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Everything posted by Bird

  1. Ming's daughter...I'd put my hand in the stump for a piece of that!
  2. I was thinking of buying this since I loved their Little Nemo book , so yeah, PM sent.
  3. Off the top of my head, the Wolverine /Lady Deathstrike battle is marvelous, violent and wet and brutal.Lady Deathstrike was perfect, she kicked Scott's azz too. Hulk / Loki is really the best moment in all the films perhaps. But then again, the first Spider-Man shots of him swinging through the city hitting the memorable poses was something special at the time, unparalleled even. I also enjoy the big battle in X-men 3 I guess, with all the mutants and Kelsey Grammer bouncing around. I love looking at all the mutants. I have not seen DoFP at home yet but will enjoy those future scenes.
  4. Stephen Stills...Just Roll tape I am obsessed with this lately.
  5. Ha! I took the photos and posted this before cleaning up the dust from drilling the holes!
  6. I was under a mistaken impression about minimum borders on the matting at Michaels, but when I learned the real rules I got some smaller pieces done. I had a nice wall of Dr. Strange already done, but I moved the main piece slightly to accommodate 3 new additions. Check out the color now on the wall I call The Frames of The Faltine! ahhh,crappy image... Mitchell Bretweiser Doc on top and Cleas by Anna Merli and Alphonso Azpiri on the bottom
  7. yes, although I thought Trimpe did loose layouts and not full pencils so I consider itmore than just BWS inks. I wish we could see pencil scans of these like we have been able to do with Miller / Janson and Miller / Rubinstein!
  8. Funnily enough I was holding off doing a derail into other artists possibly missing from the list but seeing as you have opened that book ... what about JHW3 DPSes? To me the layout porn alone in Promethea and Batwoman stands out as pushing at the boundaries of comic art. Promethea also has the addition of Alan Moore and associated speech bubbles into the mix which for a lot of people is a big plus. I haven't really seen that many secondary market sales but they do go for a pretty penny at source (sometimes for more than the covers). Are the A examples in the lower brackets on the secondary market? http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=597658&GSub=92901 http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=812320&GSub=80942 I bought the DPSes from Promethea 24 and 25 IIRC from Mick Gray directly, $400 and $500 at the time of publication. 24 was pedestrian and 25 was stellar. I sold, rebought, and resold the dps for 25 since then (and it is a nice one) and it is $800-$1500 tops. Maybe a little more on a good day but cracking $2.5K would surprise me greatly.
  9. It would really be a mind blowing exercise, but it is interesting to consider how many multiples of value an A+ page is over the A/B pages. (Are there D/F pages? I guess so, but in Sandman? Anyway, I digress...) For example, Jill Thompson Sandman A+ may indeed belong in the $3-$5K tier, but I bought ($400/page) and sold (at around $600/page) a 3 page sequence in the last few years and sold a really nice A page for under $2K (Destiny, Dream and Delirium all on page and I had tried selling it for a while, a memorable moment as well - you would remember it immediately). "Lesser" Sandman artists pages are a third of the A+ pages at least, no? And BWS machine man pages are well below $3-$5K for B pages (sold one recently and bought one as well, $1-$2K) but the few excellent pages are indeed 2x-3x that. Same for BWS DD 236, where I could get pages around $1K two years ago and now they are getting closer to $2K for standard pages and one of the best ones is sitting at $7.5K on a dealer's site. Are A+ pages at the higher levels about 3X the value of A-/B+ pages as well? Is that a decent figure: A-/B+ = 33% A+? Or is it different per artist?
  10. Charles Vess Elric of Melnibone It is in the stairway leading to the downstairs room that houses my other framed art. I have a bunch of frames coming in from Michaels as the rates are great this holiday season. I will bring two more over tonight at least.
  11. I will jump on the Grampa commission opportunity if I can next time it comes around. Great piece!
  12. Felix is definitely on the right track I think. We often decide the motivations of other people we have never met and do not know at all. In this thread the OP believes strongly that "they knew what they were doing" but really any evidence seems circumstantial and even just conjecture. (not trying to bash OP, I do it too on auctions. I even take it personally when people do NOT bid and imagine their thoughts/motivations! You can't win if you are me sometimes!) Even if these (2?) bidders "knew what they were doing", what did they know? that it was you? that this issue was more desirable but did not know why? For example, I only recently learned about the hubbub around the art for Wolverine 10. When I read the comic back in the day I did not feel that issue was any more or less significant in the series than any other but maybe I was just less discerning. But when I recently bid on a page from Wolverine 10 I noticed weird things and eventually just asked what the deal was; Scott Williams clued me in that it is commonly accepted as "the" issue. That started with someone I would guess, but it spread from that person/people to the general zeitgeist. I was just talking to a dealer the other day and being on THIS message board provides me with so much esoteric info. I know people like Axa, wherever that strip runs is unknown to me. I know about different size art pages for WD and have never held an issue or sought to buy the art. I know there are Preacher nuts and that certain things on those pages make the pages more desireable. Saint of Killers or whomever bites people, right? And that is cool to own, right? I don't know who any of those people are, don't know their names or screen names or how many of them there are. But I see the chatter and when I was talking to that dealer I was tempted to buy some of those things I mentioned above even though it would only be in the hope of flipping them for some profit. I didn't (I'll flip things I did get though), but I considered it. My belabored point is: I never win when I play these mind games. Stick to facts and try to see the best in other people. Just because it is a rough game does not make it a mean game. Your wants are no more important than their wants to anyone but you. I caught flack as a Starman hoarder and also got some props along the way, but those people are all entitled to those opinions and their own desire for the art. Now get out of my way in the clink auction and let me have the good stuff! I am a bigger fan and want it more! Really! ;-) edited to add: Good Luck with your ROM issue!
  13. If you want $4B, you look under the settee! Only someone gauche would use a couch.
  14. Nice piece, I would have recommend a black mat with a v groove. The white is a little distracting for this particular piece. Thanks. I stick with this one approach, mat as close to the background white and simple black frame. I don't want anything to pull the eye from the art. The art is the star, not the mat or the frame. So if the white is distracting you may have a point, but I think it works in general. I would think the black mat would compete with the line art for visual attention. It is an interesting discussion; no one point is right or wrong but depends on what you are going for I think.
  15. I have a few back from Michaels. I use the method espoused by Jeffrey Jones on early comicart-l: white border and simple black frame to let the eye be drawn to the art and the art only. This is the one I picked up tonight: Dr. Strange - Mike Mignola
  16. I went to the Locust Moon Comics Festival in the heart of Philly today and picked this up from Bill Sienkiewicz. He had three portfolios of prelims and unfinished stuff but nothing electric to me. He had an original page from the Hendrix Voodoo Child GN but it wasn't big Jimi. The Toasters piece was cool, but I was not there for that. I was looking for some Hendrix from the new book he did spot illos for but what he had was too loose for me, Then I saw this. Not gonna make The Fifty, but I'm feelin' flush a bit lately, so why not. I like it a lot, it is like the celluloid is burning up as he drew it. Thanks Bill. Way cool.
  17. Alex, you can try as hard as you like, this will be continually refined until the end of time! But it is an incredible job on the collective group of detectives and fact finders, naysayers and show-me types all.
  18. New on the wall...Into Shamballa painted page by Dan Green bad phone pic but you get the idea