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Everything posted by mikenyc

  1. What Jason said, and if I really want a book, I start with the highest price I'm comfortable paying. If I get it at that price I would be happy, if I get it cheaper, than I am even happier, and if I don't get it, it's the same as seeing a price listed in a store or sales thread that is not agreeable and I would pass anyway. That being said, if you are weak willed like myself and say what's a little more and a little more and try to get in the last 3 second bid, than all's fair in love and war. (thumbs u
  2. Yeah his books ship uber fast and they are packed for a battle, but he slapped me on my azz and said I should work it a little harder. Guys like that disgust me. I mean yeah I know I look good in those hot pants, but c'mon, have a little respect. If you like to be man handled and berated, for free, then Rupp is your man.
  3. Gonna keep on dancin' to the rock and roll On Saturday night, Saturday night Dancin' to the rhythm in our heart and soul On Saturday Night, Saturday night IIIII just can't wait, IIII got a date Thats right suckas, Bay City Rollers in the house!
  4. Why does everybody pretend that this board could be what it's not? Why do certain members ignore that the arguing is what makes them log in everyday? Why are the one or two crazy members who do crazy things used as an example to change everything? Why do you think that by being on here longer, your long winded, self indulgent, "clever" rants are any more or less amusing than a newer member? Why is someone a tool if they voice an opinion that differs from your own opinion? What makes your mess smell like roses? Why can't everyone have fun and keep the joshing light hearted? What makes an entertaining shill less entertaining than a veterans boorish ideas?
  5. Tell him I said hi and thanks for posting in my thread. This is awesome. Tupenny told me how much he loves cats. Mmmmmm cat. Did I say cat? I meant to use that other word. Mmmmmm that other word.
  6. Wah wah pedal. Nice (thumbs u
  7. Oh that's right you "happen to know some police officers who are close friends." Maybe you can tell them a bunch of "Nazi's" on a comics board are being mean to you Yep, stop posting pics of your mom after she gave birth to you. It's really not a nice image of her. She just found out she bought a dupe of Journey Into Mystery 96. Get your story straight watson... She looked like that after she had to drive 70 miles round trip to Miami and didn't get to return the JIM 96. You would too if you had to drive in South Miami. (thumbs u Hola Mark you are getting sucked back in. Sorry about the shi**ty day. My Sundays are usually shi**ty as they are usually the day before Monday.
  8. You really are a great kid Liam. So much more mature at your age than 99% of members on here, myself included. Carry that attitude forward and you'll live a happy life. Keep on trucking! (thumbs u
  9. That's the point, SKY - there IS no chat on PGX site. What does Patterson know that we don't? CAL can't stay long I don't see the horrible people RMA sees, That is because, my dear SPB, you are a nice lady, and it's not directed at you. That's fine that you don't see it. I imagine it makes the world a lot nicer place. But surely...surely you can at least recognize that it exists, can't you? Did you just not notice the particularly vicious exchange in this very thread between F_T, Mark_1, and Chromium? To which Human Torch had to reply "can't we all just get along"...? I dunno, Sha...I'd love to see the world through your rose colored glasses, I really would.... It's easy, I will lend you a pair...I didn't see anything vicious, I saw some young guys (maybe not chronologically;) sparring with each other...school yard stuff. It's not that I think everyone is perfect, I know I'm not...I've just seen enough really bad stuff to know the difference...and I know that things can be interpreted in the wrong way...so I count to 100, mumble a bit and I forget...deliberately. and I look for something that was good...not something that was bad. The problem Sharon, is the glasses that RMA needs are the introspective variety. He wasn't the catalyst or agitator in that exchange so it's shredding. When he is imposing his wisdom or arguing for the sake of arguing it is righteous and valid and everyone else is ridiculous. That is his hypocrisy.
  10. Everybody has their panties in a twist. I have a couple of Liza impersonators more than happy to untwist them. one of them is me.
  11. 18 U.S.C. § 875© states: "Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both." Federal Law, which has been used for countless prosecutions. Especially if it can be proven that this is a pattern.
  12. Some links would be helpful for the newer members.
  13. How dare he on the . This seems pretty cut and dry. Now we wait the stated period for him to have a chance to respond.
