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Everything posted by mikenyc

  1. I see a custom title! For whom....? Someone omnipotent shouldn't need to ask this question. True, but I think the word you are looking for is "omniscient:"... om·nip·o·tent [om-nip-uh-tuhnt] - adjective 1. having unlimited power (thumbs u
  2. I don't purport to be anything different. At least I'm honest with myself. You continue to demonstrate your cluelessness about this board, its inhabitants, or pretty much anything having to do with social interaction. You continue to state things that are false, betraying not only your lack of knowledge, but also your obstinate unwillingness to educate yourself. My prediction stands. Thanks for proving my point in a all encompassing admirably stupendous manner. (thumbs u I'm bored of you. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks.." Hamlet, Act III, scene II Now, are you going to honor your statement to "leave it alone", or are you going to prove you're not a man of your word....? Just for you. <3
  3. This is the best thing you've posted since you joined this board. Let's keep it this way, huh...? I apologize, I was posting as you were imparting your wisdom. Sorry again.
  4. I don't purport to be anything different. At least I'm honest with myself. You continue to demonstrate your cluelessness about this board, its inhabitants, or pretty much anything having to do with social interaction. You continue to state things that are false, betraying not only your lack of knowledge, but also your obstinate unwillingness to educate yourself. My prediction stands. Thanks for proving my point in a all encompassing admirably stupendous manner. (thumbs u I'm bored of you.
  5. Sorry for the derail. I'll leave it alone and let it get back to the topic at hand. Throw ya gunz in the air!!!
  6. I don't purport to be anything different. At least I'm honest with myself.
  7. By declaring my cluelessness you validate your omnipotence? Your narcissism blinds you to the reality of your demeanor. My yearning for acceptance, my limited knowledge of these boards, my hyperbole, what about you. Do you fail to recognize that you are a pompous bloviator who thinks that by typing something it becomes gospel? You pick and choose what part of an argument to attack. You take the moral highground and criticize others for their honesty when I can assure you you are full of . I know what's to follow. You'll quote random things I say, ask me to show you examples, say that I'm a phony blah, blah, blah. Maybe you can try some introspective exercises. I get it, you can't see those affectations that turn others off, but try to think a little about RMA. Lord knows you think everyone else does. And believe you me I know I'm not eveyones cup of tea, but like it or not I'm me. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
  8. I guess I haven't been exposed to his Carlin side. Not everything needs to be a battle. Not everything is an attack. Not everything needs his higher moral order. Not everything needs his opinion. Not everything is about RMA.
  9. Take a breath RMA :: I'm at work, I'll see you when I get home. (thumbs u Although, I forgot how pointless, albiet entertaining, it is to argue with you. I don't want to say anything offensive to you and lose the respect of a lot of members. :: I was actually reading through some old threads and you know your stuff. Your problem is you're humorless and take yourself way to seriously. Lighten up my good dude. It makes everything much more enjoyable. Also to everyone else reading please like me.
  10. I agree with this 100% My point is that there are positive ways to move the young knob off the path to knobdom. They may take them and they may not. CapFreak did not. I know your background and I know that you have seen more than your share of bad eggs, that no amount of work was going to make them good eggs. I have been fortunate to be a part of a couple different programs that have taken recidivist delinquents and helped them turn themselves around. It doesn't always work, by any stretch of the imagination, but it does sometimes. I know that this discussion cropped up around CapFreak. To me, it is not about CapFreak, it is about all the other CapFreaks out there who may be painted with the broad brush that he (perhaps rightfully) has been painted. It is one of my real hot buttons, and I appreciate the indulgence. I definitely agree. I think that what separates most minors with criminal histories and the rest of us without, is they got caught. When I reflect back on all the stupid things I did when I was younger, many I'm not proud of, some not so legal, most dangerous, I thank God that I was one of the fortunate ones. The actions of someone who cannot comprehend the consequences of said actions should not have to have the rest of their lives overshadowed by childhood mistakes. I believe that is why they seal juvenile offenses and eventually allow for them to be expunged, if certain criteria is met. The caveat is those who believe that redemption is possible for all. Sometimes records can't be erased, sometimes the actions will follow you and you will wear those mistakes on your chest like a certain hussy! The broad brushstrokes are necessary in many cases and I'm glad they are used. Monkey anus with a side of Bavarian duck sauce. (thumbs u
  11. I was 11 around '91 when the Cross Color phase began. I would throw on some Das Fx and my purple jeans and rock that out! It was pretty horrific. ::
  12. No one, at any time, suggested, implied, or even hinted that forgiveness has anything whatsoever...in any conceivable way, by any possible measure...to do with anything you've just stated. In fact...if you bother to actually comprehend what is written, you will notice that complete accountability and restitution is required before even a consideration of forgiveness would be given. Forgiveness has absolutely nothing....let me repeat that....nothing...to do with concepts like "there is no wrong answer", "everyone is equal", "there should be no losers." I sure hope you don't ever need forgiveness for anything in life. I know it's difficult to comprehend but every post on these boards is not about you. The pious soap box that you preach upon does not behoove you. (thumbs u From saving Paypal Personal to removing the Sword of Damacles hanging above the head of a troubled boy on the HOS, you have the uncanny ability of being obnoxious. Before calling my comprehension skills into question, chiggity check yourself. Yes you made a post that took the conversation in a different direction but every comment made thereafter does not require a response from you. I was referring to the post that Comix made about placing some responsibility on a minor and making the completely logical connection that many, but not all, minors who act out in a criminal manner continue that behavior into adulthood. My response, not to you, was that the behaviors instilled in children nowadays seems to foster a sense of entitlement that I believe adds to the occurrence of negative actions which are completely self fulfilling to the detriment of others. I apologize for not quoting your comment and responding directly but I felt Comix did a superb job, which is why I was responding to his post.
