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Everything posted by FIREFLY

  1. Then is this the copy that should command the big $$ Actually, yes. But practically impossible to find. The #1 1st print by Olympian Publishing is the closest thing to it.
  2. From what I heard and seen this is kind of a classic children's-style fairy tale that no children are currently reading? I'm only guessing, since the eBay prices are a bit high for your average 'tween. If there is ever gonna be somekind of market for this title's back issue's worth, like Bone, the kids are going to have to read them sometime. I always believed this is what killed Mouse Guard #1's value. Too much speculation. Causing multiple printings to meet a false demand, for something that wasn't in that high of demand in the first place. Could the Modern multiple printing's hemorrage the worth of CPG #1 in the end too, I believe it will. I believe this was just another title we decided was a hit before it was discovered by it's intended audience and now they don't know it even exists. They cannot collect what isn't there. This is just a theory though. I think you're vastly underestimating how popular Mouse Guard actually is ... and overestimating the impact reprints have on the value of 1st prints :thumbsup: It's precisely because David Petersen did a bunch of printings of the various Mouse Guard issues that his series took off and didn't end up as just another quirky indie casualty. By making sure that early issues of Mouse Guard were readily available till the first TPB/HC came out, just like Jeff Smith did with Bone (and Bastian is doing with CPG), Petersen was able to both meet the demand that was there, but also slowly grow his readership as more & more people told their friends to go pick up his book (and were able to do so without paying nosebleeed prices). Did this hurt the value of Mouse Guard #1? No, not really - the Comixpress #1 has always been the one the collectors are willing to shell out the big bucks for, and prices for that has remained strong. Just because this board didn't know of this series till about a month ago, doesn't mean that other people didn't - which should be self-evident based on the fact that Olympian is doing a 4th printing of #1. (thumbs u
  3. Could it be Voices from 2004? =)
  4. If you decide to sell one, Jeff, unslabbed, let me know a price?
  5. Bunch of haters...probably never even read the book. you know I luuuuuuuv ya!
  6. There's a saying about stars that shine the brightest, shine for the shortest amount of time. This one is burning super bright right now. Technically, our sun still exists as far as I know...and it's been what, thousands of years...
  7. Thanks, Andy. Enjoy the read, brother. It's an awesome book.
  8. Better? You kidding? Care to elaborate in PM. I'm always up for good Indies. Not sure about the slabs, but if the read is good....
  9. Like stock, you wait too long on a good thing...you'll kick yourself in the arse later, Doug. Think there's a couple out there circulating right now....I may be wrong. =)
  10. Yeah, I know. And I thought I was tight with them. I'm not stupid, but I appreciate their polite method of telling me, "Can't sell you one now because I may increase the price once it comes out and make more money." They are a comic "shop" after all. Oh well. Don't want to get one if the cover doesn't live up to it. Don't want to get one just because it's a variant or because of the hype. Hope it sticks with good artwork.
  11. It may have the potential to rise in value if it had started at a decent price (like cover). Current board prices started where you would expect a modern title to peak. If someone were to buy at that price to keep for themselves all the power to them. If they are purchased as an investment or flip then best of luck. I mean we are talking about a book that is commanding prices of a book with a following. Very little people even know the title exists. FYI - I bought the final copies of some Indies at C2E2. They're sold out now You sly devil, you. (thumbs u
  12. There's only been 3 sales with one on the way and a high of $90. That can easily be explained by board hype. If you could ever have an Ebay auction without board member bids I'd be surprised if it broke $50. I agree to some degree, Jeff. But I heard that copies of #1 sold out on the first day at Motor City. Could they have been board members? I think the hype has to exist for any book. IMO, that's how books get hot, by word of mouth in wanting to see what the big deal is. Once they read the book and enjoy the artwork, or not, they'll determine if it was worth it and then spread the word more to others. Otherwise, the book will just die out. But I don't think this one will. There's a new production of a little radio drama coming soon as well. What other book has gotten that far? http://www.comicsbeat.com/2010/03/03/cast-pirate-girl/ http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2009/09/gorillas-riding-dinosaurs-cursed-pirate-girl-1-2/
  13. It seems that even in the US some shops have never heard of these as I have called many to acquire copies since they are so rare. I think because of the lack of knowledge of them, they weren't ordered, hence, not marketed in addition to the "low print". Now that Jeremy is getting more exposure at the cons, the threads, Ebay and whatever, people are finally appreciating his work. I do admit that there is a little bit of fire going on with the buzz on this book, which will eventually subside, but the real collectors loving the story and art will continue with it, keeping in mind that there seems to be another set in the works? Not sure if the #2 1st print thing has ever been verified (losing tons of copies in shipping or something), but that's another crazy thing too is that these issues are selling for more than #1 now.
  14. What tha???!!! Hmmm, I know a lot of people rely on that, but is there a lag on it like the "infamous" Wizard Price Guide?
  15. Someone please give me some GPA numbers.
  16. Just checked with my LCS on the #75 WD variant. Was told that I couldn't reserve due to the unknown ratio and availability... Hmmm, it would be nice just to have one copy.
  17. I would be interested, I doubt I will ever get a 1st print especially with how silly the prices have gotten PM sent. (thumbs u
  18. Sketches were acquired from FCBD from an LCS in Kentucky. As far as I know, he is not taking any requests for personal work or making any appearances at any cons for 2010 due to their new baby. This may or may not change during the year. He's now a "family man."
  19. Your collection isn't too bad either. Thanks, guys. Love that 10.0. Hmmm, a 10.0 no logo???