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Journal Comments posted by Buzzetta

  1. No Gabe... this guy is in jail for real for doing some VERY bad things.  Nothing is faked.  However for years he successfully pulled off a routine that everything was fine or that things were well except for a couple of setbacks... not going to go into detail publicly but he tripped up on a few stories... 

    this led to us digging  

  2. 23 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    Thanks for the answer. I will check on Whitepages.com when I have the chance. I'm glad you avoided two really bad situations. I'll be honest it's no the first thing that comes to mind when a friend goes missing. Sometimes records come up clean and causes a conflict that you didn't trust them but it's better to be safe than sorry.

    I plan on having my fun with the moving guy using a different name and address... that is VERY easily done. 

    As far as the old friend... from using the whitepages and seeing multiple drug related, fraud, theft and shall we say other convictions, I knew where to look up mugshots and got those too. He has a very common name so I wanted to make sure. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, uchiha101 said:

    I do have her full first and last name but I just threw it out there that we meet up at her town's police station and she said "No problem" doesn't sound at all like someone that wants to harm me. But what site would you recommend for a background check?

    I used whitepages.com 

    It seemed to be the only legitimate one that I felt comfortable using and I have used them twice. In both instances it provided myself and those close to me important information which we made very important decisions.  Simply finding that information alone was not enough and it led us on the right path to make those decisions. 

    In one instance something did not seem right to me about a moving contract... I looked the guy up and found out that he had multiple convictions for trafficking stolen merchandise and was the 'owner' of a various moving companies under different names operating a scam where they take your belongings and claim you owe them more than the contract.  While you are in disagreement over that they hold your items and will not deliver them charging you a storage fee refusing to deliver your household items, furniture and anything else until you pay them.  Whitepages alerted me to the guys convictions and his moving companies... I looked up his moving companies on facebook and yelp and found that everyone was suing him or simply paying him to get their lives back.  

    In another instance a friend of ours from when we were teens and in our early twenties had disappeared for a bit.  We figured that he was involved in drugs.  When we did the background search because no one wanted to look him up over the system that the police use (There are a few police in my inner circle.) we found out enough information that made us look up further information to give us serious pause and wonder why we allowed him to stay with some of us when everyone got back together for a friend's wedding. He is involved in enough bad stuff that we should not be in the same room with him ever again. 

    Gabe, if you ever have any questions I will try my best to answer them honestly and without judgment as far you.  Simply PM me if you need any help or assistance or want to talk. 



  4. Gabe just be careful when it comes to merely having an address. 

    Look what is going on with the all of the scam addresses... While, you have no reason to doubt her as to where she lives you should do some more vetting.  Do you have her full first and last name?  For $20 you can do a basic white pages search all at once that will tell you about addresses and things like that and also criminal records. 

    These background searches are quick and easy and can open your eyes to a lot of things. 

    I know you believe and you want to believe.  However there are so many instances in this world where people are not honest with one another... you need to do more research than you ever have in order to make sure that the person who you are talking to is the person that you are actually talking to.  People do things to protect themselves... 

    I wish you luck... and maybe this turns into a true love internet clickbait story. However, you must take every possible step slowly and carefully in order to protect yourself. 

  5. FunFact... 

    The wooden train in the center of the cabinet on the second shelf pulling the blue passenger car as well as the wooden truck pulling an additional cart are both Lego.  Lego ceased production of all wooden toys in 1960.  I believe that they are all from the late 40's to early 50's.

  6. 2 minutes ago, NoMan said:

    knew it had a special something. you can just tell from the photograph. I'm sure the condos are bland-less stories that could be anywhere USA.

    Thanks for taking the time to tell us this story, Buzz.

    Oh no problem... lol 

    I have no problem answering most anything asked in this journal (within reason... in order to protect the certain privacies of myself and others.)

    The condos are definitely bland... I just punched the address up in Google Maps. 

  7. 49 minutes ago, steveinthecity said:

    I noticed the same shelf, but was drawn in by the birdhouse next to the picture frame.  There's a lot of interesting items in that display.

    The bird house was built by my grandfather and I sometimes around 1981-1982 I guess... 

    My grandfather wanted to teach me basic woodworking so we built a birdhouse together.  The birdhouse was never used but it always stayed on my shelf no matter where I was.  Eventually the birdhouse made it's way back into my china cabinet, which was once my Grandmother's. I keep a small cabinet that he built located as you walk into the house. 

    After he returned from WWII, my grandfather, who worked for the signal corps and infantry, returned to his job with the phone company and took on woodworking as a hobby.  

  8. 57 minutes ago, NoMan said:

    nice. thanks for showing us your collections (no micronauts?) You said questions were encouraged, so:

    2nd picture (close-up of left side of cabinet. Bottom shelf. The small picture of the house. Yours? The one you grew up in?


    No Micronauts... I appreciate them but never had them or got into them... seemed silly for me to get into it later just to 'have it' if that makes any sense. 

