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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. $64,000 Yes, I was actually watching this one along with some of the other Startling's when my better half came into the room to see what I was looking at. She was actually wondering why I was looking at this robot cover book because her attention was much more focused on some red dinosaur cover that kept going near the top of the screen before it would disappear back down as it very very slowly grind its way up from something like $50 up to $250. Must have hit every single bid incremental step along the way as she actually found it quite fascinating. Go figure that as the big red dino probably reminded her of her little red sports car or something.
  2. You are absolutely 100% right on your point here as this was the one book that I really wanted to win in the auction, but did not. From my personal point of view, this is the absolute best of the GGA art covers in the Wings run. This book was seemingly stuck at the $1,550 price point prior to the end of the auction until I finally decided to throw something higher in there. Was hoping that this CGC 9.4 highest graded copy would peak out somewhere around $3K since the last 9.4 (slightly nicer looking one) sold for $2,390 on Heritage back in 2011 when there were only 2 copies in this grade. Now, with a much higher total of 6 copies in this 9.4 grade along with 36 others graded copies and many of them in the relatively high end, I was hoping this would keep a lid on the prices. I guess in a way, this $4K was a reasonable price as the Heritage copy sold when the top of guide price was at only $330 and top of guide for this year is at a much higher $1,300 price point. I probably would have bidded higher than the $2,800 or thereabouts when I dropped out except I kept thinking about the raw what should have been a Fine+ copy except for some vertical crease defect that I had picked up from Metro for only $60 years ago and finally decided that I didn't really need the upgrade. Big congrats on your win here of what I considered to be a truly iconic cover.
  3. I'll be stunned if this happens. Opinions of the trailer differ, obviously, but to my mind it has stinkeroo written all over it. Not necessarily since I thought Jason Momoa definitely has the right mano mano look for the Aquaman part from his poster shots. So, if's its a still action movie, it should be a real winner. But if it's a live action movie, maybe not so much from his seemingly stilted action scenes in the JLA movie which I actually thought was not quite as bad as most fans are saying. Of course, again like that horrid and much absolutely terrible Spidey movie, I only watched it in bits and pieces while I was on a cruise ship. But enough to rearrange in my head what I saw in order to put the whole movie and story together. Of course I also saw the JLA movie way after it first came out and I had low expectations to start with based upon what I had already heard about the movie. So, much easier to be pleasantly surprised based upon what I was expecting.
  4. I am leaning toward what you are saying. It might actually be a good movie but the DC brand is damaged at the box office. I expect Aqauman to be a bomb at the box office. Again could be great movie, but after BvS and Justice League we will find modern audiences will stay far away from DC movies for awhile. Yes, isn't it simply amazing how things have changed from just 20 or 30 years ago. At that time, DC was simply going great guns with their Batman and to a lesser extent their Superman franchises while Marvel was the absolute laughing stock of the movie industry with their pathetic 3rd rate movies that couldn't even make it to the small screen, let along to the big screen and instead went straight to VHS rental. Hate to say this, but I personally don't really care for most of today's super-hero movies, whether they be DC or Marvel. I've tried watching Avengers 3 times, but have yet to make it to the end as I am constantly dozing off throughout. I watched bit and pieces of a Spider-Man movie and thought for sure that I must have been watching one of those piece of kiddish movies made by them in the 80's, until I saw the title one time and it said that it was the new Spider-Man Homecoming movie. Out of the ones that I have seen which are not really that many as most of them are on airplane trips, I liked Wonder Woman as it had a pretty decent story line and origin to the whole movie. I absolutely loved Thor 1 and definitely have no problems watching that one again as I also thought that had a pretty solid origin and a definite story line. I guess I must be different from most other Marvel movie fans since the First Thor seems to be at the bottom of most fan's surveys while the non-stop senseless fighting city destroying movies where tens of thousands of people dying from the super hero's collateral damage seems to be at the top of the fan's survey polls. I guess it's definitely a case of to each their own.
  5. Wow, a clean sweep. Now, that's definitely the way to knock them down.
  6. Well, not my cup of tea, but it must be for some of the other board members here. Time for me to take a quick nap and wake up in a hour from now as we are now into 6 long pages of the Mystery Tales books.
