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Flex Mentallo

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Everything posted by Flex Mentallo

  1. Wonderful stuff Cimm! Everytime you post your Planet Stories it makes me want to collect them! Let me add to the mix without duplicating other posts so far....
  2. Always a pleasure Joanna! May I ask, how long did it take to complete the set?
  3. Beautifully designed covers from this period. I'd love to see more! Here you go... "The Devil-Plant" Cover by C.C. Senf Thanks BZ, these are fabulous!
  4. Knowing Russell's real name doesn't help us too much does it? I wonder if he wrote under any other names? Anyway, here's another, bigger scan of the cover illustration for all to enjoy. C.C. Senf Synopsis of the story: "The Scourge of B'Moth" Beautifully designed covers from this period. I'd love to see more!
  5. Never noticed the guy in the mirror before!
  6. Fabulous stuff BZ! And a gap in my knowledge? They look like penny dreadfuls!
  7. It's a shoddy effort by an obscure back water artist I doubt GAtor has ever heard of.
  8. Like Rangers #14, most Planet #27 copies seem to be miscut.
  9. Now that's one I've never seen before!
  10. Really nice one - great sense of space, light and air!
  11. Make sure you lett Russ (XavierLogan) know that they will be up for sale. He needs some of those for sure Quite right Bill, thankyou - I am honouring that plus a short queue of others inherited from prior enquiries. Should still be well over half the run for me to list in due course.
  12. Hi everyone Having acquired Gator's set of Catman, plus Crash #4 and #5, I will be listing many issues in a sales thread today. For a little while, the books will still be with Gator before shipping out to me in the UK, and he has kindly agreed to ship any early sales for me direct to the buyer - so shipping will be considerably cheaper for early buyers! http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=5111583#Post5111583 best wishes Michael
  13. Me too for some reason...must have come up in a discussion. Outstanding cover!
  14. Thanks guys - I love a good mystery and I have no problem accepting the likelihood that I've got this entirely wrong! Yet there remain lingering doubts.... ...and if I am wrong, then it leaves unanswered the question who the other Ramona was, and why she disappeared....
  15. Thanks Michaël On the basis of this image - slightly sharpened in photoshop, I now have little doubt that Ramona Fradon - respected DC artist, had a clandestine former career in her maiden name as Ramona Patenaude, and that for some reason she didnt want this known -or maybe no-one asked her the right questions! But my! she was young when she did this - a genuine prodigy I'd suggest. Unless she lied about her age, and what honest woman would do that - ummm! Compared to this page found on the web, it's pretty evident that the same hand is at work - a rhythmic, slightly mannered style. I'd guess she "rehearsed" the motions then drew quite quickly. Her lines have a way of wrapping themselves around the forms she describes - it's the sum total of all the lines that drops into place to create the likeness of reality in motion. Her creations arent "timeless", they exist in real time and engage with us - they have defined personalities. The main change from early days with Fox is that she has learned to vary the thickness of her line - and knows that a line can be thickened on one side but thinned on the other so that it is asymmetrical, which creates the illusion of turning through space. Ramona: Linky: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramona_Fradon
  16. My assumption has always been that Ramona Patenaude and Ramona Fradon are one and the same. If so she would have been very young when she worked for Fox - recorded DOB for Fradon is 1926 or '27. She stopped working as Patenaude in 1946 it seems. She married the cartoonist Dana Framon. By the time she begins to work for DC she has polished her style - the line is more fluid. But when I compare the work of Patenaude and Fradon, I see enough similarity -especially in their dynamic compositions - to make it at least conceivable. If so from Blue Beetle to Metamorpho was quite a journey!
  17. Fabulous as ever, Mr Berk! I'd love to find more of Ramona's covers - I only have the one.
  18. But is Gator about big, giant, city-smashing Japanese monsters? ('cause those things are really cool) I do carry Godzilla (thumbs u You're strong! It's all of those Coke Zero's he drinks. Godzilla drinks coke zero? Hmmmph - I knew that!
  19. I have it on good authority that signed photos of GAtor in a Wonder Woman costume have made all the difference to cashflow. Whoops, there he is, I'm off!
  20. Any plans to go back to the far east soon GAtor? I had it in the back of my mind that you were planning on doing so this September!
  21. Dont they sell Porky Pig futures on the stock exchange? I hope so, I've got hundreds of them Let's hope they dont go bellies up!
  22. Dont they sell Porky Pig futures on the stock exchange?
  23. I don't understand. That's probably because you are stoned.