    The small picture of the house is of a house that no longer exists.  My great grandfather who would in today's terms be described as an illegal immigrant, bought the house during the Great Depression.  Great Grandpa Lorenzo (Papa) born in 1897 came here to work and then kinda never left.  He only became an American Citizen shortly before America became involved in WWII in 1939.   The house, located in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn,  was huge and had multiple entrances with one elevated on the side of the house for deliveries by horse and carriage.  It had three levels and a basement and a porch that partially wrapped around three sides of the house if I remember.   There was a double or three car detached garage in the back and I remember there was a mini vinyard where they grew grapes along with another garden for tomatoes. This was the house that my grandfather grew up in and eventually my grandmother moved into the second floor when she married my grandfather after WWII.  My Aunt and Uncle took the third floor when the tenants left.

    I remember a few Christmases there until the house was sold in 1983 following the death of my Grandfather and my Great Uncle who eventually returned to live there.  My Great Grandfather had died in 1980. My grandmother moved out to Long Island after selling the house and bought a house out here. 

    In what is a great shame, this house was torn down at some point in the last fifteen years and condos now take the place of it.  Not even the address for this house exists anymore. 

    I have a LOT of stories about that house... some that my mother's cousins are unaware of that I can tell in person but cannot write online until certain people are no longer alive lol ... 

  9. Before I go do some things around town... 

    Here is the current state of the china cabinet which is basically the only area I display anything in the house.  (there may be a lego set or four in the office.   

    Buzz... don't you display any comics?  Nope... just the low grade one in the cabinet... 


    There is a little story behind everything and anything that is in that cabinet or an explanation as to why that is on display.  The things in there range from the 1930's to current.

    So... if interested in asking... ask away what something is and if there is a cool little story behind it... if not... simply take a look... 






  10. 10 hours ago, Logan510 said:

    I agree with him, does that make me a SJW?

    Don't even give him the time of day.  He is a keyboard warrior... and seemingly a very angry one at that. 


    You mention that you would not tell your parents what is going on in your life and that there is a bit of conflict going on there. Is there anyone else in your family that you feel comfortable talking to or letting them know what is going on?  Perhaps a sibling? Perhaps a uncle or aunt that you trust? Grandparent? 

    You never know.  There are many instances where fresh eyes can offer insight that none of us here, yourself included, might be able to see. 

  11. 44 minutes ago, Logan510 said:

    Gabe, I think a lot of people here should be ashamed of themselves as they seem to get off on giving you a hard time or having to be right and you be wrong.

    I think it's a fair statement that in the past I've done my best to give you advise when you asked for it with the comics flipping? So I will not tell you things to get a reaction from you or make myself feel better by tearing you down.

    I've had long distance relationships and I can say from experience that people aren't always as they make themselves appear and no matter how much you want to believe it, you have to have realistic expectations. I know that's easier said than done, trust me I know about what you're dealing with and no one could tell me I was wrong about the other person because I felt how I felt.

    I really think you should do the video chat before you meet in person, I wish I had that technology available to me back then as it might have changed a couple situations that didn't turn out great.

    Other than that, meeting in person will really tell you what's what and I can also say from experience that things can be AWESOME over the phone but get really weird in person.

    Listen to guys like Jimmers, they won't steer you wrong and will actually listen to what you're saying and not shoot you down immediately.


    Eh... Guilty on a couple of posts... you're right. 


    Gabe... @uchiha101 do your parents or a close relative know what is going on here?  I am being serious.  Say for example you do leave to go somewhere to meet up with someone for the first time.  Your parents or a close family member should be aware of your whereabouts.  My brother is 41 and lives on the opposite side of the country and will text or tell my parents whenever he is leaving the country.  Back in 2011, I decided to take a little road trip from New York to Nova Scotia to visit my coworker who had a house there, stopping in Maine, New Hampshire and Boston along the way... As I was travelling by myself and driving, I let my parents know what I was doing. 

    That time I was stuck in New Orleans during Katrina... I let 'everyone' know what was going on during the storm. 

    You're family knows you best, and not a bunch of strangers on a message board.  Do not seek validation from us. However, while you are an adult, you should be making them aware of what is going on in your life rather than us when it comes to a few of these things that you have mentioned in this thread. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, NoMan said:

    had a lawyer friend with a great crazy sense of humor here in Hollywood. Three things weren't funny to him: subpoenas, ignoring jury duty summons and messing with Scientologists for comedic value.  RIP John. Miss you every day. 

    I was at the center of something once.  Both sides of something wanted me as a witness.  One tried may have tried to issue one in person but were unable to gain access to me.  The other side was able to call me and left me numerous messages.  I called back once and explained why it was in everyone's best interest to leave me alone.  I never heard from either side again.  I am not going into any more detail than that. 

    Jury duty... I would never trust putting my fate in the hands of people that were not smart enough to get out of jury duty. 


  13. 13 minutes ago, jaybuck43 said:

    IDK, how flexible are you?

    lol I like your comment to me a few weeks ago...

    "Why does she put up with you?"  lol 

    She has not had to so far this week due to her daughter coming back home, work, and my going to Buffett yesterday, (met up with her brother and his wife in the parking lot.) and tonight she isn't she is going to the Mets game again with her siblings and their dad.  This means I gotta put my A-Game on if I cook tomorrow. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, kav said:

    explore talent seems to be one of those scam modelling deals where they say everyone is a model to get $$$

    No legitimate modelling agency ever charges anything.  They get a percentage of contracted jobs.

    Screenshot 2019-08-08 at 9.21.35 PM.png

    As a joke I sent my friend's information to an agency like that saying he was interested in being a model.  They will not stop calling his phone. lol