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Posts posted by Bat-Man

  1. Bats in general are my favorite, but you are right, the early Detectives are the best of the best. Excpet for Batman #1 that is, which is my all-time favorite book. Hands down, no contest.


    I'm not going to argue with Batman #1's first place slot, thanks in large part to the significance of the characters it introduced, but in terms of enjoyability, a very good underrated book (cover-to-cover) in my mind is the 1939 NY World's Fair.

    I have heard others speak fondly of it but I've never held one. What makes it special to you?
    and strangely enough, the only top 100 Golden age book to have a price DECREASE in the 2009 OSPG hm


    Interesting hm


    Always odd when a book from the GA decreases.....


    And as we discussed in another thread Tec 35 has increased 26% in one year on the OSPG making it the biggest GA gainer. 26% is a massive gain (but the values are still not accurate for market value on the Tecs :cry:)

  2. Bats in general are my favorite, but you are right, the early Detectives are the best of the best. Excpet for Batman #1 that is, which is my all-time favorite book. Hands down, no contest.



    I have to admit - Batman #1 has got some of the best stories in it of all time. I love Batman #1. The whole book is incredible, you are correct! My personal favorite part is the end of the last story where Joker "dies." The classic line by Batman. Batman to Robin when Joker "dies." - "he delt his last hand and lost. And when the flesh rots from the bones the smile on his face will still echo on into eternity."


    Don't think I have the wording just right. But man that last line gave me chills when I first read it. An absolute classic book with stories that deserve to be in Batman #1.


    I also love the story in Batman #1 that was meant originally for Tec #38 but got bumped. I like that its the final GA solo Batman and he kills giants in it!


    Man I need to get myself a real copy of Batman #1 someday and stop reading my DC archives reprints!




    Obviously sir, you are a man of taste and distinction. Your stock is soaring in my eyes right now!!


    As you've learned, I read my GA comics, and Batman #1 is the best read of the GA. You get so much more bang for your buck than with Tec 27, Action 1, AA 16, Adventure 40, etc


    First appearance of the most important villain in comics history, Joker. First appearance of, in all likelihood, the most important female villain in comics history, Catwoman.


    Add that to the fact that it is the #1 issue of one of the three most recognized superhero characters in the world and you have quite a bit of comic book and pop culture history all rolled into one issue!


    The Timely equivalent is Cap #1, a book I am very, very fond of. But Cap is Cap. We all love him, but most people in the world have no idea who he is. Everyone knows who Batman is.


    Superman #1? Not even close. Only new ground mined there was the single superhero theme in one comic (inevitable with the sales on Action Comics), and pin-up back cover. Otherwise it is pretty much a reprint with a couple new pages tossed in for ballast.


    So while I love Tec 27 - 40 very much and hope to have most of them again one day, my grail is, and always will be Batman #1




    Same to you! It is very nice to see a fellow collector express the same amount of joy in the books. And I agree you have exquisite taste!


    First I'll get my opinion on Superman #1 out of the way. Superman #1 is a book that does deserve historical credit for the reasons you listed but at the same time I myself would never seek to own do to the fact it is a book of reprinted stories. Superman #1 is a great book and worth a bundle - but in my opinion it does not weigh in at all next to the likes of Batman #1 and Cap #1! Agreed.


