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Everything posted by lou_fine

  1. Rick; So, are you saying it's safe for us to bid on the copy of AMF 1/3 that is in the current Heritage Auction or are you planning to hoard them all for yourself? Looks like the Heritage copy is better than your current copy, but probably not as nice as your upgraded copy from Michael. Congrats again on picking up a beautiful copy of this very tough to find and much in demand issue.
  2. The more I see this cover, the more I am starting to like it a bit more than some of the other early AMF covers. Or maybe it's also because the colors on this particular issue always seems to be more vibrant and glossy as compared to some of the more flat colors that the other early AMF's seem to have.
  3. Since Michael is so sure that he kept a VG+ copy of this book, I believe it's quite possible that the OO may have brought a second copy by mistake not realizing he had already picked up a copy beforehand. Or he may have liked this one particular cover so much that he decided to become one of the pioneer comic book speculators and intentionally decided to double down on this issue here.
  4. Steve; I knew when you went out of your way to pick up the FPS 3/1 when you had already decided to focus in on the KDF's, it must have been a gorgeous copy and this picture here only confirms it. You've definitely got the sharp eye when it comes to picking these beautiful covers. Loved the back story and history on the original owner of these Centaurs and congrats again on picking up some of the really early and virtually impossible to find early KDF's.
  5. I saw Mitch clowning around my table! Isn't Mitch the one that started this whole tirade about how SDCC is now nothing more than a circus sideshow and then he goes running around acting like a circus clown when he should be like a old time comic collector down on his hands and knees digging through your dime boxes?
  6. Yes So, you are officially confirming that Stan likes to poop and fart on top of his competitors?
  7. Canadians are "supposed" to pay duty on anything with a value greater than $20.00. Some items do get through though. I believe they are supposed to declare everything that has a value greater than a certain dollar amount and then pay the applicable duty. I believe there used to be a customs duty charge on comic books, but this had been slowly reduced and now fully eliminated over the years with the free trade agreement in place between the 2 countries. You still have to pay either the PST, GST, or HST depending upon the province you live in and which one of these 3 taxes applies.
  8. I never said anything about Science 5 being cold as that was probably by the previous board member posting. All Fox books are on fire right now and have been hot for the past couple of years. You would probably need to go back about 5 years ago if you are thinking about Fox books in terms of being relatively cold in the marketplace.
  9. Good things come to those who are patient and willing to wait. Since I won't be getting my copy until later this morning, has he finally broken out Jumbo 11 with the classic Fine cover from that little small pack yet?
  10. Yes, but is that Stan the Man sitting there trying to take a poop ? on top of his DC competitors?
  11. Are you sure there are customs duty charges for books going from Canada back into the United States. I always thought there were no customs charges because the books were originally printed and distributed from the United States, and hence, are simply being returned back to their country of origin. Now, if the book was going from the United States, that would be a completely different story, although I believe duty may have now been eliminated due to the Free Trade agreement. I believe you just have to ensure that you have all of your paperwork done up properly. But I am definitely not the best person to ask since i don't ship books back and forth across the border.
  12. Can you please do us all a big favor and just give us only a 20-page short form summary of his market report?
  13. It certainly does, but unfortunately, only in my dreams. And usually, it involves books such as Action 1 along with the pre-Robin 'Tec books, amongst some others. Please don't wake me up yet.
  14. Really nothing new here as comic books always goes through cycles. As I have mentioned on other occasions here, during the last big GA bull market back in the mid 90's the classic covers and the 2nd and 3rd tier publishers such as Fox were the last ones to catch fire after the 2 big mainstream GA publishers had had their big bull run. Hopefully, the next phase in the pattern does not repeat itself in terms of a general cooling off in the overall vintage collectible comic book marketplace for several years after that.
  15. Wow, they are both very beautiful copies and would be wonderful additions to anybody's collection.
  16. Just received my Heritage Auction Catalogue in the mail earlier this morning. Found it rather strange that they would have the cover of the 9.6 graded ASM 5 on the cover of the catalogue as opposed to the highest graded 9.8 copy of ASM 14. I guess the cover image for ASM 5 with the white background probably works better? Good to see a separate section set aside for just the Centaur books right at the front of the auction catalogue. I assume they must be expecting good results from these HTF and relatively HG Centaur books as the majority of them are the much in demand early Amazing Mystery Funnies.
