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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. how am I making enemies? just tell me straight CAL By being a d-bag being what you describe as a d-bag is condoning the very implication you just made. How is attempting to solve the Forums problem being a d-bag? please take it further CAL
  2. Oddly enough, I got lured into the pay forum discussion. Dice tried to kick this back on track. I must reevaluate my position based on the many fine posts here and say that charging for membership here would suck for some, work for others. This concludes all seriousness from me in this thread. Nice post. I would liek to add that we ALL started somewhere. It was not spending 10K per month on eBay/Cons, it was working your way up to the stations of life we each occupy now. Maybe someday PCC will have 300 GC'd IMSM's and overshadow my 155. Maybe Liaton-9000 will have 5 x the stock Metropolis has in 3 years. Those outcomesd would be great for them , and great for the hobby. No one has yet to comment the losing of the ASM collector, Randall Bartlett. I think we all know why.. I am just trying to get those who have these other agendas to man-up and admit what they are on a public Forum. I always have stated mine, now everyone else can chime in. the water is getting warmer CAL
  3. how am I making enemies? just tell me straight CAL
  4. Thanks! I'm all for keeping those whohave no business here away for good. CAL gathering momentum He was being sarcastic, Cal. And I agree with him...some of the most obnoxious/untrustworthy people in the hobby have a lot of money. On the other hand, somebody like Liaton is just getting into the hobby, is still at school, but is an all-round good egg. But he couldn't afford to join up. We're throwing the baby out with the bath water here...and we still won't nail the psychos. +1 (thumbs u If it comes down to some exclusive club that you have to "splash the cash" to join then you can count me out...A discussion forum should be available to everyone not just those that can afford it. Besides I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member! Cheers PCC You have not been a member a full 3 months but you post this? All you are doing is giving me more reasons to get that proposal in sooner... CAL 100% in motion This is where you are going to lose all your steam, Cal. I don't know PCC, but I have enjoyed his posts. He is a n00b, but he is a fun, relatively articulate n00b that loves him some comics. His opinion is just as valid (or invalid depending upon perspective) as yours mine and the man in the moon. No need to make more enemies; it seems you are all stocked up. And this is from the CGCer who PMed me that told me he had "no stake" in any of my misfortune here - dod not know WHY I had those enemies - it was before his time here. I must disagree in the entirety of your post and question your intent; if PCC opinion is equal to a veteran dealer, hobbyist, etc, then I guess anyone can get on here and declare themselves experienced enough to hold an equal station in profession, or whatever. PCCis a person with his own general opinions, yes, and they are to be heard, but it is hard for me to hear from someone who has been here for 11 weeks. If you buy what he has to say about making this Forum better, then buy PCC. Don't buy CAL. CAL not trying to make enemies - trying to get rid of them
  5. Thanks! I'm all for keeping those whohave no business here away for good. CAL gathering momentum He was being sarcastic, Cal. And I agree with him...some of the most obnoxious/untrustworthy people in the hobby have a lot of money. On the other hand, somebody like Liaton is just getting into the hobby, is still at school, but is an all-round good egg. But he couldn't afford to join up. We're throwing the baby out with the bath water here...and we still won't nail the psychos. +1 (thumbs u If it comes down to some exclusive club that you have to "splash the cash" to join then you can count me out...A discussion forum should be available to everyone not just those that can afford it. Besides I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member! Cheers PCC You have not been a member a full 3 months but you post this? All you are doing is giving me more reasons to get that proposal in sooner... CAL 100% in motion Cal, just what was wrong with what he posted? Seriously...what did he say that was in any way offensive or wrong-minded? Stop putting words and ill-intent with my posts, Nik. I did NOT say that PCC offended me. I question the validity of PCC - he has NO CLUE what has gone on here. How could he know? Please inform me, and maybe we all can learn from someone that has not been here to tell us what needs to be done??? Whereas YOU know what I have been talking about. You were on the ebay chat the same time I was. Sorry, Nik. Does not pass the smell test. CAL the guard dog
  6. is that why you were so confused by my earlier posts? Have a Foster CAL
  7. Thanks! I'm all for keeping those whohave no business here away for good. CAL gathering momentum He was being sarcastic, Cal. And I agree with him...some of the most obnoxious/untrustworthy people in the hobby have a lot of money. On the other hand, somebody like Liaton is just getting into the hobby, is still at school, but is an all-round good egg. But he couldn't afford to join up. We're throwing the baby out with the bath water here...and we still won't nail the psychos. +1 (thumbs u If it comes down to some exclusive club that you have to "splash the cash" to join then you can count me out...A discussion forum should be available to everyone not just those that can afford it. Besides I don't want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member! Cheers PCC You have not been a member a full 3 months but you post this? All you are doing is giving me more reasons to get that proposal in sooner... CAL 100% in motion
  8. & I'll be seeing you in Chicago in a couple days. wow...with that avatar from Silver Surfer #4 splash page... should I send some help out there??? CAL
  9. You got off easy. There are a few here that wish they only receieved one threat. CAL who foolishly deleted all his PMs...
