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Everything posted by Kathryn

  1. So cool. Just what I wanted to hear. And Steve - flippin beautiful #8. Great cover for a sketch.
  2. Quit it - you are killing me here!!! I think that package is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Maybe I will ask Gav for that beard avatar after all, I think I'm beginning to feel the power from here.
  3. Hahaha, are you serious? That is seriously funny.
  4. Hah, I'm such an insufficiently_thoughtful_person, I just figured out what you meant, Junk - the exact same thing I meant! Duh.
  5. So what happens tomorrow, Junkenstein - you waiting on a new Chew book? Do tell. I am enjoying my few minutes, dare I say hours, of being #1?
  6. Hey, did everyone know Chew is in the registry!?! I am adding my set, it's fun, you should all join in....
  7. Now if I could only get copies of Serbian WD #1 and 2, my life would be complete . Nice copies Gav. I don't know quite what it is about them but when I opened mine up, I was shocked at how cool I thought they were, I didn't expect to have such an immediate liking for them.
  8. Ha, sorry it was a typo. I meant #6, I just mixed it up with Capes #1, I'm waiting on a couple of copies of those and have it on my mind. And I didn't mean I bought it cheap, by ridiculous prices I meant I am sure I overpaid, but the copies were so nice I couldn't help myself Sorry for any confusion.
  9. I'm posting this not to thread dump, but to point out that there's likely collectors like me that will look at you guys with a puzzled expression on our face and say "Really? The Serbian prints? Really?" I like that bit with Seth and Amy - I wish Amy was still on every week. But I also like the Serbian prints. I was intrigued by them although to be honest, the thought of owning a comic in a foreign language I could never read did seem pretty weird. When I got my set though, I was surprised at how fun it was to have them. They are just cool! I mean, you could say that about anything, you know - there are many comics that people collect (in English!) that would make me say "Really!?!" I don't expect them to sell well on ebay yet, to be honest, but I think one day they probably will.
  10. Oh, and btw, I just recently bought from martin1928 on ebay. I bought a couple of nice Agents #1 copies at ridiculous prices b/c he had the best condition I could find. It was when they got hot suddenly, so I'm thinking he must at least hang around here somewhat. He was a great seller, accurate grader, fast/secure shipping, all of that, in case anyone's interested
  11. Interesting, I've been waiting to see how these would do on ebay. I think they would need a 10 day auction with lots of hype and a thorough explanation in order to sell well, with more description about how very rare they are and hard to find, etc. I can't predict if they will go high or low, anyone else want to try?
  12. Hey Gav, I'm going to PM you about an avatar ok? Let me think on it a little first though. Thanks for offering to help me
  13. It was a nice one, don't worry. Very normal looking.
  14. I need an avatar. Something even scarier than beards.
  15. I hate having no idea what's going. I'll just chalk this up to more noob ignorance.... I don't know anything about mythic wild beards! Sounds scary.
  16. Woah Boozad, new avatar! Is that you or some comic person I am totally ignorant of? This is OT, sorry, but I enjoy seeing your posts b/c regardless of what they say, I always have these to laugh at: Loc: Frusciante's Pocket and crybaby pussification I can't believe you can't right insufficiently_thoughtful_person on here but crybaby pussification is just fine, makes me smile.
  17. I was one of those people who simply read the preview in WD and thought it looked very cool. At the time I still only read WD so I really looked at the preview and liked the weirdness to the story. I did pick up one of the first editions at the time, and liked the story right away. I later had it submitted and got a 9.8 on it But alas, now that copy is gone, traded away to upgrade my WD #1. I still feel that attachment to anything I submit, I don't want to let it go.
  18. If I were rich I wouldn't blink at the price either. If I were super rich, I would make it a point to buy up every single copy of every comic I loved, just so I could be the only one to have them all. Isn't that awful? Ok, I probably wouldn't do that, let's hope I would be a better person than that.... Anyway congrats Danimal!
  19. I can see Savoy being an Hannibal Lecter-type character. Traveling around, lurking in the shadows. He's a cibopath and obviously enjoys eating given his large belly. And given his last encounter with Tony, possibly he enjoys eating people? I do love Hannibal Lecter so that would be great. I have decided I need to expand my Chew collection again, so I'm looking for cgc'd 9.8s of some of the reprints (#2 2nd print, #3 2nd print, and also need a #4 1st print) if anyone has something they want to sell. I posted on the WTB board but thought I would mention it here too - let me know if that's not ok for some reason, I am still pretty new here and don't know what I'm doing half the time. When would you like them? Hmmm, as soon as possible? PM me if you're serious
  20. I can see Savoy being an Hannibal Lecter-type character. Traveling around, lurking in the shadows. He's a cibopath and obviously enjoys eating given his large belly. And given his last encounter with Tony, possibly he enjoys eating people? I do love Hannibal Lecter so that would be great. I have decided I need to expand my Chew collection again, so I'm looking for cgc'd 9.8s of some of the reprints (#2 2nd print, #3 2nd print, and also need a #4 1st print) if anyone has something they want to sell. I posted on the WTB board but thought I would mention it here too - let me know if that's not ok for some reason, I am still pretty new here and don't know what I'm doing half the time.
  21. Hi Pat I agree, I think that was strange and maybe a one time thing - guess we'll see though. What was the print count on that one, can anyone tell me?
  22. Craziness. I was thinking $500-$750 at the highest.
  23. Yes, thanks for the link! I liked what was said about Amelia- I think she's a great female character. Lots of personality and she's a "normal" looking girl (you guys know what I'm talking about). And the info on Savoy was cool too.
  24. plus, rick and carls' talk is simply great writing. kirkman has made carl 10X more real than i feel he's been at any point in the series in the last couple issues. him telling rick how he has felt is just powerful. i'd also say the "fear the hunters" story worked perfectly! i have yet to find anyone who saw it coming. everyone suspected the silhouettes holding guns were the hunters. plus, rick taking it to the hunters was absolutely gangster. one of the coolest moments in the series. Completely agree with you.