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CGC Mike

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Everything posted by CGC Mike

  1. I am currently working on this weeks experiment.
  2. You're welcome Oak. If I've overstepped the mark by suggesting we won't be moderated to the point of extinction, and that all that was being asked for today was for some people to show some reasonable restraint, I'm sure Mike will put me straight. In the last 3 weeks, I believe I have issued 2 warnings for posting guidelines and politics. Before I took over and we marked many things under review, there were about a dozen a week handed out. So, I don't think people have been moderated to the point of extinction lately.
  3. I know kav can be a pest, but he's really a gentle soul. 🤔 (I better bite my tongue)🙊 My post wasn't just about Kav. He wasn't the person that used it 15 times in 2 days.
  4. If everyone take into consideration with what I have said, and stop using it ALL THE TIME, I won't put the phrase on the spoon list. I don't think it's too much to ask.
  5. Exactly. I don't want to have to ban any phrase that doesn't violate the terms of use. However, I also do not want to see this phrase every time I click on a thread, and that is what's happening. I looked at one person's post, and it was used 15 times in 2 days. I am certainly willing to overlook the occasional use but, the over use has been going on for months, and is not slowing down.
  6. That is fine but, if it is continued to be used to the magnitude that is is now, I will add it to the list of spoon words/phrases, and enforce it that way.
  7. I am going to ask that people stop using this phrase: "That's what she said" This is being posted in multiple threads. We would like to attract female collectors to this site. This type of comment doesn't help us accomplish that. Thanks
  8. Hello Here are the numbers for CGC 1-877-662-6642 (toll free) 941-360-3991
  9. I will be submitting all the chat board problems to CGC on Monday. Hopefully, they will be fixed soon.
  10. I will make sure to mention this to them. Thanks!
  11. I have asked, and was told by the techs that google is not blocked. They asked for examples. I posted a few and haven't heard back. @universal soldier is VERY tech savvy. Maybe he will chime in again.
  12. Well, you have been here for over a year and a half. I am sure you can participate.
  13. @universal soldier covered this pretty well. Here is 2 of his posts. So it's pretty easy to test this via Google search and I do think that it will resolve itself with time. As I posted earlier, one of the main factors in getting your site indexed is the robots.txt file. As you can see here: https://www.cgccomics.com/robots.txt the old URL was blocked. user-agent: * disallow: /boards/* It seems however that boards.cgccomics.com is not blocked but it does take Google time to come back and reindex your site. Eventually it will follow the Chat Boards link on the cgccomics.com navigation and results should grow. It might not be a bad idea to remove those lines from the robots file to make sure. I also am not privy to any other settings that may be in place within the site settings that would prevent this either. I don't see anything in the webpage source code that would block this. Testing: One of the easiest ways to see if this or any site is indexed by Google is to use "site:" when searching. site:boards.cgccomics.com returns 1680 results including some threads from 2005. That's a positive step in the right direction. site:cgccomics.com returns 68,100 results including many links to boards.cgccomics.com site:cgccomics.com/boards returns 56,600 results but random sampling shows no comic related results, only coin forum threads. Ultimately I would think keyword searches or pre-pending your keyword search with boards.cgccomics.com is the best approach for now. For instance searching for "boards.cgccomics.com moderation policy" (without the quotes) returns Matt Nelson's post from last week as the number one result. Getting better results from just keywords will take time as you are now on Google's schedule but searching should be easier going forward. I really have no idea why this was blocked in the first place. To back up my point if you search- boards.cgccomics.com Marvel UK Price Variants You get the same top result for the old URL but the second one is for the new URL and it has a description. Google will sort this all out with time...
  14. Here is @thirdgreenham's last grading contest (round1), and the prize thread.
  15. Maybe even be given a bye round or two for past excellence. I remember being in 1st place just one time, and then you flew by me.
  16. Usually, some of the participating members donate books as prizes.
  17. We haven't discussed prizes in great detail but, I would guess there would be grading coupons/credit at minimum.
  18. best is to start sign up thread in comics general. that way everyone will see it. Not signup thread yet. It isn't etched in stone. We just need to show CGC that there is enough interest.
  19. are you ******* kidding me????? @oakman29 I will put you and @Galen130 in charge of rounding up people that want a grading contest, and post in this thread. This will help me to convince my boss to approve it.
  20. There have been talks about CGC hosting a grading contest on a regular basis. Would anyone be interested in seeing this happen?