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Domo Arigato

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Posts posted by Domo Arigato

  1. He is not a damn shill so cut it out. I have sold books to the man I have his address and his phone number. Its not the same person. If I have any credibility here you will end this line of harassment and continue to focus on ComicSupply.

    I agree. I looked over his old posts and one of the forum members met both 8milemax and Russ at a show, so it doesn't look like he's a shill.


    However...it was way too convenient that he showed back up after a two year break right before Russ/ComicSupply tried to weasel his way back onto the forum. Just like it was a little too convenient that he happened to want a book right after a forum member refused to sell it to Russ. And as long as he continues to insert himself into these ComicSupply threads, he deserves whatever mess storm falls his way. He needs to learn when to shut the hell up, and then he needs to teach that lesson to Russ.

  2. The one thing that I also have a problem with is people trolling russ, was he wrong in his past transactions? Yes Does he want to fix them? He told me he does. IMO trolling people in general is wrong, if you don't want him or her here ignore them.

    Russ/ComicSupply has had his chances in here.


    Dozens of them.


    He's not going to be allowed to roam freely in here any longer and continue to cheat people. PERIOD!


    I would advise you to back away from it. By sticking up for him, you are in effect, condoning his crooked behavior. And speaking from a personal standpoint, that makes you almost as bad as him in my book. If you really are his friend, you'd sit him down, smack him upside the head and tell him how badly he's screwing up, and then tell him to stay out of the forum before he does any more damage to his business (if that's even possible at this point).

  3. As documented in this thread:



    Comic Supply Customer: rtarturo

    Type of order: Preorder

    Order date: 3/2008

    Amount of order: $38

    Customer wants: A refund because books are no longer needed.

    Comic Supply’s solution: “One the list for delivery this week or he can have a refund if he no longer needs the books”. (rtarturo is opting for the refund).



    Comic Supply Customer: here4now

    Type of order: Preorder

    Order date: 12/2008

    Amount of order: $430

    Customer wants: A refund because books are no longer needed.

    Comic Supply’s solution:He isn't getting a refund. He is getting the books because he preordered them.”



    Conclusion: Comic Supply’s lousy customer service gets even lousier as the dollar amount increases.



    I'm still wondering why the customer who preordered $38 worth of books gets the option of a refund...while the guy who preordered $430 worth of books is told to stuff it and wait some more for his books.




  4. As documented in this thread:



    Comic Supply Customer: rtarturo

    Type of order: Preorder

    Order date: 3/2008

    Amount of order: $38

    Customer wants: A refund because books are no longer needed.

    Comic Supply’s solution: “One the list for delivery this week or he can have a refund if he no longer needs the books”. (rtarturo is opting for the refund).



    Comic Supply Customer: here4now

    Type of order: Preorder

    Order date: 12/2008

    Amount of order: $430

    Customer wants: A refund because books are no longer needed.

    Comic Supply’s solution:He isn't getting a refund. He is getting the books because he preordered them.”



    Conclusion: Comic Supply’s lousy customer service gets even lousier as the dollar amount increases.



  5. I was reading the thread just minding my own business and I felt like I was going to stay out of this one :) But now it comes to someone giving out threats to beat them up.


    If you don't want someone on the boards ignore them that simple. But telling someone that you want them to go to a comic show to beat them up thats something else.


    BTW Timmy I'm your Hucklebery. Russ is a friend I have decided to let him fight his own battles on the forums but personal threats is diffrent.


    Hi Russ :hi:


    Feel free to come to baltimore too




    No Problem


    Seeya in a month tool




    Don't forget to bring your inhaler


    I've seen Timmay. He could probably beat you to death with an inhaler.




  6. Just for the record:


    Here4Now is NOT waiting for any books, comics or supplies of any kind. He IS however waiting to recieve a refund for his $430.00 and change....END OF STORY!


    HE IS WAITING!!!! Get out of my business Fuelman. Find something to do huh... your not in charge of it, or have anything to do with it.


    Yes Russ, he is waiting...........for a refund of his $430.00 and that is ALL he is waiting for!!! You got that? Did you understand that? Can it be stated any clearer?


