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Everything posted by Calamerica

  1. No. The punk shoved me. I shoved back hard. I almost got arrested on that one. Thank God in heaven there was someone taking videos and an overhead eye-in-the-sky that got those clowns to balk at adversarial actions against me.... CAL who takes no garbage off anyone....
  2. If you knew what my original costs were to accumulate over 5,000 raws back in the days then check the Feedback Left for Others where the prices are still ghosted by eBay you would never talk to me ever again.... CAL STILL the King of IMSM and when he gets upset he starts buying them again just because he can....
  3. That winner just emailed me and now says that he "made a mistake" and wants me to HIM a favor and "work things out" to let him off the hook. I had made a YouTube video blasting these pinheads and some little kitty complained and YT made me take that video down. So I am thinking of re-creating a Website where I can expose these scamming oxygen-wasters. Total scum. What do you good men think about that idea??? CAL who can't change...who says change is good and really means it anyway???
  4. You guys never heard of an honest mistake? I was so hades-bent on making sure the Customers were bidding on a sliced-and-diced copy I did what humans do - did not mean to say all four sides. Now I know where to turn for proofreaders. Just kidding. I only come here for Entertainment. On the bright side 95% of the Customers understand and gave me a pass. If this entity "Ride the Tiger" is really that way I lost nothing. If he wishes he can give me his eBay User ID and I can cancel all his bids for his self-protection. I did not realize that I was such a Danger to the Comic Book Community, being untrustworthy. I knew I was totally evil, but take pride on my eBay skills, and always has been trustworthy. Toyed with the idea of starting an entire YouTube Channel that Lists the chowderheads that stiff Sellers, you know - the scammer Buyers out there that waste your time. Now that previous thought reminded me to do some videos on THIS place. Surely to get some views. Lots of laughs when people see how supposed grown men waste their time and the things they say to each other. Think of it as a Public Service as our Country slides into the gutter. Not that most of you here would care anyway. Got to get back to work. Oh, while I am at it, I don't threaten anyone. I defend myself, something that is frowned upon here and cost CGC a Customer. There are several books up that expire today that was part of the CGC "pre-screen". 2 out of three would make my desired grade. These are the near-misses. Oh, I am rambling a bit - back to the messaging - staying on topic... I have an old List somewhere, but don't care to find it anymore. Sure, I could make a new List, but that would require time here to waste, and the hours of time is getting smaller. Most of the entities here keep changing their names here, something CAL refused to do back in the day, as I am NOT a monkey-see-monkey-do person. Been flipping( pun intended) the idea of quitting this Board. But until that day comes, I get to live rent-free in detractors' minds. Priceless. - your friend and STILL the King of IMSM despite selling THOUSANDS the last 15 years CAL
  5. I don't want to get too carried away - I like it when the newbies get on here and declare how little I know about funny books, the NFL and eBay... CAL likes being in the Underdog role every now and then...
  6. YEAH! Or that guy that pushed Gene Colan out the door...Jim Shooter... CAL who recalls most of that turbulent time of the 1960/70's...
  7. okay= I will add UPSTART to my "List" of people to make more cardboard items out of asuch as dartboards... CAL real busy...
  8. I'm okay with any arrangement like that. Those guys were simply the BEST at what they did.
  9. I have a GOOD GUY List too. No one, I mean. NO ONE, has ever seen it since I been here... CAL who has been here and gone 3 x...
  10. I can make an exception for you. Good guys are supposed to win, like in the old Stan Lee/Jack Kirby classics!!! CAL who still loves MARVEL...
  11. FIFTEEN YEARS! Get it striaght LOL CAL who has fun every now and then with ridiculous bait posts...
  12. I HATE trouble-makers! I have dart-boards, cardboard displays, voodoo dolls, cult materials all devoted to the demise of trouble-makers, muckrakers, fakers, fakirs(sp? oh well looks good here whatever that is), rabble-rousers, screechers, spell-casters, witches, rhymes with witches, warlocks, bad landlords and certain low-life offenders... CAL who stays busy...
  13. Time for an updated List... CAL who is busier than Ellen at Girl Scout sleepover camp...
  14. How long have you been here and who are you??? CAL who suffers no fools...
  15. I'll get to it soon, but won't commit to a deadline... I can say here and now that Charity Navigator is the site MY team uses: I been doing some Political Activism of sorts and Charity Navigator was our "source"... Many factors cannot be evaluated when the rattle-sabres are tipped off...the "either-they-do-or-they-don't" is utterly meaningless. When Shirley Jones rattled her alarms at that Tabloid rag years ago, a year-and-a-half passed; everyone thought that she was just too cheap to follow-through. But she did and destroyed that rag...She was lucky enough tat her lawyer(s) filed the briefs with ONE WEEK to go under "tolling". I remembered helping a student with a Legal Research paper re: Libel. CAL who knows something about the Law...
  16. You rang??? CAL who got tipped off by another Board asking me WHY?
  17. I have more videos coming out next week. Have not decided what Production Values to use yet. Many "props" to choose from: 1) Laundry basket; 2) Dogs; 3) Whiteboard( somewhat less "campy" than the others, only the fonts/writings might put the "camp" into this... 4) Wardrobe - might have to up the game as the topics are very serious and I have certain people targeted in mind... 5) Shotgun mike attached to DSLR or lavalier mike - still deciding; 6) Lighting - I DO have a 3-piece "softbox" pro kit but these videos are not Warner Bros. competition - YET; 7) The house is under heavy construction - we are putting hardwood floors in because of grand daughter. Maybe NoMan( Stu) or Dupont can assist me in any of the above - remember I have NO IDEA what I am doing - ask them. Maybe some Ghost made all those Shorts and amateur movies...? CAL who appreciates the audience and promises not to give anyone the finger on my next videos...
