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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. Part 2: Conversations with a 50 year plus grail collector on GA/SA comic book comic book collecting during the 2020 financial crisis of 2020..and beyond. As to the comments below some I agree with/ others I don Selling: If you are a risk taker and can accept that you might get only 90% back of the same GA/SA books of what you sold back then sell and sell now. Sell everything. Especially Ga/SA which command 10K or greater price wise. There is no doubt that this economic hit will be the first of its kind and hinges upon a unknown cure. There were be some recovery, but almost all small and large businesses will only hire a fraction back of what they were before the virus. This will take years to sort out and big capital GA books are the ones that most INVESTORS are gonna dump. His prediction is that GA/SA comic book prices, as well as original art, will hit bottom in 2 to 3 years with a slow step by step process to recovery ending in year 5. This will be the greatest chance to UPGRADE any book over 10K but selling now buying at the low point another key with a higher grade or better page quality. He especially thinks all CGC/other company graded books that are graded restored should be sold asap, and keep the funds and look to obtain a unrestored similar or related comic book. Any and all duplicates or incomplete books cover wise or with tape that are ungraded should be sold. Also books with rusty staples. The Ga/SA collector who is in for life should be able long term to get back the material sold over time and those collectors should be ones who sell with the safest safety net of GA recovery. Trading: His advice is to get a pile or books which you could part with or duplicates or low graded or restored books and then do a COMBINATION deal part cash and part trade and insist that the seller take some of that material in trade/purchase. Since cash will be king, this could allow you to bootstrap up and get that better book even though you don't have or do not want to spend a certain amount of money. He would rather you sell than trade for trade unless you can trade UP especially restored or low page quality GA/SA for better quality material, He prefers quality over quantity. There you have it, one take from a collector, part time dealer, and over 50 years of been there and done that. Food for thought? What do you think?
  2. I don't think that statement is limited just to the last 15 years. The same could be said of prices 50 years ago..1970. We have been on a step-ladder of price increase ever since the Overstreet Guide was first published, and even before if you had access to GA at a local bookstore it still cost you some money. Where we go from here is that we will be slightly depressed, then flat and then slow gradual upward growth. The bottom line here is that we are gonna survive, come out ok, and be a stronger collecting community as a result of it. The key here is gonna be supply. If it dries up for top GA/SA, then look for a faster recovery. Another key is the "shake" out of pure flippers and investors. Sure they can hold out for a few months, lets see if that holds true after one year or two. We don't know what they have and how quickly this will come into our GA/SA market and in what manner auction, E-bay?..who knows, Tomorrow I am gonna finish my remaining two parts from a 2 hour plus conversation with an 50 year plus whale collector, and share his thought on #3 Selling and #4 Trading during this financial crisis. It is gonna stir up some controversy for sure and again some I agree with strongly or others opinions I disagree...such is life
  3. When I first came on the boards, I gave a historical background of my early comic collecting days. It was entitled "journey of a comic book collector" it has buried on this site for some time, feel free to check it out, its a great read, I think it was done in 4 parts or more. On that thread I documented the purchase of additional copies of A1 that were cheaper-yes cheaper because I said I owned it already and would take it as a Duplicate at of course a lower price. In that thread I explained in a Lion King fashion that the A1 went to Theo for 1500 and he sold me to at 1801.26 and THEN I sold that copy back to bruce for $2500 sometime later, possibly one year later. I do not own that copy as Bruce sold that copy to somebody else for even a greater price. Such is the circle of life.
  4. Thanks for you reply..we are all good. The income gap can be made up by the time of entry when you started you GA Collection. as well as smart GA buying and not trying to get the highest graded copy of that book. I agree with you, some GA has been pumped up tremendously by speculators, investors and flippers. Over the next 12-18 we will see how well the prices hold and what those guys do. For a flipper by definition is generally not a long term holder...you never know. I am proud that you have put together a cool PCH GA collection no matter how much money you spent. Keeping in the buying GA/SA game in an intelligent way is the best way to proceed in a time of uncertainly. I hope you keep and enjoy your collection for a long long time.
