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Posts posted by raybowles

  1. Yes Saga is a great book. The #1 issue can be purchased for under 200 in CGC 9.8. It's not selling for 600+ dollars for the regular cover. Saga like the Walking Dead are exceptions to the rule. They are great modern books that should hold their value. But besides these two books there are not a lot of modern series that have been hits. When I say hits I'm talking about for investment.

  2. I was offer enormous 1 nycc cgc 9.8 for $630. Is it a good deal? Thanks



    You do know its a second print correct? IMO this comic will be lucky to be worth $100 five years from now. NoWhere Men, Todd the Ugliest Kid, the Sixth Gun, etc. had copies that were going for hundreds of dollars based on movie hype and other hype. You can't give them away today.


    I guess if you bought this with the intent to flip it in the next couple of months you could make some money but if your thinking about holding it as an investment for at least 5 years I would avoid it at all costs.

  3. Smart move by him. Don't stay on the sinking ship. I think he's a good actor, I hope whatever show he goes to will let him display a lot more depth than TWD did.



    ???? You do know that the Walking Dead is the #1 show on TV today right? It's getting more popular every year and the spin off show will be starting soon. The show has no sign of slowing down and will probably be on TV for at least 10 seasons. So in other words you are calling the best show on TV a sinking ship. I bet every other TV show wishes they could be sinking as fast as the Walking Dead.


    Some of you guys kill me. Just because you don't like the show does not mean the show is going down. In fact the evidence is clearly showing that the show is getting more popular every season. God some of the stuff I'm reading in here makes me think that some people are smoking crack.

  4. I think I read that the Game of Thrones will be filming scenes in Spain this year that will take place in Dorne. Dorne has not been seen in the Game of Thrones so far but it will be this season. If you remember last season the Prince of Dorne was killed in a dual against the Mountain.


    This upcoming season will introduce the viewers to Dorne and the ramifications of this killing.

  5. Shops sometimes choose to take a gamble and some don't. I'll give you an example all the shops in my area were out when #2 came out but I happened to hit one shop I normally only frequent occasionally as its in the city. The shop had one copy sitting by itself and this was weeks after #2 hit the shelves so my point is sometimes shops can order something and it sits thus taking up valuable shelf room. There is interest in this title and the part I'm scratching my head at is collectors on these boards keep posting like 12-15 bucks is too much for a 2 K or less printed book with this kind of art and story yet how much are some of those marvel variants that come out...15 to 300 and seems like they are gobbled up. hm



    $12 - $15 is not to much for investors on this board. It's to much for your typical comic collector that goes to his/her LCS each week. These individuals represent over 90% of comic collectors. Enourmous is popular on this website because investors have made or will make money on it. But it's an unknown comic for the rest of the comic collecting world and if this continues the comic will not become a hit. After all if the comic is not available to purchase and very few people have heard of it I can't see how the comic can become a hit.

  6. If $15 for an extremely accessible first print off eBay is too much what is the definition of a collector? I never thought a collector was defined by the ability to find a comic on a shelf at cover. This thread is over 90 pages because quite a few collectors have heard of it, no? Maybe I'm missing something.



    Most collectors purchase their comics at LCS. They don't collect for investment. They also won't spend $15 for an issue that just came out. The guys that read this website represent a very small percentage of comic collectors. The guys that post on this site won't have a problem with paying $15 bucks but I'm not talking about these collectors. Plus who wants to purchase raw comics on EBAY? I guess if you don't care about condition and like receiving over graded stuff then go right ahead but as modern investors know the comics they purchase for investing pretty much have to be 9.8's if they want to make a profit. Try selling 9.4 moderns and see what kind of success you have. Unless you have a Walking Dead #1 you will have a big problem selling it.


    If Enormous wants to be a hit with collectors, not investors, it needs to be on LCS shelves every month. Like I said out of 10 LCS in my area only one even heard of the comic. Not one of my buddies who collect comics heard of it until I gave them a copy to read.

