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Everything posted by Cimm

  1. I love reading these pulps... I got into them for the cover art, and stayed for the obscure, rarely-to-never reprinted stories... William P. McGivern, Leigh Brackett, and Johnston McCulley are just a few of the authors I have "discovered" that I really like... Talbot Mundy is a great one too... Ray Bradbury started out writing for the pulps, as did Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, and Mickey Spillane... There is true treasure hidden behind those wonderful covers, I tell ya lad!
  2. Show-off! No, really...that's a G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S copy! Day-UM! Mr. Parker, your ability to find stunning GA beauties does not seem to have a limit! Nicely done!
  3. looks fun! Anyone actually hold one of the Girasols? Is the cover printing sharp or kinda fuzzy?
  4. Right on, man! Some good advice here... I just put all of my books, Golden Age to Modern in Golden Age bags. Makes for a very orderly, neat collection to flip through, and I dig uniformity.
  5. Cimms GF - (good grief, I need to get my own log in!) HA! Good luck with that. I think its the second time he has had a copy, and fat chance with that one. And yea, its a Watchmen bong, never been used. I just want to say, wow, some of you guys have scary cool stuff, and some of you guys have scary amounts of stuff. All very cool. Im somewhat fearful of the day his "new" stuff fills the back of a moving van. He already sunk a moving van up to the axle in the yard, filled only with his books. And I must say, I have so much fun reading all these posts and boards, and all kinds of stuff on here. Whole new world of stuff for me to spend hours on the internet about!
  6. Sweet pulp, Bang! I've only seen two copies on eBay in the last four years (the amount of time I've been looking for it), and I lost both times by a substantial margin Congrats on a tough pick-up!
  7. If there's a door leading to this backroom, maybe you should consider adding a dead-bolt lock as well. That way you can keep it open when you're at home but locked when the daughters have guests over. No door or even a wall. Its all open. Didnt want it to look boxed in. Guess I'll have to build some cabinets. I looked at some of the pre-fab ones at Lowes and Home Depot. Just chip board garbage, and I dont like the way they look anyway. DRX Have you considered locking file cabinets? Well, thats an idea. Id have to look and see the dimensions and how many books I could fit into one. I like the idea of building something that would match the rest of the basement, trim wise and such. I also thought that if i made some thing it would have removable shelving inside to lighten it up in case I have to move it. DRX Check page 135 of this thread for Mschmidt's comic room. Super clean and great use of file cabinets. What will you do about securing comics you'd like to display? Thats another good question. I already have put a few things on the walls down there. I have an original sketch Mart Nodell did for me and signed in 84 i believe. Also a nice Green Hornet poster signed by Van Williams. Just a few odds and ends, but I would like to eventually hang some slabs, but not til I figure a way they wont walk out the door. DRX Cimms GF : Ok, I enjoy reading a lot of these posts, but here, I would like to add another point. I had several teenage guy friends that would come over to hang out. And there is noting more tempting than locked doors. Have you thought of moving the girls down there as their room, and taking over their current room? Or freely offering to tell the friends about it. Bore their friends to death, leaving the value out, over-explaine things. then its boring and no fun. I personally, would go for the moving them downstairs, taking over their current rooms (if they have a shared wall that dosent support a load, rip that sucker down make BIG room upstairs) and have that. plus when you get older, you dont have to haul stuff up and down stairs. Also, in Cimms post, he left out the boxes stacked under the pool table, beside the couch, the boxes of figures, the other boxes everywhere else.... thats his organized corner in our bedroom. I think he would love to move my desk out of its perfect little recessed nitch, and put all the boxes there.