  5. Super, thank you for posting
  6. Every true comic book collector is equal in our world. Whether you own one book or a thousand. It is where your heart is that counts, Axmen. If you are here because you think that comic books are a true art form both in writing and drawing, a window to the past and maybe the future, and something that never should be forgotten as GA comic books help get American thru economic depression,Adolf Hitler, and created one thing..hope and imagination then you are in the right place. "But I don't understand why you would hold through a crash and wait years for prices to recover-same with stocks or anything really". I agree you don't understand. Ga/SA comic book collecting is NOT stock buying or "anything really'. There is more to Ga/SA comic book collecting that having you bank account get bigger, or ledger grow. There are no "oligarchs" in the GA/SA comic book world...even CC who probably has the largest comic book and original art inventory are not one them. Steve has been a collector since day one, not only comics but comic and pulp art and Movie posters. A true GA/SA comic book collector is not a money machine who sole purpose is to gain wealth. Leave that to Wall Street, Leave it "anything else" but NOT here.. Nor is a true comic book collector a market manipulator. Leave that to the flippers and speculations who don't care where they put there money, Ga, Stocks, and "anything really". A true GA/SA comic book collector is judged on who he is, not what he owns. Of course GA/SA collecting has never been really cheap..even when I purchased first Action #1 for $1801.26, my Ford mustang cost me $1500. It's all relative. Ga/SA collecting, and I agree with you involves two components not like late 60's, early 70's. In the old days, the smart collectors knew everything was gonna go up, so if you want to complete your collection you had to buy everything you could. We did not buy just to make money, we bought to complete our collections. Today, it it more complex and the competition is the whole world...when buying gets tougher, you have to be smarter and be aware of the current market value to get the best bang for your GA Bucks. That buying strategy is 100% fine with me. Price has to be a consideration in the equation but not 100% of it. So we have the whole world to compete against including other true comic collectors and add the flippers and greed and welcome to the state of the GA/SA comic book market. Who is gonna take a hit over the next months...first the flippers, and then the pure investors are gonna be the first to bail. I don't feel sorry for them..they will just move on to options, gold, and bonds. So be it, you never belonged here anyway. Hopefully this will restore some price sanity in our market, make out GA/SA market more real and stable and we can get back to collecting like we once were. Our GA/SA purchasing power should increase one true market value is realized and we are left alone. I do not think you statement was meant to insult me, but still I feel insulted as would any true Ga/SA comic book collector. To sell and buy back cheaper, while sound economic wise, is not the main reason we are here. There are bigger things in the true GA/SA comic book collectors universe , like when you see a GA book you have never seen before after 60 years of collecting, finding one you have wanted for the last 40 years, competing after 15 years a comic book run. Those feeling have nothing to do with you saving account and never will. Axmen, to respond to you post . I submit this : No true GA/SA comic book collector would ever risk, selling a ultra rare GA/SA comic book for a profit with the chance of losing it forever just for the chance to buy it back cheaper. Axmen: I understand you question, it is a very logical one, but sometimes the heart wins out.
  7. Let me be clear about the 4 major pathways or options we have in conducting our comic book collecting during the 2020 and beyond economic crisis and specifically, GA/SA comic book collecting. I would like to address the first two today: Option #1 Do nothing, hold, do not buy sell or trade. You are 100% satisfied with your collection, have stopped buying for all intents and purposes prior to the virus and either based on the low cost you paid or you have the resources economically you have to last for a few years without selling as a necessity to survive for yourself and family. This requires a lot staying power. For how long, my guess at least 12 months before we hit bottom and probably another 18 months to get back to where we came from. So, if you have 3 years staying power or 10 or 30 years..it should be a pretty sound business decision to hold if you chose that pathway. Option #2 Buy: Every smart GA/SA comic book collector should take the time( and we have a lot on our hands) to do a complete GA/SA comic book collection Evaluation. Where am I strongest, where am I weakest, and would purchases would take my collection to the "next level". There are number of "whale" collectors who do not do a lot of social media. They are bit older, and wiser sometimes (LOL), but make no mistake they are very very sharp. I talked to one of my "whale" friends and he said the "smart" collectors are working on one thing..there want list..it needs to be ready to go in the next couple of months. I will tell you his buying strategy and like the old commercial " When EF Hutton talks, people listen". Classic, anyway My buying will be a little bit different than his,, so here goes: 1-Once in a lifetime pieces-make a list, and give these priority over anything else, not tied to value, it could a $20 Ga book or $100K. Make the list and get ready to hit every dealer,E-bay, collector that you know and auction site for that material. Then take your second level want list and go after that. 2- Look everywhere, there are items that you might not even have seen, know about, or have not had the time to research it. Be ready for surprises. 