    And as for Batman #1 it is no question to me why it is the #2 (only after Tec 27 as we all know) Batman book on the all time most "valuable." Batman #1 is really a mixture of what I would consider a "perfect balance" of Batman as a whole. Like we all know, the original Batman adventures in the Pre-Robin run where tales of darker and more graphic nature. Also the reason we loved them so much and seek them out. Batman arose out in the shadow of the great depression and went on to tell a much more vivid story of true life than any other comic could ever begin too. While Superman was the perfect being and was the happy jolly hero. Batman served a purpose that was much deeper and real. And I wonder if Bob Kane even realized it then. But Batman was a symbol of a more "believable" real life, and the darker side of humanity. I treasure the original solo Batman stories. And I know I speak for many collectors that the birth of Robin would forever "taint" Batman's original demeanor (until the Bronze age) and he would turn into something he was not - the happy bizarre character of the night. I did not like the change in Batman (but I still collect all the books!). What I am getting at is Batman #1 arose at the changing of times for Batman. And when Batman #1 was produced (and again I know we all already know this) it was a compilation of the best of the best stories available at the time of what they had. DC jumbled things around and we have a Tec 40 with a Joker cover and no Joker story. But it all worked out well in the end. Batman #1 is the perfect balance because it keeps Batman's original sense of demeanor throughout, yet he can be seen as almost "re-birthing" (changing) throughout the book from what he began as not even a full year before (tec 38 itself is the intial "re-birth" though) Batman #1 I hold in a special place because it is his first issue but at the same time it was his final solo mission and final book where Batman was still the absolute dark "gothic" avenger in all his glory. And the final solo story in Batman #1 is a bang! Batman #1 marks the end of an era for Batman and it is also the beginning of another. What other book has such a blend? None. Batman #1 is an absolute masterpiece with all the right elements for content to make it stay in my opinion the greatest comic book read of all time. No contest. And for the ultimate Batman fan it has everything you can ask for.


    Batman #1 has gem's of stories. The first two stories of the most recognizable villain in comic-dom. And yes it even has another first appearance of Catwoman. Truly everything and the kitchen sink was rolled into this.


    And again the final line of the final story is an example of the best writing and one liner any book at the time had. I literally had chills when I read it.



    Batman #1 is a Batman #1 but it is also the #1 Batman read of all. No other "#1" reads like a Batman #1.





    In a sense:

    Batman #1 - The end for Batman, The beginning for Batman - The end of an era, the beginning of an era.




    Batman #1 to any individual who has never read this book, a gem is awaiting for your delight.


    To Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson, and Bob Kane - I salute your masterpiece. :golfclap:






    Again (not to be cheesey here) but since you have had the honor of owning one and reading one you are a much better man than I. (thumbs u


    To bad it is 2010 instead of say like 1946. Otherwise I could just walk down to the used book store and pic me up a Batman #1 for about 5 cents...... lol And I am sure the cashier would be like "Son why are you buying this old thing it was printed in 1940 - it is 6 years old."

  3. ive never read batman # 1 were can i get the reprint?Anyways id do anything in this world to own a tec 28-37 especially the bat covers i cant find any and if i did they would have to be low grade but thats my goal hopefully 1 day. I can most certainly say i WILL NEVER own a tec 27



    They are truly great books.


    As for reprints I would suggest buying the DC archives:


    Batman Vol 1. (Tec 27-50)

    Dark Knight Vol 1. (Batman 1-4)


    They retail for about $50 and they are very nice hardcover books.


    But you can get them used on eBay for a lot cheaper.


    But if you just want Batman #1 - The "DC millennium edition" reprint is a nice Batman #1 reprint which should cost only $10 or if you want to get a nice reprint you can get the DC 1st which were big reprints made in the 1970's and are exact duplicates.

  4. Bats in general are my favorite, but you are right, the early Detectives are the best of the best. Excpet for Batman #1 that is, which is my all-time favorite book. Hands down, no contest.



    I have to admit - Batman #1 has got some of the best stories in it of all time. I love Batman #1. The whole book is incredible, you are correct! My personal favorite part is the end of the last story where Joker "dies." The classic line by Batman. Batman to Robin when Joker "dies." - "he delt his last hand and lost. And when the flesh rots from the bones the smile on his face will still echo on into eternity."


    Don't think I have the wording just right. But man that last line gave me chills when I first read it. An absolute classic book with stories that deserve to be in Batman #1.


    I also love the story in Batman #1 that was meant originally for Tec #38 but got bumped. I like that its the final GA solo Batman and he kills giants in it!


    Man I need to get myself a real copy of Batman #1 someday and stop reading my DC archives reprints!




