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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Theres just no way that guy can get full at a McDonalds... no flipping way Dude, don't have a meltdown. There'll be food left over for you. I just feel the rage boiling... its like steppin in hot pasta. I've got to find some paper to rip into Punch away. And as a disclaimer... I am in no way stating that Sam Wilson of Captain America fame is... or ever was.... a bird. ... or that foxes are weak
  2. Theres just no way that guy can get full at a McDonalds... no flipping way Dude, don't have a meltdown. There'll be food left over for you. I just feel the rage boiling... its like steppin in hot pasta. I've got to find some paper to rip into You lie... You lie !
  3. Theres just no way that guy can get full at a McDonalds... no flipping way
  4. You know they hate to see that guy coming at Golden Coral
  5. The guy is a monster. He was a monster in Fast 6.... just a monster
  6. A pic would be nice And Kim Kold (far right top pic and left on bottom pic) who is in the new Fast Furious 6 movie... now there is the JUGGERNAUT !
  7. Let's hope it's a good performance. I think a future Kitty Pryde and Wolverine flick could work. Based on this artwork... I'm going to have to say it will definitely be the director's vision... cause the only vision here is PAIN Wow! I didn't realize how quickly I should have dumped this series. I'm going to read it all the way through, just for the fun of it. If you consider sliding down a two story cheese grater on your eyes and fatback fun... then yes you should read this series.
  8. Let's hope it's a good performance. I think a future Kitty Pryde and Wolverine flick could work. Based on this artwork... I'm going to have to say it will definitely be the director's vision... cause the only vision here is PAIN
  9. Ugh. Shadowcat? Does she HAVE to be in it? Guess so... Its been awhile since I read Days of Future Past... but she was still "Sprite" in that wasn't she ?
  10. Someone ask him if would return as Nightcrawler and said "yes" He said that his performance as Nightcrawler was very popular with fans,and wondered why Singer didn't cast him in Days of Future Past. My guess is since Nightcrawler & Mystique are son & mother,they wouldn't have time to shoot a scene explaining it. Singer is craming a lot of stuff in the film that they may not have time to do a Nightcrawler/Mystique scene. But that's just my guess Wasn't Azazel in X-Men First Class? Kind of seems like it would make sense to explain Nightcrawler's origin, even if it is a small cameo. Would make sense to.
  11. But Mystique is a Shapeshifter, she can appear any age she wants. That, at least, I can get behind. -slym True Slym... plus I forgot that there is a First Class in this movie... so if Nightcrawler from the present X-men met Raven... then it would be before he was born.... technically right.
  12. It was a missed opportunity for sure. He's a great character... deserved much more screen time that's for sure. They probably wouldn't even have to go into the Mystique relationship at all... easy to work around. And wouldn't work anyway since Alan is like 50 and J Law is only like 22 ish.
  13. Here was one of the news feed summaries on the situation, which was sad to read. I wanted Kurt back. Alan Cumming played Nightcrawler, the blue-skinned, demonic-looking, God-fearing German teleporter, only in "X2," and proved to be one of the best things about the first "X-Men" sequel. However, he apparently hated the extensive makeup process, which may have been part of the reason why he didn't reprise the role in the Brett Ratner-directed "X-Men: The Last Stand" (2006). That's understandable... but didn't he go through a make up process for that Wizard of Oz thing he did on SciFi a few years back. Seems like high profile work is still high profile work. Well unless he (his skin) had a reaction to the makeup... then I could understand it more
  14. Good Lord! You're right. Neil Young would call that a decade
  15. Hard to believe that X2 opened in May 2003.... ten years ago this month. Crazy old we be.
  16. True... it seems Alan would jump at the chance to come back too. Probably his highest profile role ever.
  17. All about the action figures now Nick... if its a good movie, then well... that's a bonus
  18. With as many characters as Singer is loading this movie with, I'm hoping that does not become a distraction. Otherwise, new fans may get overwhelmed with characters, and not learn enough about any of their backgrounds to want to know more. I would love for Bishop to be delivered right, though. Especially with his ties to the future, it kind of make sense they plugged him into the story. Wonder if they will do the big old mutant brand on his face. It is odd that Singer has chosen to go all out on the character appearances in this film... yet stuck with the old standby Luthor in the Superman movie. wonder if Ratner rubbed off on him
  19. The problem with us comic guys is that our expectations are going to be super high... which is going to put us at a disadvantage. Yes Singer made X2 which was awesome... but then Superman Returns which was entertaining, but not really something I can watch over and over. That's one of the problems Watchmen had... how can a film capture the memory of what that story meant to us the first time we read it? Days of Future Past has that obstacle to overcome... first and foremost. That's why I'm just telling myself to just enjoy what it is... which is a movie based on characters that I've enjoyed my whole life. Would I like for it to be "Dark Knight" good... oh yes. Will it? Unlikely. Just want better than 1990 Punisher film and I will be fine with throwin down $10 to see it.
  20. That was the last episode I've watched this season... I've got to get caught up on my GOT
  21. Dinklage is a fantastic actor. If you haven't seen The Station Agent with him... then you are missing out on superior acting. Give him any part... and he will do it justice.
  22. Beats me. If possible and not against eBay's terms, I think it'd be great to block PLers there too. But he is asking a fair question. If we are taking Ebay transactions into consideration on the PL/HOS, is it also assumed folks will block members as a show of forum support? I mean, I don't expect anyone to cruise all selling venues and cross-reference against the CGC Boards' Probation List. If you did happen to know that someone on the PL wanted to buy something off you in another venue, I think it'd be reasonably cool to deny them, if not against the TOS, in support of our PL. But mostly, the PL is about this community right here. Screw up here, the PL makes it harder for you to buy/sell here. I fully realize that we can't be the Internet's moral police. I totally agree with you. It would be tough trying to police the internets of any PL or HOS transaction. All we can do is try. Okay, great. Maybe now you can spend a little time trying to become a true fan of something. Ouch! That burned hotter than a cast iron stove