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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. WOW-"the end of the party"...so what you are saying is we might never get back to the pre-virus n GA/SA prices of 2020...right?
  2. I hope you are 100% right about everything. The yo-yo market is down today again, Thank you for your great comments on the purchase of Action 1. I think everyone of us should have, what I had as a young man. The crash the brick wall mentality. I did not care at the time of purchase whether Action 1 went down to a penny. Our world has never be so interconnected as it is today. My greatest fear is that the weak counties collapse and bring us all down with them. That is a real possibility. Could Action #1 go down to $1800 again?. Probably not...but can easily see a 50% price drop in heartbeat. The weakest part of of GA comics will the biggest hit, not necessarily the most expense books. A decline is certain to occur, the real issue is how much and for how long. For those of you who have chosen CGC to grade you books you will be very glad in this picky market. Certain CGC books will retain. more of their value. At this point I would advise board members to stay away from the following should a drastic plunge occur during this crisis. 1-ungraded confimred restored GA- this will take the biggest hit .2- Restored GA-CGC very low graded or restoredCGC- GA which has been going for multiple guide prices or CGC restored books with poor page quality, pieces added, rusty staples, and tape. 3-CGC Qualfied or unrestored very low grade, poor page quality, pieces added, and books with tape on them as well as rusty staples. Everything else is fair game at the right price. If you own any of these you might want to consider the 1-selling them and trading UP by buying better quality material now..less quantity for more quality. 2-trading with fellow collectors for better material. If you can sell this material with a relative little loss then I would do so. Just my opinion...based upon 60 years of seeing ups, downs, and sideways. We will survive and we will continue to love GA.
  3. Thank you German Fan for you opinion...one question to you. Can you estimate to what to degree you feel the GA/SA market will go down? What qualifies in your opinion as a "good deal" and finally do feel that GA/SA will be a slow downward path over the next two to three years? Finally at what point down the road will we fully recover GA/SA prices if ever?
  4. I get it...still what ROBO's point is ...at some point you just do not get turned on as much...not for me but I understand his point if you have a estimated life span or say 20 years as opposed to 30-40..you factor in the amount of time you can enjoy ownership. I think as you get older and deal with you mortality as it gets closer you begin to look at the end game..does in my family..care or will it get dumped to Ha.com just like will be in the ground. Tough decision. To me the deciding factor is you only live once...and owning a piece of history...created at time without a thought of value for the future...kind of transports you back. I remember holding my first copy of Action #1...never before had I ever felt...transported back in time...amazing feeling..who bought this? what was it like going to newstand and seeing this...I have always tried to reclaim that feeling, it did not repapppear when I was holding the SF copy of Det 27 or the Bigman copy of Whiz 2., But Cap 1 for some reason was close Acton 1 in terms of awe. I just hate what is going on out there...I would pay a higher price ,then have society fall apart as it is. Still, I am on the fence...hoping to have my crystal ball working by April 24.....
  5. It would have the greater potential to produce income rather than a comic book slab, but I agree that landlords need to be flexible during this crisis.But the same would be be on a lending basis..the payback is the concern. If I were a betting man I think we will be out of this sooner rather than later. But there is gonna need to be some recovery time also factored in. Too me it seems like-just shut the entire USA down for three weeks and be over it....I that sounds simple...but I wanna go back to the days and looking at GA and other items and bidding without this darn guilt trip about what is going to happen. For example, there is a "grail" that is coming up for auction that seems to have gotten lost or just not mentioned about next month. I have been fretting for days about how I am gonna approach this..should I bid normal, should I go for it, or limit my bidding to something reasonable...this is a one in a lifetime item...that is it...going going gone forever...and I do not know it even existed...I suspected but lo an behold...There has been some publicity related recently in that area and I would of assumed a smart museum might be a competitor but who knows what is gonna happen. I wake up every day thinking about this..what to do. So, I am taking one day at a time..auction could be postponed or as I suspect the item will be known but just overlooked, especially at this time. I think this crisis has changed the game for everybody concerned if you are both a buyer and seller..any thoughts?
