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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. Click to View Image Album More than just a pretty picture. Try Vendio Image Hosting.
  2. 2,711 as of 11:30 PST. *tsk*tsk*tsk* worked over there, maybe it will work here, too! CAL the finisher...
  3. at 25 minutes ago, this Thread had 2,501 "Views". I wrote down 2,681 views a few minutes ago. Well over 2,700 "views" now. CAL who is NOT trying to be "that" popular...
  4. Yes, it's a pity the columns aren't in paper format. You're so last century. I was merely stating how thoroughly absorbent such columns would be. For toilet paper you mean? Yes, but when moistened would they expand and contract horizontally or vertically? Ask Old Guy. CAL who had the "insta-call" response...
  5. The bottom line: I WAS here twice before. Both times as calamerica. Each time I came back, the registration date was changed. The name was "do not delete" when the Threads were saved.. But the point is this: STU was kicked off for a reason. For the constant trolling and harrassment of one person. No one can admit that, because this is the case of" "My son/husband/friend" could not act like this". On Sunday March 27, this year a young woman went into an Establishment, but was apparently underage. The underage girl slapped the Assistant Manager, ran out. The Guards were unable to catch her, and the Manager called the Police. The Police werer ablee to catch her, in about 35 - 45 minutes. She lives in Camarillo, CA about 15 miles away. Other Customers IDed her as she has friends/relatives in the area. That manager has to go testify in Court because this is going to drag out a while. Guess what her Mother said in the deposition: " MY girl would never act like that", and they are trying to pin the "slap" as an embarrassment for 'intrusive questioning' when that female Manager was carding her to protect their State License. Who really cares when I was here, etc? Some of you DO know that I was here twice before. I did not quit for the sake of quitting. I had no rcourse against Stu. He was relentless, and you know it. He got kicked off, and it sure seems like you don't even want to admit THAT part. Stu IS "your" friend. He acted extremely inappropriate, and eventually hung himself. A select FEW here blame ME for Stu's demise here, because he has had to resort to the various shills to stay here. If it were me, ande I kept defending Stu and someone he kept after was posting like this, my response: "Ok, we know what he did, and he was wrong, and got what he deserved. But I won't treat you like that." Stu can be your friend, I don't care. The more you few keep defending him, denying all of this, is extremely disturbing, almost scary. Is he THAT great? Maybe he is. To YOU, never to me. I am on the run, don't have a lot of time today. Things would have turned out alright for a lot of us, and pagesof this dribble/drek-fest would never appear if we all just could be more honest. Roy tried the Amnesty Thread. Noble on his part, but as usual, not taken seriously. A few others tried to get things rolling in a positive way. Met w/ total resistance. and SKY I resent your post" " CAL was here on the 'Bay causing trouble". I quit there, and you know it, because I had no choice as Stu was relentless. Unfortunately for him, I found a way to get him to stop the trolling over here, on the CGC Boards. But lo and behold, you and others from that very eBay Chat Board are now HERE. If you were me, what would YOU do? Don't say 'nothing', 'take all the insults/attacks/troling, etc'. CAL does not take garbage from anyone in the real world, and ain't gonna take it here. I am closing with this and this will end it because aparently only CAL will end it: You are judged by the company you keep/defend/condone. Defend someone who acts inappropriate, you get judged correctly. CAL gotta go and WILL return.
  6. hey oakman... another clue for you... Click to View Image Album More than just a pretty picture. Try Vendio Image Hosting.
  7. CAL thought there were only a few hundred copies of this book that existed in high grade and thought he could corner the market. After he bought several hundred and he couldn't effect the market price, he realized he'd left out a zero or two from his initial calculations. Despite Cal's insistence that he was victim of an upswell of 'anti-CGC' feeling on the eBay boards, it was actually this that started the rot over there. As a new poster over there, he laid out his plans/intentions. When the logic was questioned by some very knowledgeable collectors, things started to fall apart. this is true. Never denied this. Not once. Ever. BUT BUT BUT you guys( and SKY, and another lady who has NOT posted on my recent threads in an uncharacteristic manner) are LEAVING OUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ITEM... don't make me spell it out again.Just admit what the FACTS are regarding my "case" and I promise to drop everything. I DARE you you admit it, maybe that will work. Can't stay long because I gotta go. CAL who WILL prove his case - by getting them to admit just ONE little detail that they just won't budge on...
