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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. It is a great read. And it was one of the best spec plays i ever made.
  2. Awesome. Like I said I was not aware of what specifically (if anything) lead to its seemingly prompt uptick in interest. I agree it is a very high quality book. Okay, I had the wrong "investment" site, but this is the link that caused Monstress to take off (even before it started getting talked about here): http://investcomics.com/weekly-hot-picks/investcomics-hot-picks-401 It references a previous Hot Pick blog from October 29th: http://investcomics.com/weekly-hot-picks/investcomics-hot-picks-396 Notice the original blog says no copies were on eBay. That original blog came out before Monstress was released on November 4th! Of course there were no copies for sale on eBay. Misleading? Seems so to me... I remember checking eBay when that 2nd blog was posted, and sure enough, Monstress #1 was available for cover price or less. Within days, those copies disappeared. High quality or not, the simple fact is, nobody cared about that comic until that investment site posted about it. Then it sold out very, very quickly. I'm not disputing if the comic warrants the speculation or not. Just saying that is an example of a comic that was hyped on an investment site first, then people became interested using the misleading information that no copies were for sale on eBay. And the reason I remember this, I pointed out back then that this site was manipulating the market for this book. Every new book is featured by these sites now. Just so they say they can told you so. Several of us cared about the book right after we read it. I went back and bought 3 copies at my LCS as soon I read it. Let me tell you it was tough to find nice copies. Every new book is speculated on now. People have disposable income and they are buying 50 copies at a time for some of these books easy. They aren't going to tell you about the ones they lost on. The speculation sites are the same way. Was their some manipulation? Probably its impossible not to have some. But honestly the people saying the like the book aren't people involved with these sites for the most part. The manipulation on raw is much more time consuming then slabbing for them. Its also risky because its easier to get caught. Some of have been thru this before. The card collectors will go away again just like they did last time or they will go broke either way it will settle out in a few years when the movies burn out. By now if you listening to boardies that have been here less then 2 years or so you better know them well. Just urging some caution because no one else will. I think we need another Sixth Gun situation to thin the herd a bit. I remember that. People were driving hours to go to Hastings stores trying to buy all the back issues, etc. I'm glad I never got caught up in the hype. I had one copy and sold it for $20 less than I paid, so I guess I was lucky. Sixth Gun . . .
  3. I just finished eating a delicious lunch of crow, and I went ahead and did the $200, since I was positive that he wouldn't do it, and I was WRONG.
  4. I donated Around an hour ago When i finished reading his story So some time between Noon and 1 today there is a $300 dollar donation from you! I will have my buddy confirm that.
  5. This attitude of 'poor me, the mean ol' nominator won't come up with a solution and let me off the list.' If I somehow landed on the PL and wanted off, I think my reaction would be 'I screwed up, I own it and I want to make it right. Here's option A, B, C, and D. Nominator, you choose the one that works for YOU. Or a variation of the above. Or something else entirely. I'll do what it takes to make it right.' To me, that shows recognition of the mistake and the sincerity of wanting to make things right. (the above isn't the same as unilaterally deciding what restitution will be - such as making a purchase) If I've landed on the PL, it means I've likely waisted someone's valuable time and caused them aggregation. Why would I just sit back and expect them to waist more of their time and energy trying to devise a method for ME to get off the PL? good point ^ I definitely think he posted a great cause. I don't know bob personally, but he sounds like a stand up guy. It takes a lot to stop treatment and go on with your life. I can't even begin to image what he's going through Post proof of your donation, and I will make mine. And don't worry, one of my best friends is very close to the Caffrey family, so it will be easy for me to have him pull the confirmation and post it. You know, in case you get busy or something.
  6. This attitude of 'poor me, the mean ol' nominator won't come up with a solution and let me off the list.' If I somehow landed on the PL and wanted off, I think my reaction would be 'I screwed up, I own it and I want to make it right. Here's option A, B, C, and D. Nominator, you choose the one that works for YOU. Or a variation of the above. Or something else entirely. I'll do what it takes to make it right.' To me, that shows recognition of the mistake and the sincerity of wanting to make things right. (the above isn't the same as unilaterally deciding what restitution will be - such as making a purchase) If I've landed on the PL, it means I've likely waisted someone's valuable time and caused them aggregation. Why would I just sit back and expect them to waist more of their time and energy trying to devise a method for ME to get off the PL? good point ^ I definitely think he posted a great cause. I don't know bob personally, but he sounds like a stand up guy. It takes a lot to stop treatment and go on with your life. I can't even begin to image what he's going through Post proof of your donation, and I will make mine.
  7. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy. Interesting. If you believe the response, it had to do with failure to pay sales tax. I believe it, knowing what a stickler he is for stuff like that. Buyer may have been a dummy and provided a sweet opportunity to jettison that awful sale. Oh, okay so it's his: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9241874#Post9241874 And no, I don't believe his response. -J. Now that is interesting. And CA sales tax is 9%? I can tell you as fact that the sales tax is automatically added at checkout to in-state transactions on ebay. -J. And it could be that, upon checkout and seeing the ST added, he contacted the Seller and asked for an off-EBay transaction. No, he said he paid and that the seller refunded his money and did everything he could to not complete the sale. It's obvious what happened. -J. Well, I don't think it makes sense to treat either parties statements as gospel.