  18. Bought 3 ASMs...#'s 85, 87 & 94. Great service, and accurately graded! Kudos to surfcitycomics!
  19. I had a similar problem w/FedEX. They STOPPED covering "collectibles" circa 2001 and I never used them ever again. CAL who has a pretty good memory...
  20. I Nominate 4 CGC Forumites: In descending order: 4) Buzzetta - Another HONEST Boardie that does not buckle because of the "mob mentality" here... 3) Stormshadow - Another HONEST Boardie that genuinely takes a look at BOTH sides and makes up his own mind - I know - a pattern here but the reasons are NOT many and easily seen by the world - this IS a public Board... 2) FlyingDonut - stood against the ENTIRE Board here to make a stand over some boorish wanna-be who nixed a sale in the Seller's Thread. That was some years ago and his "stand" was so HONEST I don't recall a single Forumite refuting his Stand in any way, an extreme rarity for this place. Even the MODS did not interfere when we all know that they would have LOVED to( did not shut down that Sales Thread)... 1) RockMyAmadeus - again, defied the ENTIRE Board here with that "mob mentality" by putting someone and his "disciples" in their places and gave his FACTUAL reasons WHY he spoke out and CALLED out everyone involved in the "WAR" that still rages here and gave the most HONEST assessment on WHY this WAR is not over, and WHO the faults are associated with( the TRUE instigators). Some of the other Boardies' NOMs I understand, but they do NOT know those NOMS like some of us others do, and again, no knowledge of past behavior of people is a dangerous thing. This is my nice way of saying that I DO know most of the NOMS and I must refrain on further comment and that alone spoke my heavy Volume.... I wanted to wait until my eBay auctions were over as not to get that accusatory " oh, he is selling this week so he is here to get attention" like two years ago despite this Board supposedly being about COMIC BOOKS and we are living in a Capitalist world. This is MY way of telling that Noobie( then he was a NOOB) that I don't need him or anyone else to bid my IMSM's up - they sell themselves. CAL who has many others here imitating the 3-person schtick as they continue to smear that schtick and my name....
  21. You don't know Jack - CAL is the KING of getting VIEWS on Threads when the Mods stay away. CAL has the LONGEST running Birthday Thread from years' past. CAL gets attention even when he does not want it. CAL's influence is evident by the Trolls imitating his way of communicating, while simultaneously getting bashed by the Trolls with their name-calling content. Hang around and watch. You might learn something. CAL the Teacher...
  22. Dupont: what do YOU want to do about all this? Tell us. I PROMISE not to run to the MODS crying like a little girl and turn you in. That is NOT how CAL rolls. CAL gathering steam...
  23. # 1: CAL has NEVER been removed anywhere anytime for anything ever. # 2: TWO incidents at Comic Conventions in 40+ years of attending them. # 3: Methinks you MIGHT be referring to the 17-year old-punk shoved me to get to his Modern Drek box, which was appropriately behind the Golden/Silver Age Gems I was looking through to purchase. I put the punk in an "arm bar", a move that you cis-boys might only be a victim of, and I held the punk until the Security Guards came over. The kid was screaming that this "mean-old-man" shoved HIM and for some unknown reason, I decided to "detain" him illegally. The Guards( three ) asked us all to go to the back waiting room( where the Monitoring equipment was - and CGC "rented" the storeroom next door btw). Once they reviewed the tapes, they asked the PUNK and his father to leave immediately. The Father threatened me to which I took my cell phone, and my standard: " We can do this the easy way or hard way. YOU get to decide. Leave now, and all goes away. If you don't I call the Sheriff. YOU decide." His panties got bunched somehow, he huffed and puffed and he grabbed his infant by his ear and away they went. This is the line I used in my casino days when I had to throw out the spoiled brat children when they acted up in an adult place. I vaguely remembering catching flak over this here at the Boards. I may have omitted some details here, but Dupont and Co. remember and know everything, so let THEM paint the rest of this "non-story". Reminds me of the two old biddies who trash everyone down then go to Sunday Service begging for forgiveness. Nothing else to do. All Dupont and Co. are going to continue to do is dredge up old trash to make me look bad. Dupont/Oakman/others have nothing else. Reminds me of a certain political party running amok here in America as I type this. Hey Dupont: hit the MOD button here. Or else you can be the proxy for this punk and we can discuss you buying me a beer. You live in Orange County, not that far from me. That I remember. Oh, I forgot to mention that the punk even LIED about his age: he told the Guards that he was 14, and was just a "big kid". he was days away from being 18, and did not want to "borrow trouble" so to speak. Sounds just like the kinds of "wonderful people" Dupont/Oakman want around here. And the Brass still can't figure out what has transpired here the last close-to-20 years here. I am dumbfounded at how people are AND the problem(s) will NEVER be corrected. When ships sink, they sink, and stay sunk. CAL who always KNEW that the trolls would continue to prove me right time and time again, making his return MORE triumphant!!!
  24. What in hades are you babbling about??? CAL who is not amused but confused...