  8. Well, I finally have started to get it together... the space is cramped, the books are crowded, and the movies are hidden, but I think it came out alright... now, I just need to find the time to clean it up
  9. Yes... I quite enjoyed reading that one, and the art is worth a serious perusal in its own right!
  10. What pulps I have purchased over the years have been for the covers - while there are clearly writers whose work is worth collecting - the fact is most pulp writing is not particularly interesting hack work produced for a pittance. And publishers like Culture, Popular and Red Circle are generally known for great covers - not the writing - which while entertaining in small doses - is pretty redundant in content. I'm guessing Weird Tales is probably one of the few titles widely collected for both covers and content - but I'd love to hear from collectors as to what titles are collected mainly for the writing (Black Mask and some of the better known sci-fi tiles come to mind as likely candidates). Planet Stories is one that I started collecting for the covers (and love, nay, obsession with Fiction House), but have consistently liked the stories in... Dime Mystery is another, as well as Manhunt (a later digest that started off with a four-part Mickey Spillane story).... Fantastic Adventures has some great stories, but a lot of drek too... Detective Book, another Fiction House title, has some real consistency on providing entertaining reading... Weird Tales is indeed full of great stories, as well as great cover art... All-Story Weekly has far more great stories than great covers, not counting the the Parkhurst covers, which are uniformly enchanting... Scarlet Adventuress was surprisingly readable (I bought it for the covers, but the stories were worth the price of admission as well!)... that is all I have right now, but maybe we should start a separate thread for recommended pulp READING
  11. Well, Scrooge... I agree and disagree... there are pulps that are collected for the stories or authors, and I love them a lot, like Ray Bradbury, Mickey Spillane, Isaac Asimov, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Hugh B. Cave, H.P. Love craft, etc. But, within each series, there are individual pulps that are highly sought after for their covers, by collectors who don't necessarily collect that title or genre... to say that "real pulpsters" collect for the stories only, is specious... I've been around pulp collectors most of my life, and I would say that there are those that are after the story, true, but there are at least as many that do it for the art... Me, I'm sorta half-n-half... It's the covers that pull me in, and the stories that keep me coming back for more...
  12. I can think of a few... ... and that's just the one's I own... there are a LOT more...
  13. Isn't this something Steve or Cap should be revealing vs. hearing it second hand on a public forum? Not trying to defend his actions, if true, but this doesn't seem to be one of those issues that should be exposed by anyone other than the original parties on a message board... Jim I disagree. I'm glad Kenny posted it. It just reinforces the fact that Connor is a clueless little individual_without_enough_empathy that doesn't care about anybody else but himself. The story is true. He changed Steve's personal voice mail to an "F" bomb greeting. Steve lost lots of business to Heritage because of that. It was a few days before SB realized what had Conner did. By then the damage was done. I have no doubt it's true. Just think it should be addressed by the persons affected vs. hearing it second hand on a message board. That's how rumors start and stories gain a life of their own when the people affected aren't here to get the facts straight... Jim the story is true, and worse than you could imagine. I understand Steve didn't want to come on himself and let it be known, But Kenny felt that other people need to know this, and Steve said it was ok to post it. There are people who may not have been aware of What Connor has been up to, but this takes it to a whole new level. I agree that people need to be aware because it has to be known that he can not trusted in the slightest degree. There is a difference in posting flippant remarks & not mailing books and sabotaging a person's job & reputation. I was going to call Steve today and let him know that I would be more than happy to represent him in any legal action, free of charge, should he decide to take that route. There's nothing like a multi-thousand dollar judgment to make a lax parent change their attitude. I hear there are some nice boot camps for delinquents out on lonely street. I will discuss with Steve the option of accepting Connor getting sent to one by his parents in lieu of monetary settlement. Hey, Connor, how fast do you think your parents will have your bags packed for boot camp if it means they don't have a to pay out a settlement for your actions? I hear they have very fashionable hair stylists. Hope you got a good laugh at Steve's expense. I am ready and able to make sure it's the last time you laugh for a good long time. Best, Chris Right on, Chris! Now THAT is class in action!
  14. Man... Connor, you have no class... you have done something to affect the livelihood of someone who helped you... Swamp sludge is higher up the food chain than you.
  15. I was gonna keep going (out of boredom, and a need to procrastinate further on the work I'm supposed to be doing)... but I tripped over your are...
  16. you couldn't wait until I was done, could you?