Kudos to you too, Alex, as well as, Carlos, Ben & Raph, for helping me out this weekend, and at various other cons.
MAJOR kudos to:
Alex (AlexH) - You're always a big help buddy, it was great seeing you again!
Raph (oneasian) - Thanks for putting up with my antics; always fun chillin' with ya. I'd still be a pulling books out of bags if it wasn't for you and your connections (thumbs u .
Carlos (GOTHAMCENTRAL) - Kudos would be an understatement, thanks for EVERYTHING (past, present & future)
Willy (Unknownworlds) - Same deal, Kudos doesn't do ya enough justice; thanks for all the help
Arjuna (spideyfan88) - Thanks for all the assists! Already acting like a veteran con attender
Jason Troung - For keep those lines nice and toasting for us
Jamie - Always going above and beyond; thanks for patients and assistance
Also wanna give a shout out to Drew, always cool bumping into ya brother!
You guys all make the shows worth attending and I consider myself very lucky to be friends with all of you! If I forgot anyone I apologize in advance.