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Everything posted by Bomber-Bob

  1. The resto work that is noted on the label will definitely tame the price. I would not resubmit this book. First off, even if it got a 9.6, it won't help the valuation. It's still the Single Highest graded at 9.4 or 9.6 . I would also not risk a change of position on the resto work to a Purple Label. The risk/reward is not there. Very pretty book ! Shame some insufficiently_thoughtful_person worked on it.
  2. The more I think about it, I'm going with an official guess of 7.0 . I do think that is the highest grade it can get though. Good luck !
  3. Glad everyone is enjoying the White Mountain 102, here's a better, solo pic........
  4. This book was graded in 2008, perhaps they have changed their stance and it would now get a Blue Label. They will not consult with you on whether you want a Blue or Green Label but I think you can ask in advance.
  5. I hate it when the LCS keeps a nice book like this open to light and it fades. Unfortunately, it is a very bad flaw and will probably be hammered by CGC. I've never submitted a book like this, with full cover fade, so it's difficult to say but maybe it can stay in the midgrade range ? If the rest of the book is 9.4/9.6 I would hope it stays in the 6.0 range.
  6. Brian, as always your comments are spot on. - 'If dealers can sell retail to a retail customer they'd rather do it'. I believe this is true, however, dealers still sell first come, first serve . They are not going to turn down a sale. - Regularly spending good money with a dealer should result in eventual granting first shot. Schmell, Brulato, yourself are examples of such. - Newly acquired inventory bought from other dealers are generally not processed at the show. I can understand this.
  7. Thanks for all the conversation on this, I'm learning a lot here. Per the CC companies, neither card was disabled . In both cases, they did not see a failed/denied attempt for the comic purchases. They both showed the same transaction for the car wash in Florida but they were not identified as fraudulent by the Credit Card company. I noticed them later when looking at home and I called them in as fraud. I'm so confused. I contacted the dealer but he has yet to get back to me with any information. Again, no reflection on him, I just want to figure this out. With crowds of people at his booth and the tablet just sitting there, I suspect a skimmer could have been employed ?
  8. I know, I didn't dig hard enough that first day. I thought it was just runs of mid grade Marvels but was not aware of the PreHero until I saw you.
  9. A dealer pass will help but realize that alone is no guarantee. The competition will still be there so you will have to work hard and need a little luck. In Chicago, I picked my dealer friend (who got me a pass) at the airport. We had lunch, I dropped him off at the convention center and proceeded to park my car. By the time I got in he was picked ! Some dealers, will simply not sell or even open up their boxes until the actual start of the con. While annoying, it is more fair. No sense complaining, it's all fair game. Yes, as an average attendee, you will often be paying flipper prices. It is what it is.
  10. I'm beginning to think some dealers are more there for the buying, not the selling. If a dealer arrives at a con with decent inventory or a new collection that's priced to sell, it's gone by the time the convention starts, picked clean by other dealers. Not all dealers are like this but there enough of the usual suspects that roam the floor on setup day taking all the good stuff. In their defense, dealers that attend all the major cons need to replenish their stock and do so from buying other dealers stock. It's part of the business model for the busy dealer. Note I'm not complaining, just saying that's what happens.
  11. If you are worried about missing out on the better dealer stock, the best stuff is already gone by the time the convention starts. Dealers buying from dealers on setup day.
  12. You are correct. Usually, I always use cash at comic conventions. This was a first for me and obviously didn't work out.
  13. I noticed you did not include an E-Bay link. I assume you want to gauge interest here in an offline transaction ? You are kind of skirting the Board rules. Books offered on the Boards are supposed to be exclusive to the Boards. So is it For Sale on E-Bay or the Boards ? You cannot have both. My advice, if it doesn't sell on E-Bay, take it down and offer it here at a realistic price and it will sell. It's a nice, desirable book but the Boards are very price savvy.
  14. Agreed, classic SCS. The trouble now with a press and resub the cost is on you. I would have shipped it to CGC, as is with the slant, and put the onus on them to fix it. While I really like the new slabs, I think the books are tighter inside. The old trick of tapping the book into place can be dangerous and damage the book even more.
  15. Thanks, good question. In my case, the transactions seemed to be intercepted, they never went through to the CC companies. If it was stolen via Wifi, I would have thought the tranasctions would have gone through ?
  16. In case you didn't see these Single Highest Graded Batman @ Greg Reece's booth........
  17. Doing a little Google researching, I guess there is something called a skimmer, hardware that intercepts the transaction and steals the CC info. If you are diligent about keeping your device close to you at all times then you are probably fine.
  18. No, but I will ask ? Please expound on how this is important. Thanks for responding, I really want to figure this out.
  19. Just thought I would share my experience today as a cautionary warning and see if it happened to others . Today, Sunday, about an hour left on the final day of Wizard Chicago. I'm buying a couple comics from a prominent dealer and decide to use my Credit Card. Note, I am not going to mention the dealer, I think he was scammed also, to avoid any poor reflection on him. I think he used a tablet, not his phone and swiped my card. Denied. This happened to me earlier in the show on Thursday as a precautionary move by my CC company because of out of normal spending patterns, no biggie. I give him another credit card, different company. Denied. Oh well, I cut my purchase in half and use the last of my cash. Later, upon talking to my CC companies, I learned the following.. - Neither company could see a denied transaction, as if it didn't happen. - On both credit cards there was a fraudulent transaction from the same location, ZIPY's, a car wash in Florida. - The transactions both happened at about the same time as my original denied requests. What happened ? I suspect somebody placed some hardware on the dealer's tablet. Anybody have a similar experience or can shed light would be appreciated.
  20. Personally, I had a terrible show. It was like a Rickneatstuff sales thread where I was always too late.
  21. I have no idea what you are referring to ? Never heard of a 60 dollar return fee packet .
  22. How do you know it was from the printing process ? It could be a stacking issue from the distributor, some ink from the comic above . No matter what, it all depends if CGC thinks it is from the printing process. If they have seen other copies of the same book with this problem, it will probably get a pass. If not, who knows but I don't think the book would be hammered, just a slight downgrade.
  23. Well, I would have to disagree about this being a common issue. There are only 6 graded copies on the CGC census, that's SIX ! How can that be considered common ? Highest graded sees one 8.0, next highest is a 6.0 . By contrast AF15 has nearly 2800 graded copies. Even in the title itself, House of Mystery, #1 has 80 graded, #2 - 22, #3 - 22, #4 - 14, and finally our #5 - 6. I'm sorry but I have to disagree that #5 is one of the more commonly seen issues. Personally, I have never seen it before.