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Everything posted by FIREFLY

  1. That's the first Cursed Pirate Girl book which was self-published through Comixpress - it came before the 1st print from Olympian. Yeah, wish it didn't have the sig on it though.
  2. Yeah, I figured freebies, trick 'r treaters, or send them to my friends. Only one came looking 9.6 or better. Might grade it with a batch going to Sarasota. The cover paper reminded me of those Amazing Spider-Man newspaper variants. ...sorry if this is off-topic. Those are good ideas, Jerel. Jerel is loaded... ...with good ideas! That's freakin' hilarious, Nick!
  3. Yeah, I figured freebies, trick 'r treaters, or send them to my friends. Only one came looking 9.6 or better. Might grade it with a batch going to Sarasota. The cover paper reminded me of those Amazing Spider-Man newspaper variants. ...sorry if this is off-topic. Those are good ideas, Jerel.
  4. 1st batch??? You mean you ordered more?
  5. +1 My vote for best new board member Thanks to Kathryn for starting this thread. It has been very enjoyable.
  6. There is an arc with 3 more issues. Check out this old interview with Jeremy for more info. http://www.newsarama.com/comics/020927-Cursed-Pirate-Girl.html Is he going to be at HeroesCon? I got an email about a couple of days ago confirming that he is going to be at the Heroe's Con at Indie Island. Sorry, should have posted this sooner. (thumbs u
  7. There is an arc with 3 more issues. Check out this old interview with Jeremy for more info. http://www.newsarama.com/comics/020927-Cursed-Pirate-Girl.html
  8. Great news! And thanks guys for the props. Just trying to support Jeremy and his work while trying to have boardies expand their reading and enjoy a fantasy world. Have fun guys. (thumbs u And for any boardies that are dropping in on the thread here's a short description of the CPG storyline: "Cursed Pirate Girl is an epic fairy tale of a cursed girl in search of her father. The only things she knows about her father is that she will find him on the Omerta Seas, and that he is a pirate captain. The fantastic waters of the Omertas hold many strange and dangerous creatures and forgotten evils; enlisting the help of two armored swordfish and a parrot with a secret agenda, Cursed Pirate Girl sets out on the perilous journey to find her father among the remaining pirate captains. But instead of a glorious reunion, the scheming of interlopers leads her to resurrect her father's most dangerous foe. When her friends and allies fall beneath the terrible sword and sorcery of this old enemy, it is Cursed Pirate Girl who comes to face her father's bane." -jeremybastian.com-
  9. And NO, Brian. Stop "babbling".
  10. Yes, it is and Yup, they tend to do that. Only one of my local LCS actually carried it back when it came out and sold out the first day.
  11. Dude, that's awesome. I'm on my quest to attain a 9.9 or 10 for my own collection too. Can't wait for the arc and the tpb coming soon so I won't have to keep opening my books. (thumbs u
  12. Keith, that's what I'm assuming happened. Sometimes seller's have seller's remorse and cancel orders. Have had that happen to me. In reference to Brian's comment on the CPG thread, I agree, I'm always checking to see if people comment on any CPG stuff. I really like this thread and I think it has great potential. But I also enjoy it because it's a great opportunity to connect with each other on a great topic and the "babble" is part of connecting with people. Off topic, on topic, it doesn't matter to me...it's all the CPG thread and input is greatly appreciated, whether big or small...even OT sutff to break the monotony or tension. The only reason I jumped into this thread was to share my appreciation for Jeremy's work. And I love to share the hidden gems that I find here and there...not to gloat, but to show people what's out there. It's my little passion, but I don't expect everyone else to feel the same way about it. I like sharing what I find and if I can share it by making people good deals then I can do that too when possible. A strict thread will only detour people, hence maybe the lack of posts. I have PMd some people asking them to share more about the art and about the story itself, including character development and so forth. I really would like to see more of that from people that have read it. I also am aware that it's a little difficult to get into it when certain prints are a little high in price range for a book to start reading on. I'd love for people to read the story without having to pay such high prices for collector's issues. With this desire in mind, I've taken it upon myself to buy what I can to slab and flip, and allow me to purchase a decent sized pre-order of CPG #1 4th print in order to make it affordable for boardies to actually read. I've already been hit up by several people and I am more than happy to provide copies to them knowing that several factors can ruin the enjoyment: limited print run, limited LCS availability due to lack of knowledge of the book, increase in price due to lack of availability, etc. Whatever the reason, I would like it to be available for boardies at a reasonable price. PM me if you're interested in a copy and if you think that none will be available at your LCS. It's due to release sometime before SDCC in July. I'll do my best to attain you a copy as my pre-order is limited. As for the #2s and #3s, they are still available through Ebay, the publishing company, and the sales threads at times. I really hope that this way as people read more and more, there WILL be more discussion in this thread. It's a little difficult right now because not everyone has access to the books and why start on #2 and #3 when one can't even attain #1? I'm very optimistic and hope that this thread will continue as more and more people appreciate the creativity of CPG. Thanks to all the peeps who have already commented on this thread and shared pics as well. (thumbs u Julio p.s. Tom, Olympian Publishing, is promising "big" things for the summer.
  13. Kudos to Junkenstein99 for such a sweet deal, fast shipping and hilarious art on my boxes. Always a pleasure. (thumbs u
  14. That's actually not funny. I was told the same thing. Big mouth so I had plenty of space to have them grow out. Jeff, you know what they say, "Biggger mouth means bigger.... ...teeth.
  15. A little birdie told me that you would get your gem too, brother. Just be patient.
  16. For everyone that ordered YOLOY through Comixpress, my ordered has been confirmed as shipped. You should be getting your own confirmation soon as well if you haven't already. =)
  17. Hope you get your copy, brother, cuz that really seems like you may be needing some cream for that shiznit!
  18. Great score!!!!! Very nice!!!! (thumbs u
  19. Not trying to, Sam. Just wanted to share with the peeps. (thumbs u
  20. Thanks, Steve. I'm back from a little heaven. You know what that means.
  21. "...It's the same cover art as the first print, and on the same papers, but with copper stamping for the logo (the price is still in red) and a small "2nd printing" stamp that I think was in an orange rust color. (Orange is Jeremy's favorite color, so we used this color for him!) Diamond destroyed the majority of this print run, so there's no telling how many made it out. I would suspect not more than a couple of hundred, but that's a guess. It's sad, they look AWESOME." Tom, Olympian Publishing regarding the rarest of all CPG books. And I thought it was the #1 1st print that was the rarest. You know me, had to pull resources and find it. Finally got here.
  22. Thanks for the insight. (thumbs u