    He isn't waiting for any books, supplies or comics. He wants a refund of his $430.00 and change. END OF STORY!




    Well, no, he isn't getting a refund. He is getting the books because he preordered them.

    He placed that order in December of last year. He's been more than patient regarding your incompetence and has requested a refund instead of the product. After waiting nearly 9 months, I think that request is more than reasonable and you now owe him a refund of $430 and change.

  7. I can read Domo. I even read the first sentence.

    So you're choosing not to fix that "stack" of old orders that need to be dealt with?


    I guess those customers of yours won't mind waiting another year or two for the products they ordered...seeing as how you're being much more productive in here by acting like a total dumass.


    I AM FIXING IT. It's just I have a lot of stuff to do, and it is getting done.

    If you have a lot of stuff to do, then here's a little advice:




  8. I can read Domo. I even read the first sentence.

    So you're choosing not to fix that "stack" of old orders that need to be dealt with?


    I guess those customers of yours won't mind waiting another year or two for the products they ordered...seeing as how you're being much more productive in here by acting like a total dumass.


  9. As I stated, preorders are a pain in the butt to keep together, this was one that is in a stack of old ones to deal with.

    So why don't you stop posting in here...and instead use that time to fix this "stack" of old orders that need to be dealt with?


    One novel use of this newly found "free time" would be for you to actually contact all of those people and offer to either ship them the product you do have in stock along with a partial refund, or to refund all of their money.


    Imagine that?


    YOU taking the time to proactively contact your customers about YOUR screw ups and offer to make them right.


    You know...as opposed to your normal tactic of throwing this responsability back onto your customers. And then watching as they hopelessly try to track you down for months/years in order to get some kind of resolution out of you in exchange for their hard earned money.


    Bumped for Russ, since it appears he didn't notice it the first time around.




  10. As I stated, preorders are a pain in the butt to keep together, this was one that is in a stack of old ones to deal with.

    So why don't you stop posting in here...and instead use that time to fix this "stack" of old orders that need to be dealt with?


    One novel use of this newly found "free time" would be for you to actually contact all of those people and offer to either ship them the product you do have in stock along with a partial refund, or to refund all of their money.


    Imagine that?


    YOU taking the time to proactively contact your customers about YOUR screw ups and offer to make them right.


    You know...as opposed to your normal tactic of throwing this responsability back onto your customers. And then watching as they hopelessly try to track you down for months/years in order to get some kind of resolution out of you in exchange for their hard earned money.

  11. Rtarturo I have no idea what he is about.

    You have no idea of what running a proper business is about.



    Bill will be taken care of next week.



    Of course he will.


    And if by some miracle you do actually get him "taken care of"...it will only have taken you a YEAR AND A HALF TO DO IT!


    And that's not really "taking care" of someone...now is it, Russ? Although I guess it might be, if your idea of taking care of someone is tripping them, kicking their teeth down their throat, and then "taking care" of them by giving them a ride to the dentist.



    Here4now is lying if he says he isn't waiting for anything because he is. I have his order and there are trades that have not been printed yet.

    Everyone is lying about you, Russ.


    Everyone just sits around in here thinking up ways they can lie about your crappy service.




  12. I just don't want to be on the list when I don't deserve to be. I didn't make the rules of the list. And there is no proof to be had to state where any sales came from.


    The list is for the boards. Your targeting me because I have a site. If I didn't I wouldn't be on that list.

    Russ...you are so full of it. You have a link to your website posted at the bottom of every one of your posts in here. That drives business directly from unsuspecting or new members of this forum to your website.


    So any member of this forum that has had a problem with you in a sales thread or on your website...IS A PROBATION FORUM LEVEL OFFENSE!


    So shut the hell up and quit crying about it. And whenever you make a post anywhere in this forum with your link at the bottom of it...people need to be warned about your business practices. I commend those in here that continue to do so.


    You not only deserve to be on the probation list...you deserve to be prosecuted for theft. And yet you have the nerve to come in here and say that any people who just happen to see your posts should contact you if you still owe them anything. People have been trying to contact you for years, Russ. People can only leave so many messages and send so many emails before they get tired of not getting a response from ComicSupply. And it's obvious that you count on people simply giving up on getting their product or money.