  8. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy. Interesting. If you believe the response, it had to do with failure to pay sales tax. I believe it, knowing what a stickler he is for stuff like that. Buyer may have been a dummy and provided a sweet opportunity to jettison that awful sale. Oh, okay so it's his: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=9241874#Post9241874 And no, I don't believe his response. -J. Now that is interesting. And CA sales tax is 9%? I can tell you as fact that the sales tax is automatically added at checkout to in-state transactions on ebay. -J. And it could be that, upon checkout and seeing the ST added, he contacted the Seller and asked for an off-EBay transaction.
  9. Very sketchy. From the feedback, it looks like the seller reneged on the auction, didn't ship the book and refunded the buyer's payment. The buyer left a nasty negative and the seller has now relisted the book as a BIN. Seller comic-sutra now has a data point in GPA of his book selling for $861 where he is trying to now resell the same book for double. Interesting strategy. Interesting. If you believe the response, it had to do with failure to pay sales tax. I believe it, knowing what a stickler he is for stuff like that. Buyer may have been a dummy and provided a sweet opportunity to jettison that awful sale.
  10. And people say you're just good looks . What a generous offer! Sean is real good people. bet he's so hard to warm up to. I'd buy him a Cajun dinner at K Pauls. in New Orleans. Extra spicy. Gumbo and blackened drum for me!!
  11. I will also donate $100 if oceanavechode completes this properly, and $200 if he it up again.
  12. A Chaykin only sig on that book most definitely made it at most equally desirable as a Blue Label, and most likely less desirable for two key reasons - with Chaykin on, it becomes useless as a Celebrity Yellow label book (many Celebrity SS collectors like celebs only) and you are already excluding the Blue only market.
  13. He doesn't care about Richie, or the norms of the community, he just cares about about being able to buy and sell unfettered.
  14. It is tougher in 9.8 than many books of that vintage. I have subbed three. They were all borderline copies and they all got 9.6s.
  15. To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident. Cool Money ™ Exactly my point So you didn't want him to do business with you, which is why you badgered him to do business with you? That's "exactly your point"?? No the point is he said it was okay to claim this book, only reason I did. Everything was fine until I paid the money. That's when things went downhill He should have never even offered to sell me any books, be it Miller of this other sig book if he wasn't serious about working out a deal. He got me, the same way I got him back in 2014 Guess that makes us even All the more reason to stick to your original standing policy of NOT paying for things. That doesn't make any sense I wanted to ask him before I just claimed one of his books. I wanted to make sure he was okay with it and he was. He got his money and returned it to me after claiming he had no clue who he was dealing with YOU IGNORED AT LEAST TWO AND POSSIBLY MORE PROMPTS TO PAY FOR THE BOOK. You are a flake and a bad actor. And your tenuous grasp on reality borders on the unbelievable. The only thing you could do to make this worse is have your mom come on and tell everyone how great you are and stop picking on her special little man.
  16. To be fair, he shouldn't have entertained him in the first place after the initial incident. Cool Money ™ Disagree, bud. Oceanavekid did the classic "I found it cheaper" screw job on Richie. It cost Rich a fair amount of money. Rich sold the book at a loss, at least at a loss relative to OAKs broken deal. This is how Rich feeds his family. OAK ends up on probation list as he should. OAK learns that he has lost his free range status as a result of being on the PL. he doesn't like it. He starts bugging Rich about doing a deal so he can get off the PL. rich indulges it because (a) Rich is a good guy and (b) there is an undercurrent of redemption relating to the PL - it maybe shouldn't be an indelible mark. OAK bugs him for a long time about Frank Miller books, which can't afford and is a waste of Rich's time. OAK then decides that his easiest road to redemption is to pop the BIN in the Airmen thread. Rich sends him an invoice. OAK DOESN'T PAY. rich sends him another reminder. OAK DOESN'T PAY. There may have been another reminder, I am not sure. But one thing is for sure. He didn't pay. Rich sends a final notice with a note that the person (whose only contact info is an email address with a woman's name) may end up on the PL if they don't pay. OAK says "I am already on the PL, you know this." Only then does Rich realize that this is OAK, and he has been jerking him around AGAIN. Rich says that he does not want to deal with OAK - who would after giving the guy a chance at redemption and him refusing to pay multiple invoices? Then, and only then, after realizing that his chance to get off the PL was fading into the sunset, does OAK pay. Rich refunds. OAK cries and tells half the story. The only thing OAK says in his "defense" is that "he didn't know" that he needed to pay up front. But he ignored multiple invoices. He is a bad agent and is only concerned about having an avenue for the buying and selling of comics. And since he has shown that he will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he has made his bed, and I hope it's comfy.
  17. Kind of what I was thinking. He couldn't even do that. That is the crazy thing. Just another Hustrucker. But see I did make payment. I paid in full and he denied payment I try to make up for a bad transaction, the whole time he was okay with it until I paid in full he then acted like he had no clue who I was or why I was trying to buy a book off him. Somehow by me paying in full I'm shady and up to tricks. I'm confused by that, but as someone else said you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. I more then did what I should have done after the first bad transaction. I contacted him multiple times before with no response. He finally responded to my messages we made a deal, I paid and he went back on the deal. You are full of mess. He sent you multiple reminders and you did not pay. On his final reminder he asked who you were, because you currently operate through an email address with a woman's name attached to it. Once he remembered that the email address was you, and that you had ignored all the payment requests (In fact you told him "I didn't know pay in full up front.") he reversed the payment that you sent him - which you only sent because you knew you were busted for being stupid/shady, yet again.