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Everything posted by Bio-Rupp

  1. Still a bunch here that operate solely by PM... you can watch 'em lurking with the trolls http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=online
  2. Young Buck would go get that book. If the guy tries something... pull a Bushwick Bill on him and pop him in the eye
  3. I thought those were just myths passed down from generation to generation
  4. Dang Jimmy... that might be a tad dangerous buddy
  5. Don't know about that Speedy... lots of important stuff at the end of Season 1 that leads into Season 2.
  6. Sounds good to me. I know Arch set the original parameters, but he might be amenable to a change if there seemed to be strong support for it. If there is enough support here perhaps we could start a thread in CG to solicit the views of people who rarely check the PL thread. I think I will let you or Dr. Balls run with this. I don't think me starting another thread in CG right now is conductive to my health and might possibly give one or two trolls cardiac arrest... or at least a jammed keyboard finger (visualize that however you see fit) Feel free to mention my name openly and freely though... just so they can see the word's Bio & Rupp flash before their eyes I like seeing Rupp in CG. It's solid entertainment. I'd have no problem starting a CG thread about star ratings - but it might be more productive if an older/bigger volume seller perhaps brought it up in a CG thread? Or somewhere else? I'd like to throw in support, but people tend to not take my posts seriously unless I have a bikini-clad woman in it. Seriously Dr. B... why not run with it. With your skills you could make an awesome looking star set-up that we could use here. Your knowledge of the internets could really bring this place up to speed
  7. Bryan, Definitely send him a separate PM reminding him of the trade/transaction etc. Plus, also in this separate PM, point out that its being explained in the PL and give him a chance to explain and make it right. Hopefully things will be cleared up with no problems. xxx ooo Rupp
  8. Sounds good to me. I know Arch set the original parameters, but he might be amenable to a change if there seemed to be strong support for it. If there is enough support here perhaps we could start a thread in CG to solicit the views of people who rarely check the PL thread. I think I will let you or Dr. Balls run with this. I don't think me starting another thread in CG right now is conductive to my health and might possibly give one or two trolls cardiac arrest... or at least a jammed keyboard finger (visualize that however you see fit) Feel free to mention my name openly and freely though... just so they can see the word's Bio & Rupp flash before their eyes A come on Rupp, what's 1 more thread? I didn't realize people kept track of that. There is a lot of other threads started in the CG that make me . Well it would just be one more ....
  9. We had stars for threads years ago and when some (cough Cal) etc, would get less than 5, there would be hell to pay. I just just see it now...Rupp, I really am not happy with your packaging, I know you are smoking cigars. and I know you got these old newspapers from Bosco, besides,I don't like the color tape you used..so I'm just going to give you 3 stars... 5 THREADS LATER in General, I'm cringing;) (this example is totally made up, of course he does not smoke cigars) Anyway, I think it would create a lot more animosity. Sharon... you complete me... you know that right Are you ready for Fringe Season 2 yet?
  10. Sounds good to me. I know Arch set the original parameters, but he might be amenable to a change if there seemed to be strong support for it. If there is enough support here perhaps we could start a thread in CG to solicit the views of people who rarely check the PL thread. I think I will let you or Dr. Balls run with this. I don't think me starting another thread in CG right now is conductive to my health and might possibly give one or two trolls cardiac arrest... or at least a jammed keyboard finger (visualize that however you see fit) Feel free to mention my name openly and freely though... just so they can see the word's Bio & Rupp flash before their eyes
  11. Well how about a "star" rating system then. IN the kudos thead, there could just be a rating based on a low score of "one" star to a high score of "five" stars. Possibly include a link to the transaction as well just so we know what was purchased. Notation can read "please PM this buyer to see what he did or did not like with the transaction with said boardie. Obviously those with one star... you would PM the boardie about while those with four or five really wouldn't matter. One could scroll down the boardie's kudos thread looking for a massive amount of low scored stars and then decide weather or not they want to deal with said seller. Mods don't have to police it... no one knows whats going on unless they want to... and privacy is pretty much maintained. No sure how well this will work with behind the scenes transactions though.
  12. I did suggest he not take it too far. But Rupp has no off switch. Well, he does. It just doesn't always function right. Hey now... this dog wasn't the one who ran with that bone
  13. Not necessarily "defending" axe murderers... just pointing out that pulling the axe out of someone's head could be the start of the healing process and a first step towards an apology I do have a list of people who would defend an axe murderer who murders via PM only tho How was dinner last night with Claudio btw
  14. It is a great meme via Imgflip Meme Maker
  15. Something can only get out of control if there are no rules associated with it. If it is allowed to be a free-for-all, then you get what you asked for. I wouldn't give up on this concept yet until it is fleshed out more.
