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Posts posted by HarrisonJohn

  1. 180 = first appearance (a cameo can be a first appearance, IDK why people are so reluctant to accept that)


    Do I really need to go into this again?


    Did you ever read comics as a kid? As in READ them just to READ them and experience the stories, follow your favorite characters, etc.?


    Well I did, and before sportscard dealers brought this whole "rookie card" mentality to comics in the late-80's, people actually READ these things, so ask yourself this:


    If you are looking to READ and collect a back issue (remember, there were no TPBs) about your fave character's past exploits, would you choose:


    a) a comic with the first single panel of your fave character and no cover appearance.




    b) a comic with the first entire story about your fave character and an action cover image.


    That's why "first FULL appearances/covers" were more popular and worth more historically pre-CGC, and will continue to be, as in the CGC entombed comic world, covers mean more than ever.


    100% agree. Ist Appearances became valuable because fans wanted to read a popular characters first story, which usually also contained their origin, their first costume, their first battle. That's what the value was in. Not so much a technical first sighting of someone. I think anyone buying a Hulk 181 today is aware of the cameo in 180 anyway.

  2. Which team will be featured in this? First Class or Seniors?


    First Class.

    I am glad. I find them more interesting then the old cast.

    The last two X-Men movies have been the best, and I think the First Class cast might be the reason.


    It takes place in the 80's, so the first class cast will mix with younger (new actors) versions of the old cast.

  3. This is what it should be.




    If not Angel, then Caliban as death.






    I agree, I think characters like Wolverine and Gambit as horsemen would be a little weird for a general audience.

    Gambit is going to appear in Apocalypse before his standalone movie, so it wouldn't be too crazy for him to first appear in Apocalypse as Death and deal with his internal conflict throughout the movie. Then, give him a standalone movie to tell his full story- similar to Origin, but good. If DOFP was Jackman's last X movie, then Gambit will be positioned as the new conflicted anti-hero of the franchise.


    There's a hidden picture in that cover....


    What is it?

  4. As far as creating the character, Wein shared, "It’s one of my favorite stories to tell. Wolverine came out of my writing an entirely different book. I was writing a book called “Brother Voodoo” for Marvel at the time, which was set in the Caribbean. I like writing accents, I like to write so you can sort of hear the voice. So, I was writing a number of the characters with Caribbean accents. Then the editor in chief at Marvel, Roy Thomas, called me into his office and said, “You know, I hate you.” I said, “Thank you so much!” He said, “No, seriously, you write these great accents and I can’t do accents.” He said, “I’d love to see how you would write a Canadian accent. I have the name.” The name was Wolverine. He said, “Come up with a Canadian character called Wolverine.” So, I went and researched wolverines and discovered they were short, really hairy, feisty animals with razor-sharp claws who are utterly fearless and would take on animals 10 times their size. I went, well, that’s the easiest character I’ve ever created. I developed him out of that particular definition. The weird thing was, I actually did a lousy Canadian accent. I thought he ended up sounding more Australian in that first story. The irony of that is so amazing to me. (laughs) I made him a mutant because there had been discussions about reviving the X-Men as an international team of mutants. I thought I would provide for whoever ended up writing that book ["Giant-Size X-Men" No. 1]. I never realized I would be the guy who ended up writing that book. I made my own life much more interesting and simple than I expected."

    Read more at http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/movienewsandreviews/news/?a=84809#HydtXjLTQCPCudYl.99

  5. This may be a stretch but perhaps X-Factor 23 should be considered the 1st Appearance of "Death" (as one of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse). Don't recall if the name "Archangel" was used in issue 24. I am assuming it was.




    No, he doesn't go by Archangel in 24, I don't think the name comes until issue 30-something.

  6. I just saw it. And it was a great 'comic book film.' One of the best ever. Kudos to Mr. Singer and the cast.


    I do wonder why film-makers can't credit the original writer and artist: Chris Claremont and John Byrne. I know a million screen-writers are used, and the story is altered for the big screen. The credits are a mile long at the end, and even the director's dog's psychiatrist gets a credit but no, nothing for the creators of X-Men 141 and 142.


    Come to think of it would it kill them to throw Jack Kirby's name into the scroll of credits? He is merely the co-creator of Professor X, Beast, Magneto, and Quicksilver, four of the major characters in the film.


    Honor the creators who went before you, I say.




    Chris Claremont and Wolverine co-creator Len Wein have cameos in the film (though I found out after and did not notice them). Byrne said he was not offered but would not accept because he dislikes the X-Men films and so on.

  7. But the key question is which one came out first? Might have to consult some Might Marvel Checklists for that.



    Yeah, wouldnt it be funny if Daredevil came out after hulk 181 and one of the other books is the real " Pre- hulk 181" book. haha.


    Honestly, this could get confusing. The ad shows Hulk 181 as releasing July 30th. Does that mean it was one of the last November cover dated books that came out in July or were November Dated books released in August and the fist wave just happened to hit on July 30th? hmm.


    Hulk 180 came out first week of July (July 2nd) which was the 'Oct' book and then 181 July 30th for the 'Nov' run.

  8. I was looking at DC newsstand and I saw no indication that it was a newsstand, is there any difference anymore? And did Marvel stop newsstand distribution completely?


    There has never been any indication that a book was produced for the newsstand. Newsstand books simply have bar codes.


    Marvel was listing direct or newsstand next to the bar code last I noticed. All books have had barcodes since the late 90's I think.




    Edit; looks like the newsstand version of this book didn't say anything so it was just direct that was noted.