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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. I'm sorry Doc, is there an issue here you wish to raise? It's an open forum, please by all means go right ahead and speak your mind. That list is privileged information that not everyone has access to through normal channels. It is inappropriate to post it via a public forum. It can lead to assumptions concerning affiliation that are incorrect. If you are so concerned for those individuals welfare, then contact them privately on an individual basis as I'm sure you have their email addresses or other contact information at hand. You are the one who first mentioned Dupcake. All Zaid said was you may have been defrauded if your ebay name was listed. Sure, I did. It was that obvious even while experiencing a bought of indigestion over Olive Garden at 3 AM. My fault was the exclusive posting of the word "buying" when it can include both buyers and sellers. What else would Zaid be posting about on the CGC message board? There's nothing like insufficient and unclear information to get assumptions or even accusations rolling. One might as well get down to brass tacks. I admit being at fault, but two wrongs still don't make it right. I don't know whether either of you are wrong. All I know is Zaid posted what he did. Then you posted what you did. And then it was off to the races.
  2. last post was this morning. Why don't you and caira sue each other for and giggles. Is that your final answer?
  3. I'm sorry Doc, is there an issue here you wish to raise? It's an open forum, please by all means go right ahead and speak your mind. That list is privileged information that not everyone has access to through normal channels. It is inappropriate to post it via a public forum. It can lead to assumptions concerning affiliation that are incorrect. If you are so concerned for those individuals welfare, then contact them privately on an individual basis as I'm sure you have their email addresses or other contact information at hand. You are the one who first mentioned Dupcake. All Zaid said was you may have been defrauded if your ebay name was listed.
  4. Cal's? You're on Cal's list and Santa's naughty list so you better watch out . . .
  5. The art is amazing. Jeremy Bastian is extremely talented
  6. {Insert drooling graemlin} DC #1 whore It's true. I can't help myself.
  7. Great book. Great cover. Very sig worthy! That looks like a great copy!!!
  8. Personally, i think the discourse that has been generated as a result of both of these incidents has been well-reasoned and beneficial. The bottom line is that this is a huge gathering of comic buying individuals. Over time there have been, and are going to be, more and more people coming here to sell. For the express purpose of selling. Some of those folks are going to be not-so-nice. I think our group does an excellent job of helping one another out, watchdogging and just plain old downright sleuthing to get to the bottom of most scams before they even get off the ground. Does this lead to a "pitchfork mentality?" Maybe. But it is better than the alternative. My 2 cents on the current situation is that Yannis can only be put on by Matt. It was a one-to-one deal. Only Matt was harmed and it is up to him. DRFRANKENSTEIN perpetrated a fraud upon the forums as a whole. I would be much more open to some sort of forum decision in a situation like that.
  9. You know the SS Room loves my feet. Usually, it is just a toe or a foot edge. Enjoy the full, non-cameo appearance of MY FEET!!
  10. +1 It would be tough and fun, but not anywhere near impossible. There are plenty of these books in 9.8 condition, you just have to go out and find them and slab them yourself. Issues 2-9 Not even one copy has been graded Same with 12-19, 37-50, 68-79 and 101-125 Not one copy graded, let alone 9.8. RMA's point cannot be minimized. As an anthology title, there are hits and misses, winners and dogs through out the series. Many of these issues will never be slabbed unless someone industrious does try to put a run together. Not impossible, but much much harder than any comparable 150+ run from the big two.
  11. According to Dan, they were actually going to drive over there, pick the book up in person and finalize the deal on Saturday. DRX Which would you prefer? Payment by electronic means that's guaranteed all at once. Or would you rather wait for some stranger who may or may not show up with his friend at your door step after a four-hour drive? And if they do show up, wouldn't you be concerned about the possibility of being beaten up and robbed? The logistics for setting this up is a pain compared to the ease of a quick electronic payment. No? Clearly, Yannis is a friend of yours, and I respect the heck out of you trying to do some damage control. But you are not doing yourself any favors here. MT1000 had a deal and not only was living up to it, but had already paid 1/3 of the purchase price. There were no indications of flakeyness or threats of physical violence. Beaten up and robbed? Seriously?
  12. Goddarn it! The mods have even *spooned* the Yiddish swear words.
  13. Voting doesn't get someone on the Probation List. MT1000 is the only one that can put him on the Probation List. Also being on the Probation List doesn't mean you can't sell. it is just a warning that you may be a . There have been plenty of instances of people on the Probation list continuing to do business, particularly if the books are sweeeeet.
  14. "Wailing and gnashing of teeth" is going off 3-5 "Desperate backtracking" is now at 3-1 "Offer to meet in SD for mad pimp-style beatdown ahahahahahah" is a dark horse at 15-1
  15. From earlier posts, it looked like the buyer paid $100 less than what Matt was going to pay.