3-Any graded book, not CGC, should be given an additional 10-30% decrease in offer depending on the grading company. Do not buy any ungraded GA/SA comic book over $100 and even then be prepared on that buy to take a substantial loss should you have to resell during this crisis period.This rule does to apply to ultra rare books that might have never been graded or a high Gerber rating. Anything goes for those. 4- Do not buy any GA/ SA comic book because he price is "right or a great deal. Instead,, buy what you need, what you like, and do not be greedy as like the stock market(he trades in that also) says "Bears and Bulls survive, Hogs get slaughtered" 5- Buy using the "Tier" method. Similar to stock buying, you can purchase some GA/SA at 20% off, then some at 30% etc...Tier your buying because you will never know the exact moment of the bottom until after it has hit and it is on the way up. 6-Collector to Collector is the best way to buy and cut the middleman out (Sorry CC/HA). 7-Use nonconventional approaches to buying comic books, not limited to people you know..advertise. If you have limited funds and a collection comes your way and you do not have all the money then partner up with a collector you know and trust and make an agreement in writing and then buy jointly.Do this in advance of using nonconventional methods of buying. 8-Be prepared when buying GA/SA bought early for them to temporary go down, and other things bought just at the right time to appreciate at once. Be patient. 9-Be happy with a good solid deal..it does not have to be the greatest deal of all time. 10-WHAT WOULD ADD TO THE LIST?...lets keep it going I think there is a lot solid and good advise in his opinion. Everybody, including myself, will do things a bit different. His approach to selling(3d option) and Trading (4th option) is going to be a very interesting topic on these boards, we will get to that next week. Happy Easter to one and all.
  8. I agree 100%, but I would put this way my additions " " "The first thing" that's gonna decline are artificially inflated slabbed books, and then most likely those printed later than GA material "due to its rarity".
  9. Lou, I am buying. I think you are too. There is in all of us...a GA/SA comic book minimum buying point. That is the point we determine that the purchase is too good to turn down price wise. Each collector will have his point..30%/50%/70% of current market value. WE do not care at that point if it goes down a bit more because we are both here for life. We in the easiest stages of a decline. You and I are both waiting for OUR buy point but we have quite a way to go.
  10. Jimbo I think you raise an interesting issue : " my guess that GA will see bottom sometime mid 2021 and mid 2023. That could be spot on, but I would say the bottom would be in late 2021 more likely than 22' or mid 23". I do not see a bottom flash crash. which would take GA values down by as much as 70%. I don't see that occurring. I see decline like a slow line decreasing graphically downward for the next 18 months. We have yet to experience a waive of BK filings, especially hit will be the entertainment companies like AMC etc. This will take unemployment levels to a new high. Watch for the possible creation of something like the WPA or something similar which helped during the 10 year Great Depression. If we act fast, and by a miracle get a cure in the next 12 months, I think GA/SA price will bottom out once we are back as normal as one can be. All of us board members are gonna have to accept reality here...it is never going to be same exactly as is what in early 2020. It could be better or worse or combo..there is no going back...only forward. We will have hopefully learned to deal with a similar situation on a world wide basis and hopefully prevent such economic damage as well as personal loss and be bette prepared next time as one county, one people, one world. In order for your prediction of a 2022 or mid 2023 to come true, there would have to be another X factor come up during this crisis. That X factor would compound or prevent a timely recover even after a vaccine cure is discovered and distributed. Every nation is up to debt up to its neck..we are slowly becoming the "greeks" of the world in terms of a real ability to pay off the debt we have incurred. The X factor could be one of many things...another virus attack, economic collapse of the EU since they will go first and probably have the most debt and are oil dependent, or maybe something here in the US..such as a pension collapse which at some point is coming. Any other major issue coming at this time where we are weakest...would gang up and take us into 2022/2023 before any sign of recovery. Folks, anything goes...but we will be ready. I notice on a current thread on GA..that a comic book shop owner was attempting to sell some books, at probably a good price to keep in business. If you can, contact your local dealer first..not Ebay, CC etc and try to help them out first so that they can recover and survive. So, Jimbo you could be right here on that timeline, but I think it would take an additional major event to keep up the decline out for that period of 2/3 years of 2022 or mid 2023.
