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Everything posted by Coverdeath

  1. It was kingdom come right? So you have the answer, the problem is that is an alternative universe. In contrary of every other series these story wasnt really happen in real life so obviously you already know that this story is stupid.
  2. Buy only DC and there will be no more problem
  3. I never buy before having a conversation with the seller and i everytime that i want several items i ask the seller to make a private listing for me who contain everything that i want to buy and this way the delivery is combined ( and yes almost everytime the sellers accept to make it) I add a picture for exemple with a purchase that i made last year > In my country we said: "customer are king" and thats fair, if you dont want to lose 1 minute for me you will not have my money, end.
  4. Im responsible of nothing from the moment the books are not as described... the seller takes everything in the mouth in this case
  5. Personally i bought a great quantity of books on ebay, probably more than 15 purchase this last year and ashtoningly i never have problems. I think the fact that i live on the other side of the ocean is a kind of protection for me, because imagine that you send me some poor stuff who doesnt correspond to the description and i file a complait, you are now in a really bad situation because there is 2 choice for you: - you refund me and i keep the books because you dont want to pay the delivery return fees - you refund me and i send you back the books but your lost a scary ammount to get your books back
  6. Wtf! This guy is a madman, look the other stuff he have on his ebay page!!! FF1,2, Early Journey into mysery and Thor full run, tons of other... i never seen something like that.
  7. However if you have some cash right now the best deal that you can find is probably this one https://www.ebay.com/itm/204201950698?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=x7wcsLjrRNG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=ffh0bp_9r56&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. The definition is mine, my friend have an online shop, i just have put all of these issues in my cart to see how many was avalaible for this price. I always thought that he have some really good price comparated to every reseller who sell issue at detail like mycomicshop or this kind of website, but i think the price are good yes... but fair. and everyone who try to sell this kind of stuff for more than that is a freaking thief, thats all.
  9. I dont have a wife but you can sure that if i will have one she will have nothing to say on this subject..
  10. And notice that this price is totally irealistic you can find one at the same grade on ebay for the half of it.
  11. Hello pal, im a actually owner of a first and third print, so to recognize a first print its easy, the upc box show a batman head at the difference of the second and third print who show the sentence DC arent just for kids, ufortunately they are no way to recognize a third of a second, except into the book My books are raw but if i choosed to get a slab i would have prefered to get a first print around a 8.5 or 9 than a second or third on 9.4 or more. By my recent looking on ebay the difference of value between the printing start to dig.
  12. So i made a test to see exactly how many books i can collect with a limit of 3 dollar each on the shop of my friend, i arrive at a total of 133 issue for 398 dollars. So now please guys stop to think that you got some treasure for your retirement... And i have to specify that my friend doesnt have the entire run, so there is probably hundreds of books that you can find in the same range of price everywhere. And i fixed a limit of 3 dollars but if i up to 5 it will be probably a tons of other avalaible. If someone is interest to buy a crazy bundle of drek to my friend, pm me i send you the link of his website, he also have a tons of keys of the series and more than 20 000 books avalaible on his shop, unfortunately he s from UK so if you are from US you will pay near than 100 dollars of delivery if you take a large bundle of books, but when i see that people here are ready to spend 10 an issue i think its there a margin
  13. The band of my teenage years, i had absolutely no idea of the existence of this boooks
  14. I never heard about cletus or something...
  15. Thanks i will try a new methode to get the books that i want
  16. Thanks. The only forum that i not yet spammed maybe im going to go for a walk on this place to definitly decrease the value of my collection
  17. About that is there a topic dc vs marvel here? i will try to find something, its usually more the kind of disscussion you find on reddit or something
  18. Damn i was looking the pics of each of these books of my friend and i realize that even spiderman had so much bad times during the 90s 00s... i think i will keep my money to buy until until the last of the DC books who exist on this earth its really frustrating to realize that (no hate please is just my opinion) the Marvel success is essentially a result of the things who turn around the comics and not the comics himself... i dont know if its a good idea to open the door a new time to this infinite disscusion
  19. No problem, so in fact i deduce that is not worth it... The point is that on Ebay people are all completly stupid and sell some asm run of 100 issues for 1k or 2k but now by the overall advice i would not spend more than 1 dollars for every books which is not a key.