    It's YOUR job to find out who you still owe product or refunds to and to make every single one of those people whole again. And that includes not only the people on this board that you've screwed out of money, but the various other comic boards that have similar "ComicSupply stole my money" type threads plastered all over them.


    You're like a cancer to this hobby, Russ. You keep taking money from people year after year. You continue offering the same lousy customer service. You continue to fail to ship the products that these customers have paid for. And yet you still have the nerve to whine about how you're not being treated fairly and how you should be allowed to continue taking peoples money in here. Get it through that impossibly thick skull of yours, Russ. You are not wanted here. I'd tell you to go to hell...but I doubt if even they would want you.



    I can guarantee that if my sales threads were not mobbed by people, I would sell.

    That's exactly why we're not going to let it happen. You've screwed the members of this forum over enough. It ends now. You're not going to be allowed to cheat any more unsuspecting members in here. If they see all the warnings that people post about you in your threads and then decide to do business with you, then that's on them. I just hope the moderators realize soon that this forum would be much better off if you simply were never allowed to post in here again.




  13. Domo,


    You don't know the specifics of any of these orders, the policies, or where those buyers came from.


    It wasn't like this was the only place we advertised.

    But that brings up another concern. Because it reminds me that there's no telling how many boards there are out there, just like this one, that has a trail of unhappy customers on it because of your lack of service.



    Case in point (be sure to read the whole thread).




  14. Domo,


    You don't know the specifics of any of these orders, the policies, or where those buyers came from.


    It wasn't like this was the only place we advertised.

    Many of the specifics are buried in this very forum. We've read them, Russ. Many have come forward in the past to vent their frustration towards your company.


    We've been here and heard from these people as they came desperately looking for a solution to what they rightfully felt was someone ripping them off.


    And I don't doubt that this wasn't the only place you advertised. But that brings up another concern. Because it reminds me that there's no telling how many boards there are out there, just like this one, that has a trail of unhappy customers on it because of your lack of service.


    The solution we now have...albeit a small one...is the probation list that Divad came up with to help warn those in here against this type of nonsense.

  15. Domo,


    Not to mention AGAIN, these are all customers direct through my website. Preodrer isues, that ARE WITHIN the policy of a preorder.


    I am handling it, and clearing it up.

    No they aren't. You solicited much of this business right here...on this website. Sure, you may have directed them to your website to place orders, but the solicitation was done here.


    And I don't call holding onto someones goods for almost a year (with no communication, even though that person repeatedly called and emailed you for a solution) as being within the policy of a preorder.


    The fact that you would even state such nonsense is yet another reason why you should remain a Hall of Shame member on the Forum Probation List.

  16. The point is I feel that everyone deserves a second chance, except Alley Bat he knew what he was doing.

    Comic Supply has already had a second chance. Apparently, he's had several dozen of them. And many of the people that were screwed over by him have said the same thing...that they have repeatedly emailed him and left him phone messages and they have been summarily ignored. Both Comic Supply and Alley Bat knew exactly what they were doing. They both earned their spots in the Probation List Hall of Shame and they should both stay there.


    I don't think that's the case so far all i seen was 5 people say that he owed, and he is trying to fix it now. Show some goodwill and lets see what happens

    Then you obviously haven't read these forums very much in the past, or you'd have seen the posts from numerous people complaining how they got shafted by Comic Supply in the past. And I think most people are fresh out of goodwill when it comes to giving someone an umpteenth chance.

  17. I don't see how I violated the guidelines. Different things, genres, etc.


    And so what, he said he would take it before it was removed. It never would of been removed if I was you for instance.

    Your sales threads were deleted by the moderators. Regular members can't delete them. They violated the rules set forth for these sales forums and have been rendered null and void.

  18. The point is I feel that everyone deserves a second chance, except Alley Bat he knew what he was doing.

    Comic Supply has already had a second chance. Apparently, he's had several dozen of them. And many of the people that were screwed over by him have said the same thing...that they have repeatedly emailed him and left him phone messages and they have been summarily ignored. Both Comic Supply and Alley Bat knew exactly what they were doing. They both earned their spots in the Probation List Hall of Shame and they should both stay there.