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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Hope it all works out Andy-Matt If Soup makes is right, then hopefully he will become a positive contributor to the boards. Honestly the only thing that bothers me about Soup (since I haven't had monetary dealings with him), is the changing of the Board name. He obviously wants to make the attempt to make things right with Matt, so why change the name in a time like this.. or whenever he changed it. Just seems like the Mods or someone could detect who is placed on the probation list and then attempts to come back under a different user name. I mean case in point... Tiny came back under a shill and they popped him in "seconds". I know the probie list is a more "self-policed" entity (according to POV), but I just wish Mods would keep more of a watchful eye on it just to keep us in the know... of course if he used a different IP address, I'm assuming there isn't a way to know unless someone figures it out.
  2. Great first step Soup... all right fellas, lets let the guy try to fix this. The bashing can resume if he doesn't.
  3. Soup... don't know you from Adam... but no matter how its explained... you look guilty. Doesn't matter if you are in your eyes... its how everyone else sees it. Paying a little out of pocket is worth redeeming yourself around here. You will more than make it back from the boardies here who are more than willing to deal with someone willing to make things right. Continued arguing isn't going to help your case and could end you up on the Hall of Shame list. PM the offended party and make it right... the majority of guys want to forgive and forget. Easy peezy sir
  4. Many thanks fellas Rupp is humbled by the outpouring of emotion. I just noticed that over 18000 views placed to my feedback thread here... I'm now just wondering if everyone is watching for when I crack and start selling dope That said, if you need any form of narcotic (medicinal purposes only )... please remember the code phrase... "skeet, skeet, skeet". Not to be confused with "scroat, srcoat, scroat" which is the code word over in any Olive Blow thread.
  5. Or just ask that new buyers or buyers with like less than XXX amount of posts just pay within 24 hours... if they can't or don't just relist.
  6. I think the relisting cuts off any further concerns. But then, what if the item doesn't sell at the original price, and leads to a discount required to close the second deal. Does that lead to the previous buyer being on-the-hook for the difference? me head hurt
  7. What about the time you set terms I had to pay you within one hour before alarms went off in my wallet that money was leaving? How is that Hello Kitty wallet doin by the way? My precious....
  8. Sellers do have the ability to set what ever terms they like though. Seller terms can range from who they don't want to deal with, what payment terms they will accept, shipping options, etc. I'd hate to be the guy to try to take these options away from sellers. I think it should be totally acceptable for a seller who needs his money in less than three days at least be allowed to ask for that upfront. Kinda works the same way as the ebay instant payment option where you do a buy it now and the system won't end the auction until payment is made. That said I think the current 30 day rule is fine... but who knows... maybe a little refinement is a good thing.
  9. Probably easier for each individual OP state how long buyer has to pay in the rules of their individual threads. Nocutename could state... "- Whoever posts in my thread has two weeks to pay or I have the right to sell to someone else." With this statement in full view, buyer cannot fall back on the "30 day rule"... as this quote from the OP would supersede that rule. Given even a simple sentence like that one could be twisted and misinterpreted by whoever is reading it. "First in the thread wins item" couldn't be understood by some and I had to expand on what that meant to the Nth degree Plus we've all had that one person wait three weeks to pay... then pay... then in less than 24 hours, PM asking for a tracking number. How about this scenario... which isn't good business either... but if a buyer waits weeks to pay... then seller should be afforded the same slack and wait equal weeks to ship. If the buyer isn't in a rush... why should the seller be. Again not a good practice... but I'd say more than an handful out there have done this to the slack buyer at one time or another. No matter how its worded Pov... someone is going to find fault or loophole in it. How about this..."Any board transaction between buyer and seller is FULLY EXPECTED to be completed by the end of 30 consecutive business days starting from the moment is placed in the thread."