  16. I disagree. Besides, the things you have mentioned aren't what this is about. Here's an example. longdillon dragged me on for 3 months, leading me to believe there would be no probem paying for 5 books. After the 3 months, he didn't pay. He did place a $70 deposit, which I discounted to the second buyer. Because of the 5% deposit, he didn't qualify for probation. Then, he sells a book to a boardie. Decides to sell it to someone else for more. Then, refunds the first buyer, who is out $60 due to fees, exchange ect... After all of this, (maybe more?) he doesn't make the probation list. Is there 10,000 posts in this thread? (I didn't check) Maybe you could do a recap of this thread for us. Didn't remember about this comicdonna... LD's rep is dropping fast with this coming back up. Concerning a "special mention" thread... its going to be abused beyond belief. Too many "friends" out there willing to back their homie, no matter what's right or wrong. I'm sure some instances will be fine and on the up and up, but in some instances the vote will be unbalance and unfair. Recipe for disaster
  17. Not clear that he wants to make it right for the sake of making it right. Pretty clear that he doesn't want to go on the probation list. True that he didn't have to refund the money .... if he didn't mind running the risk of his local pd inquiring into the matter. Covered that one there. Concerning PD... I'm pretty sure if any of us on this board wanted to rip someone off and get away with it, they/we could. If LongDillion reaaaaalllly wanted to... he could have been off scott-free, then go off to his grandmother's house and start a shill account, crack the slab and sell the book here again to probably one of us in this conversation within two-three weeks time. I've been burned twice on eBay... once for $200 plus and once for $350. The first from Canada, no police help there. The second time from Atlanta. Couldn't even get the PD to go to the address given to me. The point of all this... and pretty much on what Speedy originally stated... was that things could be a whole lot worse.
  18. Again, let me stress that I agree that this whole thing reeks. However, at the risk of beating a dead horse, let me again point out that under the current regime, "we" don't set the bar for a successfully completed transaction - the parties directly involved in the transaction set that bar. Based on the last word from the parties directly involved in the transaction, the transaction seems completed. Now, it seems that an amendment might be under consideration to change this... I understand. And I agree that as the rules stand now, ultimately it's up to Jo Seph whether he wants to take it any further. We as the community really can't force anything to happen. I think my concern is that I didn't want Jo Seph to feel obligated to accept this resolution. It sounded to me (and it's just my impression, I could have misread it) that some were saying that this was an acceptable resolution and he should be happy with it. I mean, I get it. Is some money better than no money? Yes. Is this a satisfactory outcome? In my opinion no. Should Jo Seph be happy with this outcome? I wouldn't be but that's me. I just didn't want Jo Seph to somehow feel pressured by the community to accept this outcome. My expressions about how I think this should be resolved wasn't about getting the community to force the issue but rather that if he wanted to pursue it we as the community would back him up. As things stand now, it's better than nothing. But it's definitely not satisfactory and Jo Seph is entitled to more should he decide to pursue it. You are correct in the Jo Seph shouldn't be out a single dime. That's a given... and he should pursue that dime.
  19. Can't see where an amendment to the Probation rules will solve anything. If ALL parties involved walk away "happy" with how things turned out (that would be Jo seph, Blue Hawaii and LongDillion), then what do any of the rest of us have to do with it? Can "we" deem the transaction between them successful? Or deem it unsuccessful? "We" can't since it isn't "our" transaction. As pretty much per what edowens said. All we can do is just remember the situation as it happened and base our future buying patterns on that. I'm all for public knowledge... I think I've proved that just recently I feel this transaction was brought into the public eye and rightly so... and I do feel that whatever happened on LongDillion's end is scratchy at best. That said, he is attempting to right the wrong that he has originated. Weather it be because of his reasoning that he explained to the board or just because of the fact he got caught. The mere fact that he is TRYING should show that he at least wants to make it right. With a WU payment... its really not like he had to either. LongDillion could have taken the money and the book and ran. There is always eBay or any comic shop in his area where he could have sold this book. But he didn't. He came back on here and took the full brunt of the masses and made his attempt to make it right. Do any of us really need the boards to sell any silver age key? As Speedy said, it could have been a whole lot worse. Again no idea what happened on the seller's end... just watching what he's attempting to do now, which is fix the problem he created.
  20. Correct. Two things learned... 1) Never pay with WU or personal pp unless you can afford to lose the money, the book and your sanity. 2) Never pay with WU or personal pp unless you can afford to lose the money, the book and your sanity.