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Ken Aldred

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Everything posted by Ken Aldred

  1. I did notice there was an extended version available.
  2. The video is on YouTube, but, out of respect, I won’t post it for you.
  3. Some of the characters and descriptions are a bit risqué, and on the boards I tend to be cautious.
  4. If you’re on a very limited budget it’s a bit like the sliding scale system for therapy; keep sliding.
  5. Last one I went to watch was Endgame. The only one that appeals to me is the last Spider-Man, and I’m waiting for it to come down a bit price-wise on 4K disc, the only reason I haven’t seen it yet. Used to never miss one, broke the habit.
  6. Ordway did some nice art during that run, particularly the introduction of Infinity Inc.
  7. To keep it at that level, month after month, was just incredible. And that’s even without actually getting into the comic strips. Genius.
  8. I had thought of posting the list link, but even that seemed a bit too unsuitable for the boards. And, I agree, even many of the titles and descriptions alone cracked me up.
  9. The UK’s greatest humour comic, Viz. Too many issues, too many times to mention and to find pages for. It’s possible many wouldn’t be suitable for posting here, anyway. Truly inspired, especially during my favourite mid-to-late 80s period.
  10. Just read this, which I thought was quite interesting... While the BBC's iconic Doctor Who series may currently stand as one of the most cherished and respected small screen franchises ever to warp into our lives, the show was definitely on the ropes towards the end of its first run in the late '80s. In fact, things got so bad when it came to the overall quality of the sci-fi time-travelling property with Colin Baker at the wheel of The Doctor that the show was put on ice for 18 months in 1985 on the back of BBC One controller Michael Grade feeling it had just become too violent and a "very clunky studio show". Then, in a move that still needs to be heard to be believed, the decision was made by British songwriter and Who super fan Ian Levine to assemble a collection of artists together to record a universally panned charity song by the name of Doctor in Distress to drum up some support for the series edging towards cancellation. Clearly sensing he needed to do something in a bid to keep his failing Doctor dreams afloat, Baker himself also agreed to appear in the ill-fated tune, with Hans Zimmer, of all people, playing the song on a synthesiser. All of the jarring beats in the world couldn't save Baker from eventually getting the regeneration treatment after just three years - including said lengthy hiatus - in the Time Lord saddle, though.
  11. Pretty much the only way I knew how to get those older Marvel / Atlas stories in England in the 70s, along with the 100 pagers for DC Gold and Silver Age.
  12. The value is in the quality of the story and art. Never worthless.
  13. I didn’t realise there’d been a reboot after Strike Back, which was okay. Last one I watched was Zack and Miri, which was a bit rubbish.
  14. Same as me; same age, same comic. Flattered to be considered sophisticated. 6p British copy, though.
  15. I can empathise with that. My parents were low earners, struggled through, but, when she could, mum would give me 50p to buy a few comics from the bus station newsagent while on the way back from the market. When you look back, you appreciate that a lot more. As I've said before, I think my first newsstand comic was either Defenders 5 or Captain Marvel 27, one of the early Starlin issues.
  16. Just thinking that the other day. Didn’t recall anything appearing after Doomsday Clock.
  17. You’d never expect showmanship from someone who had a career as a magician. Not surprising. At least he doesn’t use pyrotechnics and lasers.
  18. Still playing Fallout 4. Was on Hard difficulty, went up to Very Hard, which just turns everything into tedious-if-doable bullet sponges, and went back down again.
  19. Yup. I think that's basically the point. A small volume of work, visually dynamic and with especially impressive and inspired design sense. One of the most distinctive, impactful styles you'll ever see in comics. Like David Mazzucchelli's small body of (mainstream) comics work, quality over quantity. Rather that than copious amounts of tenth-rate drek.
  20. Definitely underrated. Sometimes it never gets elevated beyond peer recognition amongst fellow artists, a bit like the similarly underrated John Paul Leon.
  21. EC story featuring their horror comic writers and artists, drawn by the extremely underrated Jack Kamen... Certainly very socially-dated in places, but it is around 70 years old.
  22. It is a little annoying, after all, the Logan Blu-ray had both versions included. It’s about time.
  23. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the way Darkseid was used in the Snyder Cut. Also, liked the simple, teaser-level background intro of Granny Goodness as well.