  10. 30 days is generous... but one has to remember that sometimes life can get in the way here. I like the 30 day time frame mainly because it gives a more than fair time frame for both parties. Concerning payments... well I'm betting that each and every one of us sometime spend too much and need that extra few days to pay. I'm one of the worst to jump in and say if you can wait till Sat for payment. Its not usually because I want to inconvenience the seller or that I don't have the money...its that I just don't want to be caught short if something concerning life happens (car trouble, sick puppy, bail). Given if the seller oks that, then it doesn't apply here. I always felt (wished, hoped, prayed) that time frame is in place for two reasons... (and I know that these both are "wishful thinking Pov") 1) Afford buyers the time to buy something they reeeeeeaaaaalllly want 2) Afford sellers the time to ship something a little later if they get in a bind I understand that both of these reasons can (and have been) taken advantage of. I, myself have had shipping delays of a little over two weeks to get all CT wins out and try to get back into the swing of working a real job myself. In many of us "weekend selling warriors" scenarios, this is a great excuse to need a tad more time. Sure that's an "excuse", but its a pretty good one. Same thing with wanting to pay a few days/weeks later for something one really wants, but doesn't want the wife to see an empty checking account. We all have our reasons. I always looked at the 30 day rule as a guideline to abide by... by both sides... and I feel that its more than fair and is beneficial to both parties. Lets keep it the way it is. Shorting the time frame could just cause more boardie stress & butthurt on both sides of the coin. For an example of possible butthurt here, I'm waiting three weeks today for mylar bags I purchased in a board sale... I owe 50 of those bags to another boardie who saw me purchase them and knew I was shipping him a box of goodies from one of my sales. He asks to buy some to throw in with his purchases, I agree, and he does so. Well lets the two weeks pass, and I still haven't got the mylars and the fellow who was waiting for me to ship them to him (on top of waiting the time to ship his initial box from me)... well he gets anxious and wants to nominate me for probation list for non shipment with a 2 week time frame. Now I know this isn't going to happen, because this fellow is like a " brother from another mutha"... the point is he could. I also realize this an extreme example... but some buyers are pretty darn extreme around here. I know "in hand" sales is the norm too, but it doesn't happen all the time here... so "in hand" flamers just chill. Those bags are more than likely going to ship this week... well within a 30 day time frame... but on a two week frame and a possible communication breakdown (which we all no never happens here ) ... heres what will happen... . Everyone gets mad, days are spent filling the probie discussion board talking about it, flamers start flamin', lines are drawn in the sand to cover all the kkraapp that has been thrown... and the rest is board history. All this said... yes I would like to pay within minutes of a buy and yes I would love to receive that purchase in the mail in less than 48 hours via bird, plane or donkey (especially donkey ... but a wise man once said that patience was a virtue (was that Detroit Mike talking about mandatory firearm purchase waiting period regulations...I can't remember). Anything said above fails on lack of communication between buyer and seller tho... so anything I said isn't worth a grain of salt when that breaks down. Rupp (which is more than its worth) = keep the 30 day rule.
  11. Better wait the 20 + days or face the wrath of Pov
  12. Selling a few hundred DVDs this week over in Mixed. A lot of good stuff to be had including box sets, special editions etc. Please come buy a few and enjoy on the cheap http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=6502952&fpart=1
  13. High road butthurt is better than low road butthurt
  14. Gonna have to agree with this. Come on Marc, let the guy try to do right by you... he may have made a mistake and probably should have stopped typing earlier.. but he is (was) trying to appease you
  15. Lawrence. Welk. He is very much missed. Thats a sheeetload of blood in the streets.
  16. Well that just doesn't make any sense. You'd have to wait to get it from the printers or it wouldn't be published. Yeah Boscoe... get yer science right Now when General Chen from the UN Council of Financial Matters & Services sends me that fee, I won't spend any at the next Clooneython. When POV gets on here and schools you in quantum physics and the proper forum to address time travel and related topics... consider ur azz officially chewed This is a subject suited to any forum. For example, first I would buy lots of 1930's dimes in good shape. Just common dates. Then I would go back to 1938 and get as many Action 1 comics I could. I would then return to the present day, which would be unrecognizable due to the following: A young man had heard of this new Superman character and went to his regular newsstand to buy a copy of Action 1. But earlier that day a strangely attired bearded man bought them all. Not to be daunted he traveled the city seeking out this book, only to find, again and again, that they were sold out. During the course of his pursuit he met a young lady who took his fancy. Forgetting his quest he used his dime to treat her to a Coke at the local malt shop. Love blossomed and a few years later they married. Their only child grew up with a tremendous interest in science and science fiction, which he inherited from his father. But a scorned love turned him to the dark side. He lost himself in science, but the memory of that unrequited love drove him deeper and deeper into madness and a loathing for all that was good and pure. He used his knowledge of science to develop a strain of resistant bacteria that drove mad all who were exposed to it. The plaque swept the city, the state, the country and soon the world. And the world, as I knew it, was no longer. That story is depressing Instead of Looper... you'd be known as a Pooper
  17. Well that just doesn't make any sense. You'd have to wait to get it from the printers or it wouldn't be published. Yeah Boscoe... get yer science right Now when General Chen from the UN Council of Financial Matters & Services sends me that fee, I won't spend any at the next Clooneython. When POV gets on here and schools you in quantum physics and the proper forum to address time travel and related topics... consider ur azz officially chewed
  18. Got a great stack of nice bronze reading material recently from Andrew and was thrilled sheeetless at all the nice high grade issues in the lot. Great price, packed well and quick shipped. Can't ask for more than that Many thanks sir! xxx ooo Rupp
  19. Well that just doesn't make any sense. You'd have to wait to get it from the printers or it wouldn't be published. Yeah Boscoe... get yer science right