  10. We all have misguided alliances in our lives at one time or another. I know you DO trade comics, I have even bought from you a few times. I know you do like the funny books. I just will always have a hard time defending others who could care less about funny books when the war is ABOUT FUNNY BOOKS. Quick analogy: The French Canadians who railed against the Provincial gov't of Canada - then they had an election for Independence, the Province of Quebec. Many who say they were against Ottawa all of a sudden defended Ottawa. They lost a lot, if not all, of their credibility. If someone really understands the purpose of CGC, what they do, WHY the need for their resto check and other trick-detecting skills are even here in the first place, they would not have the need to defend someone who adamantly and publickly declared their demise. No, I am not going to forget what happened there, nor should I or anyone else, and yes, I resent some of them coming here. I would never chase abc then when the coast is clear, join abc's playgrounds. Not a hypocrite CAL
  11. Thanks! I'm all for keeping those whohave no business here away for good. CAL gathering momentum
  12. I would be willing to pay in the range of $500 - 700 per year to post here. I am very sure, 99.99% sure, that if it cost that much to be here with purpose of partaking of the CGC services, I would not get flamed at all. I would not be insulted, cursed at, mocked, ridiculed, or anything negative. Heck, I would spend much more time here and it would be great to treated well, instead of defending and watching my every character typed. Respect does wonders, the nay-sayers and haters could learn from that one, now-obsolete-in-modern-times-word: RESPECT. The anti-cgcers do NOT respect the company, they do NOT respect the Dealers here, they do NOT respect those who try to keep the peace here; they choose sides, and await anonymously to take their shots. You all know they do. One of the best pieces of advice my Father ever gave me was: " You are judged by the company you keep". When I see certain Boardies defend those who are extremely disrespectful, that tells me a lot of the entire story, andf combine that with their ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICES, particularly eBay( like it or not, eBay IS the largest venue where the comics are traded), I easliy figured out who was who. Sure, a few of the anti-CGCers trade bits and pieces, but there are no Major Dealers that ever got on here and defamed other dealers that I know of. I receieved many a PM from those who would defend xyz, having the unmitigated gall and nerve( this is what the Internet's current anonymous usage downfall will be) to tell me that xyz is " a great guy once you get to know him, she is not that way, she just had a bad day, yadda yadda". This is the bottom line: If you can't afford pricey funny books, get another hobby. I saw someone post recently, this chap apparently did not like my idea about the paid membership, " I can't afford it". How is his not being able to afford it my problem? Designer Toast posts: " I never had anyone send ME a Threatening PM"... Designer Toast was not around in the beginning of the grading era, where most of the arrows were shot from the trolls'/Anti-CGCers' bows. Designer Toast is NOT a Major Dealer, or if he is, he is the best kept-dealer I wished someone told me about( he is a great guy all-in all). Another posts somethig about "getting young readers in here" or something close to this. This CGC site is about the ALREADY FINISHED PRODUCTS from several decades ago. It was THEIR job( the publishers) to win readership and the benefits of hand-me-down the great Americana culture that is comic books. Not CGC's job, nor is it our job. If they truly love this hoby like many here SAY they do, they will naturally find this place just like a Beatles fan can still find Beatles items on other sites. The REAL reason a paid-membership would add credibility and stop the anonymous garbage that goes on here: the credit card has Identity attached to it. Then SKY posts: " Oh my - someone could steal my credit card and still post anonymously". Sorry SKY, you have woven your way very well here and have many ears here but your post smacks of another lame cop-out; does not pass the smell test. You have already excluded my ideas and my REASONS for my ideas for other purposes; you are not willing to give this a try. Why would you? If you love xyz, and others so much, which may or may not be good for you, I don't know, but you could trade actual phone numbers and emails and stay in touch with them that way. To allow Threats, innuendos, libel, slander, defamation, insults, ridicule, in my mind, is to condone said actions. It should NOT be based on like or dislike, it should be agreed upon the members, the serious members, to stop the nonsense. That includes the two-faced ones here who play nice, then PM others on what theiR object of resentment/envy/hate has done or said/posted. That went on over on ebay Chat, and that spilled over here. Do not PM me later to tell me the lie that it does not happen here, now. It does. If my Questions about the Silver Surfer at the Long Beach Comic Con are all over the board the NEXT FREAKIN' DAY I know that the PMing for alerting purposes goes