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Old Fashion PB and J

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Everything posted by Old Fashion PB and J

  1. Whatever... GA DC is still better than junky Timely books. And raw books shouldnt be priced at GPA.
  2. I don't like it, looks canadian.. Damn Canadians. The first time my band went to Canada we crossed the border and went to currency exchange. First words out of my bass players mouth "arrrr me gold dubloons".. The money looked fake and there were coins up to $2.00.
  3. I am good, I have 3 shows to go to in the next few months. I will have all aggressions out.
  4. I packed Digglers books using a diaper box for backers, and marked it up. And gave him my Body Count CD. Like 4 years ago..
  5. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about. Thank you for proving my point. I say the same thing as Pat, yet you roll your eyes at me and agree with him. Unreal. (thumbs u It isn't about blame, it's about trying to be a bit friendlier. Did you know I once posted nothing but emoticons for a week. I understand what you're saying, but I have a low tolerance level for people who come in here guns-a-blazin', telling me how I should feel about a situation I'm involved in that they know almost nothing about. This place needs to change dude, it just has to. I left for months on end, but always come back. This place has the BEST people, and insane amounts of knowledge. But all the members set the tone of how this place will function. We have to lead by example, or this place will be nothing but sarcastic jerks. I KNOW you are a good guy, and you KNOW I am not attacking anyone, just want this place as a community again. I hate calling people by their forum name too. But I don't know many of these guys anymore. My name is Brandon (thumbs u And I am Pat.
  6. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about. Thank you for proving my point. I say the same thing as Pat, yet you roll your eyes at me and agree with him. Unreal. (thumbs u It isn't about blame, it's about trying to be a bit friendlier. Did you know I once posted nothing but emoticons for a week. That's kids stuff, you know who did it for months. Yes I do. I remember the days of me and Boozad and Comic Grinder posting emoticons in the test thread, just to up our post counts
  7. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about. Thank you for proving my point. I say the same thing as Pat, yet you roll your eyes at me and agree with him. Unreal. (thumbs u It isn't about blame, it's about trying to be a bit friendlier. Did you know I once posted nothing but emoticons for a week. I understand what you're saying, but I have a low tolerance level for people who come in here guns-a-blazin', telling me how I should feel about a situation I'm involved in that they know almost nothing about. This place needs to change dude, it just has to. I left for months on end, but always come back. This place has the BEST people, and insane amounts of knowledge. But all the members set the tone of how this place will function. We have to lead by example, or this place will be nothing but sarcastic jerks. I KNOW you are a good guy, and you KNOW I am not attacking anyone, just want this place as a community again. I hate calling people by their forum name too. But I don't know many of these guys anymore.
  8. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about. Thank you for proving my point. I say the same thing as Pat, yet you roll your eyes at me and agree with him. Unreal. (thumbs u It isn't about blame, it's about trying to be a bit friendlier. Did you know I once posted nothing but emoticons for a week.
  9. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u I don't think anyone is trippin' I think people are speaking without know what they are speaking about, and being a bit rude. Everyone needs to inform themselves, and speak when their heads clear. I have stepped back to clear my head.......If I am wrong I will admit it freely and apologize if I am doing anything wrong I will give you the cliffnotes. Sharon is probably one of the most respected and loved members. She is a kind, sweet, caring woman. She should be treated with the utmost respect, she has NEVER picked a fight here and generally is the first to offer ANYBODY help. She is very guarded by all here, I refer to her as the forum mother. She is all class though, and should be spoken to and treated like a lady.
  10. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u I don't think anyone is trippin' I think people are speaking without know what they are speaking about, and being a bit rude. Everyone needs to inform themselves, and speak when their heads clear. Agreed (thumbs u
  11. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u I don't think anyone is trippin' I think people are speaking without know what they are speaking about, and being a bit rude. Everyone needs to inform themselves, and speak when their heads clear.
  12. More like Veterans be trippin (thumbs u Yeah, because it's the vets who're coming in all condescending, talking about a situation they know very little about. You are being a bit snarky, you need a snickers dude? The noob thing was always a joke, but I guess it is really offending people.. Maybe we should all lay off, and let people settle in before joking with them too much.
  13. I wish we had neither, and everyone could keep their krap to themselves. So, no new people thinking and posting.....seems a little drastic now doesn't it? No, it means that I don't care for someone who's been here less than a year and doesn't really know the history of a situation, telling me how I or anyone involved should feel about it. I also don't care for the dismissive and minimilizing tone. Right, because we're really spoiling the place. What, effecting all this retroactive acrimony among the vets like we do. And, you know, there's a touch of irony in your dismissive and minimizing tone towards newbies. Anyhow...what is this thread going to accomplish? Many folks want to extract an apology from a member, who apparently has given all the apology that he sees fit to give. And what is the actual purpose of this thread? Is it to discuss folks who have violated the marketplace and might suffer some consequence? Or is to discuss any perceived malfeasance that takes place on the boards? From what I've read, mods have already been made aware and will take action as they see fit. Frustrations have been vented, grievances aired, fingers pointed, claims laid, and non sequiturs made. At this point, it seems that people are just stoking the coals, fanning the flames, and tossing the occasional log on the fire. I apologize if it offends you that I get irritated by someone who has NO CLUE what they're talking about being condescending and dismissive. Apology accepted. Well, truth be told, I'm not offended. Just a bit ridiculous how some folks want to act like newbies are the problem with the place created by the folks who laid all the bricks. I am going to assume you may be speaking of me. And just let me explain myself. When I started this place it was members who genuinely loved the hobby, contributed, and there was a real sense of community. The past few years have brought (almost) no members who offer any real contribution, sit here and stir the pot, or have come here solely to seek profit by selling here. The amount of in board flippers is disgusting, the fact that many of them do NOTHING but TAKE from the community makes me want to puke. I am not ashamed to say if you have 2,000 posts and they are all from selling books.. I do not like your kind. We have a market place for members, but these people act like this is Ebay minus fees, with a chat area. I know MANY members here by name, have gone to many conventions to say hello, and have made some real life long friends. Not board friends, friends. The people who come in here, disrupt the community, act like total JERKS, and then act like there is a conspiracy against them.. Are trash. There are many people in here who are abrasive, rude, snobby.. There are others who are shy, friendly, caring, and genuinely give a rats behind about all of the other members. So yes, we can be a bit harsh here. But regardless of who you think you are, have some manners, and be polite to others! You can make many many friends here, or you can be a jerk, find a "click" and be disliked. It is a shame more people have not chosen to make friends in the past few years. I really do miss that people used to be friendlier, and it wasn't a bunch of new guys coming in here being sarcastic jerks and acting like people need to accept their disrespectful behavior. I give most the benefit of the doubt, minus the ones who are only here to profit off our community. They can all kiss my rear, don't like that, don't care.
