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shortstack comics

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Everything posted by shortstack comics

  1. I will throw a caveat out and say that most of my posts come while I'm at work
  2. I don't know wether to laugh that I am the third top poster (behind Boozad and Junk) or to shed a little tear.
  3. I'm throwing this in here for my own sanity so that I don't have to keep hunting it. http://boardreader.com/sp/www_collectors_society_com_17426.html
  4. or...they see the humor and give you a strike..... true... so let me take this chance to say I'll see ya in a week
  5. hoping they see the humor of it and realize its just a joke
  6. I like the new user :roflmao: waiting to see if I get a strike for it or if TJ's Beard gets banned.
  7. Gav - I think you could appreciate this http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3469554#Post3469554
  8. issue 7 cover (since all I'm seeing is the big red X here's the link) http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__cFF8tyjQxI/SqusQtV0vsI/AAAAAAAAAt8/bMfwCR_QyPE/s1600-h/CHEW7Cover.jpg
  9. You might have a non 9.8 copy in your box coming from the states... If I can find the time to get it packed
  10. It's just nice to be able to talk to someone about it reasonably (something we all need to learn to do). I liked Obama and voted for him, but have to agree that I think this was a BIG BIG reason mainstream America voted for him. GI Joe, Deadpool, Chew, Green Lantern. and....
  11. Dover - I'm going to quote you from another thread bc I feel like we can have a more civil discussion about it in here than in the other thread. The other thread is derailed enough... and this is the underailable thread I applaud you for saying this. As a self-proclaimed Texas Liberal (which means I'm not really all that liberal, just liberal for the area I live in - which I guess would really just make me a moderate), I can appreciate your thoughts in that post when you get past the communist/socialist thing. I think that the conservative party needs to realize that by using those terms that they are pushing out folks like myself who are in the middle. It makes the party look stupid as if they don't really know what communist or socialist mean (especially when they use them interchangably as well as with Fascist). If they would just come out and say what you have said in the quote above, they would gain a lot more of my respect and I feel they would gain a much higher respect of the american politic. What you have is a genuine concern that is very understandable and relateable. What is going on en mass is using key words to hype up fear for a reaction.
  12. I soooooooo want the OA to the spread at the beginning of #4, but Rob's asking $1200 for it, and that is a little to $$$ for me.
  13. Look what's for sale in the sales forum. Really good prices too.
  14. has anyone else seen the troy palimoalo head & shoulders commercials... they are really funny and he is suprisingly a really good actor in the commercials