  11. Response to #1 IF you, your family member, or friends get the virus and it is the real thing, Then it becomes reality not fear. Response to #2 the GA/SA comic book market is the not stock market, I repeat it does not change by the day, the hour, or the change of price by the minute. These changes occur on a different time zone...and we will not feel the full effects of any Ga/SA price correction for some time. Just because you lose your job, does not mean you will immediately sell your GA/SA comic book collection. Recovery time and debt accumulated during the depression will be the ultimate decider on a number of Ga/SA collectors as to sell part or all of their collection. This has to play out and right now we do not have a vaccine. Once we do, we have end date depending upon distribution. Major Ga/SA collectors are not yet in a position to say, it my house payment or part or all of my collection. That is why, I gave every Ga/SA collector sound advice early on too..take this time to access your collection and rank it. I would sooner rather than later sell my doubles and books which I have little attachment too asap, even if you want to keep collecting and buyingGa/SA thru this depression. You sell what you don't want now and BUY at the bottom of this market. This is not unique to comic books...it applies to stocks, bonds, and gold etc. We here on the boards will probably be able to call any bottom EARLY. We just have too much knowledge, experience, and community support not to be. So, be more efficient now more than any with your collection. We do know as a matter of fact our economy has been hit hard, for how long, it does not matter. If you sell at higher price level..you can buy back BETTER material at the same price or at least have the opportunity to. You can sell the unnecessary and be aggressive and contact 20 or so dealers and make offers reminding them you are not out to insult them. All they could do is say no, and you can say, well if you change your mind let me know. Smart true GA/SA collectors see this is opportunity to trade up or to buy smart. Response to #3..you do not know that, I don not know that, MD's who don't know if there are going to be worse 2/3 waves of this virus don't know, and even if you pay a fortune teller..she won't know.
  12. I agree that it is not one single factor that makes up the DNA of a true GA/SA comic book collector. It should be combination of many factors that you mention. To me, it is reliving the past, enjoying a great read from GA book , and knowing that you have a piece of history in your hands among other reasons.. But you can be appreciate all the above and still care about current and future value. This is where I disagree with you. Current or Future value or worth can be one of components of a true GA/SA collector. You mention if you pay 20 or 50 bucks more than your common sense, no problem...But for the True GA/SA comic book who pays $700, $7000, or $70,000 over market price that makes a different story. Cong on that MM 12, wise buy in 72', but for collectors who were not even born then, how do they catch up us? They do so carefully using safe and sane financial responsibility and consider present and future value into building their GA/SA comic book collection because if they want a MM 12 they are not gonna have the same chance to pay $2.
  13. People will still be reading in the graphic format in 40/50 years from now. some form of comic book art or format will be widely read and used on a daily basis. GA/SA comic book collecting world has been given new life thru Marvel Studios,DC ect. Those movies will be still be around and watched..as "classics"...I suppose instead of TCM...it will be SHC...Super Hero Classics.. I have to disagree that comic books and collecting will be a Dead Zone" in 40, 50 and even 100 years. I do agree it will be different. I assume in 40 years all created GA/SA comic books will be available instantly on any phone or computer as GA/SA will never go away. But the fact that is a very rare item and that it survived will be of value in and of itself. As far a value goes,40 to 50 years from now, who knows, maybe money will worthless and old antique items will be the future currency of the world..who knows. I will not be there to find out. You might and tell your great grand kids how fun it used to be and how GA got us thru the end of the great depression , WWII, 2008 worldwide financial crisis, and the 2020 Virus crisis. The good old days. I understand your point that at the end of 40 or 50 years you collection might be worthless, but my point is that is a big assumption for that long a period, without wanting to buy your kids or grand kids a house or a down payment or other change of circumstance.In reality 99% is too low, it should 100% as we are all in this together, whether you no longer are a GA collector next week, next year, next century.
  14. "As a collector, i could care less what the values of my books are, since i have no plans on selling them, and if i over pay, so what, i'm buying for mt enjoyment." Good for you and i appreciate your "Brick Wall" mentality it is very refreshing. However for the other 99% of GA/SA comic book collectors we do care about value. Even if we hold out to the very end , we want our families to have some future value in relation to what we paid to be passed on to them. I do think that any true GA/SA comic book collector should be considered any less a collector because of that consideration either in buying or selling GA/SA. A true comic book collector can be and should be concerned about present and future value of their entire GA/SA collection. It does not turn the True GA / SA collector into a pure speculator or widget flipper. Is the GPA designed for flippers or true comic book collectors who are concerned about what is a FAIR current market evaluation of the prospective buying or selling the GA book. While you don't mind overpaying again i think that 99% of the other GA collectors just want a fair price to pay and some type of reasonable recovery of that price in case of unforeseen circumstances require a emergency exit. " Absolutely ridiculous prices some of these books are now commanding at auction sites"..This is a curious statement from you given the fact that you current buying policy is "If I overpay so what". "Sign" much to do about nothing"..For 99% of us...we care and the current and future of GA/SA comic book values in the 2020 financial crisis as this impacts not only our own GA/SA comic book collectors,or fellow board members GA/SA collections, but all of our families, friends, and co-workers. How we conduct ourselves, without fear, without panic but with truth, justice and the American way will guide us coming out Stronger, Smarter, and remembering what really is important in life.
