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Everything posted by fantastic_four

  1. +1 X-Men: First Class is the best of all the X-Men films.
  2. That article shows a tweet where Trank is firmly stating that he was the one and only director of the film. So what's the story behind his tweet from yesterday claiming the studio screwed up his vision? Was he lying in the earlier tweet where he re-affirmed himself as the only director? I'm hoping he does do Kevin Smith's interview as planned next week and spills all the dirt. He could still have been the one and only director and still have had creative control taken out of his hands. It happens a lot when producers et al refuse the directors vision during post and do re-edits that the director may not approve of but have no final say on. I wouldn't affirm myself as the "one and only director" when that happens...maybe he just did it to do his part to contribute to the film's marketing before the awful reviews came in. I vividly recall Mark Steven Johnson claiming that Fox did what you're suggesting to him on "Daredevil," although he may have only said that later after the film was out of theaters, I don't recall. Fox eventually released a director's cut of that film that was definitely a bit better, although not significantly so, not enough to remove most of the elements people tend to complain about.
  3. That article shows a tweet where Trank is firmly stating that he was the one and only director of the film. So what's the story behind his tweet from yesterday claiming the studio screwed up his vision? Was he lying in the earlier tweet where he re-affirmed himself as the only director? I'm hoping he does do Kevin Smith's interview as planned next week and spills all the dirt.
  4. Kevin Feige isn't laughing. He doesn't want anyone to remember he was an executive producer for the 2005 and 2007 Fantastic Four films, and co-produced Elektra. There is a certain amount of trial and error in getting super hero films right. Executive producers have almost no control, and we don't know how much influence he would have had on Elektra. Avi Arad was mostly calling the shots back then, and that guy clearly had no idea when something was or wasn't a hit until it came out. He did VERY well carving out a place in Hollywood for Marvel, but he never showed any creative vision. Feige was Arad's understudy. Everything released after Arad stepped back and Feige became president of Marvel Studios in 2007 has been solid. I wonder if Feige is the cinematic equivalent of the roles that Stan Lee, Jim Shooter, or Joe Quesada were in as editor-in-chief at Marvel Comics, just making sure all the titles make sense within the world and have a minimum level of quality.
  5. Discussion is far easier and yields more fruit than debate. You don't have to change other people's minds to change your own.
  6. Sony mostly went with Ultimate Spider-Man in all five films as well, but that didn't result in anything close to this. We didn't notice the changes nearly as much in the Raimi films because everything around those changes in the first two was so good. I was hoping that'd turn out similarly here, but whoa, NOPE! Feige's favorite comic book movie... Spider-Man 2 That says a lot. I agree with him entirely if you limit your list to Marvel films as you'd expect him to do. Opening it up, it lands in second to Nolan's masterpiece.
  7. Sony mostly went with Ultimate Spider-Man in all five films as well, but that didn't result in anything close to this. We didn't notice the changes nearly as much in the Raimi films because everything around those changes in the first two was so good. I was hoping that'd turn out similarly here, but whoa, NOPE!
  8. As the trainwreck approached, I was VERY surprised that Trank was so upbeat and positive for his interview with Kevin Smith this week. I'm guessing the one they had scheduled for next week gets cancelled, and it'll be interesting to hear what Smith has to say about this mess. Smith had a similar fiasco himself in 2010 when he directed "Cop Out" where there was a lot of bad blood between he and Bruce Willis, but the severity and budget magnitude of "Fantastic Four" does seem quite a bit worse.
  9. It was probably already a given, but that tweet from Trank virtually guarantees he will never direct for Fox again, and it probably hurts his chances with other studios.
  10. For real? Already trying to distance himself from this before it even opens in all theaters is a hell of a bad sign. I mean shouldn't he wait at least till after the weekend box office numbers are in? I mean it being the american public this abomination could still rake in big box office bucks, unless he knows something we don't. Holy hell, what a trainwreck.
  11. The main Rotten Tomatoes score is an indicator of how many critics overall enjoyed a film. For the more absolute indicator of reviewer quality you have in mind, look at the "average rating" score directly beneath the overall score. The current quality rating of FF is 3.6 out of 10.
  12. Wow. Who's the director for this radical new RockMyAmadeus reboot?
  13. He declined? that would have been quite a tell. Fox hasn't used him in years. He wasn't in the last two X-Men films either, but supposedly he's already filmed his cameo for the next X-Men film.
  14. Release date on this was changed to June 10, 2016 a few months ago after the studio decided they thought it was good enough to compete for summer dollars.
  15. It's difficult to envision any scenario where Marvel ever gets back the two most popular and profitable franchises in comics history that are Spider-Man and the X-Men.
  16. This is a nightmare outcome because Fox executives will most likely blame this on Trank and forge ahead with another film. Really the problem is with them, but they don't know it. They have no idea why this property they own has value, they just know that it does. Since Fox lacks any vision, they have to rely on a director having it. They brought in Mark Millar to help provide that vision, but there's only so much a "creative consultant" can do to mold a product. Ultimately it was still the studio and Trank guiding things and not Millar, and they proved together they can't do mess. Supposedly they've reached out to Bryan Singer to save their for the next planned film. God, I hope he says no and Fox is forced to outsource this in part or full to Marvel Studios.
  17. Last I heard, he had burned his last bridge at Marvel. He was fond of calling people insufficiently_thoughtful_persons in public.
  18. Most girls do with pixie cuts such as Natalie Portman or Emma Watson below.
  19. I'm not a fan of her new pixie cut. Neither is her dad--she texted "I miss you" to him recently, and he texted back "I miss your hair."
  20. No. She was a secondary character who got whacked a season and a quarter into a show that's been on three seasons now, and while it has enjoyed critical acclaim and has solid viewership, it's not a wide ratings success in the vein of a Sopranos, Walking Dead, or Game of Thrones. Lena Headey is still B-list yet is probably five times more well-known at this point.
  21. I liked all those stinkers. could be worse, you could like the band Creed and then you'd really have problems Oh come on, "Higher" was a fine song in its day.