  6. That is a very good strategy to have. The best candidate for you would be a FLIPPER...and he might sell for two reasons. 1-we know he considers comic books widgets..he does not care and he is in for the "short run" and he might have to take a loss by being impatient. The Flipper might want to sell to buy into the "greatest stock buying opportunity of a lifetime". Everybody I know is waiting...and waiting to put money in and go up the ladder once we begin the climb back up. That flipper might come to the conclusion that holding the GA will not give him a greater return and thus dump the GA to go after the greater profit. The second is a bit of doom and gloom. The flipper realizes that there is not going to be a cure immediately for this virus.That would mean depression levels of limited economic activity for a sustained period of time. One thing will be king...cash and other assets which produce some from income such as real estate or predatory lending he would get greater returns via cash flow and appreciation. He will then dump the GA/SA for any quick price to make more money elsewhere. As it stands now, there is no cure...so he would see this as a more efficient way to obtain a return. What is scary is we just don't know how much speculation is built in yo the GA/SA market...what is real and what has been hyped up by these investor/flippers. I think we are about to find out and that could mean serious price hits on all "investment" type books..5K or greater. It just takes a couple of these guys to panic...we react and bingo we have a serious decline of 30% just like the market has done or even greater. Remember, they are just in it for the money...when they are gone they will never look back and we have to pick up the pieces one by one and build it all back. I want you to know that I just like your will be there. So there is a real danger here, that is why we talk about and not keep it in. If you are waiting for you grail to show ( It should be Cap1, Sup1. A1, or Tech 27 etc) be very very careful that you build in the future uncertainly when you make the decision to buy and only buy if you have the ability to keep the book for a sustained period of time while not affecting you security to protect you family and existing assets. We have not seen any panic yet...it take more time for GA/SA to react to reality than the minute by minute trading of the Dow...but there could be an opportunity of a lifetime just as in the stock market...if time is right for you...find the seller...and have the ability to hold.
  7. 2d worst day in 124 year history...SF area locks down 7 million...I just don't know if I would keep my auction consigments active . You were right cat the market has another 20/30 play it went down today 12.9%. Again, you only lose if sell.
  8. Market is down....today.. and it appears we are on the same path as Italy in terms of shutdowns...I wonder what effect this is going to have on future comic book auctions if workers cannot get to HA or CL or CC during the lockdown. Will that cause a "Log Jam" of auction material which would then glut the market once these auctions resume? what would be the game plan and the effect on GA/SA market prices?
  9. that should be daring mystery #1...those were the days....GA rules...
  10. its dammm if do and dammmm if you don't...however this rate is 0.0-0.25 so I assume the next move they can make it go to flat zero...again..the market on Dow futures has reacted negative...strange down over 1000 points currently at -1,041 or 4.53%...I don't think anybody can really call this market..why so negative a reaction?
  11. The fed just made a very bold move and cuts interest rates to 0...very aggressive and well needed..what do you think? My friends from Italy say they are in lockdown thur Apr 4. That might give us an indication of some time period of a lockdown.. The quicker this ends, the less long term effect this will have on the GA market. If you forced to sell and say in a year to two want to buy back in you might get a whole lot less for you money you get today. That is a factor that needs to be considered. Probably the safest way to acquire GS/SA is TRADING using a common value. W
  12. interesting comments... 1-Michael Olsterholm or Alfred E. Neman ...neither one know where this is going..for real...we need more time to figure this out...we are trying though. 2-500,000 deaths and I hope he is wrong...does not address the issue of insufficient or overwhelmed hospitals of the other 100 million people which are gonna resource out a all ready over leveraged US government. 3-and lastly I would agree with you about something not being proper about this collapse. Interesting...when we first found out about the virus...the market went back ...UP...strange..Hedge fund guy says there was market manipulation to keep stable and those are the same forces who can bring Humpty Dumpty could toubing down. We just had that conversation yesterday. My HF guy says "follow the money"....who makes the most out this collapse on the down side and who will make the most when it is resold the public on the up side and bingo you have market manipulators. They cannot create the virus..but they prey on things like this to control, panic and make profits. They are best at covering their tracks and all my HF guide can do is be the first to follow their moves. I would say it is not about some coup on the US President as I disagree with that theory. If any thing that would be small potatoes...if market manipulation is occurring-probably on a world wide level--they are seemed to go down the same amounts..it is for making $$$$. Josha33 we will never know who these individuals are, they too well hidden....through shell corporations, and tax haven banks and nations. That is just something we cannot control of or get sufficient information to prevent similar market manipulation in the future. Let us hope and pray, like I did today..that money, politics,and power do not play a role in hindering the discovery of the cure and implementation to eliminate this virus from destroying humanity. God Bless You