  8. Click to View Image Album More than just a pretty picture. Try Vendio Image Hosting.
  9. If you don't want to use your teeth, don't post. Put me on ignore. That way my "personality" does not alarm your "sensitive" senses... CAL just got back from walking his doggie, who happens to be nice as pie...
  10. CGC is well-known enough now that the new Customers either are or are not going to submit comics. The benefits of submissions are well-known whether or not these Boards even exist, imo. CAL preparing more comics as he types...
  11. I know where you're coming from, but we all got to start somewhere. I submitted before I even posted here years ago. So it is hard for me to see others doing it that way. I appreciate your attempts at reasonable questions and posts, but this is far more complex than you could know. I am not trying to shut out Newbies. I am trying to get the trolls out of here. Using any means possible, because they have no direct benefit to this Forum. They should go somewhere else. many are bashing me, but at least I use the Services and use them often. CAL has more subs in...
  12. Yes you do. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4995215#Post4995215 you need to get a "brain", Brain. Bringing up something I already apologized TWICE for is not helping anything but putting you in the Troll category. CAL who can't say what he wants to his Trolling reply...
  13. There could be wisdom in this here post. Roy, who wished he started the whole talking in the 3rd person thing. Roy, Stu did not harrass Nick the way he did me, and many ,including Nick, knows this. There is a TON of less-than-forthrightness here in this Thread, but trust me, this is a big battle and the stakes are high for some of us. For me to concede is to let Stu and his anti-CGCers carry the day. CAL makes his stand As someone who has been at the heart of some controversy on here (we all have at some point or another) I can tell you that sometimes my own perception of others and reactions outwardly towards others dictated how others reacted back towards me and I probably should have handled situations differently...and going forward I will. Good point That still doesn't change the fact that I may have crossed people in the past, sometimes without even realizing it. Those people remember and characterize me that way forever now unless they decide to change the way they see me. They might even view me as the exact opposite way that I view myself to this day. Good point The only thing I can do going forward is be the best person that I can be, which most of us are trying to do anyway, every day. Good point The ignore button works if you use it. It's a band aid, kind of like taking a pain killer for a headache when you have a much larger underlying symptom causing the headache. Good point The only solution is the "turn the other cheek/forgiveness button" until someone wants to fix the problem with you. Good point in part.... The 3rd option of staying at war is not a solution. It never solves the problem for good. Only option 2 does that. What if the Option 2 results in someone NEVER wanting to fix the problem with you??? This results in the last choice??? Too many wars have come and gone because people don't have enough patience or have too large of an ego to choose option 2. Good point Right now Leo the Lion is looking pretty proud. Are you a Leo? I am. Roy you are one of the Best Comics people I ever ran accross, ever. There are a great handful that have tried sincerely to lead the proper way through mature laedership and example. hard to believe that you at one time or another, offended anyone. But as always, I believe anything you tell me. Just so sad that this has to be this way. But in solace, it is all for a reason. In a truly savage world, the attacks always come from those trying to climb up. be it stealing veggies from a medeival farmer who is totally defenseless, running a family off of an oil-rich property, or sabotaging a co-worker at the modern workplace, everyone wants what we have. How can they get it? By destroying those who has what they want. Done every day, somewhere. Every minute a huma being is green with envy and jealousy because someone dared to succeed, or is enjoying a grantor's successes. Many posts by many are disrespectful. But hey, if they can "villify" a Dealer, that means more business for them. Or so they think. Roy, thanks for your efforts, but let me point out a few things here: 1) notice that the main weapon used against me is the " only one against us"/ " I never had a problem - why you"? as if that is the barometer of right or wrong; That is telling a robbery victim that as they never get robbed, why you? You are the only one that gets robbed?" 2) notice the lack of the response from the " let THEM go first". Trust me they won't. Not just their pride, either. They just don't have that quality in them to do so. 3) notice the ill-willed posts in my Thread. Far more of that than posts of reason. Maybe that sums up this "small community" that I also pointed out many times. The truth hurts as they say. 4) denial is all over the place. Only a brave, honest few dare to speak out here. The rest have run for cover. I gotta go. Life calls. I will NEVER conced to the plantings of Stu or his kind. I will NEVER quit, nor change my position. Stu was wrong, got kicked off, admit it. That is the first step for resolution. If anyone wants to be asociated with the trolling, libel, etc., then gladly accept your association with the trolls. That is all I really am asking. CAL gotta run...