  13. No one, at any time, suggested, implied, or even hinted that forgiveness has anything whatsoever...in any conceivable way, by any possible measure...to do with anything you've just stated. In fact...if you bother to actually comprehend what is written, you will notice that complete accountability and restitution is required before even a consideration of forgiveness would be given. Forgiveness has absolutely nothing....let me repeat that....nothing...to do with concepts like "there is no wrong answer", "everyone is equal", "there should be no losers." I sure hope you don't ever need forgiveness for anything in life. I missed you <3
  14. I didn't say he couldn't redeem himself. What I said was everyone who deals with him should be allowed to know who they are dealing with, in total, when and if he ever decides to attempt a return. That's a part of earning your way back into society. It's not washing away everything that came before to the ignorance of potential parties dealing with them, it's overcoming what they have done in the full light of day. By the way....He wasn't 9, he was 17 and I think 18 towards the end with the statements and actions taken here. We have to try and not picture him watching Saturday morning cartoons and playing with jacks. I've been in court for 12 year-olds who've been prosecuted as adults. The debate is a strong one in those cases, The Freak isn't some preteen who hasn't had a chance. He was old enough to drive, and vote, and get drafted and he made his choices, horrendous ones, over and over again with some of the most responsible adults he could hope to have as mentors trying to keep him from making those same decisions. Scum bag, con men, losers aren't built in a day. They are built brick by brick. Sometimes it's bad or absent parenting. Sometimes it's bad influences. Sometimes it's people who enable them to continue without consequences for their actions. Whatever way it happens, it happens over time. There are many turns in the road but the right way is almost always there. Everyone's personality begins somewhere. People don't wake up on their 30th birthday and say "I'm gonna start ripping people off and fcuk over my close friends and try to destroy their business". The sum total of a person's experience develops the kind of adult they are. So YEAH, someone who's bad as a child may very well become a bad adult, I'd be foolish to ignore the warning signs. That doesn't mean every teenage anus becomes a raging adult rectum, but if you trace that hemorrhoid back to the beginning you will see a warning sign or three along the way. Lord knows I hope he finds the way, the right path, but I think guys like him are just about done using people I care about as test subjects in his morality play. For Connor, if he truly ever wanted to make a mature, sincere and concerted effort to redeem himself, no one is stopping him. However his past, like all of ours, is another part of who he is and who we are and we can no easier sever our present from our past than we could sever our hearts from our minds. He's going to have to deal with it, live with it, and build himself above it. I like this sentiment. Some accountability is nice. This notion in child rearring nowadays is that there is no wrong answer, everyone is equal, there should be no winners or losers in games, etc. It fosters a sense of entitlement with all these kids. Many of them will grow to be the losers that they foreshadow in their youth. I'm actually not a fan of this pay your debt and be forgiven. If you act like an azzhole more than once, chances are you are azzhole.
  15. When I was 9, I started a secret club of assassins. I was the master of Chinese stars, unfortunately after hours of training I was unable to put my newly minted skills to work. Does it ever feel that this thread is getting dangerously close? I got a great idea, lighten the fudge up and have some fun. This isn't the Goethe book club, its a couple of words with lots of pretty pictures. If someone is on the PL they will continue to survive. If someone is in the HOS their employers won't just give the promotion to Johnson instead. If a young'un stops posting here, great he could use some sunlight on his pudgy azz. The world will still turn, the birds will still chirp, and I can still destroy you with my stars! I <3 Rupp
  16. Good for you! Unfortunately, being a non-payer is only about 1/3 of it. How's the bike? Not sure, got repossessed because I couldn't pay for it ::
  17. Hola Jimmers, hope all is well in the land of Anne Murray!
  18. No, you shouldn't expect a seller to ship to Clink it's tacky and you are........oh wait.......that was a different silly arguement. There are so many going on it's hard to keep track.
  19. I acted an as intermediary between the buyer and the sellers Did Holyghost have an explanation for all of this?
  20. I'm still confused? Thewatcher bought the books in question from Holyghost that Brad had agreed to buy.
  21. Facts: 1) buyer posted in sales thread. 2) seller sent PM asking about payment. 3) buyer responds, as he reposted, that he wasn't sure which books. 4) seller removes himself from topic??????? 5) seller wants buyer immediately placed on Probation list before buyer tells story 6) buyer upon finding out he is on Probation list comes in on fire and sends $50 bucks 7) buyer than crucified by members with proficient search ability. So did seller ever answer back buyer's request to know what books or is the onus on the buyer to figure out what books they were? No one wants to change their tune when presented with different information. So looking at the facts what's the story?