  7. Looks like six figures is a certainty *yawn* for 100K I'd much rather have a low grade Bats1 than a high grade MF73 any day, every day. Peter; You should tell us exactly how you really feel instead of speaking in code. Have you double checked your alarm clock yet to make sure it's working properly for tonight since you are living in Gay Paree? Be sure to set your alarm for a few minutes before 1:00 AM and rest your fingers so that they are ready for lightning action in tonight's extended bidding time period. Well, either his alarm clock is not working or he simply must have slept through his alarm again, being the deep sleeper that he is.
  8. Surprisingly, still not much action (if any at all) on this classic Robot cover even though it's only a couple of hours away now. Wonder if it's due to the fact that there's been a marked increase in the CGC census (even in uber HG condition) for many of these classic covers from the late 40's time period, whether it be Nedors, Fiction House, etc.? Or more possibly, I imagine it might be due to potential bidders just keeping their powder dry for now and waiting for the critical 3-minute extended time button to be hit. Interesting to note that there also appears to be quite a few other nice looking Startling's that will be ending this evening. But definitely not much in terms of the HTF Centaur line in this go round here this week.
  9. Most definitely not. Now, if they had kept the green woman and simply dropped her bikini-like outfit, then that would have been a net positive.
  10. Possibly to save on storage space, especially if the book is going to be stored in an expensive safety deposit box.
  11. Have always loved the bold Green colors on this particular book. I imagined the price for this once thought of as rare book has been tempered a bit with all of the relatively high grade copies that have made their way into the marketplace during the past few years. But this particular Lost Valley pedigree copy has certainly gone up a bit from when it was first listed for sale for only $400 in the Lost Valley catalog from back in 2003.
  12. Nah. The grader Notes are usually worthless. My guess is the spine is weak. Who knows about the back cover, though I love books with back cover defects! Well, it's pretty obvious to me that you been a naughty boy and skipping your daily rationing of the CGC kool aid. After all, the Grader's Notes are a critical part of CCG's overall business agenda. Especially since their goal is to not only reap the pressing and grading (along with subsequent repeats of course ) fees for every book, but also for every single bidder to do their part by requesting and paying for the grading notes before they bid.
  13. Yes, with some of the prices we have seen on Conserved and even Restored books, I would also go with the Jon Berk theory. But with how the Black Terror books performed in the CL auction on Tuesday night and even more so, with how the Exciting's performed on CC last night, it would definitely seem that the Nedors have awakened from their sleepy doldrums and been on fire for the past couple of years. Should be interesting to see how the Startling's do tonight, although I have always personally preferred the Black Terror covers over the Fighting Yank covers, this colorful one here certainly seems rather tantalizing and a bit titillating: Not sure where this copy will finish up or if it will even get any further bids since I believe it's been sitting around this same price point since last week.
  14. Looks like six figures is a certainty *yawn* for 100K I'd much rather have a low grade Bats1 than a high grade MF73 any day, every day. Peter; You should tell us exactly how you really feel instead of speaking in code. Have you double checked your alarm clock yet to make sure it's working properly for tonight since you are living in Gay Paree? Be sure to set your alarm for a few minutes before 1:00 AM and rest your fingers so that they are ready for lightning action in tonight's extended bidding time period.
  15. That is not a copy I would have expected to go that high. Most restored Nedors in my day (lol) were not hot items. Well, welcome to the saner world of the post Jon Berk Auction time period whereby some of the irrational and unfair stigma has finally been removed from the Conserved and Restored books which had been brought about by CGC's ill-thought out implementation of their multi-colored label system. How perfectly appropriate and ironic since Jon had written up an entire dissertation on the merits for a simple 10-point Restoration Rating System in the pages of CBM way back in the day. Unfortunately for the hobby, CGC never attempted to adopt some form of this rating system until it was far too late after they saw the unintended negative consequences their multi-color labels were having on the Restored book marketplace. In fact, even Mr. El Cheapo Guy (namely moi ) was bidding multiples of Overstreet condition guide for some of those rare and much in demand HTF Amazing Mystery Funnies in the Jon Berk Auction even though they were sitting in a Conserved slab.