    Obviously sir, you are a man of taste and distinction. Your stock is soaring in my eyes right now!!


    As you've learned, I read my GA comics, and Batman #1 is the best read of the GA. You get so much more bang for your buck than with Tec 27, Action 1, AA 16, Adventure 40, etc


    First appearance of the most important villain in comics history, Joker. First appearance of, in all likelihood, the most important female villain in comics history, Catwoman.


    Add that to the fact that it is the #1 issue of one of the three most recognized superhero characters in the world and you have quite a bit of comic book and pop culture history all rolled into one issue!


    The Timely equivalent is Cap #1, a book I am very, very fond of. But Cap is Cap. We all love him, but most people in the world have no idea who he is. Everyone knows who Batman is.


    Superman #1? Not even close. Only new ground mined there was the single superhero theme in one comic (inevitable with the sales on Action Comics), and pin-up back cover. Otherwise it is pretty much a reprint with a couple new pages tossed in for ballast.


    So while I love Tec 27 - 40 very much and hope to have most of them again one day, my grail is, and always will be Batman #1




    Same to you! It is very nice to see a fellow collector express the same amount of joy in the books. And I agree you have exquisite taste!


    First I'll get my opinion on Superman #1 out of the way. Superman #1 is a book that does deserve historical credit for the reasons you listed but at the same time I myself would never seek to own do to the fact it is a book of reprinted stories. Superman #1 is a great book and worth a bundle - but in my opinion it does not weigh in at all next to the likes of Batman #1 and Cap #1! Agreed.


    And as for Batman #1 it is no question to me why it is the #2 (only after Tec 27 as we all know) Batman book on the all time most "valuable." Batman #1 is really a mixture of what I would consider a "perfect balance" of Batman as a whole. Like we all know, the original Batman adventures in the Pre-Robin run where tales of darker and more graphic nature. Also the reason we loved them so much and seek them out. Batman arose out in the shadow of the great depression and went on to tell a much more vivid story of true life than any other comic could ever begin too. While Superman was the perfect being and was the happy jolly hero. Batman served a purpose that was much deeper and real. And I wonder if Bob Kane even realized it then. But Batman was a symbol of a more "believable" real life, and the darker side of humanity. I treasure the original solo Batman stories. And I know I speak for many collectors that the birth of Robin would forever "taint" Batman's original demeanor (until the Bronze age) and he would turn into something he was not - the happy bizarre character of the night. I did not like the change in Batman (but I still collect all the books!). What I am getting at is Batman #1 arose at the changing of times for Batman. And when Batman #1 was produced (and again I know we all already know this) it was a compilation of the best of the best stories available at the time of what they had. DC jumbled things around and we have a Tec 40 with a Joker cover and no Joker story. But it all worked out well in the end. Batman #1 is the perfect balance because it keeps Batman's original sense of demeanor throughout, yet he can be seen as almost "re-birthing" (changing) throughout the book from what he began as not even a full year before (tec 38 itself is the intial "re-birth" though) Batman #1 I hold in a special place because it is his first issue but at the same time it was his final solo mission and final book where Batman was still the absolute dark "gothic" avenger in all his glory. And the final solo story in Batman #1 is a bang! Batman #1 marks the end of an era for Batman and it is also the beginning of another. What other book has such a blend? None. Batman #1 is an absolute masterpiece with all the right elements for content to make it stay in my opinion the greatest comic book read of all time. No contest. And for the ultimate Batman fan it has everything you can ask for.


    Batman #1 has gem's of stories. The first two stories of the most recognizable villain in comic-dom. And yes it even has another first appearance of Catwoman. Truly everything and the kitchen sink was rolled into this.


    And again the final line of the final story is an example of the best writing and one liner any book at the time had. I literally had chills when I read it.



    Batman #1 is a Batman #1 but it is also the #1 Batman read of all. No other "#1" reads like a Batman #1.





    In a sense:

    Batman #1 - The end for Batman, The beginning for Batman - The end of an era, the beginning of an era.