on. If you really don't like my TRUTH of FACTS, just don't respond, a great choice if you really are one who does not want to keep stirring the pot. 99% riled up CAL Cal...we've been back and forth on this since you first showed up on eBay, I don't base someone's value on how much cash they have, or pretend to have. I have told you certain people are nice, in an attempt to calm you down, obviously I was not very good at that since the last time I emailed you was a long time ago, and obviously you are still riled up. Just the mere ASSOCIATION with others will have someone's guard up no matter the pretty words that are seen... If you had been insulted the way I, and others have been, you would be upset too You and I will just continue to disagree. [i]I am not here to disagree with you or anyone. I am honestly trying to solve the problems here. We ALL can benefit.[/i] This thread was not aboout YOU, it was about a threat Mike received. It's the first tiem I've seen Mike every complain about a threat. There is a reason for that. Read my previous lines - the part where WE all could benefit - this is not done for me, or even Mike, who was recently threatened - this is FOR US ALL Some people perceive or attract more slights than others.. Yes, those who speak up will get the most arrows. I will stand up and do what I feel is right, and know that I will be criticized for not taking the status quo and hiding like a scared rat. take no garbage from anyone CAL
  13. If you had been following me at all, you would have seen that I am opening up a movie site, with chat features. CAL staying more current for a purpose...
  14. How about 5 submissions per year via that membership fee? Along with Discounts to ALL the Major Cons all over the US and Canada? The mind can conjure wonders when it is opened properly CAL who admires Napoleon as his favorite Historical Figure
  15. Thank you for your mature voice of reason. Sorry for my rant above, and you are one of the old-times that saw what some of us endured here, unneedlessly. I am working on that proposal next week when I make more time serious CAL
  16. I would be willing to pay in the range of $500 - 700 per year to post here. I am very sure, 99.99% sure, that if it cost that much to be here with purpose of partaking of the CGC services, I would not get flamed at all. I would not be insulted, cursed at, mocked, ridiculed, or anything negative. Heck, I would spend much more time here and it would be great to treated well, instead of defending and watching my every character typed. Respect does wonders, the nay-sayers and haters could learn from that one, now-obsolete-in-modern-times-word: RESPECT. The anti-cgcers do NOT respect the company, they do NOT respect the Dealers here, they do NOT respect those who try to keep the peace here; they choose sides, and await anonymously to take their shots. You all know they do. One of the best pieces of advice my Father ever gave me was: " You are judged by the company you keep". When I see certain Boardies defend those who are extremely disrespectful, that tells me a lot of the entire story, andf combine that with their ACTUAL BUSINESS PRACTICES, particularly eBay( like it or not, eBay IS the largest venue where the comics are traded), I easliy figured out who was who. Sure, a few of the anti-CGCers trade bits and pieces, but there are no Major Dealers that ever got on here and defamed other dealers that I know of. I receieved many a PM from those who would defend xyz, having the unmitigated gall and nerve( this is what the Internet's current anonymous usage downfall will be) to tell me that xyz is " a great guy once you get to know him, she is not that way, she just had a bad day, yadda yadda". This is the bottom line: If you can't afford pricey funny books, get another hobby. I saw someone post recently, this chap apparently did not like my idea about the paid membership, " I can't afford it". How is his not being able to afford it my problem? Designer Toast posts: " I never had anyone send ME a Threatening PM"... Designer Toast was not around in the beginning of the grading era, where most of the arrows were shot from the trolls'/Anti-CGCers' bows. Designer Toast is NOT a Major Dealer, or if he is, he is the best kept-dealer I wished someone told me about( he is a great guy all-in all). Another posts somethig about "getting young readers in here" or something close to this. This CGC site is about the ALREADY FINISHED PRODUCTS from several decades ago. It was THEIR job( the publishers) to win readership and the benefits of hand-me-down the great Americana culture that is comic books. Not CGC's job, nor is it our job. If they truly love this hoby like many here SAY they do, they will naturally find this place just like a Beatles fan can still find Beatles items on other sites. The REAL reason a paid-membership would add credibility and stop the anonymous garbage that goes on here: the credit card has Identity attached to it. Then SKY posts: " Oh my - someone could steal my credit card and still post anonymously". Sorry SKY, you have woven your way very well here and have many ears here but your post smacks of another lame cop-out; does not pass the smell test. You have already excluded my ideas and my REASONS for my ideas for other purposes; you