  7. It's no ones fault it was missed by quite a few shops. 215 Ink is a smaller publisher, and sadly many shops stick with Marvel, DC, Image, and very seldom others. It's reasonable, if a shop has certain clientele they must cater to them rather than gambling on filling the shelves with smaller print run books that may sit. Unfortunate so many readers are not exposed to such amazing smaller print run books such as Enormous yet it makes sense. I'm based in Houston and finding one on the shelves was mission impossible but it's being ordered now by the shop owners. These shops that missed it completely do all have plenty of time to order the trade though.




    I agree it’s nobody's fault but that's not my point. My point is how can a comic become popular if collectors can't acquire it? How can it be a hit if 95% of comic collectors never heard of it? I like the comic and think it has the potential to be a hit with collectors but that won't happen if collectors can't acquire it. Even if a lot of LCS have the trade for sale it will still hurt the potential growth of the comic if collectors can't get the regular issue each month. BOTTOM LINE: if this comic is going to be a hit (I'm not talking about the value of issue #1, I'm talking about with collectors) it needs to be available each month for collectors. If the comic rarely shows up on the shelf of LCS it's going to have problems. Just my opinion guy’s maybe I'm wrong.


  8. Chris,


    I agree with you. I live in Southern California and have close to 10 LCS within 20 minutes of either my house or job. Only 1 of them received any copies and that was only for issue #1. The other 9 had no idea what I was talking about. It's really a shame because the art and story are really good but like you said if people can't get the product how will this take off?


    Even if this becomes a big hit will collectors start collecting this title after missing numerous issues?

  9. I live in Southern California and have 7 LCS within a half hour of either my job or house and only one of them received issue #2 and #3. The one shop that had it only had a couple and sold out immediately. The 6 other shops had no idea what I was talking about.


    There is a definite problem when very few comic readers have heard about a title and it's not good business not to have it available to build a reader base. Very few collectors will want to come on board after missing multiple issues. Pretty much the only way most collectors can obtain this comic is to pay asinine prices on EBAY.


    IMO this will be a good short term investment but I feel sorry for the guys who still have this 6-12 months from now. Of course I'm only talking about the people who are loading up for investment. The guys who are purchasing one issue to read and collect will be fine.

  10. Guys,


    I have been a member of this board for many years and have purchased ample items from the selling board. I have never had one problem with anything I purchased. I love this site and I’m very impressed with 99% of the people who post here. Last night I had my first bad experience purchasing an item and I wanted to let everyone know what happened. I made a deal with Symbiotic for 10 Image #1’s for $78 shipped.


    Later that night while I read the boards I noticed that he was on the probation list and I notified him that I had problems dealing with him because of this. I told him that since I had made a deal with him that I would honor it but I wanted him to send me the comics first. If I received what was promised I would immediately send him the funds. At the time I did not want to do this but I felt that since I made a deal I should honor it.


    After a couple more emails I was notified this morning that Symbiotic wanted to change the deal. Instead of me receiving 10 comics he was going to cut it back to 8 plus he was going to raise the price. When I questioned him on this he responded with the following:


    sorry to re-nig Ray but after looking at the prices of these books I'd literally be losing hundreds with this sale. my reputation here is already *spoon*, so my apologizes likely mean nothing but i am sorry we couldn't work this out.


    What’s really funny about this is he kept telling me how he was wrongly accused and he was the subject of a witch hunt. He promised me that he was a top notch seller and that I would receive the comics promised in 2 days’ time. One more thing every time I read our email chain his email chains were disappearing. I think he deleted 4 or 5 of them. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life and I wanted to let you guys know. Truly classic stuff.




    I love the Game of Thrones. I have read all the books twice and watched every episode twice. It's currently my favorite TV show with the Walking Dead close behind. The problem for the Game of Thrones is after book three(season 3-4 of the TV show) nothing major happens. The third book Storm of Swords(season 3 and 4 of the show) has ample big moments and major plot changes. IMO it's the best book by far. People who watch the show but who have not read the books might start dropping the show in the next couple of seasons because like I said nothing major really happens.


