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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Went back to Chuck's original Mile High Catalog to check how he had graded them and both of these issues were not in the catalog. I guess somebody must have liked the Punch covers and snagged them right away as quite a few of them were not listed in Chuck's original MH catalog, including both Punch 1 and Punch 12.
  2. your turn No, I am afraid I will have to take a pass on that. Those moments are only reserved for Special board members like you.
  3. No OMG, you are back from your near death experience so soon! NO, in the sense that it was not a Spawn 1, but rather a Youngblood 1? I am just glad you made it back to the land of the living because that book is not worth dying for either.
  4. I think you’d have to ask his wife that. I am his wife, you bozo.
  5. And as Vinnie would surely say, good things come in small packages.
  6. Yeah-- I'm doubting that is the most important thing anyone is thinking about. Some people are dying to know though. So, can you give it a try and report back to us on what you finals thoughts were, and if it was a comic book, exactly which comic book it was? Let's hope it's not a Spawn 1 because that book is definitely not worth dying for.
  7. Well, from the books that I have been following on CC, it looks like all of the initial auction bids are probably in place now since there has been virtually no movement for the past day or so. Guess we will have to wait until the final day and closer to the actual scheduled auction end time to see if there will be any fireworks for us to see in the extended bidding time period.
  8. Is this what you mean by a GA lightweight: If so, I'll take it any day of the week.
  9. Am I right in correcting your last sentence for you? Can you give us a hint as to why they would be doing this or is it just the typical between the 2 auction houses which is really not doing their consignors any great favors?
  10. All I know is that I dislike the CL auction format to the point that I will not even bother to look at their auctions on the assumption that I will not be bidding on anything in the end anyways. With their last second end of auction format, I feel that this only encourages you to throw in an "atomic style bid" if you really want to win a book since you will most likely be bidding against auction sniping programs, as opposed to a real person. I much prefer taking my time (like say 3 minutes or so ) to decide if I should toss in another bid or not, and if I do, I know exactly what amount I will be bidding against and also exactly what I will have to pay. This is why if I do bid in a CL auction, it would usually only be with a bottom of the barrel bid and if I happen to win it, that's fine as II have absolutely no interest with tossing in astronomical bids against other hidden undisclosed bids from other bidders to try to win a book in the last micro-second.
  11. Strange as it sounds, it was. And the book would still get a purple label, too. Those kinds of price guide spreads would probably have been back in the late 70's when Overstreet still had his spreads of 1:2:3 for books in Good/Fine/Mint. I took a quick look at the guide from '88 and by that time his spreads for virtually all of his books had increased to 1:3:7 by then. Interesting to note that restored books back in the latter part of the 70's were deemed to be worth more than their copies in their original unrestored grade due to the value of the additional work done to them. Similar in a way to how undisclosed pressed books after they have been manipulated are now worth a whole lot more money in today's marketplace as compared to unpressed books in their original grade.
  12. Yes, I believe it was Steve that came up with the initial concept of the 10-point condition grading system which CGC ended up adopting. It was unfortunate that they did not come up with a similar 10-point restoration rating system at the same time, as this would have avoided the unintended consequences of stigmatizing restored books that immediately took place once the multi-color label system was adopted.
  13. My brain likes your brain Speaking of GPA prices, I imagine they would include all of the books sold using the BIN sales format. From my point of view, incorporating this sales data point kind of puts an upward bias on the valuations since they don't factor in all of the books that couldn't find a buyer either at that same price or just a little bit lower. Especially since some of these BIN completed sales might have taken months before the seller was able to luck into a buyer that was willing to meet his offer price. As such, I feel that the true auction bidding format sales results tends to provide much more accurate information as opposed to using eBay BIN sales results.
  14. No question at all. The two books are not even in the same ballpark. +2 A definite no-brainer here as you can pick up a Hulk 181 any day of the week since there are tons available on a never-ending basis. Especially when you already have well over 10,000 slabbed copies plus all of the other raw copies still sitting out there in private collections.
  15. clearly comics are not liquid at all. Sad to say, but it is at this point that most collectors find out the true non-liquidity of their humongous comic book collections. This is also the time that they find out that it's actually much easier to sell one vintage collectible comic book valued at $10,000 as opposed to trying to sell 1,000 non-key comic books at $10 a pop.
  16. And 5 years into the ospg. Folks were accumulating, cataloging and collecting. Actually, '65 was still 5 years AWAY from the Overstreet, although the Argosy Comic Book Price Guide did come out in 1965.
  17. I have one chained to a desk in the basement;) You can as far as I know, just use it for ones you INTEND to sell. For a lot of us, we just buy books to keep and the selling is incidental... Is there a deadline that you have to sell your purchases by in order to qualify? After all, everybody sells eventually whether it's a few months later or a few decades later. The deadline is the day before you're called in by the IRS for an audit .... Well, that still gives you a full 24 hours for you to contact either CC or CL to draft up and back date (only if necessary) an invoice for you acknowledging receipt of your books for their next auction. I wouldn't even bother with Heritage because I highly doubt they would be willing to do something like this for you.
  18. +1 There most definitely must have been way more than 1,000 comic book collectors back then. Especially since 1965 was already a few years AFTER the Marvel Age of Comics had started.
  19. CGG was PGX's original name before being forced to change it, as it too closely resembled CGC So, I guess this is your kind and diplomatic way of saying this is $350 worth of my hard earned money for these 2 POS "graded" books that I will never ever see again even if I wait for Hell to freeze over.
  20. What do you think the cover would sell for at auction, or do you prefer not to speculate since you don't want to tip your hand? That's a whole ton of moolah for a recent cover. The only cover that I would ever consider paying a whole $mill for would be the OA cover to Action Comics 1. Now, that's a classic and iconic cover that most people in the world would remember. What's that you say..........it would take more than $10mill for the OA to that all-time iconic cover.
  21. I have one chained to a desk in the basement;) You can as far as I know, just use it for ones you INTEND to sell. For a lot of us, we just buy books to keep and the selling is incidental... Is there a deadline that you have to sell your purchases by in order to qualify? After all, everybody sells eventually whether it's a few months later or a few decades later.
  22. I had no idea that HA, CLink or CC even allowed P G X books in their auctions. Yes, starting to look a bit like one of those CGC graded books when they was going through one of their real extremely loose grading time periods. And to top it off, supposedly White Pages which is a real killer for a book from jay's point of view. This is what happens when you go into an auction too late and you end up putting in tracking bids or sure fire losing bids that are too high. I am just glad it didn't hit my max bid. Also found a 5.5 "graded copy" of Brenda Starr 14 with the classic Kamen bondage cover from some grading company called CGGroup World. No idea what that is, but it definitely looks quite a bit nicer and more tightly graded than the Archie 50 above, which means it must have undisclosed restoration for sure. If I remember correctly, it cost me about twice as much for the Brenda Starr as compared to the Archie 50. The good thing about being a long term collector though, is that time tends to heal all things, including bad purchasing mistakes hopefully.
  23. Hmmm.....let me think about this for a second here. Well now, doesn't Connect and Link both have the same general type of meaning?
  24. +2 As I have stated many times in the past on these boards here, extreme rarity will definitely hinder a book's upward movement in terms of market valuation. You most certainly do need the book to turn over with other copies supporting and validating the previous prices paid in order to have a book continue to increase in market value over a period of time.
  25. But it's just so much more fun to have a front row seat to all of the excitement when a book takes off in the extended hours bidding. With the CL method, it's more like coming out from the hidden bomb shelter to see if a bomb had gone off or not while you was in there secreted away from all of the action.