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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. I don't know about movie plans, but there are a BUNCH of first appearances in the Morrison New X-Men run that could pop at any given time. A crazy amount of characters created in that run that could impact the X-comics (and movies, sure) for years to come. And for the most part, aside from the 128/129 Fantomex books, you can still find that run in dollar bins.
  2. man...you're making me want to dig the Blu Rays out again!
  3. Agreed, Clone Wars was terrific. At first I was put off by the animation style (just didn't like the designs) but that soon took a back seat to to the storytelling. Great characterization, great plots (both individual episodes and season/series arcs) and a great deal of fan service as well.
  4. Shhh, quiet you, I'm still buying those out of dollar bins!
  5. I liked The Last Jedi quite a lot. The casino sequence in the middle drags a bit, but otherwise I enjoyed it, and thought it had some beautifully composed scenes. Johnson definitely has a good eye for shot composition and color. No question this was the best looking, most visually striking of the new SW flicks. The Force Awakens left me very "meh". I thought it did a good job of reestablishing the SW brand, by essentially remaking ANH and giving people "what they want". And I DID love the fact that they used so many practical fx, and got away from the CGI cartoons of Lucas' prequel abominations. But as a movie it's just sorta "eh", and I don't ever need to see it again. And Solo was fine. There was no reason for it to exist, but if it had to exist, you could do worse. Can't imagine I'll ever watch it again, but I liked it better than TFA and the prequels, so that's something, I guess. But the only "new" Star Wars film that I LOVE is Rogue One. It's the only SW flick since the original trilogy that feels like it deserves to be part of the series.
  6. Some people really need to get a hobby...uh, you know, in addition to this one.
  7. Nothing actually new in the collection, but I did some rearranging of my Hot Toys/etc curio this weekend. Love the Batman Armory, it's a pain to get all of those little accessories in the bins and on the wall, but it looks pretty great once it's done. PS: For those concerned about the light (you know who you are) it's on at most a couple of hours per year. I just turned it on to get a better pic.
  8. Always loved the #49, one of my favorite picture frames!
  9. I still find these in 50 cent bins, and am still surprised by it. Really seems like they should be worth SOMETHING by now. I guess Damien has completely stolen Tim's thunder these days, but Tim was an integral DC character with his own title(s) for so long, seems like his first app should be better than dollar bin fodder. I guess the print runs were pretty high and there were probably lots of folks picking it up as a spec back then. Oh well, I still buy 'em for 50 cents or a buck in nice shape when I see em.
  10. From the same collection as the FF's I posted in the FF Collecting thread, part of a massive OO SA Marvel collection my LCS picked up. I missed all of the big Spidey keys, but this nice mid-grade book was right in my wheelhouse.
  11. Still, if you can only have one poster, that's a good one to have!
  12. Most of the comic fans of my generation don't realize that when they are thinking of the "classic" DC character look, they're thinking of Garcia Lopez. His work on the branding/merchandising of the characters is truly iconic.
  13. JRJr gets a lot of hate on the boards, but I love his stuff, particularly when inked by Janson. His stuff has a real kinetic energy. He didn't make my Top 11, but he'd probably find a spot in my top 20.
  14. Oops, my caption got knocked out of my original post! Anyway, I've been posting these over in CG, but thought they might get some love here as well. My LCS picked up a huge original owner Silver Marvel collection, and have been leaking a few out every couple of days. I've missed all of the major keys (and they were all present except for Hulk 1 and I'm not sure if there was an FF 1 or not) but have picked up some fun books, like this low grade set of FF's. I love single digit silver Marvels, beat but complete!
  15. Should have known, @stinkininkinonce again saving the day with his awesome inks!
  16. Whooo boy. That's just unfortunate. Rob was bad enough in his prime. Now he can't even draw that badly that well. In fact, he actually used to draw a pretty person_without_enough_empathyin' Wolvie. This was my introduction to Rob's work, and at the time, I loved it. Popped right off the shelf at me. Even as a kid I noticed some occasional anatomy issues, but it was solid and exciting storytelling.
  18. Great read, amazing Bolland art, and you can still find them readily for a buck or less. Love this series and this issue in particular!
  19. I used to delete the prices and insert "SOLD!", but I only did it because that seemed to be what everyone else did, so I thought it was just a board "thing". Of course, the $1-$10 books I'm selling aren't of great historical significance, but going forward I'd leave the prices on.
  20. I've had a chance to chat George up at DragonCon on several occasions, and you're right, it's hard to keep him at the table when he's taking pics of/with cosplayers! He really is a delightful guy.
  21. Nice stuff as always, but I particularly love the Quadrant (I can never find those in nice shape, if at all, around here) and marvel GN"s!
  22. Keep returning to the LCS every couple of days to see if they've put out any more books from that huge original owner collection. They're only putting out a few at a time, and aren't holding anything for anyone, so you just sorta have to luck out. One on hand I really appreciate it, because everyone gets a fair shot. On the other hand, I'm missing all the big keys. Walked in yesterday to find I'd just missed Ss 1 & 4, Iron Man 1, and some others. Oh well. My consolation prizes are below. Priced very fairly, that Cap 109 is very pretty, if I say so myself.
  23. Yeah, it was fun for a while, but it's over. On the other hand, I'm somewhat relieved that this wasn't a real person.
  24. I think I posted it in here a month or so ago, but I picked up a couple of Hot Rods when they knocked them down to $12. I'd like to pick up a Starscream but I'm not paying nearly $40 for it.