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shortstack comics

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Everything posted by shortstack comics

  1. What exactly does that mean? In real english? Leave the house for a short amount of time, namely anywhere between 5 - 30 minutes. so would being gone for 31 minutes make it plural? nips?
  2. bad acting, predictable storyline, bad special effects.... to bad >> doesn't show loser like shows winner
  3. a little heads up... don't waste your $$ or money on Jennifer's Body... ...unless you are in a crowd full of people living up to the cliche stereotype of African-Americans in a scary movie.. and have their 13 year old dropping in loud shouts of "eat the kitty (paraphrased to clean up the profanity)" as the two female characters kiss each other... then it's an awesome movie
  4. the contrast of the red and white would be great eye catcher on the shelf... add in some light grey linework for the mauseluem wall (kind of like a shadow or pencil tracing)... I think you have a best seller, J (thumbs u
  5. just remember who came up with the idea of the white background
  6. Now that's sweet... that makes no sense, when you posted that jason, i got the red box, but when gav posted i could see it. :shrug: I guess Gav just has magic fingers
  7. That was my thought too... I was just grabbing photos for reference. I figured whatever Bill drove would look 100 times better than a pic.
  8. I can't do image manipulation at work, but what about something like this with your title and author dress across the top
  9. Like it! You should have a zombie or something on the back cover (to really get some use out of BTK )
  10. facebook/myspace i have a myspace that i don't take care of (myspace.com/deafmutepubs), facebook (deaf mute), just got on last week. supposed to have a regular website up and running by the time the book is ready to go. make sure it has a chat board
  11. that is a good idea! i never would have though of that... really, I had thought of that but didn't throw it out because I've seen things like that before.
  12. i'll bounce some more off of you when I've had some time to think J
  13. Cover idea #3 black background four color bars splitting the top half. each bar is a different color. each bar has a different type of killer in black (zombie, ghost, vampire, etc).
  14. Cover idea #1. plain white cover with title in red. title drips like blood.
  15. they are the same way in hockey. the dejection on stinko's face told the entire story. fixed
  16. My flag football team stunk it up tonight... I just love playing with 40+ year old guys who were the high school football star, didn't play at all again after that until today, but think they are still the same bad they were then Makes for really fun games.... ...almost like that Dallas Cowboys game tonight.