are not willing to give this a try. Why would you? If you love xyz, and others so much, which may or may not be good for you, I don't know, but you could trade actual phone numbers and emails and stay in touch with them that way. To allow Threats, innuendos, libel, slander, defamation, insults, ridicule, in my mind, is to condone said actions. It should NOT be based on like or dislike, it should be agreed upon the members, the serious members, to stop the nonsense. That includes the two-faced ones here who play nice, then PM others on what theiR object of resentment/envy/hate has done or said/posted. That went on over on ebay Chat, and that spilled over here. Do not PM me later to tell me the lie that it does not happen here, now. It does. If my Questions about the Silver Surfer at the Long Beach Comic Con are all over the board the NEXT FREAKIN' DAY I know that the PMing for alerting purposes goes on. If you really don't like my TRUTH of FACTS, just don't respond, a great choice if you really are one who does not want to keep stirring the pot. 99% riled up CAL
  17. Perhaps there should be a nominal membership fee to join the Boards with CGC holding each Boards member's credit card on file. Finally - voices of reason instead of silencing the messenger CAL getting more and more determined How about a mandatory psych eval while we're at it? You just made "The List". Welcome. I've been on "The List" for years My apologies. So hard to keep up with it. I wish it would be published. From 2007 uh, Trmoore54, cd4ever, divad, arexcrooke should not be on " The List". Those 4 CGCers have treated me well, and if they were put on ' The List" for some mild banter, they are oficially hereby removed by decree. sign the certified "New List" w/ out the four good guys: CAL the owner of " The List"
  18. Perhaps there should be a nominal membership fee to join the Boards with CGC holding each Boards member's credit card on file. Finally - voices of reason instead of silencing the messenger CAL getting more and more determined
  19. I guess I have not helped comicdonna's cause here.... the focus got diverted several times from several of us and other topics I am concerned with will be detailed and open for further discussion on a separate thread. So let's close this out, all agree that the threats against comicdonna, and anyone else, has got to stop. We are behind comicdonna and that should be the main point. CAL the gatekeeper
  20. From Liaton-9000: There was no intent or dislike of those who don't send in submissions... One quick analogy of a good example... There is a great Sports betting Forum. Costs $155 to join. If you place a bet, just ONE bet worth $100, you are a paid member for ONE Year. You get to post, interact with each other. The ONLY bad thing I can ever recall was when two guys got in a semi-flame-war over the Chicago Bears over the others' Green Bay Packers. Both were warned by the Mods, they stopped. I been there for close to 10 years, and I have yet to see the stuff over there that goes on here. I will do a separate Thread sometime soon that will detail my position of having a paid membership here, and in my mind I believe that this is the SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM. There are many that already have a problem with me stating my solution to the problem, but I need to convince the top brass, not those who are angered by me even starting the Cal's Column. My solution, modeled after that sports forum that will refer to when the time comes, would stop 99% of the trolling. Oh, you can't even hijack a Thread over there, they just delete and give you a warning. So many warnings, you're out, no refunds. I find it hard to believe that the trolls are gonna pay $155 a year to post here. BTW, I am in the works of getting a Movie site started. I am loking into a membership program so I won't have to have or pay a Moderator. CAL with big plans...
  21. Paraphrasing Shakespeare, "All the world's a stage and everybody's got their role." Additionally, I'm having trouble thinking of a place on the Web where people congregate and everyone agrees with everyone else and no one is ever rude under threat of banishment. Except Byrne Robotics. And to that I will paraphrase someone else, whose identity escapes me, "The exception proves the rule" or something Oh, but there's a colossal difference between working out disagreements, and shredding people we don't like any and every chance we get, no...? Now this Thread is 10 pages long. Got out-of-hand. Instead of blaming others for this long disaster, let's just close this thread out w: 1) we do not agree w/ threats of any kind 2) we should try to get along better - not dissect and magnify every post with our typos, etc. 3) remember that this is a PUBLIC Forum as of now. What does this show about us? It goes for me too, but I don't recall crossing the criminal line like what happened to comicdonna. So let this Thread die out, and move forward. CAL gotta go
  22. That's the point, SKY - there IS no chat on PGX site. What does Patterson know that we don't? CAL can't stay long
  23. No that is a noble gesture. Might be a good thing to keep. Just a passing thought CAL
  24. I know nothing about this 'alleybat' incident. I am sure it is something I don't want to know about. CAL