  17. Interesting and insightful though disturbing perspective. Such is the way of the world I guess. Well, since you only joined the boards in 2016, I guess you missed all the fun when the whole pressing fiasco first came to light back around 2004 to 2005. Completely unlevel playing field at the time as it became apparent that only a few players such as Matt Nelson, Jason Ewert, and the likes were aware that CGC was allowing certain manipulation of the books to go through as unrestored. It became very clear that with CGC's unpublished grading standards, they had been allowing "people in the know" or people with the smarts to maximize the potential of their books without bothering to let the general marketplace know about this rather significant change in the then "generally accepted" grading standards prior to CGC starting up in 2000. Although it should be pointed out that Jason was a bad boy and took it a tad too far in the end and was caught micro-trimming some of his books which was considered to be a no-no. Needless to say, after the furor had died down, almost everybody decided to jump onto this pressing boat as it was quite obvious there was a ton of money to be made by juicing up your books and then not disclosing it to the marketplace when it came time to sell them. Personally, I am quite sure this was part of CCG's game plan right from the get go because why would you as the parent company want to make money on a book only once, when you can make money on it multiple times. Sad to say, but it's gotten to the point where many of the submittors will now refuse to even think about getting a book graded unless it's gone through the pressing machine first, along with other "fixes" now allowed by CGC as part of their universal unrestored label. After all, as CGC has clearly demonstrated to us here, it's really all about the money. Not to worry though because we've now got the new CGC grading team in place since the middle part of 2016 and now helmed by none other than Mr. Nelson himself, the King of the Pressors and the former owner and operator of CCS. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why so many board members have been commenting lately that some books are presenting much better than their assigned grades, which certainly was not that common of a comment prior to the new grading team starting up. Maybe if I pulled a few of these books out of their slabs and hold them up at a certain angle to the light, I might get a clearer idea why. Almost makes me think that certain near invisible additional revenue generating defects may have moved up a few notches on CGC's Grading Hit Parade with the new team in place? Ok, END OF RANT as I believe we are really not supposed to be talking about these unspoken things here. It's just that there seems to be so many newbies here the past few years who somehow believes we are still living in the days of sweet innocence and wine and roses. SADLY NOT.
  18. As I posted in the other thread, it looks like the BA Bats and 'Tec issues except for the Top 4 on your chart here and 'Tec 405, have pretty well flat lined on a year over year basis.
  19. Well, except for those Top 4 on your chart here, it looks like these BA Bats and 'Tec issues have pretty well flat lined on a year over year basis.
  20. Are you by any chance referring to this Science 4 that closed last night on HA because I can't seem to see a Science 5 here: https://comics.ha.com/itm/science-comics-4-fox-1940-cgc-gd-25-light-tan-to-off-white-pages/a/121730-14600.s?ic3=ViewItem-Auction-Archive-ArchiveSearchResults-012417&lotPosition=0|0
  21. Umm....I DID not sell it or make a profit. The book was purchased by a friend of mine and I have never owned that particular book. I just want to make that perfectly clear. My bad as your post was just part of a nested quote with my comment really directed towards eccomic and not to you. Will still be fun to see how much higher the CGC 8.0 copy will go for on Heritage anyways since I've always considered the V2#2 to be one of the best covers in the entire AMF run.
  22. Oh yes, now I remember the post about the 7.0 copy of AMF V2#2: So, since you sold it for a "tidy profit" over your $4K purchase price, then I guess the CGC 8.0 graded copy in the current Heritage Auction must be relatively cheap and will most likely go for substantially more than its current price of over $4,300 including the juice. I wonder how much higher for such a classic cover and one of the best ones in the entire AMF run.
  23. Why, you newbie GA flipper , you!!! All kidding aside, was it in the VG+ condition range that Rick was alluding to in an earlier post here? Hopefully, you was able to make some money on the quick turnaround of this book here?
  24. That was the only theory I come up with. I wonder why the sales are down than? If you are referring to NM 98, WD 1, and Hulk 181, the answer is very simple. Virtually every collector who wants to have these books would already have one or more copies in their personal collection.
  25. Well, maybe next month's Heritage Auction results might convince him to release yet another one of these Centaur batches.