  16. Since you guys on this thread here would be the Nedor afficinodos and experts with these books, I was surprised from a positive point of view with respect to the CC auction result for this Conserved copy of Exciting Comics #23: Since you guys would be the Nedor experts and this question hasn't yet been answered on the CL/CC auction thread, I figure I might have better luck here. This Conserved copy of Exciting 23 sold for $800 or almost a whopping 2.5X Overstreet condition guide price. Makes me wonder if this rather surprising result is due in large part to Jon Berk whereby his landmark auction seem to have remove some of the unfair unfair and hugely negative stigma that had become associated with Conserved and restored books? Or is it due to the apparent rarity of this book, or I imagine a combination of both. Or is it just because Nedor books are super red hot again?
  17. Looks like six figures is a certainty Well, probably not a 100% certainty, but it sure looks pretty close as it will take just a few more hits on the extended bid button during the after auction session to put it over the top. When it comes to key GA books, your should never discount Fishler and his deep connections as he seems to know where all the books are and where all the hungry buyers are and often can put the two of them together. This makes for the perfect combination when you play the role of the market marker as he has so often in the past, especially before when he was taking a much more active part in the business.
  18. Well, it looks like I got the answer to my question here with the Exciting Comics results on the CC Auction last night. Especially in terms of this Conserved copy of Exciting Comics #23 which went for $800: Although the CL Conserved copy of Black Terror #9 had sold for close to full condition guide, this Conserved copy of Startling Comics #23 was able to fetch close to a whopping 2.5X Overstreet condition guide price. Makes me wonder if this rather surprising result is due in large part to Jon Berk whereby his landmark auction seem to have remove some of the unfair unfair and hugely negative stigma that had become associated with Conserved and restored books? Or is it due to the apparent rarity of this book, or I imagine a combination of both.
  19. Since this is considered to be a key classic cover Nedor book, I decided to report this here: https://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?id=781935 For sure, this copy will not be able to match the 6-figures that the Church copy managed to get back in 2016, any opinions as to whether this copy will be able to hit the extended bid button a few more times in the after auction session to catch the equivalent graded copy that sold in Heritage a few months ago for $54,970?
  20. For sure, this tied for highest graded copy of Startling 49 will not be able to hit the 6-figures mark that the Church copy managed to achieve a couple of years ago: The only question is whether it will be able to hit the extended time bid button a few more times in order to match an equivalent graded 9.6 copy that sold for $54,970 a few months ago on Heritage?
  21. nice grab. I was sitting at Amici's in Palo Alto having pizza trying to win that book on my cell phone. Glad it went to a good home. Did either of you guys bothered to get the CGC Notes for this book since it definitely looks much nicer from just the front cover than its assigned G/VG 3.0 condition grade? Or is it something on the back cover since CL never bothers to provide scans for their back covers?
  22. And every now and then, you see an absolutely mind-blowing result when one of these rare comics do come to market: https://www.comicconnect.com/bookDetail.php?referral=EAlist&id=656651&title=K.O.PUNCH Definitely not my personal cup of tea, but still sold last night in the CC Auction for almost $20K or more than 37X Overstreet condition guide even though there is a higher graded CGC 9.2 copy out there somewhere.
  23. Now, that's definitely looks like a knockout winning bid to me. Except for the first comics such as Funnies on Parade, I wonder if this is a record price paid for a promotional comic book? Definitely a surprising result to the positive side given that although there is not normally not much of a supply for these early promotional comic books, likewise there is also usually not much of a demand for them either. This result is especially surprising considering there is another higher graded CGC 9.2 copy out there and this one went for something like over 37X condition guide.
  24. Congrats to whoever the winner is since it's a board member here, on a super pickup for what I considered to be probably one of the Top 3 keys books in the early Fox stable. You definitely don't see this book come to market that often, especially a stunning copy like this that simply presents so nicely relative to its assigned grade.
  25. Where, Phoenix? I would imagine so! No, in Vancouver Canada as he apparently used to live in New Westminster, one of the nearby local suburbs of the city.