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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. I respect Roy as a person. I also respect his right to his own worldview. I don't have to, nor do i sometimes, respect his worldview. Particularly when it is the same old shuck and jive about high prices, health of the hobby, people for whom $12,500 is the same as $20 to you and me. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I don't have any skin in the high grade Silver or Gold game. All the high grade stuff that I have in those genres I either got at a deep discount, bought a long time ago, or both. I have paid what I consider to be a lot of money for some high grade Bronze, but i love it and it was money that could go down the rathole tomorrow and I am none the worse for wear. I consider it part of my civic duty to shout out when the Emperor is running around nekkid.
  2. Relativism. It's what's for dinner. At the Delic household. Every Frickin' day. Hey, every Frickin' year and every Frickin' decade, there are people selling comics for record prices and there are people buying them. Every Frickin' year and every Frickin' decade, there are people being made fun of for buying those comics at record prices. You take a swipe at me because you say my argument is relative. You take a swipe at buyers because you call them fools just as they have been called fools for years. I am telling you that over the past 5 decades, even 6 decades, if you had been buying comics at record prices you wouldn't be laughing at these people now. You'd be selling to them. Instead of taking a swipe at me and my discussion, why don't you tell me where you can safely draw a line and say "this is a safe price to pay for a comic" and why you would draw it there because I know you are a conservative person, and I know you know how to use your words to explain yourself so that line must be well defined for you. You'll have a hard time finding a post from me from deriding anyone's buying habits. My post has nothing to do with the comics. Everyone can spend whatever they want on whatever they want. I remain convinced that if the thread had been about baby-eating pumas plaguing the American midwest, somewhere in the thread would be post from you about the importance of pumas in the circle of life.
  3. Relativism. It's what's for dinner. At the Delic household. Every Frickin' day.
  4. Dammit, F_T. I am tired of all your wishy-washy fence-straddling. Have an opinion, for once!
  5. Great work on the Atlas-Seaboard mags!!!
  6. If I had it to do over again, I'd screw you over on the Batman 232. It was a 244 I never can remember those one time deals. I just know you were immensely satisfied. (thumbs u You never forgot the 101 deal. How could I? That was the only time I've been the catcher instead of the pitcher. You should have changed your forum name to "Ben Dover" for a week.
  7. Kudos to Danny for this one. Got a sweet old label bump. BWS.
  8. My 9.6 no longer rules the school. That book is the bizzomb, TJ. Good to see the Travelocity money is being well spent. I can't believe you're stealing pirate's material. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas. That was more of an homage than an outright steal. But I did think it was funny. Plus, I'm allowed, because I'm sure I am more gnome-like than you and it would take me 735 years to grow a beard.
  9. My 9.6 no longer rules the school. That book is the bizzomb, TJ. Good to see the Travelocity money is being well spent.
  10. That'd be original. Where in God's name did that picture of you come from? You look like a half naked Davy Crockett with dysentary. I just sprayed diet pepsi all over my laptop...which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't in a library. I think I got some on the poor girl sitting infront of me. I'd apologize, but she isn't too attractive, and I don't want to start a conversation. ...but he spelt dysentery wrong. I did. I so rarely have the opportunity to use it in conversation. It used to be referred to as "the bloody flux" according to Wiki. PS: In the picture, you still look like you have it.
  11. That'd be original. Where in God's name did that picture of you come from? You look like a half naked Davy Crockett with dysentary. I just sprayed diet pepsi all over my laptop...which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't in a library. I think I got some on the poor girl sitting infront of me. I'd apologize, but she isn't too attractive, and I don't want to start a conversation. Talk to her. You may need her to cut one of your clients a deal some day . . .
  12. That'd be original. Where in God's name did that picture of you come from? You look like a half naked Davy Crockett with dysentary.
  13. Your policy of referring to anyone 10 or more pounds overweight as "Round" has placed you on the EEOC blacklist. As such, you are estopped from asserting any discrimination claims or engaging in any mewling that will in any way provide you a recovery. Hence, you are screwed. If I had known that the word "round" was all it took to push your buttons, I would have stopped trying to be clever months ago. Clever is so much more fun.
  14. Your policy of referring to anyone 10 or more pounds overweight as "Round" has placed you on the EEOC blacklist. As such, you are estopped from asserting any discrimination claims or engaging in any mewling that will in any way provide you a recovery. Hence, you are screwed.
  15. That is a bold faced lie. PMs don't count. I was thinking more about the wallpaper on your laptop.
  16. Now that is a thinking man's guess...... However...you would be incorrect as it is not that eclectic. Ang might be readying an offer pretty soon..... That means I nailed it.
  17. Is it a House of Secrets #92? Nope.....a little more eclectic than that.....but it is an Atom Age book that had a very short series run. However, the creators are two of the gods of the industry. If it is S&K Bullseye, whatta ya gonna do?
  18. I love his anti-comic collecting diatribe description! That must be how to talk to those pusillanimous fanboys to pull in the big bucks.
  19. Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Sweet thread. I will post some stuff tomorrow.