................now you tell me after I've already gone and tore all the covers off my second print copies.
  6. Yes, although you as the receiver of the inheritance wouldn't have to pay any taxes, am I correct to say that the deceased would have to pay federal estate taxes on the portion that exceeds $12.92M of the FMV of their assets being transferred?
  7. Yep, I guess back then in the late 70's and early 80's, restoration was seen as adding value to a book, similar to how pressing is viewed today. And as I've always said, time tends to heal most of your purchasing mistakes when it comes to the comic book marketplace.
  8. Now, this is most definitely 110% correct and we have great boardies like @valiantman to thank for taking the time to compile this detailed info for us on an ongoing weekly basis.
  9. Well, that's exactly why I posted my question here since you guys are the experts, especially when compared to me. Took you advice and it looks like the Zoom feature does indeed work, but I have to reduce the page size down to 67% in order to see the entire page width wise. I still much prefer the horizontal scroll which I use to have since it's easier on the eyes, but as long as it works, it's good to go.
  10. Gets my vote; I've got some foxy MLJ's (no foxing, just foxy lookin')! Well, not until you guys can breathe some life back into Jackpot 4 which seems to have gone into a seemingly comatose state after catching fire due to its early Archie connection a few years ago.
  11. I would tend to agree and define that $3,806 as a FOMO driven outlier and should pretty much be ignored for longer term trending purposes.
  12. Even better yet, can you please let us kniw if they've actually implemented this part of their blog here, since it's now well past October 26th:
  13. I was told that I had to. Was you speaking with Josh himself when you was told this?
  14. Hey Greg; No doubt and as Smokey Robinson would clearly say, I Second That Emotion. Just a question for you here, but with my rather limited computer skills, not sure why I have lost the horizontal scroll bar and have only the vertical scroll bar whenever I go into your website here. This was never a problem for me a few months ago, but I can't seem to scroll to the right anymore to see the counts for any books in lower than CGC 6.5 condition. I asked somebody who's more tech savvy than me who try to fix this for me to no success and he indicated to me that it was possibly more an issue with the source website itself. Any chance you could check into this for me and see if it's more an issue from my end here, as opposed to your end there.
  15. Well, that's to be expected as we all know here, that the entire 2,000 print run was pretty much ALL poorly printed and came out like crapola. To the point that it was even virtually impossible for Sim himself to find any true HG copies even though he had personally scoured the entire 2,000 print run for the best possible copies before they got shipped out.
  16. Since I know absolutely zillch about the whole darned pressing process, but I imagine we would need somebody like @joeypost to confirm that this is NOT the only method to press a book. Especially since pressing is supposed to be a non-additive process which from the way that I understand it, does NOT require the addition of any gaseous liquid compound to the paper.
  17. I've always wondered about this exact same thing....................is it better to stand out in a smaller lower profile auction or to be one of many and possibly lost in a much larger higher profile auction? On the few occasions that I have mentioned this on the boardies, I've always been presented with the opposing viewpoint that you tend to do better in a higher profile auction where there are not only more eyeballs on your books, but also ones with much deeper pockets. Maybe the key here is the threshold level where this makes a difference, and for you, it sounds as though you are basing this on a $10K threshold. Not as a consignor, but as a Heritage employee, are you really also saying that it's better to have your <$10K GA book stand out in a smaller lower profile CC Event Auction platform as opposed to just being one of many and easy to get lost in a much larger and higher profile Heritage Signature Auction platform?
  18. Was he standing up on a stool when he threatened you as he would probably need to in order to smack you in your kisser, unless he was targeting somewhere lower like your precious jewels?
  19. For the lazy ones like me when it comes to searching, would you have a link handy for this upgraded CGC 6.5 Promise copy of Cap 5?
  20. Thanks. I will say with a high degree of probability that this book was restored given it “was treated with something more” than dry cleaning. Well, looks like this very topic is being talked about rather vigrorously in this thread here from the Grading and Restorations Forum: Skimmed through part of this thread here and besides UV blue light, did noticed that some boardies had mentioned this product here: Absorene is the original dry cleaner that works like an eraser, by drawing dust and dirt from surfaces. Used by museum curators, archival restoration experts, and libraries to clean old manuscripts, prints, oil paintings, books, papers and tapestries.
  21. What part don't you understand here? Haven't we seen this exact same scenario played out out with respect to speculative stocks and movie hyped related comic books where the unbridled hope and expectations are always so much greater than the confirmed and certified reality itself? As clearly evident by the slew of raw and even some restored copies of pre-hero Adventure and More Fun in the lower profile Sunday/Monday weekly auctions from February and March of 2022 that sold for higher mutiples to condition guide than their certified graded copies were able to fetch in the subsequent higher profile Signature Auctions later that same Spring and summer.
  22. There always seem to be those people who like a rigged game... Ahhhh yes..............fond memories and longing for those days of yesteryears gone by when both pressing and micro-trimming were still considered to be restoration with no redeeming conservation value at all and a heinous activity only practiced by those naughty naughty comic book "doctors" working whilst hidden away in their darkened dungeons. Then came the "awakening" on these very boards here when all of our eyes were forced opened to see what was actually being done to so many of our treasured books in order to obtain that big exalted number in the top left hand corner of the slab. It was only then that after many days and many nights of derision and angst by all of the board members here that Moses Borock came down from his fabled mountain top and declared that pressing was really nothing more than maximization of potential while micro-trimming was considered to be destruction of a comic book. Can you just imagine what this marketplace would look like today if the holy tablet that Borock eventually brought down from his mountain top had declared that micro-trimming was really nothing more than maximization of potential whilst pressing was considered to be destruction of a comic book. Why, we could all be living in a Bizarro world where Jason Ewert was looked upon as the All-Mighty and President of CGC while Nelson was deemed to be the Devil incarnate himself and banished from the comic book marketplace. And of course admist all this, we would have the comic book speculators, flippers, and day traders all scurrying around looking for the "sharpest edged" comic books, all while sporting the sharpest razor thin cutting edged pair of sccissors in their back pockets brought right off the shelves of the local loonie store.
  23. Not sure about SA, but you should probsbly do alright if it's half decent GA books at reasonable, as opposed to nosebleed auction like prices. Especially when the only GA books that ever shows up at the Vancouver Cons are usually low end condition copies of non-demand titles, save for the odd nugget that might appear whenever an out-of-town dealer like Ferd makes an appearance.
  24. Although I would tend to agree with you here, I guess it should be pointed put that the grading and slabbing of comic books is still really more of a luxury or a discretionary expenditure, as opposed to an actual necessity. Compared that to a case lot of 12 cans of Campbell soup which used to cost only $5.99 a case when on sale a couple of short years ago, to what they now advertised for $16.99 for the exact same case of 12 tins of Campbell soup. Now, that's definitely an egregious and price gouging increase, although I guess Campbell soup is also not a technical or even tasty necessity either.
  25. Are you trying to tell me that these pre-hero Valiant books still have no real value unless they are in CGC 9.8 grade after all these decades? I remember picking up a number of these pre-hero Valiant books in HG back in the day when I was still into collecting pre-hero DC books thinking that they would also be harder to find (clearly not the case ) and as such, might have some future value if Valiant ever made it big like DC.