  13. Got it.....seems right on, however what would you do......go Ha, CL, facebook?
  14. You are not combative in any way and I appreciate your opinion, thank you for commenting here. Let me comment on reply post 1-Just because tens of thousands of dollars are being spent on comic book every day does not mean that a significant price decline in GA/SA will not occur during this unknown period of time fighting this virus. I believe this will be temporary and hopefully recover in the next 12 months. 2-I am following my own advice and holding. 3- I am not telling anybody to go out and spend any money on GA/SA unless there is a significant safety built in factor accounting for this pandemic. My advice on the sell side is do not panic...act responsibly consider all factors including you family obligations. On the buy side...there is a risk buying any GA/SA comic book no matter what the business conditions are...good or bad. Today, however it is much more risky and therefor prices paid should take that into account. 4-Hedge fund guy has been more right and wrong...FYI but nobody is 100% 5-I am sticking to facts...yes the stupid media shows at costco lines, but if you have been out there...people are scared..real or unreal.I should however rephrase the "no end in sight comment" to this. Either we learn to live with this virus...or we come up with a vaccine which will stop it. The date is unknown when we will come up with that vaccine. Otherwise we learn to live with it....and that is going to change the way we do business, especially if you can reacquire the virus after you beat it. 6- I admit I have the seen the movie "outbreak" at the theater and on cable many times and it was a good movie.....LOL
  15. thank you...it seems like yesterday...wow how I wish I can have a time machine and go up to myself and say...BUY BUY BUY...everything...It seemed like a big happy family.....great stuff..not like to day with 125,000 people plus...I wish everybody to go back to those days and find out what it was to be a true comic book collector...there was a beginning awareness that something special was going to happen.
  16. I just have to disagree with your premise that in 2 months the virus will be in the rear view mirror. The summer should slow it down...but if it is like any other virus it is going to come roaring back in the winter. Until there is a vaccine there is no end in sight. A interesting news story appeared today in which a gentlemen who got the virus and beat it with tow test confirmations and was declared virus free...got it again...very troubling unless its a freak case. There might be no reason to panic but in reality no one can predict where we are headed this time. It is not the virus itself that we should really fear, its the collateral damage it inflicts which makes vulnerable countries subject to depression, for example chinas 10 year government jacked up real estate market which the government has supported. If that was to collapse then it like dominos for everybody else. My hedge fund friend is killing it in the market...remember they hedge. His estimation is 14,000-145000 as bottom which make it similar to 2009's 56% drop. That would be very bad for everybody and GA comic book values will not be immune. Even if we have a vaccine...good luck distributing and making it for billions of people in two months....I am hoping this mess ends and a recovery happens within 12 months. GA comic book values will decline sharply if you have to sell while we are in the middle of this crisis. GPA data means nothing because of the unique nature of this virus and crisis How does diamond deliver new material to comic book stores which cannot open as well as comic book conventions and attendance at auctions for anytime of collectable not just GA/SA. I do agree however, that after we get used to a change of lifestyle that panic should be reduced.I guess we are gonna have to get used to the fact they we are all gonna get it and life goes on. On your comment regarding people saying what is gonna happen and advising them to do different things...I think you have to separate facts from opinion. The hard part is agreeing on the facts...LOL We are in a panic with no end in sight, if we get a vaccine then we will have an end in sight..but then a time issue arises of making and distributing it to the entire world. Plain and simple it is just gonna take time and my estimate of 12 months of restoration of value to worldwide stock market price is based upon prior models and is quite conservative. My point of this thread was to provide some guidance as to how to navigate you GA/SA comic book collection whether you are buying, selling, or consigning during this crisis. I hope, based upon your comments, mixed messages. So as to clarify as to what I feel would be the best way to survive and continue to be a true comic book collector lets not forget the past. 1-GA/SA collecto/investor who is in for the long run-the only thing that counts is the day you bought it and the day you sell it. Long run I feel good about top quality GA/SA and if you can afford to hold it that might be the best way to go here..any opinions? 2-GA/SA collector who needs to sell part of his collection to pay bills or support family. Comic conventions are out, same with comic book stores, I would probably go thru an auction house who has a international presence such as to get the most people aware of the book.Otherwise you might be able to secure a loan from a comic book dealer if some enterprising dealer might think of a new way to help collectors etc..What do you think...any ideas? 3-GA/SA needs to sell entire collection.....any ideas? I remind you that Japan in early August of 1945 they had two A bombs dropped, Fire bombing from B-52's and the Russians declared war and finally attacked the Japanse all in the same month. Look at the recoverey....look at what there people had to overcome...pretty amazing . We will win...in the long run... we are not gonna lose 75 MILLION people to genocide, disease, starvation, and mass bombings like WW2. We will beat this thing and comeback even stronger.
  17. Joshua33: Whether the panic has a basis in reality or fiction the panic itself is exists and unfortunately reality. I can understand you frustration with the media, they certainly do not help such as companies like"Daliymail.com etc.. They do however have a right to inform whether it is good or bad news. There is a global crisis unlike any we have really encountered since The flu of the early 1900's that lasted 2/3 years or World War II which lasted 1939-1945 when a few counties tried to take over the world. This is a world crisis evidenced by the dire prediction of the German Leader earlier this week. This is a worldwide event in which Equity markets are interconnected..as evidenced by a decline of market value not just the USA stock market, but in every stock market around the world. Stock markets tend, in my opinion, to act a forward predictor of economic outlook 6/12 months or more down the line. We are not anywhere near the bottom of this market. This is not a comic book crisis or USA stock market crash, this is a world wide financial market crash unfolding before out very eyes and to assume that our GA/SA comic book market would remain unaffected by these events is just not realistic. I don't have a crystal ball here, we are at the beginning of long term financial decline with NO actual end in sight. I hope your crystal ball is correct, that the "little bug is where near the killer the other two were" and things will "normalize in a couple of months" but that seems to me to be the best possible outcome. I can can only reference the above prior events as a recovery time as or estimator as to when we will near full recovery of our economy. Recovery will help out GA/SA market to normalize. As true comic book collector for 60 years this year and member of this community, I feel talking about the "Fear' and exploring it...will destroy it. I remember a famous theme in the book "Dune"..FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER...let it pas thru you and you will see weak it really is. That is why I posted this, which is on every collector/investor's mind as to what will happen tomorrow to each of our GA/SA collections in terms of value and demand. We can only roll with punches but as a community as whole, not acting in a state of panic, core underlying GA comic book values will not crash...but adjust temporary down throughout this crisis.