    Batman #1 to any individual who has never read this book, a gem is awaiting for your delight.


    To Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson, and Bob Kane - I salute your masterpiece. :golfclap:

  5. Bats in general are my favorite, but you are right, the early Detectives are the best of the best. Excpet for Batman #1 that is, which is my all-time favorite book. Hands down, no contest.



    I have to admit - Batman #1 has got some of the best stories in it of all time. I love Batman #1. The whole book is incredible, you are correct! My personal favorite part is the end of the last story where Joker "dies." The classic line by Batman. Batman to Robin when Joker "dies." - "he delt his last hand and lost. And when the flesh rots from the bones the smile on his face will still echo on into eternity."


    Don't think I have the wording just right. But man that last line gave me chills when I first read it. An absolute classic book with stories that deserve to be in Batman #1.


    I also love the story in Batman #1 that was meant originally for Tec #38 but got bumped. I like that its the final GA solo Batman and he kills giants in it!


    Man I need to get myself a real copy of Batman #1 someday and stop reading my DC archives reprints!


    Me too



  6. Here is my last Detective Pre-Robin I will post for the time being. Need to get better pics and a NEW camera. Some how my wonderful brother borrowed it and broke it. So all I got is this iphone to take pics with (only 3 mp). Enough rambling -



    Detective Comics #37 CGC 1.0




    I bought this from Yannis when he was upgrading his (and I think his new Tec 37 will be a 2.0-2.5 when graded :applause:).


    Edit - I deleted a pic (I double inserted the same pic)

    Sweet! :headbang:


    (Lemme know if you ever upgrade.) :gossip:


    Thanks - Love the full moon dock cover.


    (Okay :wishluck:)

  7. Sort of embarrassing to throw this up here after all those awesome pre-Robins, but...


    My GA collection is still in its infancy, and this is my only 'Tec thus far:




    Everyone has to begin somewhere with the GA Tecs. I remember my first GA Tec. It was Detective Comics #117. It was in G (2.5) raw and I have still got it!

  8. Bats in general are my favorite, but you are right, the early Detectives are the best of the best. Excpet for Batman #1 that is, which is my all-time favorite book. Hands down, no contest.



    I have to admit - Batman #1 has got some of the best stories in it of all time. I love Batman #1. The whole book is incredible, you are correct! My personal favorite part is the end of the last story where Joker "dies." The classic line by Batman. Batman to Robin when Joker "dies." - "he delt his last hand and lost. And when the flesh rots from the bones the smile on his face will still echo on into eternity."


    Don't think I have the wording just right. But man that last line gave me chills when I first read it. An absolute classic book with stories that deserve to be in Batman #1.


    I also love the story in Batman #1 that was meant originally for Tec #38 but got bumped. I like that its the final GA solo Batman and he kills giants in it!


    Man I need to get myself a real copy of Batman #1 someday and stop reading my DC archives reprints!

  9. You bet I read it. I read them all. I keep most of my books raw so I can thumb them up, smell them, and re-read them every chance I get.



    bill and I thumbed that tec 27 up together, for the first time, if I recall




    Wow. I truly envy you guys. To me that is the end all be all. Reading a real Tec 27, where one of the most iconic figures in pop culture began 70 years ago. I hope to one day do the same. I know it is cheesey but just hearing about y'all reading one gives me goosebumps and that really is the ultimate thing I feel a batman collector can ever do. Woah.


    To you guys, I truly salute you! ^^

  10. Wow just an awesome array of books! Nice pick-up on the Tec 34 and 37 Bat-Man. Keep it up with those tecs!


    Just to make things clear, I am trying to do a run of Tecs 27-37 Batman covers only. As you can see from my mini group shot, all I need is a 27 and 31 (#27 is out of my range right now, but hopefully in a few years I can be able to buy one unrestored or restored).





    Nice run your putting together! That will be a feat when you complete it!