  14. I will have to say now, in the instances you just used the "B" word it is not typically meant to describe a woman. In almost all hard rock or metal genre the word is meant to define someone with no heart. While you may identify the word with one meaning, it is not always meant to be talking about women or dogs. Context and understanding is crucial. Not saying anyone has to approve, just stating that typically you need to understand what is being said, and not what you "think" is being said.
  15. Just because people aren't posting doesn't mean that people aren't reading... Exactly - it is losing situation to post anything that doesn't agree with the mob here. You'll just be put on the list for the next stalk, provoke and fry campaign. Others have already stated that if you don't agree with them, you're one sick puppy. It kinda seems like you're painting Rupp as the victim here? Please, correct me if I'm wrong sir. Logan... "cool books" O my lord, don't fan the flames, you're better than that!! Exactly - it is losing situation to post anything that doesn't agree with the mob here. You'll just be put on the list for the next stalk, provoke and fry campaign. Others have already stated that if you don't agree with them, you're one sick puppy. It's not a mob, it is many distinct adults all mutually offended and shocked at what they've seen here. Assuming it's a "Mob" is a cop out to not look real close at what you're dismissing. If you don't think that what was posted about Sean especially is over the line, disgusting and offensive, I don't think you're a sick puppy but I do feel sorry for whatever horrors you've seen in your life that makes this a "ho hum, no big deal, nothing to get bothered about" situation. I've been here a long damn time and this is about as offensive and nauseated as I've ever been on this board. That's not the "mob" speaking, just a mature adult, who never thought this type of behavior would invade this board. Not instigating anything here, and I am sure you know I like you, but seriously, anyone who HAS seen enough mess in their life doesn't need your sorry. Just sayin. Sympathy is given freely and without request, not only when requested or desired. And people who have seen enough carp to make them this hard to someone else's feelings need it more than anyone. Sheesh.. I can only imagine the judgement passed because of my facebook page
  16. +1 This is what baffles me. Why is someone spending time making up insufficiently_thoughtful_person krap like this and storing it? For what? And involving someones family, you're asking for trouble. These dumb arse memes I think are just a bit over the top. So where's the line? What's next. Many people here find them offensive. I don't know if I find them offensive, or just fricking stupid. But regardless, this is a comic message board, not a horror or mutilation board. Fricking grow up. I myself have pretty thick skin. It's the life I've lead. I've seen people shot, stabbed, beat within an inch of sanity, you name it. But krap like this would hit a nerve in certain people who may have lost someone due to violence. It's not pretty. I could imagine if Mrs. X was a boardie she would have went ballistic seeing the meme of Sean being shot through the head. Her oldest brother was murdered in Florida about 22 years ago, shot 4 times and one through the head. Not everyone would think this krap should fly, anywhere. Agreed, all solid reasoning.
  17. Why is anyone making these to begin with? And honestly, there should be 0 tolerance for any hatred. I don't care if it's posted here or on the wall behind you, we dont need it here. Attacking peoples family? Grow the eff up. I am sick and tired of hearing the bull that is being spewed around here, it is unacceptable to be portraying someones death (even through avatar), spewing hate about homosexuals, and targeting a man's family insinuating that his children are yours. Absolutely unacceptable guy should be banned or have his arse kicked in my opinion. Roy, I am not concerned about Roy. I have abused him far worse through being passive aggressive. I agree with you,but shouldn't the people that brought this to light for shear vindictive behavior be just as responsible? I'm not saying Rupp is beyond reproach,he deserves an whooping for it.Deep down though you know as well as I,someone did this to start this sheit storm too! It is NOT a matter of vindictive behavior, it is warning of a possible issue. Should we do away with anonymous tip lines as well? I know the comparison is extreme, but it is the same. And the issue of going into photobucket accounts, welcome to the boards. People access everyone elses accounts through sales threads to preview what is coming up and effectively "snipe" books with a quick so it is nothing new people going through others photobuckets during sales threads, which rupp has many.
  18. Why is anyone making these to begin with? And honestly, there should be 0 tolerance for any hatred. I don't care if it's posted here or on the wall behind you, we dont need it here. Attacking peoples family? Grow the eff up. I am sick and tired of hearing the bull that is being spewed around here, it is unacceptable to be portraying someones death (even through avatar), spewing hate about homosexuals, and targeting a man's family insinuating that his children are yours. Absolutely unacceptable guy should be banned or have his arse kicked in my opinion. Roy, I am not concerned about Roy. I have abused him far worse through being passive aggressive.