  14. Are you asking just me or the others too? You saw my side. Now go get theirs, and therein you find the asnwers you seek. CAL who saw this coming...
  15. MNSN How is it the comic community is so small, I've dealt with many of the same people and I have had 0% of this drama? Easy. There was ONE person that decided to stand up. Apparently that has never happened in your small community before. Very inappropriate behavior was tolerated as long as no one spoke out about the "great one(s)" that was doing the misdeeds. Now everyone is running for cover because of ONE person. Get it? I know you do - you also were there for the eBay comics flame wars. CAL who does not use " I don't remember" as a crutch
  16. There could be wisdom in this here post. Roy, who wished he started the whole talking in the 3rd person thing. Roy, Stu did not harrass Nick the way he did me, and many ,including Nick, knows this. There is a TON of less-than-forthrightness here in this Thread, but trust me, this is a big battle and the stakes are high for some of us. For me to concede is to let Stu and his anti-CGCers carry the day. CAL makes his stand
  17. you DID tell me to go play in traffic, now deny it. I wished I had bookmarked that thread, but did not. I am no one's fool. Don't ever forget that. I have my reasons for my zany banter here, and you can be a good part of this, or continue with your nonsense. I would NEVER step in a strip club anyway. never needed to, never will. CAL with certain standards
  18. I hate for this to get lost in the rest of the nonsense going on here. While I do not agree with the point on FREE shipping, I am on the road to agreeing with the point about boxed vs. envelope shipping. As long as the flat parcels are sufficiently stiff, I think they are treated better overall than boxes. I used to think that envelope shipping was inferior, but my own experience jives with CAL's point - make the flat parcel well and it is safer than boxed shipping for up to about 10 books or so. A voice of reason. Experience. Counts for a lot. CAL who has the experience
  19. You did not have the need to defend yourself. Easy stance for you to take. Stu DID blast you once, he siad something that did not make sense at the time. But you moved on that was god for YOU. Your case. Not my case. I think that you would be part of that ebay crowd anyway. You were there, so please don't pretend that you did not see that stuff... CAL total D mode
  20. Agreed. However, someone has to be the first. You can be that person. Uhh, I could do that. BUT been there, done that. This time it is THEIR turn to go first. Ageed? CAL who knows he has a great point here... Stu's dislike for CGC is legendary. I've never spoken to him about it but I have heard others talk about it. because what I say is true. Has Stu every gone on the record over here about how he a) felt about CGC in the past? not here, but he did on ebay many many times b) feels about them now? irrelevant c) what went on between you and him? He PMd the "crew" and vice -versa when they thought they could nail me..
  21. Agreed. However, someone has to be the first. You can be that person. Uhh, I could do that. BUT been there, done that. This time it is THEIR turn to go first. Ageed? CAL who knows he has a great point here...
  22. sorry OAKMAN I tried hard to apologize for my so-called "crimes", etc., and actually tried the Olive Branch a few times but that apparently does not work. There are many reasons why others want my demise. Yet the CGC comics collecting should NOT be one of them. But that is what started 99% of what you see. Yet they are HERE, NOW, and I can't stop it. CAL hopes this helps... Some of us don't want your demise Cal. Some of us just wish you would lighten up a little. Not everything is an attack. Not everything is a slight. Still going on about what happened on ebay 10 years ago doesn't help. let it go. I will let it go when you tell them the same as you tell me. Be fair. CAL who believes in fairness....