    As for me right now my goal is a run of Tec 28-37. I will some day get a 27, but want to complete 28-37 first, and then go for the 27.


    And I still have a bunch to go. Only have #'s 31,32,33,34 and 37. But my 32 and my 33 I consider to be fillers which I will hopefully upgrade in the near future.


    The Tec run of the Pre-Robins is my favorite run as I am sure it is yours as well!

  11. Why thanks Show!


    But, the landscape changed dramatically when I decided to put the #27 in the collection. So all of the lovely Dectective Comics issues in the above picture were replaced by the lone book in the top left of this picture




    My good sir.......... :o


    I am speechless with this pic. Grails, Grails - did I mention grails?


    Tec 27 - what grade was that beauty?


    And to you later post. The economy has hurt us all. I am sure you will be able to re-gain these issues if you so chose later on. But if nothing else. You owned a Tec 27! You owned a Batman 1! You owned a Cap 1! etc etc.


    As far as I am concerned even owning those books (and all at once I might add) is an almost "legendary" feat that most of us (myself included) dream of completing one day.


    You had a Detective Comics #27 - did you read it and how did it feel my man? :cloud9:





    edit - corrected spelling


  12. Here is my last Detective Pre-Robin I will post for the time being. Need to get better pics and a NEW camera. Some how my wonderful brother borrowed it and broke it. So all I got is this iphone to take pics with (only 3 mp). Enough rambling -



    Detective Comics #37 CGC 1.0




    I bought this from Yannis when he was upgrading his (and I think his new Tec 37 will be a 2.0-2.5 when graded :applause:).


    Edit - I deleted a pic (I double inserted the same pic)

  13. Hope that clears up whatever you do not understand. :banana:


    I read the word Bat and then 1 and was trying to figure out how Batman 1 fit into that continuity. Simple reading/scanning error. Trust me, I am well aware of the entirety of the Batman pantheon. I've owned them all, several times.



    Okay I gotcha. I've done that before as well. And no worries - I was under the impression you knew full well and I only posted the long message explaining it all not to just reply to you but just in general to make sure I was clear with my point. To be fair my original post was quick and I could see how it could be easily confusing. :foryou:


    And to "I've owned them all, several times." I must say that is truly impressive - I have never complete "the run" even once in its entirety but I am working on it. I love the early batman books :cloud9:


    (As an off topic side note - I also enjoy the original start trek series and Spock was always my fav character. Spock "rules" - "Live long and prosper")

  14. :makepoint:


    in the pre-robin Tec run there are 11 issues. There are 7 of which with Bat covers. 4 That do not.



    If he has 5 bat covers


    He only needs 1 more (#31) to have all the bat covers in the 28-37 run




    he needs 2 issues (#27, #31) to have all the bat cover issues if he is doing the whole 27-37 run.

    (thumbs u

    Cool... so I only have 7 Batman-cover pre-Robin Tecs to go to complete my run! Doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way.


    Yeah it doesn't at all. :applause:lol

  15. :makepoint:


    in the pre-robin Tec run there are 11 issues. There are 7 of which with Bat covers. 4 That do not.



    If he has 5 bat covers


    He only needs 1 more (#31) to have all the bat covers in the 28-37 run




    he needs 2 issues (#27, #31) to have all the bat cover issues if he is doing the whole 27-37 run.

    (thumbs u

    Bill is a well seasoned long time collector. You are preachin' to the choir lol


    I was assuming he was. But he said he did not understand my commentary (relating to the Batman covers) so I just explained it in full detail. Not quite sure what he did not get but that's why I just spelled it out. Am I am sure everyone knows everything I said above already. Just trying to be clear-er. (thumbs u

  16. :makepoint:


    in the pre-robin Tec run there are 11 issues. There are 7 of which with Bat covers. 4 That do not.



    If he has 5 bat covers


    He only needs 1 more (#31) to have all the bat covers in the 28-37 run




    he needs 2 issues (#27, #31) to have all the bat cover issues if he is doing the whole 27-37 run.

    (thumbs u