  15. I disagree with that , We had SDCC, Berkeley, and SF and the RBCC/ Comic buyers guide in the 70's, now I was more west coast than east , I even remember Phil Seuling at a early SDCC.. There was a lot of communication by mail as well. Also the comic book price guide, especially the 1972 edition was critical. I stated my comic book club in Sacramento in 1966, it just a matter of personal experience.
  16. Thank you for your support on that statement. But I would bet that your grandparents as well mine lived thru the ten year depression 1929-1939. The stories they told me, the expression on their faces and the lessons learned were still burned in their memory 25 years later. We have an advantage over the "young" folks who have no idea what it was like. Until now. Debt free today is akin to being unamerican. Our system is geared towards buy now and pay later...similar to the way the US is taking on debt. I know for you and me, it is very important to only buy what you can afford but please see my comments about being a dinosaur...LOL
  17. Of course that statement is goes to WHO you define as a True comic book collector. I just believe,like you and me, the the pure and true comic book collector is a dinosaur. Who ever heard of GPA and CGC in the good old days. Don't get me wrong we need them and they do very good things to protect our GA/SA comic book world, but today you need a degree in fiance as well as a big bank account in order to amass a CGC unrestored GA comic book collection. In 1970's we knew "who was who"...collector or dealer..Today with so many lines blurred, who can really judge what a comic book collector is, let alone a true lifer. I do not think Brian, that we have as much control over GA/SA comic book market, than during the early 70's. Our GA/SA world is more complex than ever, and more influenced by outside forces such as Marvel/DC movies,world economies, grading services and giant auction houses. There is no magic number here Brian, and that was my point. It is not that we do not count in our world, but our voice is much smaller in 2020 because our GA/SA comic book world is a lot bigger than we could ever have imagined 30 years ago Your question if fair game and I thank you for reading my reply.
  18. Question: "When has the GA/SA pricing been stable in the last 30 years" Answer: The last 30 years. I would say the greatest economic challenge occurred around 1980/1981 with yearly inflation rate 13.5 at its highest. Loans were up to 19% on homes, it was a crazy time, yet GA prices held.Even in more recent crashes GA pricing has held its ground, it might not gone up and lost a bit and went sideways for a while but all in all it held. I agree with that. This is a unique time in which we could see price drops of approximately 30%, mirroring the stock market. So far the market hit a 29% bottom and is about 19% currently. When we hit the real bottom, then we will see the extent of the potential damage here to our current GA pricing mode. Entire industries have been shut down on an unprecedented level with no return in sight. That is the difference between this economic collapse and previous ones, we cannot get recovery from the natural laws of economics as that is not in control, it is the virus that is currently in control . A vaccine will knock it out, and because the cause of this economic collapse is artificially created, the recover should be considerably faster once the problem goes away. We still however has some fundamental debt issues such as US government, Europe, Pensions etc and this added pressure could indicate some long term pain and inflation adding to that problem. Statement " A true collector does not panic, is in it for the long haul, and waits for the next upswing..." I agree that could be you, me and a number of older board members here, we, however, are clearly not the majority of GA/SA comic book collectors and speculators who exist today in 2020. That majority will control the current market and price levels. Statement: "Most of us do not have our fortunes tied up in the hobby to the point of financial ruin unless you are a speculator/dealer" A lot do, there are also, dealers who are collectors such as Bedrock and nobody is immune to price market conditions and I would agree if you have your comics paid for you would be less likely to sell or panic. However with this current GA/SA price rise or bubble as some have put it, the prices are so high, even the most true comic book collector becomes somewhat of an investor...not necessary a speculator...especially at the current higher plateau price level. Statement:" I think the idea of mass liquidation is absurd" I do too, I agree 100%. That is why I created this thread and have put so much of my energy in this. I want a stable GA/SA market, I do not want a "Flash crash" although would probably price recover will be in a record time. I agree 100% that we were currently on a price plateau and subject to "bad timing". Other than Bill Gates, nobody could have predicted this time of economic and social hit and coming this time when the market is a bit fragile is not great period ever for something like this. I do not want my collection, your collection and anyone here's collection to decrease in value disproportionately to REALITY. We are here to deal with it, talk about it, and give our opinions such that we will not be hit with any surprises which tend to create panic, flash crashes, and