  18. I think much quicker than that depending on what occurs in the equity markets in the next few weeks. It is very possible the stock market will lose at least 50% of the value from its highest point exceeding 29,000 over the course of this crisis in a very rapid fashion. Then hit a bottom and stay there for a while. The major issue to is should you withdraw your upcoming auction consignments to avoid getting pennies on the dollar. this is a real tough issue to call... short term We are in a declining Market for just about every type of asset or collectible . when that occurs... one thing is king... cash If you have sufficient cash to last you 12 months I might make a long term play and not consign or withdraw. Otherwise the quicker you consign the more value will be returned to you if you sell early on any long term decline in a crisis. i believe you should not make a decision based on panic... but base your decision on what resources you have available to you to sustain you and family during the next 12 months. if you have to sell based on necessity... don’t be discouraged and leave us fellow GA collectors.. when things become normal again you can buy them back.. at possibly a higher price but so be it. Given this world event I hope humanity has learned that Mother Nature is queen and that despite our different colors, upbringings and religious beliefs We are all in this together.
  19. Just arrived from Amazon. with.great discount. Almost 700 pages, repo and colors the best. S Dikto Vol 2 which finishes him...I would assume possible Don Heck for Vol#3 if anybody knows..let me know...great great stuff....last 20 pages original art...it really show what this restoration and color correction can do. Five out Five.
  20. 500K seems like market price, but no BP from CC makes it a sweet deal
  21. Let me begin by saying we have had a number of things happened AND I just got the news they pulled the plug on WONDER CON with no decision yet on SDCC. Let me remind all GA true comic book collectors of the history of a number of recovery of equity markets which relates to all market investments and and can affect collectables Black Monday" 8-25-87 thru 12-4-87 US stocks dropped 33.5% and recovered 21.4% within 12 months Gulf War 7-16-90-10-11-90 within 12 months US stocks dropped 19.9% and recovered 29.1% within 12 months Asia Monetary crisis 7-17/98-8-31-98 US stocks dropped 19.3% and recovered within 12 months Tech bubble 3/27/00-10/9/02 US stocks dropped 49% and recovered 33.7% within 12 months Financial Crisis 10-9-07- 3-9-09 US stocks dropped 56.8% and recovered 68.6 within 12 months US Credit downgrade 3/30/11-10-3-11 US stocks dropped 19% and recovered 32% within 12 months US trade Wars 10-3-18-12-24-18 Us stocks dropped 19.6% and recovered 37.1% within 12 months You only take a loss/gain on a GA comic book when you sell it. Despite going up or down or sideways it does not matter. If you are an a pure investor...a flipper who care less whether its a coin,comic book or video game then you have to make a tough decision , Sell in sellers market or wait a while for buyers market to come back. I would advise everybody not to panic as this is not gonna be the end of the world like in "when worlds collide". I believe you can be both a true comic book collector and a investor. My opinion: we will have a recovery within the next 12 months. Saying that...where are we temporary headed. First...we are in the middle of a FOG with no end in sight. Do not make decisions in this fog which you will regret within the next 12 months. In all of the above instances there is a common pattern of recovery. Second, you should you buy GA during the height of the crisis-if you can afford to buy with caution and with a built in price discount for uncertainly. This might be a good time to get the book you have been waiting for years to get by creating a price paid want list. At this point I would be very particular as to buying GA especially restored or low grade books unless they are priced at a tremendous discount against the risk of a large downside decline. We should be here because we love comic books, art and history. We are about to go thru a great unknown together as fellow collectors. How should we react during this crisis...just as our hero's would...with TRUTH, JUSTICE AND NEVER FORGETTING THE AMERICAN WAY.
  22. $10,699,163.00 with one session to go. My opinion is that the GA/SA market has held thru the most trying conditions and uncertainly. Overall outstanding results..the sky is NOT falling and as with every auction some great deals, some eyeball prices. Given the material...and some big items not selling this result is solid.