    Of course we still have two more books with more material coming but i would be very surprised if the Game of Thrones can keep the same viewership over the next couple of years unless the show starts making major changes from the books. There were so many key deaths/huge moments in the last couple seasons of Game of Thrones and nothing like that will be happening for at least the next two seasons.

  12. Here's my advice. My current wife told me the same thing over 20 years ago. So I sold Spider Man #1, Amazing Fantasy #15, X-Men #1, etc. If I still had those today I would be in great shape. I find it odd that women are always tellling men what they need to get rid of but I have never heard of any man telling their lady this. I see the same thing happening to my friends and co workers all the time.


    My advice to you would be to keep your comics and get rid of your future wife. I'm halfway joking but 5 years from now you will most likely wish you did.

  13. The TWD Bubble with burst when... get ready for it... when the TV show ratings and quality dip and it looks like it will be cancelled or not renewed for another season.



    When I read predictions like this I really have to lauph. It's stating the obvious. Of course if the show starts going downhill and it looks like it will be cancelled the price of the #1 issue will drop. That's like someone predicting that if a modern comic like CHEW, SAGA, etc. becomes a TV show on HBO it will go up in value.


    The key issue IMO is today's value compared to what it will be when the show eventually goes off the air. If someone were to purchase a CGC 9.8 today for let's say $1,800 would they more likely/less likely to see a profit when the show eventually ends. The answer of course is who knows? No matter what anyone tells you it's all really just a guess folks. If the show stays on for another 5 + years which is very likely I could easily see the comic going for $3,500 - $4,000. Now lets say after the show is cancelled it drops in value $1,000 -$1,500 the comic would still be worth much more than the original $1,800 that was shelled out to purchase it today.


    Bottom Line is nobody has any idea what the value will be. What we do know is the print run was less than 7,300 and the comic is becoming more popular every year. Kirkman has said he plans on doing the comic for a long time. We also know that the TV show is a HUGE hit and even though some of you guys don't like the show that much the viewing public loves it. The ratings keep getting better and the show appeals to all types of people: Young, old, male, female. We also know that starting in the summer of 2015 there will be another Walking Dead type show starting on AMC. In all honesty I can't see any reason why the Walking Dead show(s) are not around for many years to come.


    IMO purchasing a CGC 9.8 #1 issue today would show a nice profit if it's sold say one year after the show eventually ends. Of course none of us really knows just like we have no idea what the value of any comic will be years from now. One thing I would hope for is that every comic collector would get behind the Walking Dead and support it. It's the best thing to happen to comics in a long time. It's making our hobby more mainstream and bringing in more people to comics. I have introduced 7 people so far to the comic and most of them are now buying other comics. I find it bizarre how so many collectors are hoping that the show and comic tank. It makes no sense.



  14. I had three #1's in 9.8 condition and just sold one last week for $2,100. The comic is still selling strong and will most likely continue to stay strong for a long time. For the last two years I have heard numerous people claiming the comic will go way down in value. Thank god I never listened to them.


    I just spent an hour reading some of this thread and I'm surprised how some people really hate this comic. There are some people who are really pissed that it's worth so much which is very bizarre. You would think comic collectors would all hope that the Walking Dead continues to increase in value and the show becomes more and more popular.


    Guys the walking dead actually helps the entire comic market. I can't understand why some people hate the success and continue to attack posters that claim the comic's value might rise. The walking dead TV show is a HUGE hit. It's popularity continues to increase and there is no sign that this will not continue. I work for the Federal Government and work with over 100 people. Pretty much every one of them watches and loves the show. Men, women, old people, young people, pretty much everyone watches and likes this show. I can't think of any other show that appeals to so many different groups of people.


    In closing the Walking Dead is a top show that will most likely continue for many years. People enjoy the show and IMO pretty much every comic collector should be happy. We actually have one of our comics dominating on TV. This will bring more people to our hobby. The comic is becoming more popular every year and with the low print run of the #1 issue it will most likely remain a big ticket item for years to come(IMO). It's really odd that a comic collector would be hoping for the comic to tank. I have seen a handful of posters always claiming it will and getting upset if anyone disagrees with them. If some people don't think the first issue is a good investment that's fine. Nobody is making you purchase it.