  14. Amazing that some people can divine the totality of an individual's worth by what they post on a message board. It's real easy to make such determinations based on how the person presents themself on the boards. It's a trap we all fall into at one time or another. After all, for many of us who will never meet and have a chance to know each other, that's all we know about a person. What's more douchey, being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board, or forming an opinion about someone based solely on them being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board. I'm thinking they are equally as douchey. Jeffro is right, I openly admit I am a douchenozzle of the highest order. The difference is, malice. Maybe malice is too strong a word, so let's say negative intent. I come on here for fun, yes some people get pleasure from constantly being at odds, and needing to always make themselves feel better by correcting and or berating others, but the spirit of my posts are never mean or hurtful. I don't care what anyone says, there are particular people on these boards who get off on bullying others. It's not about thick skin or rolling with the punches, as these azzholes never change their tune. They are so boorish that they need a never ending supply of new members to bother, because anyone here for more than a few months ultimately stops feeding into their sad behavior. Are there anomalies to the rule, absolutely, but from my short experience those are few and far between. Fingh has always been a nice guy to me, ball buster supreme, but never to embarrass or make me feel stupid, and he gave the best, albeit obvious, advice. Use the ignore feature. I know I'm on some people's list from my big mouth, but thats ok. I would use a three thread rule, after someone on you in three different threads, pop them on the list. These are people who you would never ever associate with in the real world, and also the people that wouldn't dare open their mouths to you, if you were standing face to face. I disagree completely. I would never put someone on ignore. I would much rather put them on my watch list, so I can remember them when I meet them in person. Ummm...Chunkybutt, your use of the word "yucky", when describing your drink of choice, does not strike fear in the heart of man! Nonetheless, I still think it crossed the line when you asked me if I thought he shaved his box in that PM. You're mistaken sir! What I asked was if he shaved his box in the PM, seeing as I'm a morning man myself, the distinction is crucial. You know me it's "shorn in the morn" or nothing!
  15. Amazing that some people can divine the totality of an individual's worth by what they post on a message board. It's real easy to make such determinations based on how the person presents themself on the boards. It's a trap we all fall into at one time or another. After all, for many of us who will never meet and have a chance to know each other, that's all we know about a person. What's more douchey, being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board, or forming an opinion about someone based solely on them being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board. I'm thinking they are equally as douchey. Jeffro is right, I openly admit I am a douchenozzle of the highest order. The difference is, malice. Maybe malice is too strong a word, so let's say negative intent. I come on here for fun, yes some people get pleasure from constantly being at odds, and needing to always make themselves feel better by correcting and or berating others, but the spirit of my posts are never mean or hurtful. I don't care what anyone says, there are particular people on these boards who get off on bullying others. It's not about thick skin or rolling with the punches, as these azzholes never change their tune. They are so boorish that they need a never ending supply of new members to bother, because anyone here for more than a few months ultimately stops feeding into their sad behavior. Are there anomalies to the rule, absolutely, but from my short experience those are few and far between. Fingh has always been a nice guy to me, ball buster supreme, but never to embarrass or make me feel stupid, and he gave the best, albeit obvious, advice. Use the ignore feature. I know I'm on some people's list from my big mouth, but thats ok. I would use a three thread rule, after someone on you in three different threads, pop them on the list. These are people who you would never ever associate with in the real world, and also the people that wouldn't dare open their mouths to you, if you were standing face to face. I disagree completely. I would never put someone on ignore. I would much rather put them on my watch list, so I can remember them when I meet them in person. Ummm...Chunkybutt, your use of the word "yucky", when describing your drink of choice, does not strike fear in the heart of man!
  16. In all honesty, no spat, from either side. He is making a completely valid point, that I just slightly disagree with. I know I'm being hypocritical but, IMHO, there are throw away members, I myself may be included in those for some people.
  17. Amazing that some people can divine the totality of an individual's worth by what they post on a message board. It's real easy to make such determinations based on how the person presents themself on the boards. It's a trap we all fall into at one time or another. After all, for many of us who will never meet and have a chance to know each other, that's all we know about a person. What's more douchey, being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board, or forming an opinion about someone based solely on them being an individual_without_enough_empathy on a message board. I'm thinking they are equally as douchey. Jeffro is right, I openly admit I am a douchenozzle of the highest order. The difference is, malice. Maybe malice is too strong a word, so let's say negative intent. I come on here for fun, yes some people get pleasure from constantly being at odds, and needing to always make themselves feel better by correcting and or berating others, but the spirit of my posts are never mean or hurtful. I don't care what anyone says, there are particular people on these boards who get off on bullying others. It's not about thick skin or rolling with the punches, as these azzholes never change their tune. They are so boorish that they need a never ending supply of new members to bother, because anyone here for more than a few months ultimately stops feeding into their sad behavior. Are there anomalies to the rule, absolutely, but from my short experience those are few and far between. Fingh has always been a nice guy to me, ball buster supreme, but never to embarrass or make me feel stupid, and he gave the best, albeit obvious, advice. Use the ignore feature. I know I'm on some people's list from my big mouth, but thats ok. I would use a three thread rule, after someone on you in three different threads, pop them on the list. These are people who you would never ever associate with in the real world, and also the people that wouldn't dare open their mouths to you, if you were standing face to face.
  18. Or you could just ignore all that and follow your own path. Mikenyc's opinions and judgements are no more and no less valid than anyone elses opinions and judgements. Just forget all that wildly_fanciful_statement, (Douchenozzle is as douchenozzle does.) don't worry what others think of others. Figure it out for yourself and enjoy. Welcome to the boards. I'd follow my advice. If that advice leads you to placing me on ignore then so be it. I am 100% on the money. Please remember, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, and shats like a duck, it's a mutha plugging duck. Now if you don't follow my advice it could lead to hours of raping monkey anus. That is never, ever enjoyable, and you're better off just talking about Paste Pot Pete or yucky drinks, or whatever you enjoy.