collection dumping. We all in this together. "I am not in debt because of this hobby..and if some of you are you might want to rethink what your idea of a hobby is" In the early 1970's there was no such think as time payments on a national level such as what HA or CC offer today. Of course, Cap #3 was 100 bucks and a price of new car was around 1800...those were the days my friends.. Speculators have hit all the top GA/SA keys and some collectors have put there all into it, some have gotten loans, some pay on time, the true collectors have to compete with those widget buyers. they are equal citizens however in our collecting community, in fact they are stuck their neck out and taken a chance on a GA/SA even though they could not afford to pay cash in full at the time of purchase. This apples especially to GA/SA keys or pedigrees. They do not need to rethink whether or not they are a true comic collector, but they do need to think in terms of financial responsibility. That is probably a better way to put it. "If we see a price drop of 50%, most of us will think its Christmas" I agree with that 100%, I just put in about 35 low ball bids on GA on Ha.com today. Thank you for a great post, it got me thinking. I believe we are on the same path here. I have never stated a number as far as a market correction and would not agree that the market will go down 50% on anything like that. It might on few books that slip thru the cracks. The stock market might give us a idea where the bottom will hit..but that recovers so quickly as supposedly it is priced in the future.We are fellow GA/SA comic book collectors are here for the long run who will calmly pick up material as it become available and make our collectors that much better during this unique time. But the key here, just as in the stock market, is timing...when will the bottom hit, what will be the bottom price wise, and how long will it take to recover to get back to where we came from price wise...with all of our great experience, some us 60 years plus as collectors who have seen it "all", we will together be the first ones to discover those answers. We have a amazing advantage here being members of this community acting together, sharing opinions to get to the common goal to get back normal.
  19. I would add to the list some outstanding high grade WD comics and stories books, and I also like the Tech #18. I just put some low ball bids on some super cool GA.
  20. I would second that until everything is worked out.
  21. This thread is not political...it deals with reality. It would be safe to say, that true GA/SA comic book collectors have vast experience not only in comic book collecting but life in general. Everybody's best guess or opinion is welcome. I believe that the Virus cure and recovery issues are tied to FUTURE GA/SA comic book values. Any opinion, any speculation goes as far as I am concerned if it leads to where we are headed in the future..bright or dark is fair game.. I think every board member will agree on two things 1-we do not have an exact time line for a cure of this virus nor a actual time line when we will be at full recovery of the economic and REGAIN stable GA/SA pricing. 2-We all want it sooner, than later. Bringing these issues out will give everyone on this board a head up as to where we might be going in the future, and making life choices as to keeping your GA/SA comic book collection, retainment of future value of your collection, and what will our GA/SA comic book collecting community look like and be after we get thru this crisis( and we will win). I tend to agree with Tabcom that it will be a chip shot beating this, its a question of time..which in todays, instant news society it will seem like forever. Our decision to Buy, Sell or Trade is at stake here. We will not act in a panic, but carefully. What makes me mad the most, when it comes to our GA/SA comic book collecting community is that this crisis will force some GA/SA comic book collectors not to have to sell by choice but by necessity. This virus will not care how many years it took you to collect you GA/SA comic books., how much emotional joy your collection has brought you., and that feeling of loss when part or all of your collection is gone. I understand much larger issues are at play here. But a loss is a loss..especially for our fellow collectors, some of whom may never return. I am hopping that some of this downtime will increase activity on HA.com for example, collectors whom have time on their hands might discover other ways, such as E-Bay to find their GA/SA in different ways, and that might increase buying activity way after this crisis is over. Especially on platforms that do not rely upon in person sales. Our of boredom we could see big interest on HA's upcoming Signature auction. I am hoping that GA/SA collectors who have not read any great material lately do so. Our ability to rediscover, what is really great and important is NOW..and that excuse that we were too busy and too tired are out the door. Some of your GA/SA collectors have been in the "math" collecting business too long and just looking at the numbers...rediscover why you are here in the first place..GA/SA is great period. Writing, Illustrations, and truth, justice ,and the American way is our bloodline. Take advantage of this period of time, reread the books that you can or order some of the outstanding GA/SA reprint volumes and get back to GA/SA reality.